4.20 HNT!
Holy shit how great is it to celebrate HNT on 420?!?! Very great. SO for this I blow a puff of smoke for my homies and give you a special HNT post to celebrate this perfect day.
PRENOTE: Small chicks get a bad rap sometimes, yeah we do. We hear it all... the small fry remarks, the I could break you in half remarks, can I set my beer on your head remark... yeah, we don't have the biggest and best tits and ass either... and we get just as much crap for the way we're built as some of you shapely women. Please believe that shit, Im being serious.
I was passed over MANY A TIME by a long legged 5'8" dream, and yeah... as "I'd Die Without You " by PM DAWN played on the dance floor... I watched him make out with her by the bleachers.... *que sound of my heart cracking into pieces and crumbling*
Anyway, it happens a lot in life and still happens. Those of us under 5'5" are height challenged... short shits.
So I'm a short shit.
Never claimed to be otherwise.
One of the advantages (and some times disadvantages) to being a short shit is how I regard sexual positions and why I like or dislike them.
Disclaimer: Every sexual position rocks of course, but lets admit some are more akward than others... so.
Missionary - K I like this for sensualism and closeness.
Plus it rocks the neck kisses and shoulder biting..
But please understand sometimes I feel like I could be crushed under your body weight, please do not feel the need to compress me into the mattress, really you could break something.
Instead, give a little tiny thing a break and lift up a bit on your forearms please... that way I won't be dead from asphyxiation when you get up.
Me on top - See this position is awesome for us little things because you can literally pick us up and manuever us any way you please if you wanted.
Plus we're extra exceptional on getting the leg over the top and spinning to a reverse cowgirl in a snap *big huge shit eating grin*.
Dammit don't be all pissy if I just want to sit there and grind a bit!!! It's not all about you watching ALL THE TIME.
I find that this position rates second to best for me and well, could easily be my favorite if you guys didn't get so fucking anxious to cum once I'm there!!!
On my side - Beautiful position, could rank top on sensuality if you work it that direction.
I love the breathing on the back of the neck and fucking rocks the reach around boob grab and fingers down the abdomen to play between our legs. Also good for dirty talking to me if you want.
The only flaw is sometimes I feel a little too little beside you if you're a big guy and well, you may be too tall at the torso and actually getting a cramp trying to reach my neck to kiss it or breath on it.
Plus if my legs are only long enough to where my feet hit your knees... well then that's just not right. That and for me, it doesn't quite hit the g-spot all the time from the side. Too many of you forget that if you do that to your woman you need to compensate with a nipple pinch or a clit rub. Please. sheesh.
All those weird contortions - I could go for hours on these, the list is lengthy.. let's just stick to the basics please.
So that leaves one, just one basic penetration position then.... From Behind.
Yeah *blush* it's my all time fav. K, I said it.
From behind for me is the kicker of all, why? Because the position applies so well to just about any scenario and advantage, and I declare that for us little chicks? Yeah, your big ass warm sweaty hands completely wrapped around every inch of our hips?!?!? OMG!
Yeah, just curtail it to fit your scenario and you're in like Flynn! umm so to speak.
You can be sensual with the from behind position by way of soft fingertips down the back, or a firm neck grab... a caress of the thighs, bending and kissing the softness and saltiness of our backs while you pump us..... oh jesus, moving on.
You can be playful with it, adding in a little spanking, reach around boob grab, tickle on our sides or our spine, pinch on the ass to see us buck. Things like that. I especially like the grabbing of the top of my head to press me into you (and as a note, most of your hands are about the size of the top of our skull caps for most small women, can I tell you how neat it is that your hand encompasses the whole top of my head when you do that?).
My typing is going to shit. I had to retype that last sentence 5 times.
you can be naughty and agressive with it - Hair pulling, harder spankings, maybe play with my ass during. Tease me by just taking it out to the very tip and then glide the fucker back on in, pound me a little and repeat. K, sorry... visual. Being that I'm a little thing it especially tickles me to feel controlled, owned, taken.
The from behind position during agretory sex splits my lid because damn, I like the hip grip and if you cover my mouth its a bonus (not only for me but for the neighbors). I can clench my teeth, wince, tear, scratch and you're not at the receiving end... it's a beautiful thing.
And believe me, you may be watching yourself own me from the top, but its just as awesome watching the balls slap against my wetness from the bottom as I work myself over.
alright alright jesus.
Some how I need to end this post, so I'm going to end with a big thanks to Sugar N Spice for taking the helm yesterday with that really umm... inspiring story (heh), it meant I could get some much needed things done and some mental rest.
I'd like to wish Os a Happy Belated Birthday (sorry big daddy!), maybe while I'm assuming the position you can give me your birthday spankins instead.
K I'm going to go and celebrate my 4.20.... You do the same.
But first gimme one good face plant. That's right, hand on the back of my head please.
PRENOTE: Small chicks get a bad rap sometimes, yeah we do. We hear it all... the small fry remarks, the I could break you in half remarks, can I set my beer on your head remark... yeah, we don't have the biggest and best tits and ass either... and we get just as much crap for the way we're built as some of you shapely women. Please believe that shit, Im being serious.
I was passed over MANY A TIME by a long legged 5'8" dream, and yeah... as "I'd Die Without You " by PM DAWN played on the dance floor... I watched him make out with her by the bleachers.... *que sound of my heart cracking into pieces and crumbling*
Anyway, it happens a lot in life and still happens. Those of us under 5'5" are height challenged... short shits.

Never claimed to be otherwise.
One of the advantages (and some times disadvantages) to being a short shit is how I regard sexual positions and why I like or dislike them.
Disclaimer: Every sexual position rocks of course, but lets admit some are more akward than others... so.
Missionary - K I like this for sensualism and closeness.
Plus it rocks the neck kisses and shoulder biting..
But please understand sometimes I feel like I could be crushed under your body weight, please do not feel the need to compress me into the mattress, really you could break something.
Instead, give a little tiny thing a break and lift up a bit on your forearms please... that way I won't be dead from asphyxiation when you get up.
Me on top - See this position is awesome for us little things because you can literally pick us up and manuever us any way you please if you wanted.
Plus we're extra exceptional on getting the leg over the top and spinning to a reverse cowgirl in a snap *big huge shit eating grin*.
Dammit don't be all pissy if I just want to sit there and grind a bit!!! It's not all about you watching ALL THE TIME.
I find that this position rates second to best for me and well, could easily be my favorite if you guys didn't get so fucking anxious to cum once I'm there!!!
On my side - Beautiful position, could rank top on sensuality if you work it that direction.
I love the breathing on the back of the neck and fucking rocks the reach around boob grab and fingers down the abdomen to play between our legs. Also good for dirty talking to me if you want.
The only flaw is sometimes I feel a little too little beside you if you're a big guy and well, you may be too tall at the torso and actually getting a cramp trying to reach my neck to kiss it or breath on it.
Plus if my legs are only long enough to where my feet hit your knees... well then that's just not right. That and for me, it doesn't quite hit the g-spot all the time from the side. Too many of you forget that if you do that to your woman you need to compensate with a nipple pinch or a clit rub. Please. sheesh.
All those weird contortions - I could go for hours on these, the list is lengthy.. let's just stick to the basics please.
So that leaves one, just one basic penetration position then.... From Behind.
Yeah *blush* it's my all time fav. K, I said it.
From behind for me is the kicker of all, why? Because the position applies so well to just about any scenario and advantage, and I declare that for us little chicks? Yeah, your big ass warm sweaty hands completely wrapped around every inch of our hips?!?!? OMG!
Yeah, just curtail it to fit your scenario and you're in like Flynn! umm so to speak.
You can be sensual with the from behind position by way of soft fingertips down the back, or a firm neck grab... a caress of the thighs, bending and kissing the softness and saltiness of our backs while you pump us..... oh jesus, moving on.
You can be playful with it, adding in a little spanking, reach around boob grab, tickle on our sides or our spine, pinch on the ass to see us buck. Things like that. I especially like the grabbing of the top of my head to press me into you (and as a note, most of your hands are about the size of the top of our skull caps for most small women, can I tell you how neat it is that your hand encompasses the whole top of my head when you do that?).
My typing is going to shit. I had to retype that last sentence 5 times.
you can be naughty and agressive with it - Hair pulling, harder spankings, maybe play with my ass during. Tease me by just taking it out to the very tip and then glide the fucker back on in, pound me a little and repeat. K, sorry... visual. Being that I'm a little thing it especially tickles me to feel controlled, owned, taken.
The from behind position during agretory sex splits my lid because damn, I like the hip grip and if you cover my mouth its a bonus (not only for me but for the neighbors). I can clench my teeth, wince, tear, scratch and you're not at the receiving end... it's a beautiful thing.
And believe me, you may be watching yourself own me from the top, but its just as awesome watching the balls slap against my wetness from the bottom as I work myself over.
alright alright jesus.
Some how I need to end this post, so I'm going to end with a big thanks to Sugar N Spice for taking the helm yesterday with that really umm... inspiring story (heh), it meant I could get some much needed things done and some mental rest.
I'd like to wish Os a Happy Belated Birthday (sorry big daddy!), maybe while I'm assuming the position you can give me your birthday spankins instead.
K I'm going to go and celebrate my 4.20.... You do the same.

Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday to you!
If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
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