Music and Anal emotional temperatures
I hate Daniel Bedingfield for that song.
I hate my ipod for throwing out that fucking song to poison my mind at 7am while I'm trying to road rage.
I swear, it's Impossible for a man to love a woman like that.
No, really, come on... you have to admit that if a man ever wrote you shit like this, or even said it...
first you'd say "what the FUCK?" Hmmm. seriously emotional and pussy whipped that one.
No man could feel that way about somebody... never. Emotionally impossible.
You tell me guys, would you or could you ever identify thinking all these things about somebody in your life... Hmmm?
NO, don't listen to your dick... just for 5 minutes and gimme an answer.
The song makes me ill. It will be deleted from the library faster than you can say "sphinkterboy."
Sassinak, holy hairy nuggets honey. Your post really got me. Right here ----> It's so indicative of bits and pieces that I care not to go into detail on. But still... I'm a fucking mess!! Mascara running!! Raccoon eyes!!! Jesus!! You tear me apart with 12 paragraphs and no education on how fucked up I am or my situation is... but still, you nail it. The cosmos is indeed strange, indeed.
So, Graceland is now a national monument... wasn't it anyway? Ask any baby boomer and they'll repeat the same question. Anything we can do for the good name of Elvis that will wipe away any lingering aftermath of him dying on the freakin toilet will do fine.... really.
Jesus Graceland SHOULD become a national monument, why not? Fucking thing has it's own zip code like the IRS... Hmmm. I hear Neverland is bucking for a petition as well... but he can't get any signers over legal age.
Talking to Blondie this afternoon when she said something that made me just about split my side.... She said "What is it with men taking their emotional temperature every 5 minutes?" To that, I added "anally." That was a hoot, and so I have to ask... Is it?
Is it a metrosexual thing to be like that? To think so far inside yourself you get lost somewhere between "im here" and "oh shit, I think I'm having a moment?"
I think not, now that I've thunk about it. Because it seems no matter the man they have these moments... irritating.
Do men really need to have moments?!?!? NO. The only moment you should be having is in the bathroom with a fucking magazine, having a nice BM. If you guys wanna get all deep about how you're connecting, for chrissake do it there!!! Don't bring that shit to me! Im female, I have enough issues with MY internal conflict...
You're the rock. Be the rock. Be one with the rock. Be hard as a rock whenever possible.
Follow that rule and nobody gets hurt.
Does the song 'You Suck' by the Murmurs tickle you as much as it tickles me right now?
What a great song for a 'break up' of sorts... and my thoughts exactly. I love that shit. It was a tremendously satisfying moment when I heard that come on, and sang it aloud making a total fucking fool of myself. Lawyers don't like outbursts. They get tense.
Yeah, that was a 'connective' type deal, where time stopped as I listened and I said "perfect".
That experience was second only to the one song I never wanted to hear lately. And didn't realize just how much I didn't want to hear it until... I heard it. "Halah" by Mazzy Star.
Jesus what a fucked up, missing you type song. It's almost so painful it feels good.
And it was identifiable to many feelings im conflicted with in my darker recesses... that I simply cannot admit to nor do I want to discuss in this forum.
Wow. too deep. Moving on.
See, it isn't until I do these types of free-thought posts that I realize how much music influences and compliments my life. Everything great has always happened with music, and in music, and during music. And there was this one time... at band camp...(fucking great movie, all of em)
I've been around music all my life. I cant even begin to name some of my favorites... or start with the genre parade by artist... Let's just say... its been there. Music is a friend that doesnt disappoint, you make of it what you want from it and it gives back to you triple fold. Regardless of the issue you're dealing with and it's complexities, some how it will apply to that one special support part you needed the most, unconditionally and without anything back. No human person has that capacity, so I lean on the music... Harmony and me, are pretty good company.
So, as an end and a start to get back on track, I just want to say thanks for all the supportive emails and IM's and words again! jesus you guys have been supporting me an awful lot lately, I appreciate all of you...
You guys and gals are like the best bra I ever had... *sniff* lol, thanks sincerely.
err, now. Give me a little insight on guy moments... and then feel free to check out a couple of the songs above I hyper-linked for your viewing enjoyment.
I hate my ipod for throwing out that fucking song to poison my mind at 7am while I'm trying to road rage.
I swear, it's Impossible for a man to love a woman like that.
No, really, come on... you have to admit that if a man ever wrote you shit like this, or even said it...
first you'd say "what the FUCK?" Hmmm. seriously emotional and pussy whipped that one.
No man could feel that way about somebody... never. Emotionally impossible.
You tell me guys, would you or could you ever identify thinking all these things about somebody in your life... Hmmm?
NO, don't listen to your dick... just for 5 minutes and gimme an answer.
The song makes me ill. It will be deleted from the library faster than you can say "sphinkterboy."
Sassinak, holy hairy nuggets honey. Your post really got me. Right here ----> It's so indicative of bits and pieces that I care not to go into detail on. But still... I'm a fucking mess!! Mascara running!! Raccoon eyes!!! Jesus!! You tear me apart with 12 paragraphs and no education on how fucked up I am or my situation is... but still, you nail it. The cosmos is indeed strange, indeed.
So, Graceland is now a national monument... wasn't it anyway? Ask any baby boomer and they'll repeat the same question. Anything we can do for the good name of Elvis that will wipe away any lingering aftermath of him dying on the freakin toilet will do fine.... really.
Jesus Graceland SHOULD become a national monument, why not? Fucking thing has it's own zip code like the IRS... Hmmm. I hear Neverland is bucking for a petition as well... but he can't get any signers over legal age.
Talking to Blondie this afternoon when she said something that made me just about split my side.... She said "What is it with men taking their emotional temperature every 5 minutes?" To that, I added "anally." That was a hoot, and so I have to ask... Is it?
Is it a metrosexual thing to be like that? To think so far inside yourself you get lost somewhere between "im here" and "oh shit, I think I'm having a moment?"
I think not, now that I've thunk about it. Because it seems no matter the man they have these moments... irritating.
Do men really need to have moments?!?!? NO. The only moment you should be having is in the bathroom with a fucking magazine, having a nice BM. If you guys wanna get all deep about how you're connecting, for chrissake do it there!!! Don't bring that shit to me! Im female, I have enough issues with MY internal conflict...
You're the rock. Be the rock. Be one with the rock. Be hard as a rock whenever possible.
Follow that rule and nobody gets hurt.
Does the song 'You Suck' by the Murmurs tickle you as much as it tickles me right now?
What a great song for a 'break up' of sorts... and my thoughts exactly. I love that shit. It was a tremendously satisfying moment when I heard that come on, and sang it aloud making a total fucking fool of myself. Lawyers don't like outbursts. They get tense.
Yeah, that was a 'connective' type deal, where time stopped as I listened and I said "perfect".
That experience was second only to the one song I never wanted to hear lately. And didn't realize just how much I didn't want to hear it until... I heard it. "Halah" by Mazzy Star.
Jesus what a fucked up, missing you type song. It's almost so painful it feels good.
And it was identifiable to many feelings im conflicted with in my darker recesses... that I simply cannot admit to nor do I want to discuss in this forum.
Wow. too deep. Moving on.
See, it isn't until I do these types of free-thought posts that I realize how much music influences and compliments my life. Everything great has always happened with music, and in music, and during music. And there was this one time... at band camp...(fucking great movie, all of em)
I've been around music all my life. I cant even begin to name some of my favorites... or start with the genre parade by artist... Let's just say... its been there. Music is a friend that doesnt disappoint, you make of it what you want from it and it gives back to you triple fold. Regardless of the issue you're dealing with and it's complexities, some how it will apply to that one special support part you needed the most, unconditionally and without anything back. No human person has that capacity, so I lean on the music... Harmony and me, are pretty good company.
So, as an end and a start to get back on track, I just want to say thanks for all the supportive emails and IM's and words again! jesus you guys have been supporting me an awful lot lately, I appreciate all of you...
You guys and gals are like the best bra I ever had... *sniff* lol, thanks sincerely.
err, now. Give me a little insight on guy moments... and then feel free to check out a couple of the songs above I hyper-linked for your viewing enjoyment.
Ah ha! I am first! Men shouldn't have moments...Enough said...Metrosexual or not. The only time I am depressed is when I am having a bad hair moment. Besides that, I am cool...Yeah, Goosey in the house.
On a serious note...I long for the moment that I can be infatuated with a woman and desire for that feeling of longing for her at all times...(I dig the Bedingfield song) Not having a moment. I can still be a rock, but passion is always a good thing.
What the hell is a guy moment anyway? I'm searching the recesses and all I'm getting are those addled pot-head moments where I'd used to go "oh wow, man, that's really heavy" about something like how they must make floor tiles square so they don't have to trim them to fit in corners or something.
Or maybe it's that moment where you just look at the person you're loving the hell out of and there's no need for words or anything and you're so serenely intense she just looks at you, kind of confused and annoyed, and says "What!?!?"
Or, yikes! Is it something I do all the time and I don't even know what it is? I hate pissing people off when I don't mean to.
Details, feed me details. (Or is *that* it?)
On Guys?
You serious?
Ok. I'm man enough to enter this discussion and open up a bit...
I wouldn't call myself a 'metrosexual' guy. I don't have '
moments' but I do have 'movements'. Of course, with this diet I'm on the 'movements' are less frequent but that's too much information.
Moving on.
I'm very sensitive and I'm told that's one of the sexiest things about me. That, and my sense of humor. Yeah, I kick ass in person when it comes to humor. Wit really. But back to the sensitive thing...I tear up at the end of every Extreme Home Makeover show. The thought of someone doing something completely unselfish for someone they don't know just gets to me.
I've never had that happen to me but I've done it a few times in my life. Yup, I'm going to heaven no matter what!
I've written poetry for my wife. In fact, the poem I wrote her for our 10th anniversary brought tears to her eyes. And not because it was bad.
All that being said, I still look like a football player and can kick ass if I need to.
Sing to me Murphy
Is anyone else impressed with Dan?
The more I read his comments, the more impressed I get. A football player that writes poetry?? Damn that's hot.
Magnum, nice to see you participating
I have moments. I have lots of moments. Usually brought on by feelings of insecurity.
Though I did have this one moment where this broad ripped out my piercing.
Hi Em.
Wow, lots of great an interesting feedback from the guys here. I appreciate Murphy admitting he sings in the car...
I appreciate Magnum admitting it's a territorial thing (and I totally agree)
I appreciate Goose actually admitting he's having a bad hair day.
I appreciate Fig for always wanting a little more information than is given :) No honey *that* wasn't it. lol!
Dan - Wow dude, poetry writing football player, IMPRESSIVE. Soooo, you wanna write me somethin? That would be cool.. make it extra sappy with a funky beat... that I can bug out to.
Ladies - Ummm. Besides Kristen, I'm a little alarmed that you can't tell me a little about a guy moment you've experienced... COME ON....
Shawn - Hi.
Are you all for kicking my ass today?
Shawn - Depends on if you were serious.
Pearl - I know this! And the worse part is that as women we totally don't expect this... so all the sudden your man, like, gets all fucking weird and you're like... wait a minute, aren't you supposed to be like, solid?
Jesus Christ, go to Lowes and buy a power tool or something for the love of god!
HOLLA for Pontificating!
Like, being witness to or seeing a guy have one of these moments.
Enlighten me, oh worthyhotness.
BTW, the Goose has plenty of moments
I was serious, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with Dr.'s recommendations as to the method of ass kicking. Does that really sound "safe" to you?
And really, is it truly a constructive form of anger management?
Kristen - I have no doubt! And thank you for being his strong support group there!!
Blondie - You know, you're right... I think you need a guy that can break beer bottles with his teeth. Somebody who can take you to a tractor pull and then a nice dinner?
OR maybe, you need to just go full on les and run away with me.
Shawn - Hmmm. Constructive form of anger management? Well it works for me! My schedule is open all night.
If she goes full lez, I want photos.
Seriously, I want the guy who plays football and writes poetry.....
Me too. No pictures.
I am sure you all realize what a bitch I am so does it come as any surprise to you that if a guy shared his "moment" with me I'd
1) laugh at him
2) tell him to grow a set
3) call his friends and tell them
Well of course, and that's what I was trying to say with this post.
What woman doesn't think that?
A man will never publicly admit to having "a moment" as you describe it. Publicly, a man will say that "a moment" is beer with porn and/or sports (all three together is an "awesome moment".
I, however, do have my moments. Mine are almost always when I realize the irony of a situation I am caught up in or when I realize and admit that I was totally wrong in my analysis of something.
BEER PORN AND SPORTS!! Jesus I miss football!
You have a good point 306, I think that sometimes you guys definitely need to reflect... but Blondie makes a good point too.
I think really what I'm saying here, and even what she was saying is ok, it's alright to contemplate or reflect on a moment or situation... everybody needs that.
But, don't be so into yourself that you forget the blessings and happiness you've been given.
Believe it or not, some men can lose themselves inside themselves and forget HOW to communicate and see the positives. Most of the time when that happens we (as women) think you just need a good blow job.
and, well it works actually.
Blow job anyone?
LOL- at tanlines Blondie!
I'm having a moment right now.
Totally agree with you and Blondie. We need to have those moments but I think they are and should be private.
I live like my Dad did. He never got excited about problems or challenges - he just faced them and moved on. He only got excited about fun stuff and mostly lived for the moment.
BTW, I need to be in that line for for the blow jobs...
tee hee.
i love me some dick sucking.
Yeah, I don't see why not Blondie! Spread em like butter on bread and let's have at it.
Did someone say
Blow Jobs?!?!?
When I'm watching hockey and having sex, I sometimes have a guy moment where I allow my wife to watch the game too. I just do her doggy style and we both enjoy the game.
That kind of moment ?
There's a moment I'm willing to share!!!
Blondie, my wife hasn't given head in months either...
I'll be here all week, try the veal!
I get head all the time, but she's plastic.
Alright Em, I posted the challenge set before us for your humor and enjoyment.
Maybe it will give you something to look forward to. Don't have a shitty day at work though! Like I need you to take out your aggression that hard core!!
I can't remember the last time I gave a blow job........
*sigh* I miss giving blow jobs
Uhh. I could just blow you all at once, orgy style!
SHAWN - LOL! I love Dr. K. I do.
Murphy - See, I want to go one direction with that... But something tells me you weren't talking to me.
Don't look at me...he wasn't talking to me either.
Maybe he was talking to me. I'll send him an email.
Ummm. Somehow that visual wasn't as lovely as I thought it might be.
Anyway, Im all for watching Hockey today...
I'm always up for a hockey game...
I never did get the pic of Shawn
Kristen, let me finish this business plan and I'll send it. I sent it to you, never got a reject... could it be your company server rejected it because of the subject line or content?
Send me a different email address and I'll hook you up!
i'll be the dude high sticking!
He's right, He don't play that crap. I have to agree
No plexiglass shower, but I have one of her doing a shower dance strip type thing.
I think I'm having a one on one converstation here with Big D.....where did everyone go?
OOOO *raises hand*
I want to see that
the hockey...
the blow jobs...
I can't think properly now...
i'll be in the seattle t-birds jersey, no 13.
WHOA! If you're gonna send that anywhere... charge fucker, charge!!!
I'll be the loud chick in the stands wearing hip huggers with my hair in pony tails!
Umm. I'll be the one in the back row sitting silently with the hotel key.
Emma: I finally got what "moments" are, but no thanks to you. You should have seen the broody introspective moment that gave me, realizing you're withholding and wondering if it means I'm a meaningless speck or something (oh wow, man, that's heavy...) I even wrote a poem about it. My testosterone level dropped 27% just worrying about... woah! Emma and Blondie! Sproing!
- You two don't have to go *all* the way lez, just enough to help me through this guy moment
- Nobody said *you* have to take any photos (guy moment? what guy moment?)
- Tan lines? Sproing!
- Hey, I'll say blow jobs!
Aah! The nice thing about moments is they only last a moment.
Unlike a really good blowjob.
Oh hell, now I'm realizing there's no perky Anglo-Saxon equivalent for "cunnilingus" and the tragic injustice of Blondie or Madame X having to conjugate Latin just to ask for some when all I have to say is "hey, wanna give me a blowjob" is giving me another one of them moments Emma was talking about...
Wait a second. Football, porn, and drunk women? Heh-heh-heh "tailgate!"
What was I saying?
p.s. I don't want to hear any complaining about "guy moments" from anyone who pulls that whole cameras-make-my-butt-look-fat "girl moment" thing.
I'm the one in the fur coat
oh fuck
*reads the rest of the lyrics*
oh fuck
if that song was about a guy i could sing it from the fucking rooftops. *grumble*fuckfuckfuck*grumble*
not sure i've ever met a man capable of that feeling, but at the same time i'm not sure men ever really let us hear what's in their deep hearts... at least not easily...
but i would prefer a guy aware of his emotions to the cold fish i last lived with.... course i seem to have a thing for emotionally unaware men.
anyway babe i read your post yesterday after i posted mine and i was blown away by how together they went. it's funny sometimes i think you and elle and i are three legs of a triangle... you're the libido, elle is the id and i'm the conscience...
or something.
anyway i'm sad you're having a tough time but maybe at least you have resolution?
Did you hear that people!?!?!
Emma's a libido!
I'm assuming you mean hilarious in that "God, I'm a lucky ass to have all those sexy bitches sitting in the stands. I better keep my helemt on"....way
I'm sooo getting my ass kicked tonight.
Yeah Smurph, help the ditz out.
What would be hilarious about having us in the bleachers dressed like that?
Enlighten me!
The Snatch Monger is in the house. KJ, I am working on your site. Yes, I am at the hot spot in Lextown. Let you know when it is fixed.
EM-What up, you hot sexy piece of ACE? Oh, and I am down for a bj this morning if you are still offering...
If you don't mind me answering this question.
Well Madame and Kristen, I would have to say that you ladies sitting in the bleachers (one in pigtails, the other in fur) would not only be well, a round peg in a square hole... but totally unneccesary. If you're going to go to a hockey game, wear a tshirt, or sweat shirt for crying out loud. No need for primping!
Funny how Em never said what she was wearing. Must be a backrow thing.
Sooo. interesting how the conversation flip flops here when I leave you kids alone for a moment.
Shawn, I would be wearing well... prolly just my jeans and a t-shirt. Jacket. hmmm.
Magnum - I appreciate yes ma'ams and door openers.
Goose - Sexy peice of ACE? What the fuck is that? Mostly people like my ass....
OK ponytails are not primping!!!
Yes they are Madame, because you know you ladies have to make the back part JUST PERFECT... pig tails aligned all correctly up on top of your pretty little heads.
Don't give me that non-primping bullshit, it's fact.
pigtails are primping.
no shawn, perfect pigtails have crooked parts :)
em you missed my comment above i suspect...
It's only primping if you put matching ribbons in the pigtails.
Shawn-you have no clue...
Murph-Falling down now THAT is hilarious!
No sass honey, I didn't :)
Just wasn't going to respond here
Please explain the same rules apply comment........Enquiring minds want to know
Falling down is part of Hockey?
uh boy *smacking self in forehead*
It's like he wants a sticker for stating the obvious
em: i shoulda known
magnum: cool i did not know that.
I'm with Annabella...fuck 'em all!
*sigh* if only i could accomodate that. Right now Im focused.
I didn't mean all at the same time, EN!
Fuck 'em all ONE at a time.
am i on yer shitlist my bestest pal?
Sorry....haven't had time to comment today. Damn work!
I suppose I could write a little something for you Emma. Of course, I wrote that wonderful christmas carol for you last year....
I actually read part of the poem I wrote my wife for our 10 year on the radio for a contest and they thought I stole it from a greeting card. I had to buy a present that year! Fuckers....
Anyhoo...I'll see what I can come up with. You like the sappy stuff? We haven't really shared any 'moments' yet (had to toss that in!) but I've got a few ideas.
Just don't ridicule me. I'm
No, they're clueless
I don't know...some guys rock the being a ass thing!
i second that emotion, but you gather more bees with honey.
Everything done well, is done in moderation.
Men just need to moderate it well.... I'm telling ya! It's a perfect formula!
Magnum - Focused, on men.
fuck you and your shit list pearl.
I think Pearl is hanging around the wrong men.....
i - for once - have to agree with scumbag
I love you guys and gals implicitly.
AH...gotcha Pearl...understood.
I'm glad I don't fall under that category.
ha ha! thom says fuck your shitlist too pearl! watch ya gonna do now!?!
where is the woman bashing post ?
Actually I played soccer during most of my childhood. My highschool wanted me for football but I played volleyball instead. I also played volleyball in the military.
I didn't want to fuck up my knees with football but I regret not playing now.
I'm thinking of doing soccer or rugby once I'm back in top shape though.
.... well, at least i made it on a list today ...
Well I hate to leave after getting compliments but I have to get back to work.
Emma, maybe I'll write you up something promises though.
Take care all and watch that list!
fuck that list.
well, i write poetry and play hockey!
so i know how to press a fuck you tattoo on some sorry ass fore checking bastard into the boards while writing out their eulogy and handing a spatula to the ref for the cleanup.
i play marbles with neighborhood hobos.
then i kill 'em and rape the corpse.
too much?
thom...I thought you looked like a hockey player! I've been checked a few times and I think that's worse than a football tackle, when done right.
Ok...gotta go for sure now. Just had to compliment one of the guys 'cause their not getting much today.
getting checked isn't so bad, as getting a slapshot in the face ... that shit hurts
but the one sport that always gives me some sort of injury, is basketball ... with some crazy-assed out of control baller knocking your shit down... and i thought BB was a non-contact sport ... oh well
When I was a kid I played hockey for a few years and one game I got checked hard into the boards while I was about 6 inches away from them. He hit me in the chest with his stick and I was winded for 3 minutes. I literally couldn't catch my breath.
THAT shit hurt!
that isn't a check - that's spearing ...
Have we found chocolate covered twinkies yet?
i bet that did hurt!
you dipped your twinkies in chocolate ?
We men will do anything to get laid. If that takes a sappy poem or song to get to the objective, so be it. It's in our DNA... I guess I don't hate on 'em for tryin' whatever they think works for them.
Things I've heard guys do to get into someone's pants: convert to another religion and go to church regularly just to *meet* the object of their blue-ball crush; fake like they're bad at math... actually FAIL EXAMS so they can get a chance to bone the smokin' hot tutor; and go to a multi-level marketing seminar w/ a chick.
What's worse... writing a song to get the ladies or buying a car to attract them? And don't say you don't care about cars, ladies... a hot chick in a beat-up car is still a hot chick. A hot guy in the same beat-up car is a loser.
The only time a fouled up on this emotional temp stuff was when I was driving around with a GF and she asked "where are WE going?" And I started to answer some sappy thing about how we liked each other and she was fun to be with, etc. And she says "NO! I mean, you missed the exit back there! Where are we GOING?"
Not yet, Thom.......I'm just thinking out loud
Some one give me bullet points on where the conversation has gone...
Dom - That's SOOOO a 'you' moment. Like fireworks in front yard bushes.
Thanks Dan.
kristen was dipping her twinkies in chocolate
Sorry guys, horny and hungry
who wants to give me a blowjob?
I do.
I'm Annabella.....blowjob and chocolate twinkies
How about a blowjob after a chocolate covered twinkie?
or vice versa. I'm really not picky at the moment
how about a chocolate covered hockey puck ?
okay that's fucking weird.
K, Im not coming back until clowny leaves.
Yeah, I'm out. Y'all have a great night
sorry 'bout that guys. clowny won't come back no more. honest injun!
what the shit was that ?
*peeks from between fingers*
Is he gone yet?
Who, Murphy?
Gee, EN he's really not THAT bad!
that was one of my alter blog egos thom.
any of you guys notice the severe sexual tension between x and murph.
Yes, noted.
YOu both realize that I'm still here, right?
I'm not about talking about you behind your back Madame, but.. yeah, its a rather strong impression!
scum - you scared the bejesus outta me with that dem der alter-ego thingee
if i am doing you doggy style madame, then i am talking about you behind your back ...
Oh I'm not angry or anything.
You guys crack me up!
sorry thom. i'll try to create a less creepy one next time.
what's most fucked up though is that i actually have conversations with my alter egos. i'm so cutting edge it's ridiculous.
Thanks Raven, you're a hot piece of ass.
Cutting edge?
damn! look at that ass! is that actually yours, or one you just picked up on the intarweb?
madame also thinks i'm retarded.
yes all the hotties are here, then there is me
I'd do Scum.
Scum, I don't think you are retarded!
so, i'm do-able like that clown ?
well, that does wonders to my ego
well alrighty then!
stop yer grinnin' and drop yer linen!
I'd do you Thom!
And Scum
And Emma of course!
thank you for saying that madame !
*hands her the $10 he promised her for saying that*
I thought I had to pay YOU the $10.00
you will - once services are rendered
Thom, in one way or another I've been paying for sex for a LOOOOOOONG time!
ha ha! me, madame, & thom were all do-able bloggers and you weren't emma! ha ha ha!
speaking of which, emma should've been first really. what gives velvet?
She emailed me, and I got sick and dropped the ball....
My bad.
If the invitation still stands I would love to comply... BUT I don't have shit for photos since my computer took a shit.
so irresponsible.
Oh, Im sorry Scum, I shoulda been belting out nude photos during my 'last rights'.
emma baby , er fucker - that's ok .. i have quite the emma collection. :)
Alright then, Ill do it... I can do it now... Now that the drama has subsided some.
Hit me with a re-email velvet.
while scum and i are the cherries on top of the shit sundae!
fuckin' right.
As long as you don't have to stick the jewel in the CLOWN I'd take her up on the offer EN!
Fuck you guys... you don't have tits!
wow emma finally acknowledged me!
AND with a "fuck you"
Are you having your 'special week'
or something?
You know, there's just no pleasing some people....
Umm, can please me anytime!
BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for the re-mail ladies. I will push it... to the top of my priority list for tonight contigent on Thom sending me some of his folder.
Sug!!! Are you breathing? I can't make you laugh honey, just cant... so, don't laugh. Glad to see you're back on the homestead.
Madame, considering the day I've had..... You WOULD have to do me because I'm needy.
You know, Im leaving in like 15 minutes to go dominate somebody.
*looks up the word 'contingent'
HA! No takers on that one eh?
Em you KNOW I'd do you.
I'm out people I too have to go dominate someone!
Err. K, she's not dominating the same person I don't think.
*looks up the word 'dominate'
hmmm - i thought it was another version of dominoes ... boy was i wrong!
Thom, you should be there, we can make it a two for one deal.
hehehehe..snuck back.
No, I'm not dominating the same person!
YEAH! I get to dominate Shawn!!
umm, does he count as male?
Will be awesome, it's a new anger management thing we're working on.
Seen the goods...I'd say he's a male.
uh --- two fer one deal ? kinda like how they sell pizzas ?
Id say he's male too.
Yeah Thom, like pizza! there ya go!!!
Leaving now. And thanks for your vote of confidence in my manlyness starfucker.
gee, get dominated - for free - listening to shawn cry ...
i'll have to pass
but thanks anyway
OH! errrr.... HI SHAWN.
K people, that's my cue... gotta go :)
Have a wonderful time Madame, and err I'll talk at you and all the rest of you wonderful people later!
Hi Emma! Sorry I have not been around today, life happened~ and we all know how that goes!
Just wanted to say that I Love Ya', I'm rooting for you, and you are in my prayers all the time. I was glad to see your sense of humor pop back up in this post...laughter really can be the best medicine sometimes!
Anywho...Love you, Miss You and hope today was a little better than the last few have been!
*Smooches and lovin'!
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