Ladies Night
I am drinking tonight. FYI.
I will be working dilligently on a tat for the lovely Miss Innocent, but I want to give you something to take you through the weekend since I'll well, I'm a giver.
There was some dispute in my comments section yesterday, and it appears as though Madame and I are having an East/West coast turf war thing about 'fingers'.
Apparently people on the West Coast give hearing impaired fuck off differently...
Everything nice said... I think he was checking out somebody else tho... Im wearing pants. Hey, this is my favorite finger.
Madame X said... WTF?!?!?!See now that's not the NY finger!
Everything nice said...What?!?!? What's the NY finger? This is the EMMA FINGER... I got big knuckles.
thomcat_13 said... *muffled voice*what did you say madame ?
Madame X said... NO no we make more of a fist with the thumb down
thomcat_13 said... what the shit is the new york finger ?
Everything nice said... OH so now it's an east coast west coast thing huh?!?! Wanna have a little territorial west side story type rumble then?
Madame X said... bend over Thom and I'll show you!
thomcat_13 said... i already know what my emma finger(s) are ... ok madame ... but i see much better with the eyes on my face
Everything nice said... The thumb is meant to taint tickle actually... For the women it's for six-pack grip.Seriously, I think you need to post your NY finger, and I'll post my errr West Coast finger...we'll brawl.
Madame X said... You're on Chica!When?Hmmm?When you we throw down?
thomcat_13 said... oh yeah ?well, i can post my middle leg ... west coast style ...
Everything nice said... Uhh. see now you're just talking in tongues madame!
thomcat_13 said...
that'll be a cock fight ...
Everything nice said...
It's the finger, isn't it... sheesh. I like you all riled and confused though... makes for a good fight.Thom - err I DARE you!
Madame X said... know!I'm wrecked!OK I'll post my east coast finger tomorrowThom send me a pic of your middle leg and we're all good!
So here's mine, courtesy of my office cam. And no, I'm not strippin for any of you fuckers at work so get bent about that.
I think the middle finger greeting is more a "trained" thing.
I mean, where did you first start to use your middle finger, and who taught you? Ever think of that?
'Bird' style can't be genetic, can it? Well, I did learn from my dad.... so, maybe it is?!?!??!
Regardless, if ya wanna tell me how many friends you had after your dog died it makes no difference to me how you do it.
Tonight and (Saturday) is all about the ladies out there that rock my fucking world. Really I'm captivated how wonderful you gals are, and so unique in your own way. I mean to say, no two of you are the same... and you all have your perks absolutely... It's like a box of chocolates almost...*happy forrest gump thought*
If only I were bi, I would just... just... *smirk*
Well actually I am 'single' right now and uhhh *kicking dirt* so... whatcha doin tonight?
Anyway, this post is for all of you... healing, sad, happy, ailing, angry, horny and completely twisted. Some of y'all ladies just need a tittie jigglin' laugh!!! It's brought to us by the wonderful Pearl of Wedding Party fame, who is putting it just about as verbose as it's gonna get.
Big cheers to ya, sexy bitches... i bow down to your hotness, and god damnit every one else should too.
(sung to the tune of I will Survive)
At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died!
But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long,
Then I grew strong,
And I knew that I could take you on...
But there you are, another lie,
I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French Fry!
I should have known it was bullshit,
just a sad pathetic dream,
Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those jeans!
Go on now - go,
walk out the door,
Don 't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4!
Weren't you a brat to think
I wouldn't find you out!?
Don't you know we're only joking when we say size doesn't count??!!
I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries, My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex, with a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! .
Hey! Hey!
It took all my self control not to laugh out loud,
When I saw your little weiner standing tall and proud!
But to hell with your ego and to hell with all your needs,
Now I'm saving all my lovin' for a cordless multispeed!
I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries, My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex, With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive!
Hey! Hey!
I will be working dilligently on a tat for the lovely Miss Innocent, but I want to give you something to take you through the weekend since I'll well, I'm a giver.
There was some dispute in my comments section yesterday, and it appears as though Madame and I are having an East/West coast turf war thing about 'fingers'.
Apparently people on the West Coast give hearing impaired fuck off differently...
Everything nice said... I think he was checking out somebody else tho... Im wearing pants. Hey, this is my favorite finger.
Madame X said... WTF?!?!?!See now that's not the NY finger!
Everything nice said...What?!?!? What's the NY finger? This is the EMMA FINGER... I got big knuckles.
thomcat_13 said... *muffled voice*what did you say madame ?
Madame X said... NO no we make more of a fist with the thumb down
thomcat_13 said... what the shit is the new york finger ?
Everything nice said... OH so now it's an east coast west coast thing huh?!?! Wanna have a little territorial west side story type rumble then?
Madame X said... bend over Thom and I'll show you!
thomcat_13 said... i already know what my emma finger(s) are ... ok madame ... but i see much better with the eyes on my face
Everything nice said... The thumb is meant to taint tickle actually... For the women it's for six-pack grip.Seriously, I think you need to post your NY finger, and I'll post my errr West Coast finger...we'll brawl.
Madame X said... You're on Chica!When?Hmmm?When you we throw down?
thomcat_13 said... oh yeah ?well, i can post my middle leg ... west coast style ...
Everything nice said... Uhh. see now you're just talking in tongues madame!
thomcat_13 said...
that'll be a cock fight ...
Everything nice said...
It's the finger, isn't it... sheesh. I like you all riled and confused though... makes for a good fight.Thom - err I DARE you!
Madame X said... know!I'm wrecked!OK I'll post my east coast finger tomorrowThom send me a pic of your middle leg and we're all good!

I think the middle finger greeting is more a "trained" thing.
I mean, where did you first start to use your middle finger, and who taught you? Ever think of that?
'Bird' style can't be genetic, can it? Well, I did learn from my dad.... so, maybe it is?!?!??!
Regardless, if ya wanna tell me how many friends you had after your dog died it makes no difference to me how you do it.
Tonight and (Saturday) is all about the ladies out there that rock my fucking world. Really I'm captivated how wonderful you gals are, and so unique in your own way. I mean to say, no two of you are the same... and you all have your perks absolutely... It's like a box of chocolates almost...*happy forrest gump thought*
If only I were bi, I would just... just... *smirk*
Well actually I am 'single' right now and uhhh *kicking dirt* so... whatcha doin tonight?
Anyway, this post is for all of you... healing, sad, happy, ailing, angry, horny and completely twisted. Some of y'all ladies just need a tittie jigglin' laugh!!! It's brought to us by the wonderful Pearl of Wedding Party fame, who is putting it just about as verbose as it's gonna get.
Big cheers to ya, sexy bitches... i bow down to your hotness, and god damnit every one else should too.
(sung to the tune of I will Survive)
At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died!
But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long,
Then I grew strong,
And I knew that I could take you on...
But there you are, another lie,
I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French Fry!
I should have known it was bullshit,
just a sad pathetic dream,
Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those jeans!
Go on now - go,
walk out the door,
Don 't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4!
Weren't you a brat to think
I wouldn't find you out!?
Don't you know we're only joking when we say size doesn't count??!!
I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries, My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex, with a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! .
Hey! Hey!
It took all my self control not to laugh out loud,
When I saw your little weiner standing tall and proud!
But to hell with your ego and to hell with all your needs,
Now I'm saving all my lovin' for a cordless multispeed!
I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries, My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex, With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive!
Hey! Hey!
(loud applause)
i'm first!
hey i got pics and am waiting for them to appear in my inbox
also? we give the finger the same way
That song is a hoot! I love it...
I got a handful of spare C cell batteries for those in need. :-)
I am soooooo singing that song at my sister's B-Day party TONIGHT!!
true story.
Walking in NYC with my 2 girls and their grandfather (ex's dad)at Chritmas time.
I cross the stree with the oldest cuz I'm a fast-walker. Grandpa's a slow-walker and decides to wait for the light. (WTF we're in NY for cripes sake!)
I turn around to see where my youngest and her grandfather are and standing there against the beautiful backdrop of the Rockefellow center Chrsitmas tree is my 7 year old daughter holding her grandfather's hand and flippin' me the bird.
I did what any mother would do...I took her picture.
Hey, love this blog. You good gurl.
Em and Madam Got a finger for each of you.
I got 5!!! On each hand!!
Sass - I'll pop a shot off the server for ya tonight baby, should be in your box my tomorrow morning :)
Sug - Honey honey... I remember what it's like to be on the soup diet.. it sucks. At least you have the advantage of keeping your girlish figure?!?!? *sigh*
I'll send ya some frangos, and this time get the address right! Will that help?
Madame - What a priceless picture! I have one kinda like that my mother took of me sneaking a sip of vodka and oj out of mom's kegger cup when I was like, 4.
WHAT!?!? I thought it was OJ!!
HuneeB - tis' a good song :)
Romantic Perv - SMOOCHES but they normally take AA or AAA's. Unless there's something you know that I don't... wait, do you use and industrial vibrator?
Rasta - sup.
Doh! Since I grew up in Tennessee, spent a few years on the east coast and now live on the west I can clear up the conflict... but since I'd give anything to see Madame and Emma finger each other I...
Oh bother, I'm gonna do it anyway.
Emma's "west coast" finger means "fuck you."
Madame's "east coast" finger means "up your ass"
I'm not 100% positive but I got that from a reliable source who said both are used in Italy and, I think maybe, Greece?
Anyway allegedly they're totally separate gestures with their own meanings.
We used both of them in Tennessee, but then I grew up in a remarkably cosmopolitan part of of the state (huge university town.)
Fig, that's some awesome feedback... I think it makes perfect sense too.. funny as that sounds :) I worked with a friend that lived in Italy for a very long time that said she, in fact, used the thumb to the side.... hmm.
Morning Kristen :)
I love that song
I just caught up on the comments yesterday after I left
Ummm, Fairmont? When? Murphy Bed?
Nice Thom, very nice......
It means FUCK YOU UP THE ASS!!!!
Take it from an Italian chick!!
Murphy's in bed?
Whose bed?
Wake the fucker up!
Re: the chick from Italy with the thumb out...most likely she's from the north of Italy.
couldn't resist ... could ya ?
i'm flippin ya off west coast style
oh yeah - have a good weekend
tee hee fucker tee hee
p.s. Of course I stand whenever Madame enters the room. (It's not only common courtesy, it's the law... of hydraulics.)
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