I dive into the blasting stream of water, trying desperately to adjust the temperature so my skin doesn’t melt. I shave my legs and take inventory of everything else to assure a pleasant experience should anything happen. I sigh, deeply and inwardly hoping it would. I run my hands over my body and critique myself, I suppose I’m good… yeah, everything’s cool.
As my fingers reach my pubic hair, I hesitate for a moment. Knowing that with these thoughts of him careening rampant through my head, and the sweet dream I had last night; if I touch myself I am sure to have one great orgasm. But, should I? It could desensitize myself for the rest of the day… *devils advocate*
I give in and reach down between my legs with both hands. Gently and slowly I run my fingers up and down, spreading my lips apart slightly to feel the hot water dribble down my slit. I decide to prop one leg up on the ledge to accommodate penetration, and lean to the other side of the shower to ensure my balance… the water cascades over my head and down my shoulders, parting at my breasts except for a small stream that trickled slightly over my hardened nipple.
One hand plays and tugs my clit as the other moves down, traveling through my labia and into my pussy. I tilt my head back, opening my mouth to catch the water inside, and then letting it well a bit before it spills out and down my chin. The finger that teases my clit circles faster and excitedly, while the other digs deep into my hot hole. The scenario’s I project in my head of us together amplify, and the fantasies become realities in my lustful soul… I am needy, I am wanting. I am abundant.
I shut my eyes tightly and let out a moan as I pump myself deeper and deeper with every re-entry. My other hand moves slowly from my swollen mound and up my stomach. Arriving at my tight nipple, still being teased by the shower water. I pinch a bit and then subside, just circling the tip of my finger around the areola. I feel a gush of warmth on my working hand and release an intense orgasm. I throb with pleasure and fulfillment.
But then, I stand there a bit in the hot water still barreling into my skin with the force of a monsoon. I am noticing the weakness of my knees, and the flush of my face. I inhale the steam deeply and commence to shut off my shower.
I sigh deeply as I twist the knobs to 'off', and grab my fluffy towel.
I love morning showers. Morning showers are the best, second only to evening candle light showers and playful after sex showers.
The towel off afterwards is even better.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
As my fingers reach my pubic hair, I hesitate for a moment. Knowing that with these thoughts of him careening rampant through my head, and the sweet dream I had last night; if I touch myself I am sure to have one great orgasm. But, should I? It could desensitize myself for the rest of the day… *devils advocate*
I give in and reach down between my legs with both hands. Gently and slowly I run my fingers up and down, spreading my lips apart slightly to feel the hot water dribble down my slit. I decide to prop one leg up on the ledge to accommodate penetration, and lean to the other side of the shower to ensure my balance… the water cascades over my head and down my shoulders, parting at my breasts except for a small stream that trickled slightly over my hardened nipple.
One hand plays and tugs my clit as the other moves down, traveling through my labia and into my pussy. I tilt my head back, opening my mouth to catch the water inside, and then letting it well a bit before it spills out and down my chin. The finger that teases my clit circles faster and excitedly, while the other digs deep into my hot hole. The scenario’s I project in my head of us together amplify, and the fantasies become realities in my lustful soul… I am needy, I am wanting. I am abundant.
I shut my eyes tightly and let out a moan as I pump myself deeper and deeper with every re-entry. My other hand moves slowly from my swollen mound and up my stomach. Arriving at my tight nipple, still being teased by the shower water. I pinch a bit and then subside, just circling the tip of my finger around the areola. I feel a gush of warmth on my working hand and release an intense orgasm. I throb with pleasure and fulfillment.
But then, I stand there a bit in the hot water still barreling into my skin with the force of a monsoon. I am noticing the weakness of my knees, and the flush of my face. I inhale the steam deeply and commence to shut off my shower.
I sigh deeply as I twist the knobs to 'off', and grab my fluffy towel.

The towel off afterwards is even better.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
oh i love this pic... so soft and sweet and sexy as hell.
little miss naughty but nice!
liked the post too :)
Dang it all! I hate it when people are so good lookin' the camera flares out all the details just to protect everyone's eyes. (New fangled technology? @#$%~!% I say.)
Sass it all on it with the first comment! What a champ!
Hey Em I glance at yesterdays blog and I am a little sad that you talked about BDSM without me. :(
Oh and remember the convo we had about said place I used to live that is semi-close to you? Well I got a call from a guy I knew there he was with my brother!! WTF seriously! (it's been 8 years since i've seen said boy) Well we talked for like two hours which consisted mostly of him convincing me I need to buy a plane ticket sooner and date him! It was cute, but I just may stay a bit longer up there when I go on my trip, we'll see. I also talked to the bro and once again got begged to move up there and have free rent! (around the first that sounds better every time!)
Not really sure why you care to know all that but hey thought I'd share cause sharing is caring :)
PS your bed looks all cozy mind if I jump in?
What a beautiful contrast. For those who dont know better looking at this picture would see a beautiful innocent and shy woman. For those of us that have followed your blog for a while just know how wrong that is.
Beautiful and fucking hot.
Well, I know what I'll be doing in my morning shower...:D
Wow, What a way to start my morning.......fabulous pic, Sexy!!!
Whoa, I have to remember to be careful about reading your blog at work. Now I have a long tough day ahead of me.
Oh my girl - the whole post is amazing. As always, such a beautiful, beautiful photo :) Perfect addition to breakfast this morning :)
And the writing... *sigh*
You sure you weren't in the shower with me this morning? It appears that we were in the same place ;)
After that post you realize I must have you. Somehow, someday, I must have you.
Now I have to spend the next 5 minutes thinking unsexy thoughts just so I can make it to the coffee...
Happy HNT you sexy, doable you!
Beautiful Em, as always
Or paralyzed from the neck down...right Chris.
*eye roll*
LOL at Madame
god your hot
i love your morning showers too now!
holy fucknuts!
*untucks shirt again*
Thom since you're taking your shirt off.....can I wear it?
Sass - Thank you! I like the naughty but nice, one kinda compliments the other extreme.
Fig - Actually it was a filter :) The original is pretty tell-all.
HunneB- Awesome! Yes, come here! Jump in my bed!!! And yeah, honey... I did need to know that. That way I can prepare (tee hee).
Romantic Perv - LMAO! I know huh? Can't get anything past you guys I guess.
Madame - There are other things I would rather stick in you.
Kristen - THANKS! Big kisses on your breasts! AWWWWWWWWW!
Browser - Welcome! Oh yeah, and uhh don't check my blog at work... this picture is actually rather tame.
Sullen - If you were in the shower with me this morning, then It would be all tongue baby. NICE VISUAL!
Dan - Take. me. come on.
Mag - Thanks! You most likely expend your ammo on Thursdays, no?
Lucie & RobynB - Thank you sweeties, oh and Merci :)
I have nothing to say to Chris... but tell Scumbag he's due.
Murphy - Umm. NO. How the hell does a little thing like me hog all the water? Even if I stood in front of you, you'd still get a good 80%!?!?!
Always gotta have SOMETHING to bitch about.
Oh, and paint color? Yeah thanks... I'm sure it looks familiar to ya.
J - *blush* UM NO! You are!
Thom - Thanks, fluff my towel little boy....
Happy HNT my luva luva.... and YES you fucker...
The towel was god damn HOT! Next time I pull the towel and you stand naked.
jesus was blonde ?
Thom - I saw Blondie in a towel.
After something as beautiful and life changing as that... who the fuck cares what color jesus's hair was?
DO IT! Wear it to work. I promise you'll get a raise from your boss.
RAISE!?!?! From your BOSS?!?!?
*fluffs more towels for emma
oh yeah - i'm right clicking this one too!
Umm. wear the towel for me Blondie.
Be the towel
Own the towel.
K, Vegas in September.
I'm dead serious, I wanna book it.
Thom - That soooooo figures.
Btw - I re-read the story - that is some seriously good writing! wow!
Ummm NO. It's never too early to book that shit.
Seirously, I could get an outrageous deal booking this soon... where should we stay this time?
Yeah! You're just kidding! I cant go to the Wynn... they have flyers up all over with my picture.
Ceasar's Awesome! SHOPPING!
Dude, seriously, this plan rocks...
Yes Vegas abso-fucking-lutely.
Lemme know what weekend works Blondie so I can book this shit.
Kristen you cumming?
uh oh - i'm fighting the urge to write more smut ...
uh-oh - I'm fighting the urge to send naughty em over to Thom's box.
I've never been to Vegas.......
God, I'm sheltered
Then you're due Kristen... you'll have to go shopping while you're there though...
I wanna go to Vegas
I wanna go to Vegas
HoHo anyone?
Yes please to HoHo
Emma.......I can shop
I'd love a HOHO. Could you imagine all us sexy bitches in Vegas at the same time?
Holy fuck it would be dangerous.
Maybe we could just do October then?
This could be a possibilty.....not the 18th-20th though, kids b-days and all
WHo's October and why are we doing her?
Vegas, vegas in October. Blondie and I are thinking Vegas....
Okay September. Can't do July or August because that's fishing season.
June is out because, well.. it is.
May is out because it's everybody's fucking birthday and I'm strapped for cash because I seem to spoil people.
WHICH REMINDS ME... somebody else has a b-day coming up, don't they blondie?
ap ghpvjkfdghaeo; ga! fuck!!!!!!
Morning Scumbag you sexy bitch.
Hey Scum!
Peeps iffin ya want me to cum ya gotta give me plenty of time...It's gonna take a hell of a lot of blow jobs to pay for Vegas.
Yeah, I'm with Madame.....I need major notice.....
Have to go work a pole for that trip
Happy early birthday Blondie :)
Jesus my gift will never be there on time. Will you think I'm an ass if it's late?
K, early september... hmmmm. Jesus can't do Labor day, that's Plum point.
k, errr
somebody throw any date but labor day... I can't do that.
Weekend of the 8th?
*eating HoHo's*
I'm free
i'm going in to vegas (i'm a vegas virgin) in late sept...
K, mid sept.
That's good, because then i wont miss Plum Point.
Good, I hate being the ass, I'd rather play with em.
I'm a Virgin too Thom!!!
So what's the date?
I'm not a virgin. And god damnit I'm proud of that shit too.
That is one hot picture, and a great blog. Gotta find time to come back.
OH. MY. GOD. That is without a doubt the single hottest picute you have ever posted Em. Damn! One long long day before I can find some relief now. Thanks loads honey!
Soooo when?
I love being the cherry breaking instigator...
tee hee..
*checking calendar*
Biker, that's the HOTTEST? Really? Thank you!
K. Yeah, that may work... thank GOD you didn't say 22nd, because it's a full moon and my tits will be kickin!
That and my sex-drive goes into hyper-active mode during that time.
Wait....that's my special week!!!
I mean I realize it's not an important issue.....but 8th or around is better
I have a seminar on the 9th i cant miss....
LMAO at Madame.
No really, can't miss the seminar, I'm actually speaking there.
Let's just a pick a date and go with it.......22nd?
wow - i'm already booked for the 22nd ish !
It could be dangerous if I were there the 22nd, that's all I'm saying!!!
I'm penciling it in........22nd
SOLD! The 22nd of September it is.
But as a disclaimer, I will not be held responsible for any groping, licking, kissing, fucking, or sucking that can and will happen.
I got life...I'm free everyweekend!
Sorry that should say I've got NO life...it's the HoHo overload
*does a little happy dance*
*checking fare*
THis is going to cost a lot, right?
Need to start planning.........
HOLY FUCK I found the perfect flight even!! I could be there around 4:55....
Then we could check out the fine dudes with the carpet. And that was a HOT truck too.
*checking savings account balance*
Whassamatta Scumbag?
hot HNT hon. ;) in shorthand, HHNTH. :)
*checking visibility*
You know you wanted to ride in it Blondie... you know you did.
If the guy had teeth would you have?
K, this calls for a stretch limo rental too.
I see you fucker.
*claps hands*
Limo?...that means blow jobs and ass sex...I better go stock up on the lube
titty shirts....check
*blank stare*
K, I got that VS deal I wore last time, and with inflated boobage that should rock.
sodomized with a cucumber? Did Shawn send you my produce article?
Madame - wear your white t, no bra... seriously, and a mini.
Should work just as well if not better.
*kicks ground*
No panties
EXACTLY! Then I can finger you in the limo.
*giggled and bit lower lip*
WOW.........I need to get my ass to Vegas
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Who's getting fingered?!?!
Damn it's gonna be like a titties convention in that limo...
So nice Kristen said it twice.
Blondie I like your panties too... no worries though love... I'll have one of your breasts in my mouth at all times.
We'll get you out of the panties later.
I know.......I got excited but I took one off.......sorry
Really girls, this could be downright insane...
Clubbin' is a MUST! Blondie should we do 'Ice' this time? Work the bodies for a VIP pass?
Is anybody else flashing on
"Country mouse visits City mouse"?
Or is it just me?
You talk honey, you talk.
I'll be the eye fucking the bouncers to get us past the crowd.
madame - Umm, seriously, you'd fit right in... there's allll kindsa people in V.
I'm so there with you Madame.....
Well Hell!
I'm in good company then!
Alright, this is good. But I cannot go to the Wynn. And I'm not marrying any of you.
I'm already married to three other women thanks to my trip in October.
I don't want to get married.....I just want to see vegas and PARTY
I wanna be a SHOW GIRL!!!!
That's what I said until I stroked the statue of David in front of Ceasars and Chan said
"wow em, i love the way you stroke that big cement schlong... can I keep you?"
We were married later that night.
That's hot
Try to say
"Cement Schlong"
out loud
3 times fast!
*doing happy e-ticket dance*
I can't say it........
Seriously, you're booked??!?!?!
yup booked.
I rock the vegas trips.
I'm so excited.....
damn - my lunch date cancelled ...
K good good. WOOT!
I'm back...I was...busy...what did I miss?
I booked, Kristen bounced, Blondie's driving, Thoms lunch date cancelled.
I CREATED YOU!!!!!!!!!!
I'm here
Umm. Scumbag... do we need another session?
Hi Kristen!
LMAO... I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
*ratta tat tat tat ta tat like dat*
fuckin' flashbacks. sorry guys.
so we were talking about how much you all wanna fuck me?
Hey girls! Emma your pic is HOT!!! Love it!
So, everyone is running off to Vegas eh?
emma neva hesitates to put a nigga on his back.
or in this case, an oriental.
You cuming?
Okay, I tell ya what, since you got the song... I'm giving you a bonus.
seirously, that was absofuckinglutely impressive..
TG!!! You gotta be there!!!
you've given me a boner on several occasions, but what is this bonus you speak of?
Scum...you know I'd fuck ya
But you give me a real headache sometimes!
that's just a side effect from the rufies, madame.
Listen people, just because you weren't here for the inception doesn't mean you cant CUM!!!
Scum - You'll see.
pearl + vegas = oops! pregnancy
And SOMETIMES you make me laugh
that's the acid.
I'm with Pearl........blogger convention
Damn fun.......make it happen
birth control didn't work you dimwitted fuckshit. how many times do i have to tell you that story. so after this next one's born, me and the ol' lady are going for the "ultimat solution".
Wow....some of you are pretty nasty today! Of course, scum is nasty all the time but that's 'cause he doesn't know any better.
Is there a 'convention' of bloggers being planned?
Strawberry daiquiris and a colada
I need a whole lotta them
Fruit drinks to catch me a buzz
I must tell you I'm the Cool-Aid kid
Before you serve me a drink
Please stick it in the fridge
I like cold beverage yeah
Sounds like a blast! It depends on some things around here, but hopefully I can swing it! That would be the best thing ever!
When to when?
help !
She gonna take the blind fold off, Scum?
Sorry...couldn't resist
I've had the ultimate solution.
The 22nd, right?
you killed your wife too emma?
Yes 22nd.
yes Vegas
yes, Everybody cum.
Scumbag, no, I keep my alive and available.... But yeah, Im not a baby maker anymore so feel free and cum inside me.
Emma - I've been unleaded for 8 years so that would give us double protection! 'Course, I don't think I can make Vegas....I'm heading to Texas in a few months on business though!
Um dan... one word that's actually two:
Emma...I wish! Company plane from here to there...no layover. Damnit!
So what, I say Cum Inside and everbody fucking scatters.
bok bok bok bok bok bok
i cum where and when i want to
I didn't scatter.....do I count?
my ol' lady's due date is september 7th. i don't think she'd appreciate me runnin' off to vegas then. course i'll be in tampa in late january, so if anyone wants to meet up there for absolutely no reason.......
Hey, I've had the ultimate solution. Twice. Worked perfectly both times. Undoing the first was a major pain (ice packs for a week, orgasms a no-no for three weeks!!!) but it was majorly worth it, but I was so glad to go back to shooting blanks again!
Em, don't you still owe me a photo? How 'bout one minus the filters? I'm guessing it isn't so much pretty tell-all as it is just pretty.
Finally, I'd consider Vegas if the rest of you promised not to make me sit up front with the limo driver.
Is that like territorial pissings Thom?
Dan - Yes sweetheart, you always count.
Scum - Bring the wife... I'll hold the baby.
'sit up front with the limo driver'. Fuck that's funny!
Holy fucknuts I think i do owe you a photo.
Em...quit sucking up to me and just start sucking! I'll cum inside when I'm ready...
of course it is ...
home is where i lay my head ...
think about it
I didn't scatter...I was trying to remember what that feels like!!!
See now that would piss the husband off completely. It would break the cardinal rule for anybody to cum inside me.
That's his pissing ground.
Honestly... that's uncharted territory.
Well my little ho...I must get back to work.
Take care of yourself (and send me pictures of it!!)
time for a cancelled lunch ... be back later
where's my bonus?
In your email Scumbag. Check it mutha fucka
hot damn!
Hey Madame, Emma's right. White t-shirt and a skirt? Wowzer.
Ok, Emma, if you're off limits so you have to sit up front. :-) (There goes any chance I'll get that photo.) Madame can we sit in the back? We can, um, jog your memory.
Sheesh....everyone else gets emails....
ah ok back from my nooner
K, fuck that, I'm cancelling.
(a little bit late but...)
*happy dance for the G.Love lyrics :D
whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!!
White t mini and Fig in the back seat of a limo!?!?!
thanks to emma getting me all riled up ... it took no time to take care of myself ...
hmmm... good thing tickets are refundable within the first 24 hours, no?
Why are you refunding? What did I miss?
it's ok emma - we'll go to some beach with a famous monolith along the oregon coast together
20 bucks says pearl doesn't go.
K, I need to walk that comment off for awhile.
Thanks Fig for making me feel like an ice queen.
Thanks Pearl, without that I would be "Sleepless in Seattle"
Scum - I don't have to send you another email, do I?
Eeek! Ok, ok, *I'll* sit up front and you can sit in back with Madame. Wait a second, did I say in the front? I'll just get in the trunk. nd you can give me the 40 lashes first. Or something. With the jack handle!
Figleaf - You should know by now that some things need to remain sacred to my husband.
That doesn't mean I can't be cum ON. It's the IN part you can't have.
so IN the mouth is a no-no, too ?
K, lets put it this way. If sperm enters the vaginal canal any further than the cervix, my husband will grab his 357. Capiche?
Is it too late to put a vote in on the Vegas trip date?huneeb
well, if i didn't ask, i'm sure scum would have ...
thom's right ya know. and i think i do need another e-mail.
cuz me and emma kicked gangsta style earlier. you're not from the hood so you wouldn't understand.
Well, technically I don't have any *sperm* but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Oh, speaking of safe, I really would have let you lash me with a jack handle but only if my safeword could be "ow!"
*watches all the chaos and pandemonium run wild as the battle to have a piece of emma rages on.
oooh - another pepsi!
I wipe it off the tile,
the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3-D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold,
the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes!
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong
I have to laugh out loud,
I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?
guess the song and the artist and win an obscene phone call from me!
That's Slipknot "Wait n Bleed"
*hmmmmm.... phone isn't ringing ;)
i uhh, kinda don't have your phone#. i really need to think these things through............
yes, you do. That's a great love song by the way.
*leans back in a Pepsionic blissful state ....*
yeah.........love song......right.
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