The long and the short of it.
I have to deal with my issues constructively.
I keep telling myself that. FYI.
But the term constructive is in the eye of the beholder, and different to every body... So what may be constructive to me, would not be to you.
Therefore, I lay my issues out on the table now, perhaps you'll help me think of a new and creative construction-type someting to offer up. Or an opinion.
1. I need a girlfriend. Not a whirlwind love affair... but a woman who will have casual sex with me and not cling or want to own me. Really, is there such a woman? Because dammit you're for me and I could really use you. *snicker* use you heh.
I think that's what all men want... but I'm a woman... hmmm.
I dunno exactly what it is, but I miss the feeling of a woman next to me. The difference of the way a woman kisses in contrast to a man. The softness, the sensuality... the warm-fuzzy giggle bond.
I'm craving it... a lot. So much so that I'm constantly churning the visuals in my mind of the way she'd smell, taste... move.
It's a good feeling. Happy warm feeling like the way the sunlight came down on the bed that one time, got us all sweaty and heated... you were in pigtails.
I hate you for that memory.
2. I miss Red. But I can't call her because I can't enable the psycho in me to adore the psycho in her. I truly understand the equation of it all, and it's cyclical.
3. I'm horny as fuck. Which is always an issue... But really, today (monday) was more insane than most because I was provoked. Sideline tackled... I call a foul on that game and want a rematch.
4. Fruit roll-up issue is always an issue. I still contend that I'm thankful no hair pulling is involved. Ask me again why I wear panties sometimes... uhh.. BECAUSE OF TODAY. Thanks, nuff said.
5. Yes, i said no hair pulling. Because that was my husbands request, and if he wants hardwoods instead of carpet who am I to tell him no. Furthermore, this weekend is the big wedding anniversary and I'm doing shit his way. *ahem*
Bow down to the baldness bitches. Right.
6. K, wedding anniversary... and I need to decide which dress I'm wearing. I know, I know it's just a huge pain in the ass to ask for wardrobe advice, but being that it's a 50/50 split between friends and others who'd seen them,
I think I'll do a vote! OOOHH FUN!
So, we're going to wine country and staying at a resort.
You know what that means? WINE TASTING!!!!
Fuck yeah, I'm all about the wines... And then some!
*sigh* Yes yes, spa package... two person jacuzzi tub, rose pedals on the bed. NICE. k ahem.
So.. We will be having dinner at a top 10 in the US restaurant and well, I want to be appropriate of course. So here's our choices:

Yes, I do formal fundraisers (don't act shocked fuckers). I'm a little more renown than some of you may think -- err, locally anyway.
Galas in the summer are fun, and there's quite a bit of them for the next few months. So a girl has to be ready for it, right? Right.

I have back up dresses but this one takes the cake for certain.
Its classy for one. It shimmers, the bustline rocks, and I love the silkiness of it. This dress makes my pussy wet all by itself. Makes me feel sexy and comfortable (because it's black). The shoes rock with it... I must confess... I love the shoes!
(T.. check out those strappies!! *pom poms*)
-and the contender?-
b. "THE" dress - The sentimental sure-fire.

So through a baby, physical struggles, and a little tragic illness here and there I've accomplished wearing a garment I wore 7 years ago... better than I wore it 7 years ago (when I was 24..*tear*).
I'm an egotistical bitch aren't I? LOL. Actually I'm more humble than you may think, no really....anyway.
"THE" dress was a jaw dropper in 1999, and still serves it's purpose because I'll be damned if my husbands mouth didn't fall open when he saw me slip into it this last weekend. It had been in a bag for the last 7 years only because I figured I'd never fit into it again, but god damnit I loved the dress, I did.And here it is, reincarnated.
The dress is imported, it is french. It is linen and cotton so it breathes, it needs to be worn bra less (which is a plus for the early spring breeze nipple hardening), but also needs to be worn with stockings and a garter... because my one insecurity is my legs.
And shhhh. I fucking hate them.
HA. not so egotistical now... am I?
Like all women, I want him to get a rager just looking at me. Watching him eye fuck me out of the dress all the way through dinner.
Let me know what you think, because honestly I just cant decide and I need to pack this shit up.
(Sorry the pictures are shitty, and don't give me crap about how messy the bed is either, it was laundry day).
I agree with the others so far. The black flows nicely with you.
Definitely black.
Black :)
I think you can wear the white during the day, maybe to lunch then he can take it off you; you'll have fantastic sex, shower and change into the black one. The black one is way more app. for dinner plus wine tasting, getting tipsy...better in black doesn't show thru white if you slip a little...
I vote black :)
ahhh I should go wine tasing the weekend after next! I miss it! *hmm checks calender, will have to be after Easter* Okay got a date, I am so spoiled to have wineries so close to me; it is such a fabuloso thing! So fun to picnic and taste...
oh and...
(would make the font bigger if I could...)
oh one last thing promise; Hardwood is the only way to go baby!
1) If you can't get fuzz-giggles anywhere else then yeah, you definitely need a girlfriend. Case closed.
2) The black dress looks sexier and it's more appropriate for dinner. The white dress looks sweeter, plus it's a sentimental favorite and if you can't be sentimental on your anniversary then why bother having one? Everybody's right, white during the day, black at night. If you can't bring both bring... arg, black it is since a) if you're a heavy wine taster it won't show (wine) stains, b) you can wear shorts and a tank-top to wine tastings anyway if you have to, c) black is more appropriate for fancy dinners, and d) you can be naked in the spa and your hotel room, and you'd better spend most of your time in your hotel room, with your partner, so who cares what you wear during the day? But that's only if you only have room for one. Otherwise, white during the day, black at night.
3) You are such a goof for worrying about your pretty, pretty legs. Assume they're less awesome than the rest of your body (a tough assumption but bear with me.) Less awesome still implies they're awesome, right? Therefore at worst your legs are awesome. Quitcher bitchin. (Also, have you *seen* your legs? They're awesome, Emma.)
Also, good on 'yer for doing major fundraisers.
And finally, happy anniversary. Seven years, huh? Cool, cool, cool. Nobody can take that away. Lucky you. Lucky him.
Take care,
Wine tasting and a white dress...Not so much.
The white makes your tits look amazing BUT the black...the black makes me wanna slooowly run my hands up your legs raising that fabric with it...
My one guideline that I always follow when deciding on an outfit is this.....I look at myself in the mirror and ask, "Would I fuck myself in this outfit"
If the clothes don't make me want to fuck myself then they don't get worn. Simple
The black. I'd fuck you.
I vote black. Definitely. Of course it's my favorite color (wierd huh?) but it also looks great on you.
And oh yeah, hardwood all the way!!
i would say the sentimental white, but since you are wine tasting, rager black would be a more sensible choice ... back in black ...
happy anniversary to you and mr naughty!
and btw, if the grass is on the field , play ball.
I'm a complete sucker for the little black dress, so - no needing to guess where my vote is.
Btw, you're insecure about your legs? Huh? They're great!
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WOW. Thanks you guys and gals for the strong voting...Appparently the black has all the votes! Hooray for black!!!
Murphster - You're right, I agree. and it's strange saying that... but hmmm. Did you even SEE the SHOES!?!?!
So the white during the day... hmmm... k, that's a possibility!
Sugar - thanks for the good vibes, I didn't call her.
HuneeB - You made a really good point. And thanks for the Happy Happy!!! SMOOCHIES! I love wine tasting, seriously. Good times.
Pearl - No cling? Really? Alright you sexy bitch, move here and let's be togetherness.
Madame - *snicker* you wear your black dress, I'll wear mine... we'll play dress down.
Same goes for you Krs... Fuck me then. Don't just say it, do it... I need a fine piece of ass here with me.
Fig - thanks for the compliments on the legs... really, appreciated.
Okay, they're LESS awesome than the rest of me! *sigh*
HARDWOODS ROCK DAN!! Only I cant be bald forever, just not the same without at least a throw rug!!
Thom - what? No grass... no grass. Padded walls... I'll play with you.
Matt - Thanks, your vote totally counts. And yes, yes i am. Can't help it.. I hate my guns.
Morning EN!
I forgot to mention the black shoes! They rock...6 1/2 right?
Can I borrow?
Morning Sexy Madame! No, the 6 1/2's were too small.. I had to go with a 7 in that style, but the heels are 4 inches... wow, love it! The only other pair of highest heels I have are err not wearable with an evening gown! LMAO!
If you don't think you'll slip around in them, yeah, you can borrow them absolutely!
Sug - you never miss a day of class! I have big snuggles for you, come and get em.
So nice you said it twice Pearl... I love your tits... but, honey, I need the touch... the caress... the closeness
The smell of your hair.
The taste of your skin.
I can handle a 7!
4" *sigh* yeah I"ve got a few pairs of "street shoes" that are 4" but the other pairs are not for walking...crawling...kneeling...fucking but not walking!
gotta have grass! i guess you can say i'm a purist when it comes to the game ...
the smells, the sights, the sounds, the way the grass is mowed, the way the sun plays on the field ... oh shit, we weren't talking baseball ?
No Thom, we were talking pubic topiary and my lack there of!!! Jesus, pay attention!
Sug - *grabbing ruler* you are indeed a star student... don't make me sit you in the corner.
Madame - See, now I contest that shoes are essential depending on the fuck thats happening.... you agree?
oh, yeah ...
if i may opine ...
gotta have pubic topiary ...
Murphy, I have that picture... should I send it to you?
Madame :) LOL.
Pearl, yes please think about it... It's totally worth it.
Thom - I know! But everybody is different!!!
I prefer some fuzz left on the peach...hate the bald's too prepubescent for me!!!
I prefer some fuzz left on the peach...hate the bald's too prepubescent for me!!!
I agree madame, but it's all about what makes the husband happy this time... when it's over it will grow back :)
I forgot to mention the
Seriously, I just republished my blog so hopefully things will get better around here for the comments.
Yeah, can we move on from the pussy topiary thing, I'm feeling a bit naked!!
K, yes, fruit roll up, only today I'm wearing a thong... Because if this skirt gets messy I'll have to toss it... seriously.
So far today though, no need to worry, i think.
Thanks Kristen :)
If we're not talking about pussy...shit...I got nuttin'
Blogger sucks today.......
OK, ok focus.............
Yeah...nope nuttin
Well, hmmm. No relationship advice or offers to be my girlfriend then?
Okay.... fine fine.
EN if I offer to be your girlfriend chances are I'm gonna start talking about sucking pussy and you know where that leads...
I just ate a half a roll of cookie dough
How to be bi, yeah I could teach that... but it's not really something taught, it's a feeling... something experienced.
Madame - jesus we can talk about it! I just didn't want to go all into how bald my pussy is!!!
Uhhh... Kristen, you okay? And what's with you two doing the playa theme today?
Not to say it doesn't rock for a blog post.. but, you two been head hunting or what?!?!?
And I'll be honest, Im a playa.. you wanna kick my ass now, or later?
i gotta have topiary, baby!
i have a fever! and the only cure is more topiary!
I love the Playa....they just tend to make me second guess myself at times.
I thought cookie dough solves everything
Okay but your posts are conflicting, you either love a playa or you hate them.
You cant have it both ways...
Head...who's giving head?
I got a terrible case of cock jaw this morning!
Advil's not helping!
love/hate relationship?
you drive a hard bargain. you can never go wrong with the black dress. but the nostalgia dress is way cool. are you sure he'll recognize it though? what if he doesn't? go with the black dress. and yes, you look hot in both. ;)
I just needed a little adivce and I wondered if people are born playas or are taught to be playas
I like to have sex with Playas....they tend to be good in bed
Agreed, just don't get sprung on the playa ladies... don't do it.
No, pearl dammit it's not friday. and I know you did! But you were also thinking it over!!!!
Sug - I need to come down and see you, don't I?
Sometimes you don't know the fuckers are playas...that's when it gets fucked up.
It's tuesday!
Tit Sucking Tuesday?
I can't help myself
Wait, what man?
LOL Tit sucking Tuesday! Hilarious!
well, it seems it's ladies day in the hizzay ...
S'up Thom?
Really people I'm in pain here and if I go to my chiro...hell I'd love to see my chart...Masturbator's forearms...cock jaw hell he probably wack off after I leave
Either that or fuck you himself Madame....
I was #69
I was #69
Whoo hoo.
I am soo easy to please, pathetic realy.
He is hot in a homeopathic kind of way
Why are you in pain? I missed something
Then make the first move, when he goes to adjust your back, just sweetly and politely say you would like him to adjust your front.
works for me.
*black dress*
Sug-I highly recomend one!!!
EN-I'm not smooth like you are!
I'd say that roll over and fall off the table
AWESOME! Clumsy chicks ROCK!
marry me madame... do it. Vegas in September... wear white even.
OK don't have to ask me twice
ask my Ex husband
Sorry Sug, yes honey I'll come to your party!! When is it?
Hmm, mid week. Not sure I could swing that... but I can try!
Soo not glad I wore panties today... somebody buy me a crystal ball and shit.
Oh Murphy, I really don't think you need to learn shit.
But that's just my formulated opinion.
From one playa to another, respectively.
tee.hee. sug, really doh...
Can't do the weekend of the 23rd...
Nothing new..Murph's an ass
yeah, that about sums it up.
-Wait- are there chicks who still dont' swallow?
And i have a hard time finding 'dates'?
yes madame ...
there are chicks who don't swallow ... sigh
Honestly, there's so many women that say they do, but really don't once it comes down to 'dirty' time...
Any woman can say they swallow...
A large percentage of men now really don't honestly believe you swallow until you do.
Read an article about cock sucking lying dirty whore bitches...
Yeah, that was the title of it.
i married one ...
Spittin seems so...rude
I do enjoy a good facial though...I can't get my mind off sex...I need a lobatomy
... talk about not reading the fine print ... oy
Why the hell wouldn't you swallow? I don't get it.
I also don't get the chicks who don't kiss their man after the guy just got done goin' down....hell bring your face up here now and let me taste it on your lips....
Geez, I need to step away from the frustation is obvious. Sorry guys
Yeah but does she TELL you she swallows and then doesn't Thom?
Because that's what I hate the most. And hate is a strong word, but honestly... don't CLAIM to swallow if you don't.
That just makes those of us that enjoy downing a load look bad.
she did, and here's the kicker...
she also says she loves sucking cock ...
... once again, not true.
... never mind the disappointment for us on the other end of the deal. I guess..., well my take on it anyway.
LOVE the taste of my pussy on a guy...his lips his tongue his cock...fucking HOT
Seriously....I'm having issues on here
Madame.....I love to taste it to on his mouth.......those girls don't know what they are missing
$100 bucks a piece says none of you ladies have ever done that.
I also am not beleiving any of you bitches swallow any thing but soda.
Taste and Smell are can't claim to be 'sensual' while denying taste and smell!!!
I think you just like to get a rise out of us.
But I'm convinced that if we were alone together you'd fake a swallow...
Then cringe when I kiss you after eating your pussy, you'll do it, but you'll only do it to make me happy.
Done what Shawn? Never done what?
Nope, I swallow and I want to taste myself on your lips.......bottom line is that is hot and sexy
Swallow. I think all you ladies are just talk. No way all you women swallow cum.
No way. Totally not beleiving this crock of bullshit you've thrown up here.
Shawn, mello.
You know with me it's fact.
Maybe you have just stumbled into a room full of sexy bitches who swallow cum's hard to believe you still live with your mother!
**shaking head.
Nope, sorry Kristen. Just can't bring myself to believe that.
And you know what Sug, its the truth! You all say "oh yeah, I totally swallow..."
Then you gag and just let it roll down your chin, and then say something fucked up like "why didn't you tell me you were going to cum, I would've swallowed!!"
fuck you ladies for playing mind games.
since i'm jaded
i have a tendency to agree with shawn on this ...
I think you're frustrated too.........
Pent up frustration Shawn?
Hmmm... I'm a bit jaded in this area, too.
Sometimes I like to swallow sometimes I like to lick it off of him...truth...don't need any of you asses to believe it.
Okay E, with you it's fact this is true because I've seen it. Also because I know you like the taste of pussy, not just yours but others as well.
Thom. You know what dude, I seriously bet $100 bucks a piece that these bitches are just saying that because it's blogger and it's safe and there's no way we're gonna know any different.
I'm going back to eating cookie dough....
OH my. you need a lashing Shawn, you apparently wore your asshole hat to the party.
Bring your dick over here....seriously I'll take that bet.....or since I'm sure you wont' travel....cum in a cup for me and FED EX it.......
HAHAHAHA that the only way you can get a chick to suck your dick?
Ironically, the only girl who didn't say something along the lines like this to me ... was the only girl who swallowed over and over ...
All of the others ... well, let's just say, a mild disappointment ensued.
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Better yet titties, blow some one, any one..
swallow their load, open your mouth with tonge and throat covered with semen and have them take a picture.
And yeah i know the difference between phlem and cum so good try there.
Send me the picture, ill send you $100.
That goes for the rest of you ladies too. Fucking lying bitches, I dare you to prove it.
whhoooossaaaaa Shawn. Whhoooosssaaaaa....
damn, i wish i was a girl now ... i could use the $100
Somebody needs a nap!
Agreed Thom. It's the ones that don't gloat about it that do it.
Apparently some one told these ladies that all these things are hot and they're just saying it to appease them.
It's ok, i know frustration.....
Breathe Shawn and I'll think of you the next time I'm swallowing....
No really, you're all liars. Every single one of you. this a pathetic plea for masturbatory material?
Shawn if you have issues with girls lying about swallowing that make you feel hate we can talk about it later.
Don't burn bridges.
K, you do need a nap.
En...I think there in lies his problem...girls...It's been a long time since I was a girl...stop hanging around the Jiffy Mart, Shawn
No, i have plenty of masturbation material. And a girl friend of sorts now. Even better I have a hot chick beating my ass every tuesday so I'm straight as a line.
I'm becoming more comfortable with my rage.
Rage because you're 'pleasers' not 'doers' and you know this. Just quit lying, really, it's okay if you don't swallow cum.
But don't say you do and dont.
En...I think there in lies his problem...girls...It's been a long time since I was a girl...stop hanging around the Jiffy Mart, Shawn
(stares blankly at madame)
Jiffy Mart.......wonder if they have cookie dough?
I have been getting laid on a regular basis, thanks.
Choco-chip cookie dough...sure
Good to know.....
It really hurts me
<--- right here
To see you upset Shawn, but for chrissake just calm down. It shouldn't matter...
What DOES matter is that none of these ladies will be lying to you any time soon... right?
Okay, deep breaths.
i'm out
talk to all y'all later...
*blank stare*
mornin' anyone care to give a rundown so I am caught up on all 163?
dude they're both hot... i say go with your gut... (or black for the shoes...)
like the new look by the way :)
okay i'm out... not happy enough for blogland today
WAIT a guys don't have the dreaded FUNKY SPUNK do ya?
Cuz then I could see why your chicks don't wanna swallow
fuck that. they are lying, every one of them.
hahaha Funky Spunk... good one
Lay off the fast food and coffee...umm Shawn hun that includes hot pockets I think
Alright Shawn. you're done..
I'll fess up then. I don't swallow. I perpetrate apparently.
Geez, somebody swallow Shawn so we can move on from this.....
I'm pulling for you need a good swallow
BTW Sug I am very proud of you for your 60+ days!!
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now YOUR lying! Fuck you Emma.
Emma, "I dont believe a word of it a single blinking word of it, a girl like you...!"
no lie. no lie.
Why the delete Kristen?
It takes a lot of guts, determiniation and will and appearently you have all that, you should be very proud of yourself! While you may not feel it now in 6 months you will feel great!
Posted twice and didn't really feel like being called a ditz
How the hell am I supposed to believe that? I've SEEN you do it.
That fuckin pisses me off to because now you're blatently lying to devert the subject in a totally opposite direction.
Really, fuck you cock smoking, cum sucking bitch.
I like you, I think anything ditzy you do is considered cute here...
Shawn... perhaps you should think of adding some fiber to your diet...those Hot Pockets can be binding
Thank you....I like you too
be strong :O)
Side note I ran into my ex this morning at my local coffee place... I go there almost every morn and he happened to be there and my libido just went ape shit...I have a yerning to call him and fuck the shit out of him
help me please
gawd I miss sex with him!
See, I don't have that problem with my ex...I see him and I want to vomit
so here's the kicker I can't call him unless I really put some effort into it, if you read my posts then you will remember my phone was stolen hence lost his number now if I think real hard or make one phone call I could get it...but I don't know....ahh I so want to call him but...
depends on if you're good or not Murph ;}
Can you just have sex and not do the whole emotions thing?
grrrr sex drive needs to go away...
op, here we go. Hence the baiting and the reel....
fish fight is on in the hizzay.
lmao Kristen, wish I had the same reaction...he saw me first and waited leaving
came and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and was asking me all sorts of questions...
I melted when he hugged me
OK people I'm off to swallow some cum!
Catch ya later!
Murph don't get arrested in Cinci what would we do with out your stupidity to piss us all off!
I don't think your sex drive will go away.......I don't think you really want your sex drive to go away either
AHHH, the melt........I love the melt....
I think I could do sex with no emotions, hmmm maybe if that was a mutual pre arrangement but I am not sure I think at somepoint someone's feelings will get hurt... with the ex sex without emotion can't exist b/c there is so much feelings there...
the melt
it's like wearing his shirt, smelling his cologne on it, while watching tv together after some great sex on a lazy day...running your fingers back and forth on his skin just to watch the goosebumps
sorry Anna :(
I honestly start to feel sick at my stomach if the thought of him touching me even enters my head...and god help me if he tries to hug me.....little bit of vomits comes up and I have to SWALLOW it back down
No really, this is way sexy.. please continue.
Im not touching the ex-factor.
umm yeah I def don't get that...I got the *twitch* thought about him all through class today, couldn't focus
eh, just call him and fuck him and get it out of your system.
Kristen I think the Beetlejuice thing works both ways you say it three times while he's out and he goes
That's what Madame told say it and he leaves....but if you say it three times he stays....she's on to something there
gawd we had GREAT.FUCKING.SEX it was like we were the perfect puzzle pieces; we just fit
I knew what he liked and he knew how to make me swoon
Ok, I gotta ask.........why is he an ex?
uhhh. oh my, this is sooo not my forte'. I don't do swooning.
I don't do romance. I have yet to find a guy that can make me swoon.
Do you want to be swooned?
*looking around*
who.. me?
umm *stutter* do, I want to be *stutter* swooned?
I don't think its the 'wanting' thats the issue here. I think it's the expertise of the person trying to swoon me.
I've never felt swooned, its hard to make me all warm and fuzzy and awwwwww. In fact, i think i only felt that once for like, 5 minutes, a very long time ago.
Why i just had to go into that, I have no idea.
sucks to talk to yourself.
Uhhh. Okay, I'll go catch my flight then.
I am cause of construction or rain or wtf ever my power has gone out AGAIN second time this week! Had to take the laptop to the coffee shop
okay so he is an ex b/c he freaked out on me...we've been together 3 years and it always seemed that when one of us wanted the relationship the other didn't...he is pretty successful running two business and I work full time, watch kids part time and go to school
He he he... Emma, you're making me laugh. Havent been swooned... good thing Shawn's left... you'd get him all worked up again with your fibbing.
so time was an issue and I told him that if this last time didn't work I was out I couldn't keep giving my heart for let down...well he wanted to "be friends" and I think that he expected me to just take a break and come back to him well I said fine and cut all ties
Shy - nobody's driven into my heart or soul that deeply.
No lie.
he has since begged me back, begged my mom for me back, made an effort and I still really love him but I guess I just don't want to be let down again, I don't think my heart can take it again,...
huneeb, that DOES suck... you think ex (or you) would consider a reconciliation?
it's almost a double edge sword I am glad to have been so much in love and experience that we had so many good times together and have experienced so much, he has opened me up as a person but at the same time it really hurts (the heartbreak)
okay ya... I see now... hmmmm...
he still calls me baby...makes me sad
and I know all it would take is a phone call on my part ot get him back but I don't torn
he did buy a house and was 30 minutes from me but has since bought another house closer so I think it could be better this time but I guess I am scared it still won't work and can I really take that again?
he told me he bought the new house to be closer to me...
and he is doing better, he lost 20 pounds...I hate have no control over my heart
Ok, I'm more crickets.....
I want to be swooned
and no don't do love him and it won't be just sex
Sadly no Anna I think that we both have too many feelings for each other to revert back to that level...
and Sug I think that we could get back together but then I have to take into account that in a year I will be going away to school somewhere and should I start this again???
so huneeb, how much talking have you done with ex about getting back together...? I asked 'cause you said you 'cut all ties'
he just "has" me... I I am not so sure he knows it...
we've gone to lunch a couple of times and ran into each other but not much since the end...I wrote him a three page letter when I was still really hurt and angry but I never gave it to him...maybe I'll post it here...but I have resisted too much contact, we had dinner one night at his new house and watched a movie then I went home...I can tell by his questions that he still really cares about me, I don't knwo why I am so stubborn
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hate the double comment!
I am sorry Sug, we can change the subject!
well, if you do want him back then without talking, you'll never be able to figure out how far across he'll come to your side of the equation, or if you can find middle ground etc. Buying a house is a pretty major commitment and in a way, it's a form of communication.
tough call about one year from now though.
Geez, I want you to be with him now
yeah I think that too Pearl, I guess a large part of it is fear, what if I do all this put myself back out there and then I move for school and it doesn't work out again, the hole in me would get bigger...don't know if I can take that ya know?
Sorry ot be so deep I think I scared everyone away...
wow - i left and we were talking about swallowing, now we are talking about heartbreak ... wide variety today on EmTV
*eating cookie dough*
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