The sweet sounds of your reel clicking
(If you don't want to read about fishing, click next blog... seriously.)
The weather here rocked this weekend.
I can't believe how friggin' lovely it was... It's as if the universe looked down upon me, throwing the bait box in the back of the truck and placing my rod lovingly in the back and said
"Yeah Emma, we see you, and we want you to have a great fuckin' time... Here, have some sun."
Ahhh. See, I love this place in the summer. Green, Green, blue blue... until you cross over to the 'mid' of the state and find the desert and plains.
Just something overwhelming and holy about it at 5:30 in the morning and you're doing 85mph, trying to make up time because you took too long to get beer. and the boat leaves at 7:15.
Bullet points? Sure.
FISH COUNT - J caught 7, I caught 4, Chan caught well-- none, and Zanie hooked 2 (only brought one to the boat). I think the biggest I scored was about 16inches, not bad for the first day out and second fish hooked!
TACKLE REPORT - I was understocked and kicking my own ass. I swear, I'm sooo jealous of J's tackle box... she's got like 20 of everything imaginable... in every fucking color. "If they're not biting the brown, let's do the blue with the purple fleck."
E: "Right, but what about the red, red looks good."
J: "Nah, save the red for sundown, the blue is perfect for mid morning."
Z: "Can I change up to a Senko?"
J: "Em, change her up and I'll re-set your line with one of them blue ones."
So I change Zanies set-up while J places my new Senko.
2 mins after cast...
E: "K, that was fucking tight... Chan hand me my tackle box for another blue..."
C: "Okay (opening my box for me) You don't have blue, you have green, and what the fuck is this thing with the hooks an shit?"
E: "Rappala, k no blue's in there? Only green."
Z: "Somebody beer Em."
E: "J (opening beer), lemme use your blues... please?"
J: "Fuck that, there's 5 left and they're mine... I gave you a mercy fish and now you're good."
E: "If I remember correctly you're my wife and the law says..."
C: "Shit who put the jaeger in the bottom of the cooler?"
J: "You can have half my husband if ya want it... but not my Senkos."
Z: "I did it to keep it cold Chan, or you bitch about how it gets warm."
E: "I think the Senko's might be more valuable at this point actually..."
Z: "Jesus that's right, did anybody ever find out if we really got married that night?"
E: "Did we ever consumate that Zanie, I don't think we did..."
C: *eye roll* Subject change please, where's the chips?"
I never got to use the blue. I'm still pouting about it.
Which, is why she caught 7 and I caught 4. Because I had to use my green.... and I did have a couple red grubs that came in handy as the day got warmer.
BEER STATUS - 2 12 packs down. Long, interesting, and sobering ride back home. While the girls stopped for gas I popped into the convenience store for a Rockstar and ended up trying one of these instead.
I like it. It's coffee and coke basically.. which tastes strangely like a kahlua and coke.. which if slipped a little rum into would be a fucking great pep-me-up cocktail. Anyway, see this is the 'review' person in me... apologies.
I liked it so much I picked up 2 four packs today at the store. I'm a glutton, I had 3 today alone for the yardwork around the house and the bbq.
GEAR STATUS - For the most part, we kept our clothes on... It wasn't THAT warm yet. I think the best it got was tank tops and jeans, and that was for a good length of the trip. No good tanlines to report besides the ones on the backs of my shoulders. There was one moment in time though I thought things could get dicey, I mean it was kinda busy for it being April and we weren't exactly being considerate of our surroundings.
I bare-assed Chan, because she deserved it... I hope the 12 year old boy that was in the boat about 50 feet from us facing my ass end really appreciated that, because his parents didn't.
I have no shame.
lessee... fish check, tackle check, beer check, clothing check,... im not missing anything am I?
I know, pretty lame... but there's a story in here.. I just don't have the gusto to type it. Perhaps I'll save that for some time when I can actually feel my forearms.
K good. Happy Monday!!
The weather here rocked this weekend.
I can't believe how friggin' lovely it was... It's as if the universe looked down upon me, throwing the bait box in the back of the truck and placing my rod lovingly in the back and said
"Yeah Emma, we see you, and we want you to have a great fuckin' time... Here, have some sun."

Just something overwhelming and holy about it at 5:30 in the morning and you're doing 85mph, trying to make up time because you took too long to get beer. and the boat leaves at 7:15.
Bullet points? Sure.
FISH COUNT - J caught 7, I caught 4, Chan caught well-- none, and Zanie hooked 2 (only brought one to the boat). I think the biggest I scored was about 16inches, not bad for the first day out and second fish hooked!
TACKLE REPORT - I was understocked and kicking my own ass. I swear, I'm sooo jealous of J's tackle box... she's got like 20 of everything imaginable... in every fucking color. "If they're not biting the brown, let's do the blue with the purple fleck."
E: "Right, but what about the red, red looks good."
J: "Nah, save the red for sundown, the blue is perfect for mid morning."
Z: "Can I change up to a Senko?"
J: "Em, change her up and I'll re-set your line with one of them blue ones."
So I change Zanies set-up while J places my new Senko.
2 mins after cast...
E: "K, that was fucking tight... Chan hand me my tackle box for another blue..."
C: "Okay (opening my box for me) You don't have blue, you have green, and what the fuck is this thing with the hooks an shit?"
E: "Rappala, k no blue's in there? Only green."
Z: "Somebody beer Em."
E: "J (opening beer), lemme use your blues... please?"
J: "Fuck that, there's 5 left and they're mine... I gave you a mercy fish and now you're good."
E: "If I remember correctly you're my wife and the law says..."
C: "Shit who put the jaeger in the bottom of the cooler?"
J: "You can have half my husband if ya want it... but not my Senkos."
Z: "I did it to keep it cold Chan, or you bitch about how it gets warm."
E: "I think the Senko's might be more valuable at this point actually..."
Z: "Jesus that's right, did anybody ever find out if we really got married that night?"
E: "Did we ever consumate that Zanie, I don't think we did..."
C: *eye roll* Subject change please, where's the chips?"

Which, is why she caught 7 and I caught 4. Because I had to use my green.... and I did have a couple red grubs that came in handy as the day got warmer.
BEER STATUS - 2 12 packs down. Long, interesting, and sobering ride back home. While the girls stopped for gas I popped into the convenience store for a Rockstar and ended up trying one of these instead.

I liked it so much I picked up 2 four packs today at the store. I'm a glutton, I had 3 today alone for the yardwork around the house and the bbq.
GEAR STATUS - For the most part, we kept our clothes on... It wasn't THAT warm yet. I think the best it got was tank tops and jeans, and that was for a good length of the trip. No good tanlines to report besides the ones on the backs of my shoulders. There was one moment in time though I thought things could get dicey, I mean it was kinda busy for it being April and we weren't exactly being considerate of our surroundings.
I bare-assed Chan, because she deserved it... I hope the 12 year old boy that was in the boat about 50 feet from us facing my ass end really appreciated that, because his parents didn't.
I have no shame.
lessee... fish check, tackle check, beer check, clothing check,... im not missing anything am I?
I know, pretty lame... but there's a story in here.. I just don't have the gusto to type it. Perhaps I'll save that for some time when I can actually feel my forearms.
K good. Happy Monday!!
Hey, as long as you're saving up stories for a rainy day, how 'bout spilling on your cool sidebar photo where you're kissing the bass (guitar, not fish.) I play guitar so (according to bass guitarists and drummers, anyway) I'm hopeless on the bass.
It sounds like you had a good day out anyway. Four's not bad for day one, and besides J cheated by not giving you one of her blues.
It was bell-ringing weather though, wasn't it? Woozie.
Caio, bella.
nice day
nice day
nice day
i'm a bit envious but in a nice way
glad you got a reset babe.
Sounds like a wonderful day! I need to get the boat on the lake!!!
19 of dem crappie, 1 white bass. and that's just the ones big enough fer me and pbc to keep.
sunburn on back of neck and ears.
fish cleaned and in my freezer.
many a beezo drank.
*blank stare*
You had fun, right?
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Morning everyone
Hmmmmm, fishing.
It was hard for me to see the draw of fishing...until now :)
Glad you got some time to recoup, Sunshine!
blogger sux hairy moose balls!
Blogger does suck........
DO you think blogger swallows??!?
I think blogger is a man so no
all bloggers say that .... me!
No really eat me!
got some mustard ?
what are you saying thom?
I'm not tasty enough for you?
You need condiments?
condommints ... it's a condom , its a mint.
new trojan with retsin!
When I bite into a Condommints I get the sensation
ARHGHHGH........seriously I'm going into withdrawls
Sugar the only thing I know about fish is that it tastes really good with lemon butter
I like fish.....grilled fish is good.
i like making my salmon with brown sugar ... some dill ... butter, garlic...bbq the mofo ....mmmm
I'm a New Englander at heart...we like it all deep fried!
Fig - Spill about the bass I'm kissing? huh? And yeah holy hell it was beautiful!
Sas - heh. Thanks. It was absolutely fab, only it reset my mind for all sorts of things, not just recreation.
Sug - Thanks! Yeah see, 4 is good considering it's just the first fishing trip of the season!
TG - When you get the boat on the lake, call me... please. I can be there.. happily.
Pearl - Kansas in June, Kansas in June... it's soooo appealing!
Scum - Yep see, My nose is sunburnt, my shoulders got some kick ass tan lines... and my right wrist is burnt... strangely.
Madame - I did have a good time, next time you go.
Kristen - Good morning, you go too.
Helskel - That reminded me of a soup commercial actually....
Murphy - God no, no bobbers... only my kids use bobbers. I'm a big girl and know how to feel when a fish nips my line for chrissake.
Blondie - Allure of fishing, it's really and experience to err experience. And you're going in August so buck up.
Thom - huh?
This is going to be a long day if we're going to talk about how we like our fish.
ok , i think blogger is a female, not male
she goes down frequently, and once a month is a total bitch!
we could beat the crap out of Thom!
HEY glad you're here!!!!!
SHHH THOM, not funny
Hey SOUNDS fun but I think I'll pass...I'm not an outdoorsy girl
I haven't been fishing in years
I can do the outdoors, I just don't like to sleep I can fish and play but I want to curl up in bed at the end of the day.....
Frankly I don't want to have to work that hard to relax
I would live outdoors anyday... in contrast to you lovelies, I'm an outside girl all the way.
Hate being couped up in the house honestly... In fact I despise the indoors sooo much I tackled my whole fucking yard yesterday just to stay outside....
I'm split.......I love being outdoors but I just like my warm shower and bed at the end of the day.........
I like to visit the outdoors but If I can do it while wearing heels...I'm not having any fun!
what kinda fish you get emma?
CAN'T do it while wearing heels!
I got 3 large mouth and 1 crappie...
Seriously madame, you'd look great in a pair of boat shoes though
Kristen - See, I bet you'd love RV camping...
Boat shoes *gag*
Sorry sexy but SOOO not me!
i love tent camping, hiking, fishing and all that ... but how am i gonna blog out there ?
I bet I would love the RV thing.......
Good point Thom
I camped every year with my family for over 25 years....I still wake up screaming in the night
See that's the fun.....being outside in the sun.....very few clothes because it's hot and crap, drinking the alcohol.......good times
*eye roll*
But what about the sport of it?
Jesus is it really all about the no clothes wearing?
Yeah KJ but I can do that at the beach, under an umbrella, with out any physical exertion.
shoulda used minnows.
Sport is a four letter word with an extra letter.
such a girlie girl.
No, no........I like the sports, I'm just not good at fishing but I'll shoes and all.
Yes I am a girlie girl and proud of it!
You ladies go fishing...I'll be on shore under a tree reading Cosmo and drinking a Martini...I'll cook the fish when you get back...K?
you gonna clean 'em too madame?
Yeah I'll clean them it's only fair
you don't even know how or what that entails do ya?
OK gotta class!
If blogger shows up kick his moose ball sucking ass for me!!!
Scum...I've cleaned fish before...I grew up on a lake and I've actually fished before...I'm a girlie girl but I'm not stupid.
I used to watch my grandfather clean fish after he took me fishing but that's been about 20 years.......
K, really fishing shoes?
Are there such things?
good girl.
my fishin' shoes are a pair of beat up nikes.
Scum I clean a mean fish fucker... I got one of dem special filet knives in my ammo case just for an occasion. Only we threw our catch back... We'll wait til we camp ta eat em.
My fishing shoes are my Crocs.
Emma - Yeah, they are the tennis shoes i wear when i walk into a grocery store's fish section.
Boat shoes
Kristen ... 69 !
holy fuck, i just thought of an idea for our summer conference. fish fry sunday! hoooo-eeeeee!!!
SEEE, and I told you fuckers to change up the schedule to include some fishin' time... but ya didn't!!
we'd of had fishin' time somewhere in there, but we do it so often, it just doesn't seem like a special event type thing ya know?
wow, that was a big run-on sentence.
Ummm.. but if I'm there it's a special
I'm an outdoors girl... I'm going backpacking in 2 weeks! Woohoo!
<---- jealous!
Don't be jealous! Come with me! :)
Be here May 5th... we're leaving after work. K?
It's on the river...
i'm going in the mtns to the west of here ... three day two night hike through some 'rainbow' valley. and the last night at a nice hotel in a local town on the peninsula.
Actually TG, can't come with you... May 5th is my b-day!!
Thom - Rainbow valley is beautiful!
i prefer hiking in those mtn to the west , than the mtns to the east ... not sure why.
me and my wife like to go checking out the waterfalls. take a long drive and stop at all the touristy hikes to waterfalls, or just get lost and search for them on trails ...
OMG! Well, I will celebrate your birthday by drinking mucho Tequila. Fortunately for you I won't have phone service where I'm at so you won't have to worry about a drunk dial.
Thom - That sounds nice.
We are going to the Chattooga River. It's the spot where they filmed Deliverance.
Deliverance... heh.
I can hear the banjos now.
Hey TG, you sure got sum perty lips.
K, you know, I fell in one of those little waterfalls once... I know, sounds stupid but I was told to drink the water (lil dehydrated after a long hike)... so I go to bend and take a sip when I lose my balance a little and Whoopsie!!!
Thank God for those little wooden cross bridges....
i got licked by a deer while sleeping ... scared the shit outta me.
uh, bestiality much Thom?
We got our car broken into by a brown bear for the groceries inside.
And I love getting chipmunks intoxicated... ya ever done that?
i fell asleep in my chair, with a bag of cheetos in my lap. luckily the deer licked my face instead of nuzzling in my lap!
no, never got chipmunks drunk - hehe chipdrunks ...
LIAR! You put the bag there on purpose dude... and that's just sick. SICK.
Yeah, what you do is dip a piece of lunch meat beer.. any beer, hopefully one you're not drinking of course... then, you put it on the ground while they're doing their 'do-do-do-dooo' dance across camp.
They get it, eat it.. come back for more.. you do it again. Pretty soon ya got a stumbling falling over mess of a chipmunk.
But ya gotta babysit them after that or they'll run into your campfire...
hehe - yeah, i know what you mean ... sounds like getting my friends drunk ... i have to make sure they stay away from the fire too
however, when i'm drunk, i'm more fascinated by water ... last time, i thought i wanted to try walking on water with a railroad tie.
it didn't work
you have issues Thom... Rail road ties sink... umm.
I have issues with my friends husbands gun when I'm drunk. I shoot the bats at night.
WHAT?!?!? They're in the sky!!!
and where the hell did everyone go?
i think the flaming chipdrunks scared them
Hehe! I'd sure like someone to make me squeal like a pig while I'm out there...Weeeeeeee! Weee!Weeeeeeee!
I think blogger is working again!!!
drunk chipmunks... nope, I've never seen a chipmunk while camping
friends in the fire... happens every time
Me in the water... yep... I need to learn to bring extra shoes
you better not be lying to me kj! if my post doesn't go thru then clowny's paying you a special visit!
TG - you need to buy some crocs, they float... and they protect your feet from just about anything... plus they're comfy and washable, and polishable and I love them.
K, you know I laughed my ASS off when you said squeel like a pig!
Flaming Chipdrunks will be the name of our band Thom.
my drum kit will have chip on fire while dale swigs out of a bottle of JD. .. he's already got the drunk rednose.
I liked chip better than dale.
Until 1993.
i've always liked dale ...
They look like the shoes that they carry at my outdoor store... I'll have to run by there today and see.
I said squeal like a pig just for you sweetie! :)
See, now I'm so into hearing you do that TG!! LMAO... audioblog that... I'll laugh for days!
Sug - errr. can't say here :)
i hate you.
1993 .. the year of the chipmunk ?
Scumbag, you're cruel.
How far does it go until my crummy feelings are hurt?
Any body else wanna hurt my fucking feelings today? jesus!
em: oh? do tell my love
em: oh? do tell my love
stoopid blogger
i was just kiddin' with ya emma. i love you like a muthafucka!
Emma I owe you an email but AOL is now fucking with me...I lust love Mondays!
Lust love... Yep I lust love a lotta things, madame!
; )
I am extra DITZY today!
...and I thought you had an awesome newly recreated poetic device...
oh well.
Lust love you anyway, you hot curve.
interesting...saw the Black or whatever for sale here at work...its really coffee and crack...just what a techie needs.
Wait, who is helskel talking to?
White Devil - I'm drinking one right now... It's just what a PA needs too.
Say, Im having trouble with my computer, could you get under my desk and make sure all the wires are connected properly in my CPU?
did you say they had blacks for sale whitey? jesus christ i thought slavery had been abolished long ago.........
Oh Sug, no ass kicking I'm good...
Sass I think you saw that other comment on that other happy place in the blogverse because i replied to you and well, yeah that's the haps.
Scumbag - we need some alone time.
I was messing with the Madame...
but forget I said that... I don't want to make you jealous, E.
em: got it
*huggs* fyi
does that mean i'm in trouble?
i think emma worries about me sometimes.
Helskel - too late :( sheesh
Sass - :D it all makes sense sorta kinda doesn;t it? Not really?
*kinda like running head first into a brick wall and then wondering why your head hurts...
Scum - you wanna be in trouble?
Then it's on fucker. No more pinning me and farting though... took me two days to recover from that.
It was kinda sick Madame... glad you missed that.. it got messy even.
I think Shane eats tainted fish.
I love it when you talk like that.
OK that made me throw up a little
alright... gonna try to reverse this trend in words:
flower, bending, sweet, stiff, heat, grateful panting
em: i know exactly that feeling
to a t
got the t-shirt even
not tainted, just raw right there on the boat.
Eat my raw fish fucker.
what's a raw fish fucker?
Some kind of tackle something or other?
Emma: this bass.
Never gotten a chipmunk drunk. When I was a backcountry volunteer at Trapper Lake up near Cascade Pass there was a deer who used to stick her nose in my tent in the morning to see if I was going to get up and pee. (Deer in the Cascades are always starved for salt and when they're really desparate they'll sometimes rush you before you're even finished. Yikes! Flippin' perverts!) The chipmunks were cute but those fucking deer mice drove me out of my mind! FYI the trout in Trapper Lake are the size of salmon, and unbelievably tasty. And they stay that big and tasty because it's not even a mile from the trailhead but it can take four to six hours to get there on the unmarked trail over the cliff. (Madame wouldn't enjoy it much even though I'd have my hands all over her ass the whole way up and even though, after the first 100 feet you don't need clothes again till you get to the big patches of devil's club at the top.
Yeah Figgy yer gums are flapping but I don't understand a word yer saying!
Lunch time!
C U people!
I'm off to work.
C U people!
I'm off to work.
Hey, Emma wanted to talk about fishing. One fishing guide I Googled up says "Trapper Lake is a real challenge to get to. In distance is only 1 mile or so from Cottonwood campground, but it might seem like 5 or 6 by the time you arrive. Cutthroat over 20 inches are occasionally caught at Trapper."
Me? I think if you can get there it's also a great place to run nekkid. Only maybe ten people a year go there.
It's nice when people talk to me in my comments section.
it happens so rarely these days I have no idea why I keep it here.
emma, i wish you weren't so fucking vulgar. everytime i fuckin' say somethin' to you, you start asking me to pound away at your cunt or something........
emma, what's for lunch ?
No really its' okay.. don't talk to me out of pity..
I'l lbe good.
ok, i'll never talk to you again. i'm taking your number outta my phone and everything. have a nice life. it's been real.
Great, now I have to delete this blog... scumbag's not talking to me anymore.
Hi owen!
*wonders if he still possesses that curse of invisibility*
*and if so, i think i'll peek down emma's shirt*
Sorry I haven't been talking to you Emma. Would it be distracting if I stood behind you and held your breasts while you reeled in a fish? (It would distract me!)
yup , it still works!
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Want some chocolate? Ghiradelli's...?
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