615 No-Show worthy
Every little thing that we do *bom bom*
Should be between me and you *bom bom*
Doesn't that song just make you wanna be doing 80 in your drop top down the coastal roads, peeping over the rim of your sunglasses at the hottie next to you? Feelin' naughty? Yep.
*bom bom*
Well, it's Monday (and yeh I managed to remember the spring forward rule, thank god)... I survived the weekend again, and I feel like I got a lot accomplished finally. Miss's tattoo, some short research work I'd been behind on, a chat with the good Dr. K, and fingering the Madame.
I didn't have as much time to work on the story I had been inspired about lately as I'd hoped. Which left me walking around all this weekend like a humpin' dog.
Ahhh well. It's started, with an outline... So, I'm way ahead of myself already.
Sassinak and I had a deal.
A deal about pictures.
She sends me one of her in her shrug with the happy curly hair (SIGH), and I send her one that I well, the kind of picture that I swore I'd never show anyone. While looking for said picture to send to Sass, I realized the server had none so I asked my good husband wtf!?!?
"You have never ever wanted me to take pictures of you in your outfit."
"I don't... never ever?"
"No, It's like some sort of weird thing with you. Every time I grab the camera you make me put it away! But strangely enough dear, you'll get them taken for the ads, or let the photographers do it. "
"Hmmm, that's kinda strange of me. I only let the photographers take them because it's not my stuff, it's costume usually. So it's more like dress up than being in my own element during BD."
"Yes. It is. Besides, you're usually all about the sweet and sexy pictures hun."
SO. Hmm.
All these pictures I take, my husband takes, I have taken. Seems I'm a photo-slut. BUT I'm comfortable with knowing it's the voyuer in me. Though, no matter how film-lusty I am... my strict rule has always been that two things are never ever captured (unless by professionals for a damn good cause. Which between you and I could be any cause as long as there's pay involved). Ahem..
1. Me in my strap-on.
2. Me in one of my dom get-ups, during role play. EVER NEVER EVER.
Those two things are fairly sacred and honestly, unless you're really into it, the pictures will do nothing for you.
Sure, sure the photo's aren't of me like, biting a chicken's head off or anything... but they're certainly not artistic in any way... and some people don't exactly think it's hot to view a 5'3" chick in a pvc corset.
Dunno why though fuckers, I'ts kinda cute... like one of those little black cat fire crackers.
Soooo... I walk away, open the chest I keep my 'stuff' in. And I decide to break my rule, hit the fear head on... just go ahead and belch a photo out my ass and send it.... *sigh*
Unfortunately, putting on the garb was downright scary in it's own right. That I could even work my way into that jigsaw puzzle was brilliant! It entailed me falling over every five minutes thanks to equillibrium ineptness due mostly to alcohol consumption (apparently the steak and crab still wasn't enough protein to counteract that 3 chardonnays and the Rum & Coke). Silly silly me.
Snapped some moderate to awful photo's to send to Sassinak, then decided that the hub and i should take one or two for 'just in cases.' Which of course got him all a-fluster to do something we hadn't done before... and he'd wanted to do for a very long time.
After the picture taking, we got to play a little... which was also a treat seeing that the kidlets were away at the grandparents. *giggle*
Was a good night for a marathon. So, yeah, I was up to change my clocks over at 2am... right at 2am.
The moral of this story is... I feel like I gave a piece of myself that was deep deep away today (weird), almost like violating myself... But I know it's in good hands, and I know that Sassinak will appreciate it/them and respect them. Thanks love. At the same time, I think it's kinda cool that I broke my own rule for once... devious in a cool way.
SO. Good good weekend for me. Hope yours was as well. *nervous laugh*
So, I'm feeling a little vulnerable right now. Anybody for a Hershey's cherry cordial kiss?
Should be between me and you *bom bom*
Doesn't that song just make you wanna be doing 80 in your drop top down the coastal roads, peeping over the rim of your sunglasses at the hottie next to you? Feelin' naughty? Yep.
*bom bom*
Well, it's Monday (and yeh I managed to remember the spring forward rule, thank god)... I survived the weekend again, and I feel like I got a lot accomplished finally. Miss's tattoo, some short research work I'd been behind on, a chat with the good Dr. K, and fingering the Madame.
I didn't have as much time to work on the story I had been inspired about lately as I'd hoped. Which left me walking around all this weekend like a humpin' dog.
Ahhh well. It's started, with an outline... So, I'm way ahead of myself already.

A deal about pictures.
She sends me one of her in her shrug with the happy curly hair (SIGH), and I send her one that I well, the kind of picture that I swore I'd never show anyone. While looking for said picture to send to Sass, I realized the server had none so I asked my good husband wtf!?!?
"You have never ever wanted me to take pictures of you in your outfit."
"I don't... never ever?"
"No, It's like some sort of weird thing with you. Every time I grab the camera you make me put it away! But strangely enough dear, you'll get them taken for the ads, or let the photographers do it. "
"Hmmm, that's kinda strange of me. I only let the photographers take them because it's not my stuff, it's costume usually. So it's more like dress up than being in my own element during BD."
"Yes. It is. Besides, you're usually all about the sweet and sexy pictures hun."
SO. Hmm.
All these pictures I take, my husband takes, I have taken. Seems I'm a photo-slut. BUT I'm comfortable with knowing it's the voyuer in me. Though, no matter how film-lusty I am... my strict rule has always been that two things are never ever captured (unless by professionals for a damn good cause. Which between you and I could be any cause as long as there's pay involved). Ahem..
1. Me in my strap-on.
2. Me in one of my dom get-ups, during role play. EVER NEVER EVER.

Sure, sure the photo's aren't of me like, biting a chicken's head off or anything... but they're certainly not artistic in any way... and some people don't exactly think it's hot to view a 5'3" chick in a pvc corset.
Dunno why though fuckers, I'ts kinda cute... like one of those little black cat fire crackers.
Soooo... I walk away, open the chest I keep my 'stuff' in. And I decide to break my rule, hit the fear head on... just go ahead and belch a photo out my ass and send it.... *sigh*
Unfortunately, putting on the garb was downright scary in it's own right. That I could even work my way into that jigsaw puzzle was brilliant! It entailed me falling over every five minutes thanks to equillibrium ineptness due mostly to alcohol consumption (apparently the steak and crab still wasn't enough protein to counteract that 3 chardonnays and the Rum & Coke). Silly silly me.
Snapped some moderate to awful photo's to send to Sassinak, then decided that the hub and i should take one or two for 'just in cases.' Which of course got him all a-fluster to do something we hadn't done before... and he'd wanted to do for a very long time.
After the picture taking, we got to play a little... which was also a treat seeing that the kidlets were away at the grandparents. *giggle*
Was a good night for a marathon. So, yeah, I was up to change my clocks over at 2am... right at 2am.
The moral of this story is... I feel like I gave a piece of myself that was deep deep away today (weird), almost like violating myself... But I know it's in good hands, and I know that Sassinak will appreciate it/them and respect them. Thanks love. At the same time, I think it's kinda cool that I broke my own rule for once... devious in a cool way.
SO. Good good weekend for me. Hope yours was as well. *nervous laugh*
So, I'm feeling a little vulnerable right now. Anybody for a Hershey's cherry cordial kiss?
for the record she looks beautiful and i will break the face of anyone who tries to get me to share.
*first comment snoopy dance*
you know it's funny, cause i got hubris to take pics of me in my shrug and my little outfit i wear it with and he did and othercat has to send them to me now... and lord knows when that will be :(
anyway, i was going to get him to take one of my bra and the shrug... and then i felt weird cause he has a girlfriend.
i've since discovered she don't care so i think i'll get him to do it next time the stars align correctly.
this could be a while.
anyway, i'm honoured em i really am and i hope you get that i opened that email in a community centre! i wish i had a picture of my face *giggling*
still not alone for real and proper looking... though i did peek in the community centre *lmao*
i'm in for kisses and i hope you're feeling stronger for opening yourself up :)
i love you guys. well, except thomcat, cuz that would be really gay.
it's a bit early for this isn't it clowny?
Damn jealous of Sass and the power the shrug/happy hair combo wields...But even prouder of you, Emma, for breaking with your rule and finding out (yet again) that it's ALWAYS ok to be who you truly are!
*kisses and lovins'!
I'd be your lover, if you were there
Put your hurt on me, if you dare
Such a woman, you got style
You make every man feel like a child, oh
You got some kinda hold on me
You're all wrapped up in mystery
So wild and free, so far from me
You're all I want, my fantasy
Oh, look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown
Oh oh, look what you've done
Photograph - I don't want your
Photograph - I don't need your
Photograph - All I've got is a photograph
But it's not enough
Amen to the pictures E. It's about time you freak faced the camera starfucker.
Now, I have had the pleasure of seeing this first hand, but it's always good to have a picture.
What up, E, you dirty little girl? Here's to missin you....
You're a sexy hottie
SASS! *snoopy dance back at ya*
Thanks for the compliment my precious, and no worries about the my waiting on Othercat (or you for that matter), just as long as I could put a big HUGE smile on your face that's really all that matters. :)
BUT, i must say I look forward to seeing YOU!!!
Sug - You're absolutely right. hmmmmmmm. Kisses cordials rock, have you had the pleasure of popping those yet?
Scum - I feel your love today big daddy... what you say I watch while you and clowny cuddle?
Thanks Miss - I think you should take my next batch of pictures, after the beautiful job you did with Kristens! You game?
Madame - Huh!
I'm outta luck, outta love
Gotta photograph, picture of
Passion killer, you're too much
You're the only one I wanna touch
I see your face every time I dream
On every page, every magazine
So wild so free so far from me
You're all I want, my fantasy
Oh, look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown
Oh Oh, look what you've done
Photograph - I don't want your
Photograph - I don't need your
Photograph - All I've got is a photograph
But it's not enough
Murphy - Do I have to take it in the proper context?
The trick is to get a size small and then cinch the strings as tight as you possible can, constricting the ribcage...
Thanks for the compliment.
Shawn - Shh, come in close so I can whisper it....
FUCK YOU ASS HATCHET, you're not getting em.
Sup Goose! - I think you left some fur here....
Kristen - *blush* for you, I could be.
Thom - i think you have something in your eye.
Morning Y'all
Mornin :D
one, you in a PVC corset would be very hot, and two, you with a strap-on would probably be even hotter. ;) just my 2 cents worth.
Blondie - thanks hun :) Was a good start to the week. Now it's all about keeping with the 'flow' I guess... *giggle*
Jd - 2 cents? Buddy, hearing that was worth it's weight in gold. Thank you sincerely.
Where are my MILFy pictures?
Hows about I come down there and take those pictures myself?
Thom - errr. OH SHIT, I totally forgot about that!
well, i totally deleted my 'other' picture here then ...
fine fine. Then I wont send you Milfy's.
That picture is seared into my memory Thom...and you can't take that away.
you blackmailing a blackmailer ?
is there another dare coming ?
I love the word 'seared.'
I wish I had one ounce of your spirit
Oh, good morning all
madame - a thousand apologies for 'searing' your memory ...
NO MORE DARES. It's dangerous ground and I'm not having that.
MORNING RobynB - I'm not sure if you'd call it spirit. I'm not even sure if I'd call it determination. I call it rampant stupidity now.
I'd like to sear Madame :D
I will TREASURE that memory always Thom!
EN-just don't leave those little grill marks on my ass...I don't want to look like a whopper jr.
mmm - grill marks on that ass ...
HOT! You know Madame, at Burger King you can have it your way... just PLEASE DON'T make me put on that weird "king" outfit... seriously, those commercials give me nightmares.
Thom - I have NO idea why you're bawk bawk bawking.
pin my arms down
hold my legs please
lick me, fuck me, eat me
don't tease....
*bite lip* HOLLA!
holla? i'm sorry, i'm not "down" with your "funky" street lingo emma.
all I ask is
that you better
fuck me my way
fuck me my waaaay
fuck me my way
Uh, it's cool Scum... kinda my way of saying 'ok'.
Madame, what the fuck song are you singing? and why aren't you screaming it while I'm doing you with the strap on?
you girls sure is purdy. hows 'bout we have a little roll in the hay?
rooolll rolll rolll in da hay
rooolll rolll roll in da hay.
It's the Burger King Jingle!!
Ask Thom why I wasn't singing it during the strap on fuckage...I think 'cuz my mouth was full of KJ's tits!
any chick that doesn't wanna fuck me is obviously a dyke!
that has nothing to do with anything, i just thought i'd throw it out there.
trust me em i was smilin'
still am :)
and proud of ya too
Madame - You know, a muffled scream would have done just fine!!!
Scum - agreed and noted.
Sass - thanks honey *blush* you have no idea how much your pride effects mine :)
You're the one that brought up the Burger King...I'd just thought I'd sing!
You really need to get that eye checked Thom.
UMMM No you said WHOPPER!!! Not that I mind you singing because you know I like that shit.
Wanna rent a drop top and cruise the coastal roads with me Madame?
Wear a skirt, no panties... I'll hit the cruise control.
Let's hope we don't hit a deer.
MMM, Burger King, I'm hungry
I'm in!
Gotta go to work people...try not to miss me too much!
well Em, i meant it sincerely. and even though you don't post those pics here, you can feel free to email me any and all pics you care to send. you know i'll appreciate them greatly. :)
LMAO! Thanks JD :) I appreciate that honey, I really do.
It's gonna take a little more comfort zone for me to do that though... I'm sure you understand :)
where can one go to increase another's comfort zone ?
I'll draw you a map.
hey! that's not nice ... you drew a map for a long hike off of a short pier!
Err, no, that was two stick figures humping actually.
I think you have it upside down.
ahhh, you're right ... i mistaken my dick for the pier ....
now it makes sense...
Somebody out there show me some freakin' self confidence would ya?
Jesus Emma!
You definitely flattered me in that picture!
wait a second ... my stick figure has boobs ???
oh shit! that isn't me! that's you with a strap on ?!?!
What's going on in here?
lol Emma, I'm with Thom. send me the map and i'll be glad to follow the confidence building steps. :) your comfort zone is what it's all about hon. ;)
as long as you use lube with that strap on. just clarifying. ;)
nothing else to say - i'm comment 69
I'm 70
you're hot
*sitting in the corner sucking my thumb*
Why are you sucking a thumb?
emma's hot
Because there's nothing else to suck on.
I hate it when that happens.
Today can kiss my ass. Tomorrow can to. Just an FYI.
Thanks for the warning. Sorry it's a bad day
It's all somber in here and pathetic frankly.
Quit whining Em. I have something I want to send you you may find interesting.
S'ok Kristen, I think it's the daylight savings bullshit...
Let's see what Shawn has to offer.
ok, you KNOW I want to see a pic of you in your garb...
but, I respect the secure, personal place they come from...
You mean you didn't send one to HELSKEL!?!?
all right! some back up!
thanks shawn
You're welcome dude. I just figured you would be on the 'send' list since you two share a common interest.
I have a feeling though she'll come through. She's one of those types.
the 'play' I like maybe... never really tried it.
the 'costumes' ... well, that's the fun.
You listening up there God!,,,, uh, I mean, Emma!
The 'play' is good if you're into that kind of thing like she said.
Oh man, the costumes... yeah, that makes it absolutely.
If she doesn't send them, I'll kick her ass for you.
ROFL I will
HEY! No fangs on the duct tape!
Helskel your email is sent...
I guess you wont have the pleasure of kicking my ass Shawn.
The chances are good Murphy, I have my keyword. Im just waiting for you to give the go-ahead.
Say the word. Four letter word that rhymes with shook... dig it.
Gay Clown - I have not. But that reminds me, I have to buy new bedsheets.
Fine no ass kicking for me. And I have no idea why you wont send me one of those. But I'm glad you shared with Helskel.
Crook took look.. hmmm.
Morn' Em! Rules were meant to be broken and I am glad you feel all liberated...yeah for expressing yourself and not being afraid to be you!
hmmm hmmm good
book, crook, look,
no fucking clue what-so-ever, but I'm trying for you Murphy man.
Did you get them? Were they good? She wouldn't send them to me.
Ok, sad to say, I've sat here trying to think of a word too and I got nothing.
That's not fair Shawn, no being sneaky...it kinda invates Em's trust if she didn't want to send um to you in the first place...let her do it. Unless you want to get dominated and flogged again..?...
hahha, the look on her face says to me... "defy me, and you're in trouble."
Look, took, book, ...
Thats all I got for now
I'd give my left nut to see that.
HuneeB, that's tomorrow! Yes quick Helskel send them so I can be in trouble!
god i love the clothes... so much more than the lifestyle :)
Giving of the left nut is a little odd no?
Hi Sass!
Giving up a nut takes love!
not if you only have one nut left HuneeB.
I hear that, Sass.
hmmm that would mean you are left nutless...that's kinda scary
*scratches nuts
Im in total agreeance, though sometimes I feel as though I have no balls any way.
Thom soap and water should prevent that...
I like balls
i like balls too.
any of you guys seen them worthless whores annabella and pearl lurkin' around?
ok emma, check your box
No, but tell them they can sit on my face any time.
you can too.
I checked my box, it feels great thanks!
haha Murph
Balls Balls Balls
*sucking on Emma's OTHER thumb~ lurking quietly*
nice visual
*watching Emma's thumb being sucked*
pom poms
yeast infection.
umm gross scum
Should I ask whose salad Murph is tossing?
Probably not!
I have a headache
Does that mean no sex?
NO WAY! Sex cures headaches!
What about sore throats?
I feel like a baseball is lodged in my throat.
oh, he used his headboard thing on you too huh?
I'll try and fight the raging jealousy I feel right now.
I'll help you with the sore throat Madame... come here and have some tea with honey.
I think it's because of lack of sex.......
In his dreams
What is Kristen, your headache?
Yes, the headache is a result of lack of sex. Has to be
I don't want tea!
you want me?
Me? You offering to me? You would be my first....yes
What would it take to get you ladies here for a weekend I wonder...
Great now I'm gonna leave a wet spot on my bosses chair...he hates when that happens!
I've gotten to the point where I have to sit on my jacket sometimes... poor jacket... but at least I can watch it.
Seriously Madame, could you cum if you were offered the opportunity?
I'd love to experince the west coast and its bounties!
I got your bounty right here baby. And a whole list of fun things we can do. I day we stay at the motel, since if I take you home my husband would want to join.
Unless you're into that too, in that case... we'll party!
My oh my such choices!
Eenie Meenie Madame, let's go!
En or Me smurphy?
My typing's not bad... I just can't spell.
I think you may have lost him with that question madame...
I scare men...it's a gift!
Awesome, I intimidate men... so we're a perfect pair!
Gotta class see y'all later!
me too!
*looks around*
*doesn't leave comment after all since everyone left*
I'm just sad sass... and Christophe just called me a bit of a whore.
*crawls back into corner and shoves thumb in mouth*
Christophe - errr, thanks?
nevermind christophe. he's a fuckin' douche.
that's my thumb emma
No, I think it was a compliment but I'm not sure.
But thanks Scum for being ma big brudder.
Oh, sorry Thom... it's small like mine.
anytime doll. and i know you can handle yourself but that dude is seriously a douche.
Right now, I cant handle shit... so maybe you better have my back.
you know what they say about guys with small hands ...
.. small gloves
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Nice Shawn, nice.
Way to rock the warm happy feeling ass hatchet.
*looks around*
err. i don't see shawn...
He deleted himself because he's an ass pirate.
*puts down the crack pipe and slowly walks away ....
Fucker if you're free-basing you should share.
First of all I had to Google for about six minutes before I could figure out what the hell a shrug even was.
Second of all, Emma, I wish you didn't feel so nervous about saying these things. It's all just you and from the perspective of someone who knows you only through your blog (which is all most of us know about you) you've told us a lot more eyebrow-raising things about yourself and we all seem to still be with you 100%. Even Scum, Ping, and the Clownies. Certainly me.
As for photos in your jump suit? Hey, even wild women get to draw lines where ever the hell they want. (I always topped in tight jeans and a t-shirt but that's just me I suppose, and besides, we didn't have all the cool gear you kids can get nowadays.)
Finally, even though I couldn't, and wouldn't, do much more than pick her up at the airport or meet her for breakfast or lunch while she was here I'd be happy to pitch in to help get Madame out this way for a visit if that's what it took. (I don't know what their problem is back east but I think she'd get a pretty warm reception out here.)
Fig - That was awesome, and totally what I really needed to hear.
Like a big warm bear hug from you, thanks :)
Yeah, what the fuck is wrong is the east coast men? They'd be allll over her on the west side.
dude i hear that
in toronto NO ONE looks at me
nyc - i'm a goddess
buffalo ny? i get the looks
the country outside toronto - i'm hot
:( I get it even where I live...Northern Cali I am hot as fuck..the skinny bitch that gets all the looks. In Southern Cali I get the looks and do alright but in Central Cali I am just okay average definitely not the skinny bitch...and I am not blonde which apparently is sacrilegious here..
*peeks out from under Emma's desk*
Everone is gone, huh?!
WOO HOO!!!!!
*does some disco moves and other assorted happy dancing*
Now I can play without being caught for a bit...teehee!
Emma, I love you and because of that I will do what I can on this end to get KJ and Madame to cum out with me this fall...If I pull it off though you owe ME a kiss w/ tongue!
*dazed, dreamy look at the thought*
ummm...now I forgot what else I
had to say, SHIT!
Oh YEAH! Sass and Madame are in the same boat as myself and Kristen. As a general rule East Coast men are terrified of progressive, independant, intelligent women. There's a lot of that "barefoot and preggers" mentality still floating around these parts. Sad, but true...that's why we are all trying to pick off a few of yours!
Kisses Em~ and I will try not to hide under your desk for such long amounts of time in the future...But WTF can I say?!
The view was incredible!
men who want me
and live in my area code
whotta thought.
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