The big three F's
I still think that should be Football ,Fucking, and Fishing.
So today an inspiration was born into my head and I realized the outline for my next submission. Normally I know I've found it when my brain begins to gyrate in every direction but forward.
It's funny how a writers inspiration is born and kept up actually... But once it's sparked, normally there's no stopping it, and the smallest things can remind and jolt the authors creativity level...
it's either that or distraction... but..that would be a post all in it's own.
I think of nothing but building the story once that seed is planted.
Characters, motive, goal, plot, sub-plot... Environment and how it plays into the chapters? And then it comes together in pieces in my mind and I don't shake it until I use it once... (or twice depending), and can get it down on paper - or- err. Yeah, paper.
So, I'm sitting here at 8:50 and I've got all these different players and positions bouncing off my thought-walls I can barely see straight.
I need to get this out of my head people, it's driving me... my libido is maxed and red-lined right now and well, I gotta purge this before it's unhealthy.
This weekend is a full weekend for me. I need to write this out. As well I promised Miss Innocent a tat, and it's not finished. I need to finish that. As well, Dan needs something I haven't gotten to him yet and well.. jesus I got a full list of stuff huh?
I'll be out. Unreachable, pretend-fucking my keyboard.. I'll be sure to wash my hands.
But this is FRIDAY! And I need you to keep me grounded people. If we're gonna talk about anything today, don't let it be any of the following topics:
me dominating you,
you dominating me,
me sucking you,
people sucking each other,
rim jobbing,
anal sex,
double penetration,
or light bondage...
because that would really throw me over the edge for sure.
Jesus, now that really doesn't leave much does it? Alright fine, fine... talk about all these things, but don't mind me sitting in the corner with the tube of lube, okay? Good good.
K, I need to go fuck my husband, you guys and gals stay real.
So today an inspiration was born into my head and I realized the outline for my next submission. Normally I know I've found it when my brain begins to gyrate in every direction but forward.

it's either that or distraction... but..that would be a post all in it's own.
I think of nothing but building the story once that seed is planted.
Characters, motive, goal, plot, sub-plot... Environment and how it plays into the chapters? And then it comes together in pieces in my mind and I don't shake it until I use it once... (or twice depending), and can get it down on paper - or- err. Yeah, paper.
So, I'm sitting here at 8:50 and I've got all these different players and positions bouncing off my thought-walls I can barely see straight.
I need to get this out of my head people, it's driving me... my libido is maxed and red-lined right now and well, I gotta purge this before it's unhealthy.
This weekend is a full weekend for me. I need to write this out. As well I promised Miss Innocent a tat, and it's not finished. I need to finish that. As well, Dan needs something I haven't gotten to him yet and well.. jesus I got a full list of stuff huh?
I'll be out. Unreachable, pretend-fucking my keyboard.. I'll be sure to wash my hands.
But this is FRIDAY! And I need you to keep me grounded people. If we're gonna talk about anything today, don't let it be any of the following topics:

you dominating me,
me sucking you,
people sucking each other,
rim jobbing,
anal sex,
double penetration,
or light bondage...
because that would really throw me over the edge for sure.
Jesus, now that really doesn't leave much does it? Alright fine, fine... talk about all these things, but don't mind me sitting in the corner with the tube of lube, okay? Good good.
K, I need to go fuck my husband, you guys and gals stay real.
Make sure you cover your keyboard with plastic :) You don't want sticky keys
*doin the hokie pokie*
Wow that never happens! I alwasy show up like 200 deep!
WOOT for me goofing off at work...
kicked my ass getting here she did
hey bubbles, have fun at work in the morning, i'm going to take myself to bed and imagine fucking your husband too *grin*
(okay i'm really not but i know you'll enjoy the visual)
I like that you call her bubbles :)
well bubblegum meltdown right?
and she's bubbles of joy most of the time...
and i just like it. that or bubblelicious *g*
let's see
Yeah, If I can't mention "THOSE"
topics...I pretty much got nuttin'
I got nothing, I'll be back when somebody thinks of something to talk about besides that stuff.
Sure, go ahead and dominate me...I usually do the dominating...Been thinking of you sucking me for a while...Uh, not into sucking much. Love the licking...Like the Kissing...Uh, sure I'm do for a rim shot...Love giving the anal...Never been witness or performed the DP...Uh, I'm the Goose, my whole life is voyeuristic...Light Bondage, hmmm, sure what the hell...
Oh, shit, I wasn't supposed to talk about any of those things...DAMMIT! I need to learn to read thoroughly.
Pickles! We can talk about pickles. No wait... nevermind. That could get bad too.
*blank stare*
Ok Goose... I'm all warm and fuzzy now. Damn.
Glad I could bring the fuzz to your warmness....
Has everyone failed to notice that today we are left with a slow tender session. No one in complete control, looks like spoons is a safe position as it isnt listed as off topic.
Then too, she did relent and allowed us to discuss any and all afterward anyway.
Where the fuck did everybody go?
CORRECT Romantic Perv, I did give permission for y'all to endulge in any of the above topics because without those...
We'd all be blank staring at each other :)
Sass - I do like that visual actually, naughty you for planting that :D
tee hee.
Sug - I would love to outside shower!
It's lamost pathetic when I cannot come up with a single, solitary topic that CANNOT be linked back to sex! Sheesh, WTF is wrong with me?!
Must be the hangover...combined with the lack of sex and further twisted by the arrival of Spring.
That's my excuse anyway!
Emma~ excited to see the tat, but more excited to have it put on! Thanks for taking my idea and agreeing to make it a reality~ You rock!!
*kisses and Happy FFF!
I'm here
No you rock Miss! I should have it done by Sunday at the latest! I know you're excited :)
I am too :)
Morning Kristen!
I'm bored
Whatcha wanna talk about?
oooh, writer's urge.
Well Lolita, you should. There's simply not enough authors out there... and considering your location, I have no doubt that would work well in print :)
Welcome to the Meltdown.
Yeah, Helskel - Writers urge...
You're call.......I'm open for anything
K, lets talk about me dominating you,
you dominating me,
me sucking you,
people sucking each other,
rim jobbing,
anal sex,
double penetration,
or light bondage...
Damn it, that's supposed to be YOUR not You're
Umm, and you said 'open'.
Real good.....
Where's Madame?
ok E, here's a question for ya:
what porn gets you off more,
written or visual or...?
Lately it's been written
So, Kristen, without me trying to be offended, are you saying that you're here just looking for Madame?
Because, I mean... hmmm. I dunno, I think my feelings are a little hurt by that.
Helskel, lemme think....
Oh no, I didn't mean that at all.........
I thought you knew what I think of you....did you not get that email?
Well shucks Helskel actually I think that while I am a visual beast, the only thing really tripping my trigger at this point is the visual I've created inside my head.... If I watched porn that would prolly distort it a bit...
but written lately has been good to me too.
Combo of both just rocks. You?
Yes hun, I got the email of course! I replied!!!
Oh, I just thought that since you said you were bored and then asked about Madame....
*blank stare at Blondie*
No, totally misunderstood. So sorry
What Babies?
Babies are the ultimate birth control... ask anybody.
I agree....
I use to work in an OB-GYN....I had baby fever the whole time
NO DON'T LEAVE. We can talk about men that have a baby fetish!
Ever given a binky to a 40 year old man?
Is he ever not complaining?
I'm with you on the internal picture being paramount.
The visual, well the visual always strikes my core, my instinct... makes my hind brain react soley to the shape of a woman's hips, the swell of her breasts, the force in her eyes, the stretch of her legs, the parade of her hair...
But the written, ahhh, it does play with the mind... as the well-written piece can manipulate worlds in your head... though, I must admit, it's the dialogue which flushes me most... the dirty, disguised, naked, intent, truth, lie of what "you" say.
Yeah, does the same for me.... diaper changing even worse. I don't do that. I leave it to the pro's.
Helskel that was beautiful... like sheer fucking poetry dude.
wow. thanks for making my clit twitch on that. I'll do right by ya and send on the submission to your in-box.
Blondie - you should eat... just not like... hmm chocolate pudding or any baby food.
Although, the flakey baby cereal with banana rocks!
err - g'mornin...
gutenmorgen Thomski.
ja - sehr guten morgen emmaski - wie gehts ?
Ich bin gut, wie geht es Ihnen?
Yes! Submit to my In-Box!
that's right, you like submitting to my In-Box, don't you my pretty little toy!
LMAO! Blondie I love you.
Helskel - you dirty bastard, make me submit to you. Im not doing it willingly. Work me over.
Thom I better not see you opening Babelfish just to keep up with me!!
Ich hänge in dort. hehehe. Ich habe Hängen gesagt.
Mich? Was ist Babelfish?
Sie sind solch ein Lügner.
Keine Weise konnten Sie Deutsches sprechen, das fließend.
Lassen Sie Ihre Hosen fallen und geben Sie mir Zwanzig... Minuten.
aight , i promised some of you that i'd work on something... so here i go
auf wedersehen!
and - whoa emma - reel your deutsch ass back in!
I can't wait to see the finished product.......
Did he just say 'weiner'?
I'm in the mood for sausage and beer. Blondie, put in your braids and put on your bar wench outfit... let's polka.
all you need is 20 minutes ?
Fuck, yer easy... ok i'm back to work
"let your trousers fall"
babelfish rocks
I know huh? LMAO... It helps when talking to foreign writers sometimes....
I do this international publication and to do it I have to be able to speak a myriad of different languages.
I'm not so good, so I try and babelfish it. However, sometimes I offend people unintentionally... they laugh... i laugh...
never know when you've said something like 'suck butt, scratch vulva you smell'.
I'm here, I'm here!
I was fucking 6's brains out!
Fun Fucking Friday y'all!
willkommene Madame. froh, Sie konnte zu sehen ihn der Partei heute bilden.
Would you like some beer and sausage?
GREAT! I have no idea what we're talking about, if we're talking at all....
Seems a little stale in here so I have to get every body a little motivated...
Any thoughts?
Oh, how was 6?
Ich bilde Sie Kleid vor mir. Sie bitten, um für die beide von uns im Spiegel zu glänzen. Ich reibe das silcone slickness über jeder Kurve Ihres fest aufgewickelten Körpers. Sie lassen mich Sie bilden lassen, uns aufzupassen. Sie beschmutzen Ihre Uniform. Und dann, Bier und Würste!
No Blondie - It's HAWT... hey, which reminds me.. can you put that on and snap a picture? I'd love to see that.
em: don't say i never did nothin' for ya
hope you're having a delicious day. i'm having a fat day so i'm wearing my sexiest outfit... yes the shrug and all that goes with it that you've seen before in my blog... except i don't look sick and my hair is MASSIVELY curly and happy.
Helskel - See, now, are we cosmic? Because that's totally kinda what my story is about... only there's no sausage after.
But, you know, I could write that in!
I heart that shrug, I heart your hair...
I'm horny.
I tell you what... you do the beer wench, and I'll send you one I promised i'd never send to any one.
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Sorry, sorry!
Fist 6 then my isp fucked me up the ass...Oops we're not supposed to mention ass sex, right?
Wait, you fisted 6?!?! Wow, did you use proper technique with that?
the whole finger tent thing rocks!
*scratches nuts
that was first!
there was no fist and there never shall be!
Okay okay sheesh! I mean, jesus I envisioned you in like leather and your riding crop making him bend over and take his punishment like the cheap bastard he is :)
Happy place.
K, blondie... I would send that pic to you for a beer wench picture.
I'd send one to Sass too for a curlyhairshrugphoto.
"The mirror of us"
I am starving!
Hey Thom, did you finish the story yet?
I had my hand down my panties all night!
I know huh Helskel? LOL! See, and I thought that was kinda kinky!!!
Might have to put a mirror scene in my story :)
NO LEATHER MADAME? Lace? Cotton? What? talk to me.
I had my hands down my pants all night too, but wasn't wearing panties... too sticky.
Hey. shit. forgot what I was gonna say.
Madame can't spell...6 must have rocked her world! hehe
Em, excited about the tat as well!
Thom, IM me you fucker I have news of the weird from last night to share!
Kristen, stop being bored! Call me~ we'll do lunch!
Murph, It's 'camisole'! Glad to help. *SMACK*
Blondie and Sass....GRRRRRRR! You two make me horny, and that is not a good way for me to be today!
Hey, why don't we talk about Disney Movies...surely, THAT can't go wrong~ riiiight?!
*vision of Cinderella eating out Snow White while she snores*
k, not working.
*vision of Marlin and Dori fish fucking*
k, not working...
OH! Seven dwarfs!!! HAWT!
*sass calls othercat and tells him to bring the camera to the gym*
Cotton VS Pink didn't stay on long
Sofa cowgirl
floor reverse cowgirl
sofa doggie
chair him fucking my mouth
any questions?
Come to think of it Aladdin wasn't all that bad looking was he?!
Disney will never be the same, thanks Em~ I am now more warped and twisted than I was 5 minutes ago!
Wanna talk about my creepy stalker guy? He is NOT sexy~ I can assure you of that! LOL
*kisses in special places for Em!
Madame...If I didn't adore you I think I'd hate you!
(Ride 'em Cowgirl! Yee-Haw!)
here's a glimpse madame
madame - no questions... err. Just visuals...
Miss- creepy stalker guy? And you know, Aladdin...errr... ummm...
i have a pic of aladdin and the princess doing it doggie style...
and of shrek getting some...
You know, i could tell you about my evening with hub... but we had to keep it in the bedroom....
he promises to bring camera....
and on that note? hi ho, hi ho it's off to work i go!
Okay sass but was it with the Fiona princess or the Fiona ogre...
or was he getting some from Donkey?
or maybe donkey was running off at the mouth while Shrek was getting some?
See, so many variables here...
Whatever you do, stay away from sneezy... rapid air entering the vagina is just never a good thing.
Sleepy - well, that's self explanitory.
Doc could be a good lay.
Grumpy for rough sex
Dopey you could take advantage of...
You asked.
Blame it on Thom...he got me all heated up yesterday!
Never TMI... is there really such thing as TMI here?
I got a rim job last night while being finger fucked... and then he pounded me for... jesus... how long was that?
Don't remember, my face was being shoved in the pillow....
But, he did pull out in the end and shove it down my throat so I could swallow his load... was fun. Love tasting both of us at the same time.
salty sweet.
Good times!
Good times!
Salty honey roasted peanuts!
Wow, for a minute there I swore everybody ran away....
got really quiet.
Honey roasted peanuts!!! RIGHT! With the candy coating even!
Hey, I had to leave........what did I miss?
Prince Eric from Little Mermaid
or Hercules
Porn Disney movies, Hot picture requests, Madame and my sexual play by plays, honey roasted peanuts, and uhhhhh
i was tanking her from behind while whistling dixie last night ...
Hercules! GOOD. You know though, I would have rather slept with Meg.
She was fucking rocking that tunic!
She's not Disney Murph
I always had a thing for Jasmin
Rim job and shoved down your throat? Wow. You got the full detail job there -- did he shampoo the carpet?
murph: yup
I'd rather be surrounded by midgets and know NOT to bite the apple.
...and to feel their dirty coal-stained paws grabbing and pulling at you as they held you prone. Digits probing every orifice and gripping at your heaving chest. One by one they shove each other aside to greedily use you for their own selfish climax -- "hi-ho, hi-ho, hi-HO! Oh, Sweet Jesus ! Off I GO!"
Dom, you're on fucking FIRE today!!!
Clearly it has to be I got inspired after last night's booze-fueled guy's night out...
I found a new group of guys to hang with -- a splinter cell of my co-workers, as it were. All pretty wild out of the context of our office.
Did anyone see the SNL "Little Mermaid" skit from a few years back... I think it was with Reese Witherspoon?
The concept was the Little Mermaid was a super slut and she was fucking fish, dolphins, crabs, and lobsters and basically anything in the ocean and singing about it.
okay, now i'm good and horny. why does that happen every time i visit your blog, Emma? LOL. have a great weekend hon.
I totally didn't see that one. Remember the old days with Matt when we used to watch SNL and drink... what DID we drink?
I think it was what we called "baby aspirin" essentially a fuzzy navel -- liberally mix 33% vodka with 33% peach schnapps with 33% OJ.
That was it, wasn't it?
(Though now I would've likely skipped the booze and went right to the sex... and likely wouldn't have cared if he jumped in too).
roofie anyone?
Thanks JD, I dunno.. I think it's the pheremones I'm wearing.
Sug - I got your $250 right here... gimme a date.
I think we drank out of AM/PM ARCO minimart 32ounce cups... classy.
Em: you up for entertaining a bachelor party?
OH SHIT That's RIGHT! Baby Aspirin!! And didn't he use that in a blender? I remember a blender....
errr, You know love, I don't think you woulda minded then either if you hadn't been so possessive of my ass.
Holy shit, this stroll down memory lane is fucking AWESOME!!
It was our regulare every Saturday night thing, wasn't it?
Makes me think of drunk analyzing TMBG songs! They'll need a crane...
I would rock your bachelor party... tell me more about it.
I am having PC problems!
Did Kristen say she has always loved Jism?
Me possessive of YOU? I think you were a little grippy too when it came to me... otherwise those nights w/ Matt and Nikki coulda turned out a bit differently. Though Nikki's "damn, that beeyoutch needs to eat a burger" physique wasn't a turn on for me.
while we're thinking of the past... you can't forget his odd/scary crazy friend Pete...
LMAO @ Madame!!! Well, if she didn't then she sould come back and say she does. I love jism.
Can 6 help with PC Issues?
Dom - now just wait a minute here...
Jasmin........the princess on Aladdin.....I think it was her outfit though....
But the other is good too.
Wait, so sharing naked hot-tubbing with you and Coy while she stroked you was being grippy?
My bad. No idea that was possessiveness. Quick, do the thing on the steamy shower 'Tubs' door!
I don't remember Pete.
Ahhh - Darling Nikki... yeah, well she's a tad Top heavy now...
WAIT, did we double date with Nikki and Matt? Did they sleep together?
Jesus, look at all the things I can't fucking remember!
err. hmmm
You know Kristen, it was prolly the bare midrift that got ya, does it to me all the time...
I love navels!
I think that was it.......and the blue color...*sigh*
Am I really stooping to daydream about a cartoon character now?
Somebody smack me
Let's have a baby asprin and do Dom's bachelor party.
Me? you talking to me?
Regardless, I'm so there for a bachelor party
Yes sweetheart I was talking to you :)
K, so how do we go about a dual strip then, should I strip you, or you strip me?
Maybe we strip each other. Regardless, if I put my mouth on you don't be too shocked.
Strip each other.......I'll try to contain the shock as long as you don't mind me giggling a little
giggle away honey, I hope it tickles you even...
K, thats a hot thought... let's go with that.
Well it got really quiet in here after we started talking stripping....
How the hell are ya Pearl?
Sorry, I had to go make myself giggle
AWESOME! See, that's fucking HAWT!!! I wanna giggle too!!
Giggle for me Emma
OH, me too Pearl....they don't offer those classes around here
umm cant you just shake your ass? Do you need a class for that?
It's more fun if it's a group thing
Alright, Goose here, who's ready to fuck a furry animal?
ooooh! Pick me!
my three F's
what the flying freakin fuck ?
You two go ahead.......I'll wait patiently....Goose make her giggle
Ummm... no really kristen, you know what works for the Goose, I think you should be an active participant!
No, 14 years is too long for me to remember......
Dammit. Hard to function thinking about all them titties.
Isn't it like falling off a bicycle though?
or errr... riding a horse?
Shit... no, well... You can't forget something like that Kristen.
Dom - you never answered my question above. Stop being such a DILF.
Wiggle Giggle and the Google....Ok, so I was thinking just a good hard pounding...Emma you up for that?
I want to giggle
From behind...Furry little paws on your waist...
I don't think Nikki and Matt did anything despite his advances.
And yes I do recall Tubs' glass shower doors... gawd!
I got this weird vision of a mongoose humping you from behind... like a fuzzy Slinky spazzing out.
I loved those doors.
Are you sure? I think I remember screaming.
OMG! YEah, because you could hear the 'UH UH UH UH OUCH OUCH OUCH'
Furry little paws on my waist... errr... wow sounds kinky!
had to have been Matt doing the screaming...
I'm not sure I like the furry little paws visual
sounds like like Riki Tiki-Tap-that-Ass
No no, really I remember you and I standing outside the bedroom door laughing our assess off...
'uh uh uh uh ouch ouch ouch ouch'
Had to be her, she did that everytime she had sex.
I like bunnies Murphy.
Thanks for paying attention Murphy....keep the bunny tail though...that could be hot
you say stew like it's a bad thing.
Now I have this visual of the kid from a Christmas Story in that bunny suit from his aunt banging EM from behind...Freakin weird!
See, now that's just wrong. That's like thinking of you naked covered in peanut butter and being licked and nibbled by the bumpuses dogs.
I'd let you lick it off you dirty bitch.
You'll shoot your eye out
uh LMAO! K, wait... stuttering!
I hate it when he shoots it in my eye.. that shit burns for a very long time and I just can't see well after that.
you men really should just aim for the mouth... do what you gotta do, hell get it up my nose if you have to... just not the eyes.
Come here...C'mon you put this shit on me, now lick it off...Get over here right now...Get this off of me, make it quick, not too quick, and let me enjoy it.
I'll aim for your mouth....
I hate it in the eye too.....
Is it really that hard to aim?
I don't even know what you are talking about, I've been told that anything besides missionary straight sex is dirty...So screw both of you.
Im not licking shit if the dogs licked it!!!
yeah, whats up with the aim issue?
I got perfect aim...Ain't no dogs been here...
Goose, I'm going to let Emma take this one
Take what one? What am I taking? Shit I'm so unprepared...
sorry I was thinking about bunny suits and cages and shit...
Im dithracted as fuck.
dithracted? What are you bugs bunny?
Go back up a few comments......missionary style....
Umm, im lost.
I've been told that anything besides missionary straight sex is dirty
This was Goose's comment
Fuck you beatches, I'm going to the D to the Ragon...So bite me.
Hm. So I'm dirty.
I haven't had missionary sex in the LONGEST.
*bite too*
I'm going to the grocery store after work! so neener!
What's your favorite position? I think it's just us talking.....
My favorite position? Hmmm... I really really like it from behind the best. Any way I can get it from behind.
Seriously, that's my fav *biting lip*
I think we are the only ones actually, good time to have this converstation.
How about you?
From behind too actually....I like to feel their sweat drip down on my back....
Yeah, and the breath on the back of the neck, arm across the chest holding you to them, or even just the balls slapping on the underside of my pussy.
Good for clitoral stimulation during because either yourself or he can reach around if he wants.
you know though, I also like it when they grab my face, neck, shoulders, top of head, and press me into the pounding...
makes me scream. *sigh*
sweat is good... sweat is real good!
You nailed it.....exactly.
Love that....
God, I want that whole being controlled thing.
I love to be controlled. But then, I like controlling too. You know it's difficult to convince a man, any man, that control release is good...
I make a really good controller.... i would love to show off, but every body's too far away and personally I don't think you all could stomach watching that.
See, I'm always the one in control...just once, I want someone to control me...
I would love to watch you in control
I wonder how I'd show you...
Im not sure I could vid-stream it here.
my fav position is spooning ... so many options ...
ooops - back to writing ... sorry
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