Longview (HNT)
If you're here for the HNT, AWESOME!
This picture was one from the photo shoot I did a couple weeks ago. A portfolio of artistic shots showcasing curvatures and body dynamics.
I liked this one the best.
Thanks Shawn and KC for letting me use it!
Happy HNT!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
For those of you here for that 'other thing', please continue down. :)
Can I just say how much harder this is for me to umm.... Do this project on an HNT day? I mean, not only am I going to get my regular readers educated... but those who dare not want any more information than to see my nekkidness.!?!?!?
For those of you that are reading this post and have no clue what I'm talking about, please read yesterdays post or you'll be completely lost. In short, it was an editors challenge to his staff writer... and it was something I didn't really want to do.
BUT. I'm taking one for the team ladies. I'm doing this for the love of all you women that want to see Shawns piercing. Call me a team player, and a giver god damnit... and kiss me full-on with tongue. Because after this shit, I deserve it.
That and I guess it is somewhat researchish. *Shrug* Oh well.
Here it is my little devils. Here is every time I touched myself today.
Of course, some days are better than others.
Which means that some days I may be traveling, in meetings, or otherwise detained that I cannot just whip myself into a frenzy in a broom closet (and I've tried)... so, my sessions are far less those days. And on the contrary, there are days like today when I'm over stimulated and/or writing and I just have to 'need' a little more.
But, yeah.. I mean, I gotta do it... if I don't, everyone suffers a painful existance. Inluding myself.
Fact: When husband and I are having an argument, he actually asks me when the last time I had an orgasm was... and if I can't answer... we have to stop fighting and throw down, or, I get private time to myself. Yep.
K soooo... I'm trying to stretch this out, aren't I? *lol* K. Here goes nuttin':
7:17pm- Mental stimulus – writing/brainstorming; finger (3)
7:46pm- Mental stimulus – writing; finger (2)
8:24 pm – Visual stimulus – writing/brainstorming; iegg (4)
8:37pm – Visual stimulus – porn; vibrator (3)
9:49-10:14 pm – Mental stimulus – pre-party prep in shower; vibrator (3x1m )
12:12am – Visual/Direct stimulus – dancing; contact (1)
1:40am- Visual/Direct stimulus – Red; contact (6x2)
3:20 – (wake up call) Mental stimulus – Dreaming; iegg (2x1m)
4:12 – same deal – fingers (1)
5:15 am – Mental stimulus- Waking after dreaming; vibrator (4)
7:05 am – (empty office) Mental stimulus – writing prep and brainstorming; fingers (1)
9:20am – Mental stimulus – Breaktime after conversation; fingers (1)
11:47am – Visual/Mental stimulus – email; friction (1)
2:05pm – Mental stimulus – email; fingers (3)
3:24pm – Mental/Visual stimulus – email; friction (1)
4:42pm – Mental stimulus – stress relief; bullet (3)
5:35pm – (Daily download) Visual/Mental stimulus – stress relief; (6x1m)
6:47pm – Visual/Mental stimulus – after-kiddo’s to bed – porn, pre-writing prep (8x2)
*end at 7*
Yeah, so uhhh... there it is, in all it's glory fuckers. My day in a nutshell.
And no, I don't get exhausted and it doesn't stop and I never EVER feel completely satisfied. It sucks high ass and makes me really consider a harem of men and women to keep near me just to live off of and fuck all day because honestly, i read that back and am wondering if I got anything fucking done today!
Jesus. Well, be kind to me as I've put a little something out there to you. And god damnit I don't wanna hear about how I tried to beat off more because I knew I'd be writing it... If anything the last thing I wanted was to research somebody I'm not.
And further the last 24 hours were fucking inspirational for one reason or another... and reasons I cannot discuss nor will.
Enough. I'm done, it's over. I want my prize for playing fucker.

I liked this one the best.
Thanks Shawn and KC for letting me use it!
Happy HNT!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
For those of you here for that 'other thing', please continue down. :)
Can I just say how much harder this is for me to umm.... Do this project on an HNT day? I mean, not only am I going to get my regular readers educated... but those who dare not want any more information than to see my nekkidness.!?!?!?
For those of you that are reading this post and have no clue what I'm talking about, please read yesterdays post or you'll be completely lost. In short, it was an editors challenge to his staff writer... and it was something I didn't really want to do.
BUT. I'm taking one for the team ladies. I'm doing this for the love of all you women that want to see Shawns piercing. Call me a team player, and a giver god damnit... and kiss me full-on with tongue. Because after this shit, I deserve it.
That and I guess it is somewhat researchish. *Shrug* Oh well.
Here it is my little devils. Here is every time I touched myself today.
Of course, some days are better than others.
Which means that some days I may be traveling, in meetings, or otherwise detained that I cannot just whip myself into a frenzy in a broom closet (and I've tried)... so, my sessions are far less those days. And on the contrary, there are days like today when I'm over stimulated and/or writing and I just have to 'need' a little more.
But, yeah.. I mean, I gotta do it... if I don't, everyone suffers a painful existance. Inluding myself.
Fact: When husband and I are having an argument, he actually asks me when the last time I had an orgasm was... and if I can't answer... we have to stop fighting and throw down, or, I get private time to myself. Yep.
K soooo... I'm trying to stretch this out, aren't I? *lol* K. Here goes nuttin':
7:17pm- Mental stimulus – writing/brainstorming; finger (3)
7:46pm- Mental stimulus – writing; finger (2)
8:24 pm – Visual stimulus – writing/brainstorming; iegg (4)
8:37pm – Visual stimulus – porn; vibrator (3)
9:49-10:14 pm – Mental stimulus – pre-party prep in shower; vibrator (3x1m )
12:12am – Visual/Direct stimulus – dancing; contact (1)
1:40am- Visual/Direct stimulus – Red; contact (6x2)
3:20 – (wake up call) Mental stimulus – Dreaming; iegg (2x1m)
4:12 – same deal – fingers (1)
5:15 am – Mental stimulus- Waking after dreaming; vibrator (4)
7:05 am – (empty office) Mental stimulus – writing prep and brainstorming; fingers (1)
9:20am – Mental stimulus – Breaktime after conversation; fingers (1)
11:47am – Visual/Mental stimulus – email; friction (1)
2:05pm – Mental stimulus – email; fingers (3)
3:24pm – Mental/Visual stimulus – email; friction (1)
4:42pm – Mental stimulus – stress relief; bullet (3)
5:35pm – (Daily download) Visual/Mental stimulus – stress relief; (6x1m)
6:47pm – Visual/Mental stimulus – after-kiddo’s to bed – porn, pre-writing prep (8x2)
*end at 7*
Yeah, so uhhh... there it is, in all it's glory fuckers. My day in a nutshell.

Jesus. Well, be kind to me as I've put a little something out there to you. And god damnit I don't wanna hear about how I tried to beat off more because I knew I'd be writing it... If anything the last thing I wanted was to research somebody I'm not.
And further the last 24 hours were fucking inspirational for one reason or another... and reasons I cannot discuss nor will.
Enough. I'm done, it's over. I want my prize for playing fucker.
So, I go to eat.
Come back, hit refresh.
I can't believe you did it. Stunned, shocked, and turned the fuck on.
Alright starfucker, it's yours.
HA! How'd I know you'd be the first one in line!!!
You know my email address!!! Snappy-snappy!!!
You need to give me the 'key' though so I understand the numbers and exactly what you're saying there. Like, what the fuck is 6x1m?
and friction?
And holy fuck about clicking on that picture. This would be the perfect time to discuss male masturbatory skills Em.
Uh, okay well lessee...
time - stimulation technique- motivator; tactic (orgasm x if multiple applied).
Friction is none of your fucking business. Let the ladies have some tricks ass.
Shouldn't you be taking a picture right now?
Since you're not answering your phone, IM, email, or any thing else right now.
Your picture is in your inbox.
Hey if anybody gives you grief for writing about what comes naturally to almost everybody (and for a lot of people jut as often) I'll give 'em a serious talking to. You done good. Thanks.
Also hottt!
that's me on hmmm... the biggest dose of spring fever ever that lasts for a month and i still won't masturbate that much in the whole month.
holy fuck. don't you wish we could share? you have some of my low and i'll take some of your high and we can meet in the middle?
also? maybe i'm doing it wrong but if so i want you to explain friction too.
So is that just masturbating not counting the actual SEX you have?
I am suddenly feeling VERY deprived...I think I need to be sexed!
*shoves hands in pockets*
(kicks the ground)
Damn me for not gettin any!
Wow hun I am truly jealous but it sucks that you never actually feel satisfied :(
All I have to say is your husband must be a fucking stallion!!
Can I have my way with both of you? ;)
(I got all the honey you need...last weeks hnt has some boobies for ya) *winks*
ooh.ooh.ooh. When do we get to see the pic?
Awsome HNT. Wank number was much lower than I was expecting. I can see that "suck high ass."
Happy HNT.
Beautiful shot :D
Happy HNT!!
very nice hnt and other pic is awesome too. And where do I get in line for that harem I may be spendding time out there one day and I sure want in
WOW...that a butt load of maturbation!
So do you do any cross training for that to prevent any stress injuries? Or maybe you just have a womderful natural talent?
Love the Ireland Sweatshirt...I assume that was for me, right???
Don't Post the Cock until I get back!!!!
your hands are in the way.
Wow, Emma......I don't give a shit how much you masturbate as long as I can see pics like those.
Beautiful, sexy, hot, fucking fantastic...
Oh yeah, Good morning
Wow! Now I understand a little better what it's like to be a sexually liberated, horny woman.
Now excuse while I go pleasure myself with my once daily masturbating ritual.
I'm speechless, jealous, and really fucking turned on now!
You're an amazing woman Emma!
And the pics are beautiful.
Get a chew toy
She does it again...
Triumph of the nympho!
(Emma, you're soo fucking cute.)
Didn't I hear you say you might throw some of the pictures from the shoot my way?
your backup stallion-shittalker,
holy fucknuts!
very hot pictures! very hot topic too ! wow, AND very appropriate title for the post!
good stuff, like usual!
SUP BEEOOTCHES! Thanks for the compliments you guys and gals!!
So, you're saying I should move the hands then?
I think i have one of those.
Yeah, where is Shawn this morning?
Ummm... Tease? Why, because I didn't post a picture of myself finger deep? Yeah, like that would be appropriate at your workplace.
I tell ya what, send me the $9.95 and I'll send you the picture.
I have no idea where Shawn is. Poor thing...
Helskel - MARCO!!!
you hot thing, I want you finger deep...
or you just wanted to hear me refer to a sport where you handle really long sticks while bouncing up and down on a strident, muscular animal?
maybe I'm reading too much into this...
You want me you sexy fucker?
Uhh... long sticks.... bouncing... strident, muscular animal....
HAWT. If you whisper that shit in my ear you can have me... but lemme use your finger.
I was gonna use your finger...
I want you to send me that special picture.
LMAO! Helskel, are you frothing at the mouth?
You're typing like you are.
a bit. :}
LMAO!! What's in it for me Helskel?
Anything in your imagination,
or mine.
Maybe I could send you a picture in return?
I just dropped by to see if Shawn's Cock has popped up yet?!
That sounds like a negotiation I could work with!
K, you first!!!
Madame, his cock is in my inbox!
You lucky girl!
It's been awhile since I've had a cock in my inbox!
Ummm, Im not supposed to post it. I can only email it apparently.
Soooo, you won't miss a thing! Either of you!
you know, i have no desire to see shawn's 'hotpocket', but since when did you follow rules ?
Aaaaa nothing like a cock in my box....Ahh guys feel free to email me!
now I'm in your inbox.
I want in on the email
Damn hot pic EM, I love it! I must have missed it, what pic are we waiting for? Did shawn get something private pierced? Cool. A while back when you were posting cock pics, you posted mine up there, ring and all. Partners love it!
Sorry ladies, I was getting over Helskels email... *snicker*
OOOKAY, Bulk email coming to ya.
And yeah Biker, totally! Shawn has a piercing and has been teasing us for the last ummm... couple of weeks.
The agreement was that I would post my masturbation tactics and he would supply a picture for the ladies.
Thanks for the compliment *blush*
You know the fishing poles were a turn on!
waiting patiently
waiting inpatiently
Helskel, there weren't any fishing poles!!!
K, kristen sheesh!! Coming coming!
She must be busy working something out...
Soooo....I go to the hospital, sleep off the heavy doses of IV meds and then get online to find this post and these pics?!
I think I should get sick more often!!! You are sooo fuckin' hot, and I am way jealous that you have the manual dexterity you do! (lol)
Now that you have been kind enough to share when does Shawn give up the pic for us all to enjoy?! I need a 2-fer today, swear it will help me feel better!
BTW...been missing you lately, not being able to blog when you are around really sucks ass!
*kisses~ and wishes for the time to come when you are (even if it's only for one brief moment) COMPLETELY satisfied!
I heart you Miss... I will email you the picture right now.
And I miss you and hope you are alright!
Thank You Emma~~
A lovely Bon Voyage present~
Are you leaving Madame? Where are you going?
I'm such an ungrateful bastard.
this is hardball
You keep bossing me around like that and I might let you liquid latex me....
wow. Okay, I've been duly challenged... but again, I saw nowhere in that email about reciprocal compensation!!!!
Terms may be named, if you wish...
(you just love it)
what do you want?
all i want is a gold star
You're welcome honey!!!
Hmmm Helskel, lessee.... *tapping pen on lip*
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"put it in a letter...get your dress all wet, ....and send it to me"
now that's hawt
Gorgeous, seductive photos as always. Did you get your prize?
you guys don't know livin' until you've blew a line of coke off a dead hooker's ass!
ahhh, scummy...
thank god, finally getting some class up in here!
aight, i'm outtie ... have a good day emma!
Can I get a print of the first pic?? That is amazing!!! I totally love the second pic - sexy and playful (how I see it)!!
Damn, I need an iegg & a little more privacy...
Nice...and wonderful expression on your face :) HHNT!
that's the same expression that hooker had on her face before i strangled her. it was funny!
Why do I have a sudden urge to lick you????
You've got time to send a picture of a cock to your female friends and yet I still haven't received a list of good porn titles.
Do I need to come over there and spank you? 'Cause I will you know!
move hands and invite me over
Awesome pics and post. HHNT
i dunno what it is, but for some reason emma's hnt pic on 11/30/05 has always been my fave. somethin' about that look.
aight, i'm back ...
that is my fav too scum
i don't think emma likes me anymore. i think it's the profile pic. ever since i changed it i've been completely insane; and i think that's scaring the shit out of her.
Love the pics! Just too hawt!
By the way, how long does each session take on average for you? It can't be that long.
One more thing, remind me to kiss your fingers when I finally meet you face to face!
Gorgeous pics!! I love checking in on Thursdays. I truly admire your blog. And LOVE your straightforward writing style!
Let me know when you set up that harem of men and women at your disposal. I'll be asking for directions so I can come visit. ;)
Well that is one HOT HNT pic! HHNT!
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