Tasting Nutty bars and Strawberries

But I refrain apprehensively that urge to bitch about what I'm slacking on and kicking my own ass for not being 'on the ball' (snicker... Makes me think of this when I say that).
I'm going to write about a different challenge. A challenge that I had totall control over but didn't exercise restraint or patience... and henceforth, let's just say I'm really in a bad way now. Really like totally head up my ass territory here.
And as a pre-empt to that I'm going to begin with one sentence that should sum it all up:
I truly am my own worst fuckshop, and I love my Dad for reaffirming my juxtaposition.
Hmm. What the fuck does that mean exactly? Okay... Let's digress waaaayyy back and I'll tell explain exactly why this applies.
Day at work, normally stressful... I'm able to leave a little early to accomplish some work chores. I do work chores, I get home earlier than expected.... *snicker* Nobody's home yet... AWESOME!
It was a beautiful sunny and 50+ degree day here which necessitated I peel out of my work clothes and into a crop top and yoga pants. HUR-fucking-RAH my little love monkeys.... Spring is here!
But being that I was mostly naked in transition from changing....
and the house was quiet...
I had time to masturbate my way.
None of this 'hiding in the bathroom' bull shit... No no... This time Emma was doing it- and doing it right. Sprawled across the bed, sunlight through the shade hitting the body and giving it the warmness of another body (for fantasizing fucking rocks!), nice and slow and quiet and yeah.
But fuckers that's not why I love my dad and I'm fairly pissed that I just threw up in my mouth a little with that fucked up digression I gave you.
After finishing, I decide I'm inspired to tackle a short story that's due like, tomorrow or errr today. fuck. Yeah, so I'm taking a quick shower and preparing to boot up the lap top when my phone rings:
"Hey sweetie, it's your father"
"Hi Dad! What's up?"
"You need to call me."
"Dad, you uhh. You know you just called me right?"
"Yeah, but I need to know if you're gonna call me."
"Do I need to call you?"
*silence again*
"okay dad hang up"
"why? Is there something wrong with the connection? Can you hear me?"
*rubbing forehead and chuckling a little*
"NO dad, but you said I needed to call, so hang up and I'll call you back!"
"Nah, you don't need to do that."
Did the above conversation make ANY sense to you people? Is it just my head he was butt-loving.... Or am I fucked? Jesus. The long and the short of it was that he needed to stop by and see me... And it took all that fucking mindmelting to finally get him over with my stuff.
My stuff, my stuff my stuff my stuff.
Needless to say, I'm a little stoned. And it's not helping with my story. I'm drifting and totally too fucking entertained to recall what a dick feels like in my ass.... Honestly I think I'd giggle like a mother fucker if somebody even tried to approach me with lube right now.
And I'm hungry... For junk food... I could do it, but errr... Then I feel dirty. Not in the mood to be encrusting my body with sugar dirt. That would piss me off for certain and then I'd be laughing, but evil, and writing Gonzo instead.
Back to the point! I'll free write for a minute and give you an example:
The warmth and silkiness of the water encapsulated my body, bringing with it a tingling sensation as it extinguished the numbness of my bone-deep chill. I dipped my head into the stream and opened my mouth to drink from it, holding my tongue ...
I need a coke. No, cocoa... Yeah. cocoa. Alright, with marshmallows.
(ten minutes later I return with hot chocolate on a 50+ sunny day)
...Under the pulse of the stream. Your hand presented itself on my back slowly, with only fingertips touching.... I surprised a bit, but knew our connection was inevitable. It was mere seconds until I turned to look at you and hope to meet with a kiss.
Hersheys kiss. Right. I got that. And I'm fucking horny... God damnit maybe I can fit some of that in too again. Oooh and hersheys kisses with strawberries even! I could do a cap (Hersheys kiss stuffed inside a strawberry-- very yummy)!
(go check out uninterruption factor, is good... More masturbation.. Then chocolate then... then..)
Reaching for my collarbone, your fingers grasp tightly and pull me into you. My back connects with your chest; and as it does I can feel your hardness on my ass cheek. My head rests back against your shoulder, the water hits my body hard and emits a soft spray that...
wow. See, now that's hot... wtf do I do now. hmmm. So many options (pondering for 30 minutes). *sigh*

Just fucked. Dunno. But I'll be god damned if I can even think straight on shower sex at this point. Describing a blow job is just bad so I can't skip to that. Coitus for some reason sounds like a yoga position... and writing a self-help article about how your physical health affects your orgasm just makes me feel guilty while I'm chomping chocolate covered strawberries and Sara Lee Nutty Bars.
Hypocritical Even.
God damnit dad. God damnit Emma. God damnit sexy fucking guy in the shower with his dick in my ass while we're soaping. I have no idea what to do with any of you.... Honestly.
K, dad can go... He's forgiven.
But let's just leave Emma and hot shower guy where they're at... shall we?
why do you be goddamming me ?
Because I can. Now share some friggin soap!
ivory ok with you ?
NO I DON'T USE THAT SHIT! Lush products only. Live with it.
ooops too late
99 44/100% pure bitch
don't mind me, i'm drunk
thank you
That post drifted across all six lanes of I-5 like a Shriner in an RV.
*scratches head* I am confused about the Dad aspect?
He-he Thom is drunk at 8:30?
okay but why did ya have to stop the hot shower ass fuck? I was just gettin into it.. :(
Thoooooom, I'm an Ivory baby!!!
OK Miss Em could ya warn a person put some kid of message at the top of your post say...DO NOT ATTEMPT TO READ THIS WHILE SOBER?
'Cause I have no fucking clue what went on...then again I never have a fucking clue...SOMEONE BUY ME A FUCKING CLUE...and some jewlery...shapphires maybe some chocolates...what were we talking about?
emma, i need some advice/assistance. some dipshit came over to our blog and told me to take annabella back to the zoo where i found her. now be the mature gentleman that i am, i'm roundin' up some people to fuck w/ him and his retarded ass blog. you and your band of sexaholics in? just lemme know guys.
Can I get some of those chocolate covered strawberries?
Scum.......while you're fucking with that guy, would you mind fucking with the anonymous bitch over on mine?
Thanks, really appreciate it.
Ok. That post made absofuckinglutely not sense to me whatsoever.
But I wish I was that guy in the shower with you.
In the classic stoned Emma style baby. You were hella fucked up last night huh?
You need a babysitter. Party tonight at the 'you know where'
be there at 10.
And uhh, I don't know what the fuck is the problem, I understood that just fine.
Whoa Thom... how you feeling this morning?
Passing Ho-ho's to Sug, good morning!
Anon - Apparently you've done that, hence the comparable. Good job, you must've been the guy getting the sobriety test at 9am. Your RV sucks cock btw... spend the money on an upgrade to something built in atleast 90.
Huneeb - Did you call me ass fuck? Let's see if I can visit your blog and return the compliment.
Madame - See, now after reading this again I really didn't think it was that bad... somebody break it down for me.
Scum - I'll be there.
Kristen - I'll be there too.
And you know Madame and Kristen you can have anything chocolate covered that you want.
SEE!?!?!? Murphy understood this post! Thanks Murphy, and yes there was a window in the shower, how the fuck did you know that?
Dan - I owe you an email, it's not forgotten. But I'm shying away from the 811 unread messages. Lemme get on that sometime when I'm not making incoherent posts.
Shawn!! Thanks buddy, since you are my editor why don't you break it down for the good people. There's a party at 'the place'?
*giggle* I think I'll be there.
You want me to re-cap so it's understandable?
Yeah, lessee if it's as bad as every body says it is... How did you read that post?
Em when did I call ya an ass fuck sweets?
Alright here's what I got:
- you complain too much and you know this. So instead of complaining about the work load you are going to complain about how difficult it is to work when distracted instead.
- your job sucks, you got home, changed into spring clothes, rubbed one off in a quiet house, your dad called, wanted to get you high.
- but your dad is fucking weird.
(how am I doing so far?)
Huneeb - okay but why did ya have to stop the hot shower ass fuck? I was just gettin into it.. :(
Umm, I don't mind being called an ass fuck WHILE I'm ass fucking. But it's all about being friendly here... so, did you mean to call me an assfuck or did you mean to say shower assfucking?
Shawn - Good job dude, you're batting 1000 so far!
NOOOO you stopped the "ass fuck hot shower sex" oh shit I wasn't calling you an ass fuck I was talking about the ass fuck you were writing about...
I would never be mean to Em!
I followed the post, I just got distracted with the chocolate
- So you get high but now you have a story due and you shouldn't have smoked because now you can't focus.
And that pisses you off that your dad let you get high (and YOU let yourself get high) because you knew you had to write.
So now you're writing, and trying to concentrate... but you get the munchies, and you're horny, and you're apparently not sitting down for any more than 5 minutes at a time.
Still good?
Huneeb - Okay! Let's be cool then. I will call the Kharma squad to reign down blessings of golden goodness upon you.
I suppose I could post the shower story too... but there wasn't any ass fucking unfortunately.
Kristen - so, wrestling in chocolate then?
Blondie - :D I fucking missed your ass. And your smile, and your...... see, and when you say shower I see that hotel towel and shit.
Shawn GOOD! Keep going!
(you'll never hear me say that in person)
thanks for coming to annabella's aid guys. i'm working on something that'll make this guy's brain fucking explode, or at least he'll be extremely annoyed. be patient, i've done this kinda thing before. trust me;)
yeah... can I watch the chocolate wresling?
- So finally you give up. Because instead of being able to write intelligently, you're bothered by high-head. So, you get upset and pissed with yourself because you knew you should have never smoked pot before you tried to write any thing.
And it's apparent in this blog post Em. BUT, I did laugh at the Coitus sounding like a yoga position!
Do Shriners drive RV's? I thought they were the fuckups that drive the Excursions and then complain about gas prices and environmental pollution.
Wait, that guy that fucked that horse... he was a shriner.
Yes, Chocolate wrestling.......good
Huneeb - Front row baby, don't wear white. And if you do, plan on throwing it away because that shit goes everywhere!
Blondie - You know, I think deep down inside that was a want. I think you knew that. I think I should stop there.
Shawn - Okay thank you, I appreciate you making sense of my stonedness.... now, I do believe that guy was in fact a shriner.
Blondie I think that was a compliment :)
Think she finds you sexy in a towel...don't be so hard on yourself! You are pretty (I live in So. Cal too so I know how self image can get all the Dr. 90210 shit...)
Horray I get to watch!
Em I think you are opening me up to a whole other world...
*check* don't wear white...umm what should I wear then?
Yes size 00's with a nose job, face tits and an orange tan really fucks with your self image huh?
shitty shitty shitty
I am just north of LA where it is EVEN WORSE!!!
Huneeb - Wear nothing :) It's the best way to go! And welcome to the meltdown... We'll try to keep you as entertained as possible.
Now, Blondie - You can take the towel off. And honestly, Im not sure it's you with the fucking problem... I think it's the people you're fucking.
But, Im not so sure we can get into that here... so ummm, LMAO.
Shawn - Correction! The horse fucked the guy, not the other way around.
Horray for nekkidness....I am feeling a little exhibitionisty today...well after all the Nekkid talk of Jamaica.
Well shit then. Maybe you should play editor and I should play needy journalist?
Can I lick the tip of my pen during meetings to distract YOU?
I fucking hate it when you do that! Would love to return the favor.
nope blondie I am farther north... Santa Barbara where the avg IS a size 00 or less and every girl is a bottle bleach blonde with big tits and daddy's pocket book...I can't tell you how many women I have met here with NO substance to them (brain or body) total whorish coke heads that drive brand new BMW's it just kills me! But I go to LA all the time; lotsa friends there who are much cooler and there's more to do down there!
Blondie and HuneeB.... *sigh*
MOVE NORTH! If you hit the border, you've gone too far!! Seriously, I got beach here... and a plethera of men that like hotties from California.
No circus freaks... no no.
Shawn - LOL. Fuck you with the pen lickingg! I'm concentrating!
i thought every one knew this as fact Murphy. Not afraid to type it at all. Although it's not really a whiney neediness.
More like a "fuck you entertain me bitch" neediness.
I actually thrive off it. Makes me think she likes me.
*thinking about moving to california*
Ok re-read the post still have no clue and I have no clue what's going on in here either...I'm going to get stoned
Yeah Thom move! I tried WA for a while but I missed the sun :)
So Emm how far north are we talkin?
Blondie; yes it sucks fat cock!
Okay I'm off gotta go get my edjamakation on ;)
*blows kiss*
pouty eyelash batting!! Perfect!!
Holy shit you hit the nail on the proverbial head there Murphy. Good job man.
I hate whiney needers. And needy whiners.
I like it when they tell me what to do, and then when I get all pissed they give me that look...
you know,... that... look
When the hell did the Naught Lounge become "the View" for the estrogen-free crowd?
HUneeb - Have fun educating! Or being educated... or.... just cum back and see us! How far north? very far, longer than walking distance.
Shawn and Murphy - WTF?!?!?!? Here, please feel free to author an article about whatever the fuck you're talking about on my blog comments. I appreciate the fact that you say it doesn't pertain to me, but still....
Murphy, fuck you about the eyelash batting.
Thom - don't move... it's not worth it, lessee if we can get them to move up here instead. ;0
Madame - LMAO! See, now that was outrageously funny. God damn men and their issues.
I just get a little nauseated when you guys get all "chummy"
*unpacks bags and pouts*
What, men can't discuss issues now? It makes us chummy?
See, and that Madame, was absolutely the whining we were referring to.
I tell you what, I'll let you whine, but you have to fuck me while you do it.
I like whiners in bed.
jesus christ. *shaking head*
I tell ya what, you guys play with Madame and I'll just sit here and play with myself...
how bout that? fuckers.
OH, and I tried to pay you Murph, but you weren't having that. SO shut up.
*blank stare*
Why the blank stare Madame? Not up for my proposal?
And as for you Em, you're just all pissy because you think I'm going to bring her back to the hetero side of the fence.
The blank stare is because I am so turned on right now soo aroused by your male-ness I can not form words never mind sentences.
"Fuck me Shawn, pleeeeeeease!!! Cuddel with me, I neeeeeed you"
Whiney enough?
Now go make me a hot pocket, bitch
WHOO HOO! Right the fuck on!
Go Madame, go madame...
Gawd love that sexy bitch!
Are you gay?
Scum - gimme 5.
Yeah, ok.......I've lost track of the converstation.....
I got the blank stare too.
Where's the chocolate?
I got some chocolate for you sexy!
pbc has instructed me to tell everyone to go to poetry.com and search for "angela scaletty", or annabella as you all know her.
also, if you don't go and give the aussie hell, you suck and i'll never speak to you again.
Ummm. who was saying women were needy? was that a man?
Shawn, are you gay?
Holy Fuck! Annabella on poetry.com!!! Fucking hooray!!
OOO, let's read poetry and eat chocolate naked.
i'm serious, never again.
i like naked chicks.
Scum, honey, what are you babbling about?
i've completely lost it.
Sweetie...maybe it's under your dress?
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thanks kristen !
Your welcome Thom.....
But I'm the one who should say thank you
nope - thank you!
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Scum-does someone need a hug?
Hey you 2...did you bring enough to share with the entire class?
i borrowed a sexy picture from kristen for one of my writings today. so i am thanking her
annabella needs a hug. some mean ol' aussie said mean stuff to her and i'm gonna see to it that he pays!! or at least annoy the shit outta him with my nonsense and vulgarity.
oh yeah, i almost forgot...
thank you emma for allowing me to advertise and increase traffic to my blog through your blog. i don't deserve this service from you. Thank you.
I support Scums efforts.......
Kick His Ass, Seabass (but really insert Scum here) I was just trying to stick with the whole Dumber and Dumber dialect....am I rambling?
Always enough for more Madame
no one's supported my efforts. so far only myself and my 2 other blogger personalities have "commented" on that dickhole's blog.
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Scum, I commented to him.
double post! i'm smart.
thanks kristen. your efforts will not be forgotten. come on people!! or do you all hate annabella too?
We stay weird Murphy, you're departure for a couple of hours had no impact on that whatsoever.
Anytime Scum
In general....you wouldn't pay attention to us if we were boring and routine. Shut up and just agree with me, I'm having a bad day.
over a hundred and i just got here
dude, dude... that's hilarious as fuck.
sorry i know you have to work but man that's funny. and sort of sums up my life :)
you guys all suck.
What's up, bloggers?
i've always wondered why girls loved bouncing on balls ... now after that pic i can see why ...
that whole thought process didn't sound right ...
What pic of girls bouncing on balls?
once again for emma, who wasn't paying attention (probably stoned again). the guy's address that told me to take annabella back to the zoo is:
Scum - I did my part honey... now send me a picture of you naked.
oooh, better... in uniform, shirt unbuttoned, holding your fishing pole with a big ass fish on the end of it.
Kristen- click on the hyperlink on the first paragraph where the 'on the ball' comment is mentioned. Youll see what he was talking about.
Murphy - I swear to god I just witnessed a cast.... now remember, wait for the line to sink before you reel back, wanna make sure you give a chance for a bite. fucker.
I think I'll just sit here and read the comments........
that makes 2 people that don't hate annabella.
That's right.......I got your back
I love Annabella.
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Fly fishing sucks donkey balls Murphy. Fish like a man... sink the line for chrissake!!
*sitting and reading*
Ok, I know I'm supposed to just be reading but am I the only who thought Murphy's last comment was sexual??
Spot you want to hit.....borrow my pole........
Seriously, is it just me?
fly fishin' is fer sucks. me, pbc, & shs are goin' fishin' fer some cats on sunday. 3 guys, 1 boat, a shit-ton of beer........it's gonna be totally gay!
K, no... it's not like the fogey's do it on the pier!!
Ya gotta hit the spots inside the lake... the spots where they get deep quick but crest in the warm spots. Peaks.
Gotta hit the peaks. If you don't get the right cast, you're fucked.
Again, I'm thinking sex talk.
I'm going back to not commenting.....
I posted pics if anyone cares
Scum - THANK YOU!!! Won't find anything past a 6 pounder in a freaking river while fly fishing....
Now cats, big mouth, even walleye... that's them thar some freakin' FISH!
And being stuck on a boat with a ton of men fishing.... just fucking rocks
Well Krs... We all know where Murphy will be for the next hour.
Thanks for letting us know :)
i prefer debit fishing ... go to the store, get a fish, flash your debit, go home
i don't care if murph thinks that shit's boring, about an hour into it i'm so fuckin' faded i can barely bait my hook.
LOL @ Thom
Scum, I know huh?!? LOL! The best part is realizing you've stuck yourself on the hook while baiting and then sayin' aww fuck it, it's just a scratch as you spew blood all over your buddies boat.
pretty pathetic, since i'm from alaska huh ?
fishing isn't the same down here.
well, i guess it's apparent that only 2 people like annabella. *sigh* oh well.
I can't access my blog!
I'm horny
... Thom unpacked
Okay Em but how far are we talking...Canada..WA..OR??
(I want to meet Editor Shawn...it's okay he still lives with his Mom, I live alone *wink*)
Did the WA thing got lots family in OR (really beautiful there) visit at least once a year...
Kristen nice pic on Thom's page!
Yeah the fishing talk.......had nothing to do with a few other comments made throughout the day.....
Damn fishing
Thank you Huneeb.....
I think a lightbulb just went off...Huneeb....is that like Honey Bee?
yep! ;) My name is greek for Honey Bee... (read my top text on my page sweets it explains it there)
Oh and Scum I stuck up for A! :)
(dude is AngryBlkBitch stalking or what??)
I wris Ping ;)
3 people that don't hate annabella and counting. c'mon murph, you're a complete asshole, so this should be right up your alley. join the fun!
Scum I think ti's four now! :)
who's annabelle ?
she's a member of our blog. ya see i was just trollin' along random blogs makin' my usual off the wall comments. i get to this guy's blog and say, "hooray for racism". he responds to our blog by saying, "scumbag take annabella back to the zoo that you found her in" or some dumb shit like that. that enough info?
and murph, quit being a fag and join my slowly growing army.
haha - that should be the US Army's new motto - quit being a fag and join the army.
(Goose raises furry little paw)
I like Annabella.
if you love annabella ATTACK THE AUSSIE I SAYS!
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