
Phat Tuesday

Whoa, sorry bout that brief interruption. If it's any consolation I have 1064 emails!

Welcome, Emma! You have 1076 unread messages: Inbox(1064), Bulk(4), use(8)
Messenger: You have 0 unheard voice mails


Thanks for bearing with the fishing post. I know a lot of you aren't into fishing but to me, it's one of the greatest experiences that fulfill and enrich my life as a human being. I will be sharing fishing season this season, so expect updates... and maybe pictures... we'll see.

On a completely different topic, Blogger sucked donkey dong yesterday... but at least they were quick on the improvements this afternoon though. Thanks blogger.

I promised I would post my middle finger today for the Wedding Party and any body else that felt jaded about the inconvenience.

This was taken at the bbq on sunday.... Yeah, aren't I a cute little shit when I'm gardening? Holla to no make up or maintenance Emma! Seriously, you want unflattering and au natural around the family... That's your golden photo right there!

and Cheers to blogger, really. Thanks for making Monday just that much shittier!

I pulled an immense amount of over growth and dead bushes from the yard on Sunday. I love yardwork, so therapeutical. And not just the planting, I'm talking about mowing, edge trimming, weeding, and building to improve.

I rock the playing in the dirt... like a champ.

I am trying to convince myself that when I drive down to the beach on a whim any time between September and March, the volleyball nets would be up... But, they haven't been of course, and that sucks...

Until today... So, that means that I have yet another thing to contend with... my desire to play volleyball.

Love volleyball on the beach on Sundays. The locals that read will know which beach I'm talking about... Seriously, hot guy mecca at the nets. But that's not what it's REALLY about now is it?

Hell no. Volley ball hungry bi-curious chicks are abundant there for some reason.

Dunno, but you know it's a good day when you get at least two of these 'manuevers from every girl on your team (and you met her like an hour ago), and you give a little back too.

So nice.

After getting quite enough sandy grit in my bikini I then kick over to Spuds for some downright mmmmm good fish n' chips.

SPUDS! Omg! Somebody hold me back....

I didn't get the green light on softball this year, but volley ball wasn't mentioned... Does that really count then if it was never mentioned?

I think NOT!

I got an assignment today that is not my forte'. In fact I'm downright uncomfortable doing this story without actually experiencing what I'm writing about. Not that I have anything wrong with this 'experience', I just don't have the equipment to justify the... errr detail.

So, I decided I needed to hit some parties and spectate. Which, kinda sounds wrong but I really have to watch it, or else there's no way I'm gonna write about it. Okay, to watch this requires not to gain experience from porn.

PORN IS NOT EXPERIENCE! It's an experience, but it's not a way to teach yourself how to properly compliment a scenario!!!

Yeah, so this has to be person to person spectating.... consentual even. Any gay men willing to have intercourse in front of me? NO?

Any straight men willing to say hell yes and then get me in a room alone with you?

Any bi-curious women? Anyone?


Fuck I love Tuesdays!


Blogger Editor Shawn said...

I think she gave the story to the right person though. If any one can pull it off it's you.

I think I may know some men that might take you up on your voyeur fix.

Can i just say first that it's damn good to see you, I've been checking this damn thing all afternoon!

8:35 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

It's not a fix, it's research!

Meet me in your room to discuss, k?

8:41 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Yes sug, come with me... It would be nice to have somebody on my team... errr.

LOL.. k, what do you do when you take a sleeping pill and then realize you have to go out?

you get creative.

9:09 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

NO NO TMI... lol.

I need to be somebody's bitch before midnight though.

9:15 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

nice post babe!

also hot pic :)

i almost prefer the finger though

anyhow.. i'm a straight chick with enough bi-curious but i don't think that helps you.

9:21 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger Mongoose said...

Good Lord...I log on to see what I have missed and I see that fuckin fab pic...Damn, now I'm a friggin mess.

9:22 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

Love both pics, Em. That and makeup's overrated (plus it usually tastes terrible -- I mean who wants to kiss eyelashes or lick eyelids that are all covered in... whatever that stuff is they use. You might never have to taste it but...) and oh momma, women who don't give a crap about what they're wearing while gardening are just hot.

It's almost enough to make me volunteer for your project but I can't. I'd watch with you though and help take notes.

11:17 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

I was going to say something very profound but completely lost all train of thought with the last picture....

Very hot

4:54 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

friggin west coast sissy-surf board balancing-laid-back-finger!!!

5:51 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

and all is right with the world again...........

6:08 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

Hey girl! Love the pics! I should do a gardening pic... Hehe!

Unfortunately my computer at home is dead again. Got a new power supply and the hard drive goes! I just can't win! :( That means I need to dip into the reject pics again for this Thursday...

So, what's this project you're working on... I'll help in anyway that I can.

6:59 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Matt Vella said...

I think you should conduct some research in San Diego. Ya know, beat the heat. :D

7:28 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

The last photo is such a beautiful photo of you. By far, one of my favorites :)


7:47 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...

i love that 'beach', i go there every now and then still, but, usually, i'm the only guy with his shirt still on....

i always pack my volleyball net, my sideout neon green volleyball, and my spalding indoor volleyball.

7:59 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...

btw - that is a stunning picture of you ...

8:04 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger da buttah said...

i'm not bi curious..but we could engage in a vapid game of scrabble behind those closed doors.

nothing says steamy like scrabble!

8:07 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

Isn't it a beautiful pic? I love it

8:07 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Sorry I haven't been around to comment lately. Last Thursday I lost my job when the company decided to 'head in a new direction'.

I've been relaxing for the past few days and started looking for a new job today. If anyone needs an IT guy...

BTW...I tagged you Emma. Sorry. Check out my blog for the details.

8:08 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

"and all is right with the world again..........."

Yeah, geez scum I thought she'd really pulled the plug and it was all your fault! And it turns out you care. (I was thinking "no more clowny? how can I make it through the day without my clowny fix?" Although then, of course, I realized I probably need to get a life.)

Hey Emma, loving the second photo again this morning. You got some kind of cute chin (and I don't just say that to all the girls.)

8:20 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

that's 1 vote for bringing clowny back............

8:28 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

"that's 1 vote for bringing clowny back............"

Oops. Nope, I just went out and got a life. (Yikes, close one!)

9:01 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

is emma still going through her e-mails?

9:12 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

hot post Em. and loved the pics, especially that last one. just wow!!!!!!! then again, i liked the gardening pic too. i did some of that this weekend too, lol. i even posted a pic of some of the shit i had to pull out for Lucky, who's contending with the same problem.

9:29 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...

shit, i almost forgot!

*right click save*


10:47 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

Good call Thom!

11:18 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

you betcha. you have to look at the last pic full-size to truly appreciate it. those eyes, *melt*.

12:28 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger white_devil said...

hmmm...my new pc wallpaper...oh yea!

1:07 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

I dunno. Maybe she had to, like, work. Hope she's not back in the hospital for anything unexpected. (Hey Emma, how's that kidney donor process going? I want you healthy and well for you, your family, and us. You hear me Emma?)

Hope it's work. Nobody should have to go through 1064 emails off the clock. :-) (Oops, sorry Shawn.)

Oh, and Emma, unless you really are in the hospital can we fantasize about you running around in one of those too-short backless gowns? (But not those weird disposable hospital socks. Yeah, they're warm and all but...)

1:42 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Helskel said...



3:29 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...

"Any straight men willing to say hell yes and then get me in a room alone with you?"


4:13 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

Just checking to see if anything was going on in here

4:54 PM, April 25, 2006  

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