That man has my kidney
Short post! I have to masturbate quickly! For the fifteenth time tonight!
That was a public service announcement brought to you by Everything Nice, and now for the post you've been waiting for:
Thank the universe for small but some what larger miracles.
I got my poor laptop back from HP today... Two day turn around on a fix. Nice! Seems it was not in fact my hard drive that busted, but instead my system board. What a treat to see all my work and pictures completely in-tact. Now I will back up and enjoy all of your naked bodies and turn some shit in that I've worked hard to re-create last week. JOY!
I have a kidney donor. He lives East. He took tests and determined that he was a worthy candidate to give up one of his lovely organs. My doctor called today and agreed that this was a can do situation contingent on medical history research.
My cooler shouldn't be far away.
As long as the guy didn't do meth, or drink like a goldfish.
I won the advocacy seat I was pushing for at one of my 'papers'. This is a plus and a minus since I will no longer be writing for the company, but instead collaborating. Less pay, less acknowlegment... I have been asked to accept, but I haven't yet... And I have no idea why. Err, besides the two reasons above.
Tonight I worked on my story, and wanted no interruption to do so. I love uninterruption because you can lose yourself in the scenario just for mere moments. Be some one else, some where else... eyy yi yi.
I'm horny as fuck. Hooray for Tuesdays!
That was a public service announcement brought to you by Everything Nice, and now for the post you've been waiting for:
Thank the universe for small but some what larger miracles.
I got my poor laptop back from HP today... Two day turn around on a fix. Nice! Seems it was not in fact my hard drive that busted, but instead my system board. What a treat to see all my work and pictures completely in-tact. Now I will back up and enjoy all of your naked bodies and turn some shit in that I've worked hard to re-create last week. JOY!
I have a kidney donor. He lives East. He took tests and determined that he was a worthy candidate to give up one of his lovely organs. My doctor called today and agreed that this was a can do situation contingent on medical history research.
My cooler shouldn't be far away.
As long as the guy didn't do meth, or drink like a goldfish.

Tonight I worked on my story, and wanted no interruption to do so. I love uninterruption because you can lose yourself in the scenario just for mere moments. Be some one else, some where else... eyy yi yi.
I'm horny as fuck. Hooray for Tuesdays!
what punk said
so glad you got your work back... and do learn the backup lesson this time okay?
i lost a hard drive earlier this year and happened to catch it in time. i was magically home and heard it die and shut if off in time to save the data.
norton ghost is my hero.
Eww, if you're going to be part guy is that going to make me gay for wanting to omega-3 your fatty acids? (Hey, don't blame me, I think someone declared it national stupid euphemism's for jumping Emma's bones week.)
Fucking hell, Emma, that's really good news. I hope everything on his side checks out and that it works perfectly in you. Congratulations on the promise and fingers crossed, hard, for the follow-through.
Otherwise let us know when we *can* interrupt. I've been trying to come up with ways you could get from 15 to 21 that you haven't tried (at least tonight) but I'd need six and I can only think of five and it doesn't matter because you don't want to be distracted anyway. (No, no, I totally understand. You're trying to work...)
Take care,
That's a really long way to go for a guy to get a piece of himself inside Emma.
I'd give you one, but mine are riddled with stones.... that look like anti-ship nautical mines with shark fins... YIKES!
Hooray for needed body parts! I am so glad for you Em!
(Can we pray for my brother to get a new liver) :)
Hey if we are on the same coast then why are you Tuesday and I am still Monday??
I am truly happy for you it sounds like things are getting better and looking up for you and your family.
He's in the east right?
If there's enough room in the cooler for a 6pack of Corona I'll deliever it to you.
Way to work the free trip, right?
Wonderful news gorgeous, wonderful news.
Oh Emma that's awesome!!! WOOOO HOOO and HOLLA!!!!
Congrats sexy
i dunno what to say other than i'm very happy for you. thanks for the great news babe.
That's the best news! I hope this works out for you ~
I'm saying a little prayer and sending good thoughts.
*does the happy naked i got here before there were hundreds of comments dance*
*does the naked CONGRATS!! dance*
so happy for you emma :) you deserve this. it'll all be gravey from here on out.
you're in my prayers darling. much love *mwah*
Good news, dear.
Sug - Thanks hun :) Much appreciated, now we just need to get you on the road to recovery! Tell M I'll kick his fine ass if he doesn't take good care of you, understand!?!?
Sass- yeah well, most of the time it's backed up to the server... the lesson I needed to learn was to COPY the folders, not MOVE. Tee hee, silly me. And thanks ;)
Fig - I may have reached 21 before falling asleep around midnight, but dude... the story rocks. I like stupid euphamisms week!
Dom - I TOLD you I'd rub one of those fuckers out for ya, just can't stand the screaming when you pee... here, toss me a vicodin and ill assist.
HuneeB - I post the night before, it's a strange jumpstart sort of thing...dunno, weird. I do it for my east coasters who get here three hours before I do!
Madame - Hold on to that Corona, I'll swing North and we'll drink together, test out the new kidney and all... and then we'll test each other.
tongue thermometer baby, it's all yours.
Kristen - Thanks honey WHOOT!
Scum - *perk* you called me... babe. K, I can like almost imagine you like... and me like...
RobynB - Thank you! Can i look up your skirt?
Pearl - :) HA! I got my pictures, Im feelin' happy, you've got an emmmailll... before the end of the day!!! (k, that was a poor attempt at singing).
Buttah - *does a happy naked dance about seeing you in the comments* Thanks sweetie! Err, *perk* gravy? HOT! Hot gravy! K, you be the mashed potato's and I'll be gravy... HOLLA!
Murphy - Ever the pessimist you are, but I appreciate you keeping it real. How bout you hand deliver the cooler to me.... I could use some pre-surgery prep. err.
Yeah, they liked that, about as much as the pictures of my pussy.
Goose - ;) thank you.
Blondie - Yeah, and right back at ya sexy bitch. Loveums and boobie nuzzles!
hehe boobie nuzzles...
*breathes a sigh of relief and pats his left kidney*
Emma that is so awesome you found a donor!
I feel like a mutha fuckin' champ today Thom, thanks! It's either all the happy shiny things or all the masturbating I did last night.
Either way, it's a banner day!
oh yeah - congrats on your HP being saved! that is a rarity!
I know, I was fairly convinced I'd lost it all... but I was happy to see that all my 'hard' work had been recovered and safe.
Speaking of hard work, ever seen a clit stand on end and scream at you?
Kinda interesting.
I screamed back.
Hey I am throwing back and forth the idea of simplifying my life and selling the desktop and keeping just the laptop...I am only ever on the laptop anyway?...what do ya think? IS it a bad idea?
i couldn't keep a straight face when i went into the comp store and said 'my hard drive isn't working like it has before'
the geeks looked at me like I was the loser ... sheesh, no sense of humor....
Hey Em I am sure that you'vfe already heard this but you have
re-dick-u-lously perfect size and shape boobs.
Thom do you laugh everytime you hear the word hard?
hard hard hard
LOL - I used to have a desk top, a macintosh powerbook, and a Dell laptop.
I got rid of the desk top eventually because it was bothersome, and I could never position the desk correctly to watch porn while I surf. Or anything else for that matter.
Lap tops are fun times.
Umm, you know HuneeB I don't think any one has ever said 'exactly that'... I'm flattered! Squeeze it.
Thom - err. Yeah, I can see why they did... are you having issues with your Hard drive?
NICE! Now do the other one before it gets all pissy.
emma - that is a conversation for another place and another time ...
besides, you've seen pictures
nice Em :)
Uhh. what did I say? LOL
wow I got to cop a feel on both, guess it pays to be the early bird
the other one didn't get pissy did it?
They get pissy at each other regardless.
Strange that too, its like, one will get all hard and the other just sits there like an idiot.
I slap it, nothin.
I lick my fingers and pinch it, nothin.
I run my finger in a circle to tease it, nothin.
So I open the freezer and pull it out... That fucker stands to attention like never before.
And why you needed to know that I have no clue, but really it's all about keeping the boys in check.
And I look funny with only one nipple hard.
OMG that is so funny!
It always does look sort of funny when one is happy and the other isn't I think about that too, I mean damn it if you is all on point (pun intended) then the other one better be too! I don't support laziness :)
lazy nipple ? that's kinda like a lazy eye ?
No not lazy Thom, jealous.
I know Huneeb huh? It's like all fucked up too when I'm wearing a shirt with no bra and one just likes to be all happy about the breeze while the other complains about the no-support issue.
Fucking needy breasts suck my ass.
haha it usually doesn't take much a light brush and their both happy, think one gets jealous cause I am a lefty ;)
i thought your breasts, or boys as you call them, were never pissy and territorial and all that ...
Whooosh... the universe is shifting in agreement for you, babe! That's great news... somebody is listening.
hmmm, see and my right gets jealous because my left gets all the attention.
K, so Im thinking we should take our shirts off and rub softly together and see what happens.
Umm. Thom, did you even read that post? It was quite the opposite... they're bad boys.
Shy - *blush* and my inbox has been happy too.
*PERK* bare it Murphy, I'll rim that fucker like nobody's business.
Thanks for making both my nipples hard on that one.
Another busy day at work, Emma sighs in frustration. She removes her glasses and rubs her forehead, wishing that some of the workload would just go away. A light knock on her door. Emma rolls her eyes and thinks, 'great, more fucking work.'
"Come in," she says. The door opens and to her surprise, the person wasn't her boss. It was Hunee! She smiled and closed the door behind her.
"Hi Emma," Hunee said. Emma heard the small click of her door locking.
"Hi Hunee," she replied with a knowing smile.
"You look stressed," Hunee said as she moved closer to Emma. "Let's relax a bit, shall we?"
okay :) I have soft hands
Oh no he's at it again!
My elbow has still not recovered from the last story!
Way to get a piece of all the chicks Thom btw!!
Oh shit. here we go. THOM, save it until this afternoon... I just fucked myself having the visual of us rubbing together, need some time to recoup.
do you have thomcat elbow , madame ?
Madame - You noticed that too eh?
Madame it's okay I massage your elbow and kiss it to make it feel better :)
em: shows you my priorities, i went straight to lost data and skipped right over the kidney.
silly sassness...
how did you find it?
*does a little dance with you*
Mornin' Sass!
Oh yeah EM, I noticed who got a little of whom...
Hunebee right there's the spot!
*rub...rub, rub*
i try
A little higher and over to the right, please
Sass - a donor website, where apparently it's just a big 'farm' for people that want to throw their organs around.
I would settle for a couple organs right now though :D
Whoa-did anyone else see that?
See what? I was thinking about organs.
I know but I guess the page didn't load correctly because for a moment it was all very Matrix like...I think I still have a fever
missed it I was rubbing
Madame's arm
honest I was, what did I miss?
A fever? Like, Saturday Night Fever, or like Hot blooded fever?
Now you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a womans man, no time for talk....
*catch my JT strut*
I'm hot blooded
check it and see
got a fever of 103
You don't have to read my mind
to know what I
Honey, you oughta knoo-ohhhh.
Lou Gram lives in the next town over...used to see him shopping all the time
Muusic loud and women warm,
I've been kicked around
since I was born.
And now it's all right, it's OKAY.
And you may look the otther way.
We can try to understand
the New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ahh, ah, ah, ahh, stayin' alliive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alllliiiive.
sorry got lost in a little BeeGees
Don't we all get a little lost in the BeeGees?
HELL YEAH, I'M pullin out the polyester-blend halter top jumpsuit for this bitch.
You're 'more than a woman' huneeb.
ohh I look good in halter style
If I can't have you
I don't want no body babaaaay
If I can't have you
*dancing underneath the disco ball*
emma i didn't know you were into such violence. of course i guess pics of me and shs duking it out is pretty fuckin' hot!
Can’t let go,
and it doesn’t matter how I try.
I gave it all
so easily
to you, my loove,
something..something..uhh something...
Go crazy is what I will do.
Seriously Scum, made ma panties wetter than the back of a pond frog.
K, now watch me do the hand jive!
*bumping hips with Kristen*
Hell's fun in here today
I'm all about the fun today, it's a good day.. I'm on top of the world... and if only the world had a penis and would eat me out...
I'd be perfect!
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I'm ache-y and cranky
quick someone go down on me!
hmmm, little Studio 54 action madame? Shall we snort a line and throw down on the dance floor? at Emma. If the world Had A Penis........
There's a song in there somewhere
I've been to Studio 54
at the decline of the Disco Era
Danced with Boy George!
*sung to the old coca-cola jingle*
I'd like to make the world eat me,
and rim me happilyyyyy.
I'd like to ride the world's big cock,
and keep it close to meeee.
This is good stuff
Not bad, not bad but I like my BK jingles better
Pin my arms down
hold my legs please
lick me, fuck me eat me don't tease
all I ask is that you please
fuck me my way
fuck me my way
fuck me my way
Any other worldly songs I can contort lyrics to?
I'm all a-fluster thinking about Madame dancing with boy george.
K, how about a TV jingle?
Now here's a little story bout a man named Jed,
poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed.
Then one day he was rootin' for some food, when up from the ground came a lady in nude.
Naked that is, with no clothes on....
So the next thing you know Jed's got her on the bed,
fucking that bitch til' his balls turned red,
In came Granny with a 10 foot pole... and shoved it up Jed's fucking ass hole...
sideways that is, the way it hurts most. was hot!
I was all "Jody Wattly-ed" out!
Bike shorts with a skirt
big mutha fucking hoop earrings!
hahah thats a hoot!
Love it!
You two are killing me. I laughed so hard I spit diet pepsi all over the place
So Jed gets mad and he jumps on Granny, kicks her in the head and she kicks him in the fanny..
Pull of his rubber and throws it on the floor, Granny slips on the rubber and falls out the door...
head first that is, and splits that ol country cooter wiiiidddeee open.
you're good!
I'll be singing this all day
Scum needs a different hobbie
Don't MAKE me bust out the Laverne and Shirley!
why do you hate me madame?
are you still mad about me fucking up that story of thom's the other day?
Sweetie I don't hate you!
Don't you have a special gift from me?
oh yeah, i forgot;)
special gift? Is that like special Ed?
thanks ever so...
no, it's waaaaaay better. speakin' of which, i haven't checked it out in a while........
Special Ed
Momma drop him on his head
Now we keep him in the shed
'cuz he's a little bit special
okay ya'll (that was for Thom) I got a Bounce, Rock, Skate and Roll otta here :)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
See whenever you people start talking about "special" I visualize Murphy wearing his special helemet
Don't say his name!
He's like Beetlejuice for cripes sake!
Again with the laughing out loud!!!
Beetlejuice/Murphy.......too funny
Damn girl!
HOw long would it take to drive down to KY?
We need to hang, EM meet us in KY come on!
Umm, hang on.......let me get an exact time....calling Goose and Magnum....
OOooOOOO Tell 'em I said hi!
K, me coming to KY is a possibility.
Goose couldn't hear me so I told him to come into the room.......sent Magnum an email so maybe he'll show up in a minute....
What part of NY are you driving from?
WTF? Em, you have to have Madame here before you'll show...Sumbitch! Wait a second, two more hot chicks in KY....Nevermind...You two just get your asses here.
Hour north of NY, near the CT border
Focus Goose
K, nevermind, I wont come then.
They're working on it.......I just got word. Plotting a course
WHAT!?!?!? EMMA........ignore the're coming for Madame and myself
Approximately 750 miles to drive. Pennsylvania, WV, then to KY. About 12 hour drive.
You are SOOOOO cumming!
but you won't come to kansas emma!?!
Oh, shut up Emma, you know I am kidding you.
12 hours not too bad, not too bad.
LOL Pearl! I HEART YOU! Yeah, the brady bunch song I can twist all sorts of ways actually, it's a beautiful thing!
No, really, its alright, you two girls have a good time... Apparently I'm all about the WTF's.
Hmmm, 12 hours........doable
bullshit! everyone is coming to KS. we're a central location and shit like that.
Hmmmmm, kristen and emma.... doable ;)
BTW 12 hours and you could BE HERE!
The center of the fucking UNIVERSE!!!!!
NYC baby!
Pearl...You are hereby invited.
We could all meet in Kansas....that would be fair I suppose........but Kentucky is fun!!!
don't make me bring clowny out!'s a New Yawk thing
Hey Sullen is back!!
Whoa! Is that all we have to do...Well, then I expect an e-mail this afternoon too.
I could so come to New York.......
I love it there
Oh, shit, KJ, you just made Shawn bring out Clowny...I hate that damn clown.
Missed me?? :D
who the fuck is shawn?
Of is a great day in Emma's world.....good news all around.
Kansas is in the middle of an effin' corn field....There are like hundreds of miles of nothing. It may be central, but I don't want to party at the Joe's Saloon at the corner of route 9. C'mon guys come to the Bluegrass state.
How in the hell did I make the clown appear? I hate clowns
Emma come back........where'd you go?
Guys I seriously get hives if I have to drive below the M/D line so Kansas is WAAAAY out for me...KY is doable...just 'cuz I love the Derby
I was contemplating the wtf's. I'm here.
lucky for you goose we're in kansas city, and not bumfuck KS. we got tons of shit to do out here. and what the fuck is wrong with joe's saloon?
Is anybody seeing that this trip may be just a little FAR for me?
jesus, how come nobody comes this direction... apparently you all are afraid of water.
Em...aren't you coming to NYC this summer?
Uh, If I don't get this kidney I wont be able to go anywhere this summer actually.
But But.......we want you here
Kentucky Derby is worth it
I'll cum wherever y'all ask.
sorry, somber moment of truth...
Anyway, I like Joe.. he eats pussy like a champ.
And cornfields rock for 'pulling off the side of the road running naked and quickie sex'
believe dat.
who the fuck is Joe and can I get his number?
Joe "Goose" McSnatchy
1234 Mongoose Lane
The Fort, KY
Ditto on the cornfields... ;)
Good times....
LOL@Goose McSnatchy!
SULLEN! I saw you but could get a hi in quick enough! HI!!!
yeah dude, kansas is way better than kentucky.
HOLY SHIT! That has got to be the best news I have heard in a long time Em! I am soooo excited (and relieved) for you!
As far as any trips to KY go...The state has been around for a little while now, as has Keeneland and the KY Derby~ I'd love to see you soon, but there is always next year...and I can wait til whenever if it means you're healthy and happy!
LOVEUMS back girlie :) *MWAH
Did you get my email?
Who the hell said Beetlejuice?
Murph you afraid some girl will pick on you, make you cry or something?
I'll be your bodyguard murphy, wear me like a cheap suit.
no cracks about 'cheap'.
Sullen - YES! A reply is in order, everything is understood!
MISS - i'm rethinking the visit now that you said that :)
oooooo, let me, let me answer...
Kristen-just don't say it 3 times in a row!
Christ. here we go.. because you know Emma has all sorts of time on her hands to travel around the freakin' continent. I'd need a little more warning than 3 days Mag.
let me re-iterate.
i came
dude, i'll make it up there.......some day.
There are 2 DAMN good reasons to visit Seattle.....
*need to start packing
and i'm out $6.95 for the mongolian beef !
I'd do that Pearl and I'd show you my 'special place'..
Same goes for any other fuckers that actually think I'm worth the flight. HA!
If you come to Kentucky, you can look up my skirt...
Great news!! I mean about the kidney.
Well ... hell about the masturbation too.
she's 5'3" pay attention
Robyn - Noted, that's incentive.
Murphy - 5'3" fucker, the inch counts. And well, now I'm fairly pissed at you for saying that so fuck you. Seirously.
Snav - Thanks! I love masturbationn.
Damn, I was excited about the trip
Hey, I'm 5'3" :D
That means that Em and I will line up in all our inappropriate places :D
Uh, and you're not now Kristen?
Oh hell yeah.......just want it to happen.
Tell you what Murphy, dig deep into your little memory bank and think about the suit.
You'll recant your comment.
i'm going to tampa in january. anyone around them parts?
Tampa.....I like Tampa
I swear I thought he said tampon for a minute there.
Must be the strong southern drawl.
I like Tampa.. I'm in Chicago in June, then maybe NYC in July.
Work for anyone?
I need to travel more
That's all I got to say
I'm betting she's worth the travel
Pearl - I can send you a picture of my special place lol!
Murphy - no recant? Interesting... and noted. Thanks ass.
Kristen - yes, you do. NW with Madame and Pearl and Robyn and HEY, we can do the calendar while you're all up here!
Robyn - Unfortunately no, but suddenly I find myself with an E-ticket that I can refund to another location, what say you?
Travel sexcapades...hehe
** That includes Sullen, she needs a calendar page!
That's a great idea!!!!
What months are still open?
uhh. anybody remember their months?
errrrr. I was May...
Not a clue
I was in the fall... Sept or Oct I believe
Pearl, is it me? Or are we strangely attracted to each other?
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