Well it's Friday, and wow what a great week it's been. Yes, blatent sarcasm there.
Anyway, and without further a-do, I bring you random thought process:
-- i hate the word "sure".
-- Normally I'm not a big fan of King without a Crown by Matisyahu (because it's been played so often), but today something about that song, a bowl, and a beer made life worth living. Hips just kinda SWAY to that on their own, don't they?
-- Every time I look up and see an airplane fly over I wonder if I should really hop on one.
-- My site counter is telling me my blog has had 101, 386 hits since I started tracking. I just want to say how much I appreciate all of you (that comment, and don't comment) how glad I am that you enjoy my little slice of heaven, or ... apparently not by some of the commenters.
-- I've learned in the last year that there are things you can say on your blog, and things you cannot without somebody inferring something. Which is too bad, because sometimes I really think I just wanna crack my mind open and express... but I can't deal with assumptions so I stifle... often.
-- Fucking Vegas in September is looking fucking fabulous. Just really have to get that off my chest. I'm thinking that would be a perfect opportunity for the calendar shoot ladies, just in time for 2007 calendar production.
-- Again, Fucking Vegas in September is STILL looking fabulous because I'm rooming with T. And shes gonna wear a towel again... and I'm not going to try so hard to keep my hands to myself. If I run into a water buffalo I'm hitting her up for the dry-off first and foremost.
(sorry you know what hun? I just had to spill that)
-- I hope T doesn't get upset that I said that. Fuck, maybe I should send her another dozen roses AND a picture of me smirking..... just in case.
-- I'm so glad I booked and committed to that shit. I need to change the subject.

-- No 4.20 in my house ever goes uncelebrated. Therefore I break out the 'special', that's right the big boy... And it rocks. It goes back to it's stash-away in the closet around 10, in fact this fucker doesn't even come out for special occassions... Nope, just today... SO, it's kinda like Santa for Em...
-- This afternoon a lawyer in my office asked me if I wanted to stay late and collate. This is the same guy that looks away from ANYTHING he is doing and thinks he secretly undresses me with his eyes through his glass door when I walk down the hallway to my office. I couldn't oblige since I was not feeling so well this afternoon... and it kinda caught me off guard because he's shy.
So I stuttered.
-- Fingerprints tattoo'd on your ass is weird. Especially when it's perfect finger placement to somebody that is/was/or could be behind you.... But yet, a good friend of mine has that tattoo'd on his ass. And yes, I said his.
-- I wanted to not overthink that. So I'm not and moving on.
-- J emailed me today, and reminded me that yeah... I really need some evil girl time because I'm goin' a bit soft lately. In reply to an email I sent this morning, she wrote this:
You not going fishing is like I-S-H. You are the F, complete the fish. We need our F. Could you imagine what it would be like if we couldn't say fuck, or fight or even fat ass? It'd be uck, ight, and at ass... Doesn't work.
Be the F, bring the beer, and meet us at the boat launch at 7am. If you can't get to your rod you can use one of mine... okay chica? Okay.
Time to catch dem bigguns that been hidin' all season and geddin' fat.
PS- We decided you should bring the beer only since that's going to keep you committed to the trip. No you, no beer, you'll hear about it until you die and you know that's a fact. jack.
That said. Should be a great weekend. Hope yours is just as well!
Morning Em!
Blow Job anyone?
you better go catch dem fish this weekend. me and pbc gonna catch dem crappie down ta perry lake. hhhoooooo-eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
uh, yes! Madame!
vegas!! *sigh*
Sug - Yeah you know, just something about being the F. It's a special kinda feeling... like I belong!
Madame - Morning! Hey, what does Vegas have to do with blow jobs? Errr.. nevermind :D
Kristen - Yes, Vegas. It's SO going to rock.
Scumbag - hoooooheeeee! Fish on you hot crappy catching bitch! I'm soooo looking forward to the first cast of the season, I always fuck that up.
Murphy - Well, you do have nice knees... so, I mean you put your knees up there and then expect us to concentrate on your blog topic? Ummm, no. Your knees are definitely the attention getter.
Sorry you can't undress at the office, or undress others or...
Buttah - *sigh* *giggle*
Pearl - June, eh? When in June is it specifically? There's potential!
Ishing is so not the same as fishing...yeah, you have to go. Catch a big 'un for me!
And, uh...I'll make sure to wear a shorter towel...?
All this talk is makin' me miss Vegas. Anyone free mid-May?
look at our blog emma for the dates. and don't toy w/ our hearts about coming. you may make annabella cry. she's a sensitive lil' thing ya know.
T - You know what? I might just be... Seriously. You going down there in May?
Scum - Im not joking, I just need to see if there's any changing needed in my schedule is all... you just tell Annabella to sit pretty :) I'll check it out over there in a minute.
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Well, it's not hard for me to be there, ya know? Only a few hours drive away...so...it's easy me for to plan Vegas trips at the last minute.
K, So you will or wont be there... Dont play head games with me T!!!
I won't be there unless you tell me to be there. I'd like to be there, but I'm not going alone.
Quick, somebody use me as a sex toy.........go
Hmm, lemme check fare... I wonder how much...
Pearl are you daring me to Vegas in May or to KS in June?
I'm confused.
Murphy - Gimme a minute to get dressed first wouldja?!?!
Toke - HI! Okay I'll do that....
pearl was challenging you to KS in june goddammit! you're already goin' to vegas in september.
Good morning!
I need to pick up some cash!
I figure blow jobs are the best way
Morning TG!!!
Scum - Hmmmm, a dare eh? I told you WE'LL SEE!!!
What's the going rate, Madame?
Madame - I say we do a fundraiser for you, seriously... maybe set up pay pal or something?
Sug - tee hee, you are the ISH! Sorry about the picture... I had to do it in celebration of yesterday... and that dry mouth remark was HILAROUS!
I need a nap...
Anyone wanna cuddle?
Today is a good cuddling day TG.... Its all yucky and rainy outside... We can still build a fire though, no burn bans yet.
Wassay we open a bottle of wine too?
Em, whatever happened to part 2 of the Saturday Night Rumble? Are we ever going to get to finish?
That sounds purrrrrfect Em. Fire, wine, and cuddling. Yippy!
*note to self*
work more
save money
go to vegas
*clears throat*
nice bong babe, that thing looks like great fun. i got high and went to band practice which also rocked...
yes, hop on a plane and come visit!
GO FISHING!!!!!!!!!! take pics and tell stories
hope the weekend makes up for the week
Last time i heard a group of ladies say that they were going fishing, they came back with nothing to show for it. They said something along the lines that they were trawling for cock or something...
TG - We totally need to finish that, shit Im soooo sorry! Okay well *giggle* I've been a little under the weather for mud wrestling you know... hmmmmm. Let's see how fucked up I get fishing, if I'm partially sober I'll do it this Saturday :)
Sass- You know, you're over-welcome to Vegas sweetie.. It'd fucking ROCK to see you there, seriously.... If I could get the bong on the plane... Dude, could you imagine how fucked up we'd get!!!
Sug - LMAO!
Thom - Is there something wrong with trolling for cock? Umm NO
Well, at least I'd have the common courtesy not to undress you with my *eyes,* Emma. That would just be rude.
I think I'd feel like the odd man out if I went to Vegas in September so I'll have to pass. If you do wind up grabbing Teresa's towel do me a favor and roll her over, move your warm hand down to the base of her spine, press gently but firmly, and say "it's not all about your boobs, T." Then lean over her so your hair brushes between her shoulders and kiss the back of her neck for me.
I'll be down shopping in Seattle today so if anyone wants coffee before 3:00 drop me a line.
Emma, I know fishing in polypro and Helly-Hanson ain't exactly what you had in mind but you still gotta go.
Em - That's alright sweetie... I just don't want you to forget that we need a date to finish *wink & a giggle*
FIG!!! It's supposed to be nice tomorrow though!?!?!?
Jesus If I have to flash my tits through rain gear it will be a sad sad day for certain.
TG - No worries lovey, sometimes I need a quick lick in the ass to get me back on track.
I said lick... HOLLA!
sorry...had to well not important...now where was I...Oh blow jobs...what is the going rate?
I think it's $25 - $75 depending on skill factor
hmmm....allowing for regional differances...economic situations in the community...
and gas prices, inflation....
right, right...supply and demand
Jesus, well... I could give some blow jobs too and we can pool our money?
well you know together would could fetch a good price...double your fun kind of deal
Do you accept poetry, cigarettes, or rides in a classic mustang?
can any of that get me to Vegas??
Will any of those get madame to Vegas Helskel?
Ummmmmmmm.... no.
no wait... cash is what's needed here. Sorry, I lost the thread as soon as the image of both E and Madame working on their knees.
uh, came to me.
see Em I told ya...gotta double team!
Sug - you know, yeah you have an advantage there... i dont pawn my jewelry though.... It's too hard to come by in the first place.
Madame - how fucking hilarious is it that we both said the exact same thing just now? pretty funny!
Helskel - say came agin... HOT!
People I need your help...going to an 80's costume pary...how should I wear my hair...I am in my costume now and I swear I look like a psycho ballerina!
Em..great minds my little pomegranate!
I love it when you call me your little pomegranite!!!
Wear your bangs in a wave, tease the hair and make it poofy, lots of hairspray....
would be awesome.. don't forget your jelly bracelets and your shoulder pads!
Um, I know I'm late to this topic but can I get in on the blow jobs for money thing?
i got my ocean pacific shiznit on ... with my local motion volleyball hat
Sweetie I don't have bangs...No shoulder pads...black corsette (which i just put on upside down) black crinoline skirt, bike shorts, fishnets,
ok, ball breakin image:
Emma and Madame taking turns,
one looking doe-eyed innocent asking me to come come come while the other is applying her skills;
and then switch;
the other giving me the hard look, ordering me to come now or else!...
while the 'good cop' takes her turn on my lucky tool.
is that hawt enough?
Shit...that was hot
contrast crosswire good-girl bad-girl... woof!
There's a story in there Emma!
Thank god, cause I've got to get my ass to Vegas
That was hot
Get my ass to Vegas...K that's the name of our charity blog...
No sug all black cept for my neon pink gloves and shoes!!
"Forty miles to Vegas, and we all started praying...!"
Can't you just see pictures of our thing clad asses making their way across the USA as each person donates money
I would so do it!!!! Wonder if it work??
Stopping at each town and hitting the local bar for contributions
NO ripping the fishnets!!!
I use these and pro fishnets are fucking expensive...lace gloves pink black bracelts...OOO I need lace ankle socks!
1980s brings back memories of a store in Seattle called "Zebra Club" or "Z-Club" and everyone at my school had to have one of their sweatshirts with a big freakin' "Z" on the front of them.
Anyone got a "Member's Only" jacket? What about "parachute pants" or those red leather and zipper Michael Jackson Thriller jackets?
hehehe...I asked for help thank you all...I need to get this corsette off now!
You ladies have some great ideas for both the 80's costume parties and the blow job fundraiser... Im just sitting here taking notes.
Helskel, that was hot!
Mme X: you could always do what a couple of friends of mine did... for an "80's" party they were invited to they showed up as a couple of people in their 80's. Support stockings, walker, boobs saggin' to their waists...
I'm thinking I could make it cross country if I stopped in at bars and hit on some guys.....seriously....I'm not joking.
I'll kick a $100 to each of you beautiful ladies :)
Hi dom!
See I was thinking of a blogging fundraiser....graphics, pie charts...OMG PIE charts....I could really rake in the bucks...we should have done the calendar...sold that
A Week early....ok.....I'm not road tripping to Vegas by myself though....Madame...you in? We're going the same direction....meet Emma and the ladies in Vegas...
See how far we can get on our looks!!!!
Yeah...I got to the back door!
I refuse to laugh at that
me too actually....
I don't think you're on the way to Vegas....just send check or money order to Emma for sponsorship.
Or rather Murphy, your credit card number would be fine.
Payment methods are neogitable.....
We guarantee that with your payment we will provide pictures
I am not coming back til the bad man's gone!
I don't need alcohol to appreciate a hot pussy in my mouth Murphy.
I appreciate the sentiment though, really, you're a thinker AND a giver.
I've got that shirt...really
I don't have that shirt...does it come in tank top style?
Don't they have a "turned another chick bi" shirt for Smurph-dog?
"All my ex girlfriends are lesbians now"
LMAO! Ooooh that was errr... really bad. But fucking hilarious.
ewww...full stomach here!
Damn warn me when you're gonna be vomit inducing will you Smurphy?
Could you imagine the reprocussion of all of us being his ex-g/fs?!?
that would be intimidating and scary for any future women he might want to date.
it be like some sort of sorority
Sorority Girl Pillow FIGHT!!
"Are you a member of murpha cumma delta ?'
Topless pillow fight!
Murpha muncha delta!!!
no madame - that would be correct - otherwise you all wouldn't be exes to him.
*that wouldn't *
Who care...I just want someone to munch my delta...FOCUS Thom!!!
I'm pleading the fifth on my sorority initiation and hereby ordering a panty raid on madame's room.
*blush and a wink*
I'd munch you Madame.... all night long like Lionel Ritchie.
(see, goin' with the 80's theme there)
SUGARPUNK I never got your EMAIL!
Nicely done EN!
About the panties...I'm not wearing any...I got this blistering hot email!!!!
It's me right?!?!?
The thought of me being pantyless has everyone off masturbating, right?
no , i think we were all waiting for this blistering email
I was masturbating
isn't that a given ?
No seriously, I was.
You screamed my name, didn't ya?
I couldnt scream cause I was in the bathroom, but I did moan a little when I came....
and when I closed my eyes real tight, it was your face I saw Madame.
Thought so...VEGAS BABY!!!!
I'm guessing I won't need underthings?
I loved Kansas.... Carry on my Wayward son...
good song.
NO no underthings, jesus!
Just throwing this out there.....that's my special week, yes I figured it up because it's important to know
LMAO! Cannon beach rocks!
It's ok Kristen, I just wont go down on you... I wash all my toys when I'm done with them and we can lay a towel down.
OR, you can conveniently go on birth control one week before the trip and then conveniently stop talking it after so your cycle returns to normal.
It will be at the end of the special week though.......very light if at all
Good god, that's so TMI...
carry on with the usual conversation
Someone call for a hot chick wearing only thigh highs and a trench coat?
yes, and someone delivered ... be back later!
Thom did, he has a trail blazer... call me and I'll tell you where his business office is... I pass it everyday.
I love you Scumbag...
I'm picking you up on the way EN!!!
if you loved me you'd come to kansas.
Ping...you like sushi...right?
Do it madame, might be fun... I have a black trench coat and stockings on today too!!!
We'll do the double team.
Scumbag, if you loved me you'd pick me up like a six-pack.
LMAO like Sushi!! Holy fuck thats funny!
it'll be on ice. what brand?
Honey this sushi ain't on ice!!
Hot sushi... HAWT! Madame, you know you're not making this whole 'sans-girlfriend' thing easy for me.... I may have to take one of my straight friends this weekend.
On ice? what, your fingers? K, that might actually be hot too.
WAIT, no Scum, not pick me UP a six pack... PICK ME UP LIKE A SIX PACK!! Jesus!
Madame: If you want to go 80s why not one of those old aerobics-instructor
thong leotards with bike-shorts tights and leg warmers, pull your hair into an
off-center ponytail with a scrunchie, wear some of that weird "fuck me" pastel
lipgloss... dang, you know I used to have a waterbottle that was shaped like
one of those original gray cell phones -- the straw looked like an antenna --
that would have been perfect. (You could have filled it with... rats, I can't
remember what those 80's pre-mohito drinks were called.) Anyway, corsets are
nice and all but man you've got the perfect body for that hott aerobics
instructor look that used to make me thank the stars for wall-sized mirrors.
And hey Murph, one of my old partners really did become a lesbian! Stayed with her new partner for 20 years. (I knew it wouldn't work out.)
I'll put $100 into the Vegas fund for Madame, Emma, but no strings attached. If I gave her $100 for a blowjob I'd have to get back when I returned the favor anyway and I'd rather do it for free.
oh my bad. who's ready for a shocker?
I am.
NO Jon Benet SCUM!!!
what the fuck are you talking about madame?
Never mind...shock me
Still waiting
me too.
Sooo....Is it bad that I ate all the really good chocolate out of my kids easter baskets and lef them the crap candy?
NO. that's essential and part of being a parent.
I do that all the time and then I hear "Mommy ate all my chocolate!!!"
God your 4.20 post worked me up BAD. Ugh. Thanks. :-) HHNT!
ahhh - ok back from lunch ... now i'm gonna sneak off and actually get some food. hehehe
My kids hate chocolate thankfully... and Andy, no prob honey... just check yourself before you stand up, seirously... I don't want you to have to explain the tent.
Fuck you Thom.
emma - darling ... that's how rumors start!
I just ate an entire bag of Lindor Truffles...ugh
You're absolutely correct Thom, yes Sug... lemme finish this comp and i'll do eeeet.
Either that or me sitting here rubbing my breasts at my desk.
Starts rumors too.
mmmm , i am fungry!
I actually have my flask full of some crown royal ...
fuck you.
my boss just asked me to hook her up with a little splishsplash of crown ! lol
Are we still waiting for the shocker?
I think so.......I haven't been shocked yet
ooo - nice T shirt idea
"someone in kansas beezos me"
no, she just noticed the flask when she walked by ...
then she came in with a dixie cup.
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Me too.
Wearing only thigh highs will do that to you
i didn't see that ...
Is anybody seeing that I need a good fucking here?
jesus I'm horny, wonder if there's any collating to do....
so, speaking of pubical topiary ...
Thanks for leaving me hanging in the breeze there Miss EN.
Like I need another ditz comment!
Wait, what did i do?
Im not about leaving anybody hanging in the breeze?!?!?
Im just needing some fucking is all... gritting teeth and all.
seriously, its bad people, just abd.
er bad.
Am I the only one that is HORNY??
i'm not horny
I'm horny...I am going to demand that I am fucked standing up tonight...he's not backing down this time...Fuck his bad back!
I just said i was... a little more than usual.. don't know what's wrong with me
Im writing all kindsa smut when I should be doing my comps.
Hell Yeah...
be sure and tell me about it, k?
I wanna read the smut....give me something to think about
I wanna read the smut....give me something to think about
whoa - i'm seeing double! (puts the flask of crown royal away)
Damn it.......I got excited.
KJ are you so horny you've developed a stutter?
I'll write all about on Monday K?
I've developed a lot of problems with being horny....
Yes, that and the noises
So, anyone gonna go see "The Notorious Bettie Page" movie?
I want you to unbutton my blouse, pull it open just so it falls just off my shoulders, reach in and around to my back, dragging your fingertips across my ribcage....
move in to me, lean down, breath on my neck..... Then I want you to unhook my bra and let it fall just below my breasts, kiss my collarbone, tweak my nipple a little.... keep kissing me gently while you massage a breast. Then slide your other hand up my skirt... up, up, up till you hit the top of my stockings.....
Yeah well they'll be plenty of noise making tonight!
OK sexy people I'm out...gotta put on a bra and go to work!
Wow, Emma thanks
ill spread my legs a little, welcoming your fingers to my damp pussy... tease my clit a little, circular motions... then kiss me on the lips and take your hand that's working my tit and grab the back of my neck while you massage my clit, i'll get wetter and wanting you to plunge your fingers into my pussy... don't resist it, just do it a little and then stop.....
ok... forget the movie...
go girl go
I'll gasp and pout, reach down and rub your semi-hard cock through your jeans, maybe fight with your zipper a little to free your dick..... My mouth will water as you kiss me, wanting to own the fucker between my lips.... Apply pressure to me to push me down as you slide my shirt and bra off, leaving me only in my skirt and boots.... let me trace the length of your shaft with my tongue, licking the precum away and savoring it, knowing that if I please you i could get more....
only skirt and boots... ooof
Keep going.........
In fact....never mind, I'll email my question
run your fingers through my hair... gripping the top of my head with both hands... pulling my hair a little... let me take only part of you in my mouth, pulling my face away the more I try to take all of it...
don't let me do it... fight me, let me really really want it...
* props his feet on his desk, eating a subway club sammich *
Keep it down Murph! It's story time...
Shut up Murphy....
don't talk.....shh
(in his best Dr. Evil voice)
' i have a full bag of Shhh, with your name written on it.'
once you're convinced Im 'there' order me to play with myself, order me to fuck myself while I blow you... I will, smearing all my cum over the length of my slit and my ass. Once you see that push my face onto your cock, almost all the way, letting the head bury deep into my throat. I'll gag a little, but my pussy will gush with excitement as I circle my clit rapidly.
Tell me to suck the fucker, choke on it... but stroke my face softly as I fight to press my forehead into your abdomen and my nose into your soft pubic hair.
OK, suck it!
As my eyes water, I struggle to gasp around your hardness that fills and swells between my cheeks, work my head to your liking, I will comply by rubbing the underside with my tongue and the top side with my upper lip, stopping every so often to circle it around your swollen purple head.
Then push it back into me to start over.
Tilt your head back, close your eyes, rest one hand on my shoulder as you relenquish a little control and let me own it... I, in turn will take my hand and reach between your legs and I draw your cock in and out of my hot mouth... feeding off of it like an animal, while my fingers play across your balls to your taint and back to your ass, lubricated with my pussy juices as my other hand still continues to play between my legs....
I gasp and moan a little....
Bring it! Bring it!
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