True dis, True dat. Seriously.
You know, I write and experience a lot of strange shit. No doubt. It amazes me every day how different people can be... If I wasn't so doped off this illness I would totally expound on that fact. But. Sometimes I still find shock in oddities.

Sometimes I'm hit with weird assignments that force me to delve into the dark closets of people much stranger than I, often it seems I understand their motivation for the things we abhor. However I am permitted to be a little taken aback by those who enjoy penetrating and/or enhancing their genitalia with objects that do not belong there.
I have always stuck to the rule that if it's not the real thing, or made specifically for your orgasmic pleasure, do not use it. Whether it's food, everyday house hold items, or even furniture... Think twice before you decide to put it down there people. I can't stress this enough.
To some of you this warning may seem like a no-brainer. But to others who have and/or will do the above I plead with you to spend the $29.99 on a decent vibrator or dong that could do the same (if not better) job than that polish sausage you're eyeing.
Sure, sexual food is permittable... I'm fully aware that there are some kinds of food play in the bedroom that is extremely safe, and should you like to talk about it I will oblige.
But not today, because I'm planning a funeral for an acquaintance who tipped her own scales and died last night from toxic shock syndrome at the hand of a Wine bottle.
It's funny how in society we push the need for safe sex practices and we educate our youth on abstinence and control. It's important, sure... Because we need to fight everyday to re-apply the same message to a new generation in hopes we won't relapse into another STD epidemic.
Fact is, more teenagers and young adults were treated for miscellaneous object penetration and toxic shock syndrome than STD's in the last two years. In 2005 326,384 men and women died from a bizarre sexual practice that was self induced...
You don't hear about these stories on the news, in fact you rarely hear anything related to this anywhere... But I do. So please let this be a warning to ya...
And as a parent, when speaking to your children or teens about sex, please be sure to add what should and shouldn't be used for personal gratification! I know it seems bizarre to structure masturbatory practices with your kids, but it could save their life. So shuck the embarrassment and just put it out there, because 174,656 of those 326,384 people I mentioned above.... Were people under 19.

Sometimes I'm hit with weird assignments that force me to delve into the dark closets of people much stranger than I, often it seems I understand their motivation for the things we abhor. However I am permitted to be a little taken aback by those who enjoy penetrating and/or enhancing their genitalia with objects that do not belong there.
I have always stuck to the rule that if it's not the real thing, or made specifically for your orgasmic pleasure, do not use it. Whether it's food, everyday house hold items, or even furniture... Think twice before you decide to put it down there people. I can't stress this enough.
To some of you this warning may seem like a no-brainer. But to others who have and/or will do the above I plead with you to spend the $29.99 on a decent vibrator or dong that could do the same (if not better) job than that polish sausage you're eyeing.
Sure, sexual food is permittable... I'm fully aware that there are some kinds of food play in the bedroom that is extremely safe, and should you like to talk about it I will oblige.
But not today, because I'm planning a funeral for an acquaintance who tipped her own scales and died last night from toxic shock syndrome at the hand of a Wine bottle.
It's funny how in society we push the need for safe sex practices and we educate our youth on abstinence and control. It's important, sure... Because we need to fight everyday to re-apply the same message to a new generation in hopes we won't relapse into another STD epidemic.
Fact is, more teenagers and young adults were treated for miscellaneous object penetration and toxic shock syndrome than STD's in the last two years. In 2005 326,384 men and women died from a bizarre sexual practice that was self induced...
You don't hear about these stories on the news, in fact you rarely hear anything related to this anywhere... But I do. So please let this be a warning to ya...
And as a parent, when speaking to your children or teens about sex, please be sure to add what should and shouldn't be used for personal gratification! I know it seems bizarre to structure masturbatory practices with your kids, but it could save their life. So shuck the embarrassment and just put it out there, because 174,656 of those 326,384 people I mentioned above.... Were people under 19.
what about a 2X4??
Jim: Guys, uh, what exactly does third base feel like?
Kevin: You want to take this one?
Chris: Like warm apple pie.
Jim: Yeah?
Chris: Yeah.
Jim: Apple pie, huh?
Chris: Uh huh.
Jim: McDonald's or homemade?
Sorry Murphy, the cantalope is actually very safe... But don't use that broomstick up your ass anymore... that could potentially be an issue.
Whitey - TOOL!!! Dude, I tell you what... I would hate to have that whole internal splinter effect... but whassay you spank me with it when I'm naughty? Sexy bitch.
Thom - McDonalds Apple Pie is safer... it's elongated to compliment girth and comes with a handy sleeve so your fingers don't get sticky.
oh ? since when were you against sticky fingers ?
I love sticky fingers... In fact, mine are sticky right now... but not from apple pie.
Wanna suck on one?
do farm animals count?
No Scum, that's bestiality.. Unless you strap yourself into a horse seminator booth and try to take it up the ass by a stallion.
And trust, that's happened. Errr, not to me though, did you get my picture fucker?
I don't know whether to laugh or...I just don't know what to do with this information...
*throws away all hair brushes, tooth brushes, soup ladles...egg beaters...spatulas...*
no i didn't. websense apparently blocks that site for some reason.
vaccuum cleaners?
Protect your daughters Madame... talk to them about it when they mature.
That's what you do with this information. Seems silly, but read the statistics again... Those numbers aren't getting any smaller without communication and prevention.
Uhhhh, yeah... egg beater is a no-go.
I have a hilarious story about a vacuum cleaner.
I SOOO wanted you to see that picture... I'll send it to Anna, she'd love it.
damm dude that's some creepy shit.
and i'm sorry for your loss. *huggs*
Thanks Sass, it's mucho appreciated... GO OTTAWA!
Kamikaze Blogger strikes!
I miss you Em, and the rest of the nutty crew who lurks in these parts...I have a new post up though, maybe y'all will read it???
And re: this particular post. My rule is pretty simple, it's NOT a pocket~so you cannot put just ANYTHING in there!
*kisses dollface!
the TV ads don't lie ... that Sierra Mist must be REALLY refreshing ...
MISS!!! I missed you SSOOOO Much, I've checked it every day except today LMAO! I will run over...
err, great rule about the pocket, seriously!!!
D - LMAO! COKE IS IT! And no, I'm not taking the Pepsi challenge :)
but are you a pepper?
don't you feel good about 7-Up?
looks like someone lost the pepsi challenge in that picture ...
Miss you too Emma! Glad to be back, and I will try to catch up with you soon.
I am definitely a 'Pepper'~ and I love it that way! LMAO!
hehe - visions of that 7-up commercial ...
front - Make 7
back - Up Yours
K, I had a t-shirt that said that... LOL!
Alright... I could take a good 7-Up... but it has to be a dick...
Dont EVEN get me started on Mountain Dew people....
You mean we shouldn't really DO THE DEW?
ew. Maybe we could do beer instead of pop....
red hook anyone?
hehe - i was thinking Busch beer ...
Red Stripe...
Interesting since so many of us are readheads...brings all sorts of delicious images to mind!
one word: ouch.
Hey Emma, 300K people a year plus is a big deal. More people treated for injuries than STDs is a big deal. Back in the 70's I lived near a hospital town in New England and they has a medical team that specialized in tools for removing odd objects from odd parts of people -- for instance they had the only known implement for removing a pool ball from a person's mouth without breaking their teeth. And the latest Good Vibrations catalog had a section on porous vs. non-porous materials in toys with remarks about cleaning and care. So yeah, I knew it was an issue. I just didn't realize it was that big an issue.
Could you point me to some sources? For instance who compiles the statistics? I want to do a serious post about it and, to be honest, I'd like to get there before more wingnut legislatures start using it to justify banning sex toy sales. Which (as you clearly point out) are designed for the task. As opposed to the poor guy from Enumclaw who discovered horse cocks aren't designed for human asses.
TSS is a particularly horrible way to go because it comes on so subtly. You often start out feeling like you've got the flu or something and don't connect it to the cause until, often, it's too late. I had some friends who got it during the big super-absorbent tampon wave in the early 80's. None of them died but yeah, it's nasty stuff.
I'm very sorry about your friend, Emma. Thanks for bringing it up.
Take care,
busch is the best beezo in a can, hands down.
damn. dumb.
Busch rocks. Hi Helskel.
I'll try and get you what you need Fig, Im a little burried right now.... Maybe I can have Shawn send you some stuff.
Sorry you're feeling like crappo there, Emma.
lemme know if there's *anything* I can do to help.
And HOWdy, to the regulars! (before another afternoon lull)
Wow, again fun facts I did not know!
S'ok Helskel, s'ok.
Murphy, just say whats on your mind....
Hunee, anything I can do to edumacate ya... :)
Yeah, it kinda sucks around the naughty lounge lately... whats say we just shut this bitch down and say good-bye to the ol' meltdown?
Em it seems like you are itching tp dump the meltdown? Why luv?
**side note(Thom that pic cracks me up!)**
okay back to regularly scheduled program...
it is more like a meeeoooowhh
or a rrraawwwwwooo
yeah it's the rrrawwwwoooo
Not itching per se...
In fact, I would think it would be sad to see it go.
But, nobody has said otherwise to it's demise so I assume that's a strong yes.
no I think people are at lunch, I would be sad to see it go!
I vote a strong NO
Um, I for one do not want to see it go....I like it here
i think everyone goes through a period where they contemplate the future of their blog. it's much easier to maintain for us b/c we have 5 or 6 people. one as popular as emma's though.......sometimes it like she may feel obligated to write. am i right on this or have i completely missed the point again?
wow, that's deep
a little outta character huh.
You're on point Scum.. good call.
I wish I had 5 people to assist me sometimes.... dammit.
None of my partners seem to want to contribute regularly.
it's okay, i still do about 80% of our posts. most of the time we just throw some crap up to refresh the comment section. of course you seem to also have a theme goin' for your blog. we do too, but drunken lunacy is such a wide open theme..........
Yeppers... cross over and talk sex with me Scum... will all be good.
That was outta character for Scum....I'm impressed
Scum's going deep?
I like it when Scum goes deep, and then sets his beezos on my head.
It's so hot.
i are deep guy.
Sounds like a Pornographic super hero
great Idea... the mis-adventures of Deep Guy, and his sidekick Handy boy.
i'm shallow as those inflatable kiddy pools at Walmart for 10 bucks
In the air!
It's a Vibe
It's a dildo
It's Deep Guy!
those pools make great beer coolers for parties. and yes, we have used shs's son's pool for that purpose.
or jello wrestling!
they're great for jello wrestling
Adventures of Deep Guy!
Starring - Hugh G Rection as Deep Guy
Harry Palmer as Handy Boy
Buster Hymen as Joe Dildo
Barry McCockinher as the Master Debator
LMAO! Dammit that's a movie I'd love to direct...
and I'd produce it too...
Because you know I'm all about the funding.
Thom are you in Vegas the 22nd?
so far, i am.
22nd of september
69 bitches !
69 bitches all in a row!
Which Airline? Not that it matters, Im already booked... Jesus I need to figure out where I'm staying tho.
alaska airline
Snerk. Yeah, that's my airline too... but I got free miles BITCH because I did the mile high club with a pilot.
say you did too.
Madame, aint nothin' wrong with a little bump an grind!
i know someone who works there ... btw, does the phrase 'what happens in Vegas' apply on the airplane ?
Ya got that right Sexy!
I am out until tomorrow!
I *heart* ya all!
is that kinda like prostitution? awesome!
i club ya madame!
Only if you're in Nevada airspace... *giggle*
Madame... Have a good afternoon, k? k.
Scum fucker.. I'd pay your ass.
but, vegas isn't nevada .... i'm confused ...
what happens in elko, stays in elko ?
oh yeah Vegas!!! I might be there during said weekend...not sure as of yet...
THOM DUDE. Vegas is in Nevada...
uhhh, Geography much?
sure, elko's good.
I say the flight there you are already there so it applies the flight back is questionable...
where is Elko?
DUDETTE - Vegas isn't all of Nevada! that's my random point!
geography teaches you how to color not the map....the joy of public schools
LOL Hunee, agreed....
Thom does it really matter? Im not gonna tell anybody anyway... jesus.
are you both REALLY going?
I am def. going that month we just haven't picked a weekend yet...we have a time share and Vegas in Sep is when we go...
WTF.. You always hear of people getting things stuck in them selfs, we always talk of how embarrassing it must be to go get them removed, but never would I have thought people die from this careless act. There really does need to be more education on this.
Thanks for the great post and the knowledge.
i wonder if airlines flying to Vegas have better sound proof walls in their lavatories than other planes have ...
Thom I hope so...
*sneaky grin*
Leigh rocks the comments for serious. Thanks Leigh.
Thom - *ahem* *cough* nope, they dont *cough*
Hunee - Yes I'm planning on being there for certain. Im booked and ready to partay.
ok seriously - who in here has joined the mile high club?
ball cheese.
i take it that not many have ...
who flung goo on emma loo ?
I have joined the mile high club.
I flung goo on tommy poo.
Whitey - gimme fucker, cunt.
Sug - Yeah well, its not nice... and now I have a funeral next week I wasn't prepared for.
Yeah, I noticed you turned the comments off... weird, why?
oh sorry I was washin my ass...
what did I miss?
Hi Sugar!!! How is your daughter?
I thought we picked a weekend?
em i'm cheering for the flames... and if they're out i'll suck it up and cheer for either edmonton or ottawa *grin*
hmmm... well shit anything canadian works for me sweet stuff... and you know this. :D
Kristen - we did, yes. I'm booked for the 22nd and T will meet me there... but, though I've asked for a running count of people and who's going so I can plan some sort of agenda... nobody's said really whether they'll be there or not. Seems you're getting more feedback on that then I am... maybe you should be the ringleader for this.... I'll just be there in the corner getting shit faced.
Hunee - No fair washing your ass without me!
I was thinking of flying out that Thursday the 21st late in the afternoon but I'll have to come home early for you?
My friend Jennifer and I are planning on being there.......that's all I know about for sure. I've just told blog world the weekend and it's up to them. I'll be shitfaced with you
I'm flying in Friday, staying until Sunday afternoon... you'll have to do the Thursday night functioning without us....
No really, I will totally be in the corner... doubt anyone will hardly notice me lurkin.
Sug - holy shit, who was it? Was it anonymous or did he have a name.. christ im sorry that shit sucks.
I guess if I took an early flight out on Friday I could get to Vegas early their time, right? Save me a hotel room
Err, Kristen Im not sure of where we're staying yet. I think Paris but Im not sure... you need to find a hotel yourself tho, because I have no idea what you can and cant afford!!!!
Sug - I will check it, wreck it, and sleck it.
though i have no idea what slecking is.
i don't know that m-e meant any harm there sugartits. i think she's just a little dumb.
As soon as everything gets right... We'll do class... I promise :)
i'm ready to sleck this joint
*raising both hands*
*and jumping up and down*
surely i'm horny ...
ok, lets be frank
LMAO! See, this is awesome.. I wanna be frank.
don't be curt with me!
Fuck Thom, what do you do all day... sit around and practice neat-o responses...
Cause I swear you even rocked the pick up lines.
shirley, you jest...
ok, enough of this tomfoolery ... i want my gold star
so, who's gonna be neil and bob ?
my name is scumbag. people like me for my glowing personality and unmatchable drinking ability.
bobbing for doodads, of course
Anna I love you. Scumbag, I love the buldge in your pants and your willingness to wear a buttplug.
but i don't wear a buttplug and you've never seen the buldge in my pants. so what the hell?
Emma I love you for your sticky fingers and your uncanny ability to make everyone horny as hell.
Oh, you mean that wasn't you Scum? I could swear it was...
Hmmm. damn. a girl can dream.
Thanks Thom, it's the x-ray isn't it? I know, some people are into that... isn't safe.
Move aside
and let the man go (bow bow)
Let the man go through
Move aside
and let the man go
Let the man go through
i love beezo.
beezo loves you back
i've come to realize that.
anna, any chances of bringin' pbc back to blogland? it seems so empty w/o him. i'm dying inside.
is that a 'members only' jacket scum ?
i love you too sugar ! glad you are back!
thom - no.
anna - fuck!
i'll never forget the story he told about through a bucket of horsenut on his girlie's back to impress her ... sigh RIP PBC
Hey Emma, if Shawn's involved then I'd still love to get the lowdown but if you two are doing stories on it I don't want to scoop you. If he gives me a hold-till date I'll stay mum.
i'll never forget all the very direct racial slurs he used that i kept having to delete so the fcc wouldn't come after us.
I miss PBC, you want I should go have a chit-chat with him?
Seriously, did we ever find out why he left?
Fig - I promise Ill look into that tonight when I see him.
Sugar - Thats what we're here for, and I agree with Scum that m-e has issues... nothing more. She's fine I just don't think she communicated it well.
I know what he's wearing *snicker*
Sexy bitch Scumbag... sexy.
i kinda do, but it's something we need to handle in-house. that's all i'm gonna say.
OH sorry Scum... sensitive? Okay, no pushing sheesh.
Yeah, no worries Sug... its all good to protect your investment ya know?
kitty licks ? is that like pussy licks ?
no worries, but like i said, it's not something to be discussed in blogland.
btw it just thundered so fucking loud here i could've sworn the building across the street exploded. this is awesome!
so, i'm just gonna sit here with cheezy grin and pretend i know what's going on
innuendo ? more like full of shit...
k, seriously whatever you do tell him NOT to visit my blog.. could ruin him for life.
I'm as fucking freaky as they cum...errr come.
Scum - i love thunder. And I respect the PBC thing... no worries :)
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meds kick in ......
anyone still here?
i think i am ...
OO, goodie.....I never get to talk at this time of day
kristen - how the hell are you ?
I'm here.. blowing my nose...
i'm here ... just sitting around and practicing neat-o responses ...
So you wanna know why I was crying?? Remember the anonymous letter and the threat to send my blog site to my family?
It wasn't a threat
What meds you on Thom, and why the fuck aren't you sharing?
How the hell are you Kristen?
Ok, sadly I have to go be mom but I wanted to tell's almost 6:30 here and the kids are to you guys later.
what was it ?'s true. I'll give you more details later....
you can't do that!
i call shenanigans!!!!!
I feel sad about that.
*passes emma some hyoscyamine*
WOW thanks Thom, will this shit give me chest hair or an enlarged prostate?
*passes Thom a birth control pill*
nah, but it will help any stomach pains ya got, and leave ya kinda loopy...
oh keep the pill for the mile high club please
Actually, errr... I don't need birth control.. I can't physically get pregnant anymore.
I killed Aunt Flo, I admit it. No reason for me to take them.
heh. How about THAT for safe sex. My stomachs all tore up for KJ... jesus, Thom go be a mom and help her with dinner so she can come back and tell me what the fuck.
she dropped the drama bomb and left ... totally not fair ...
I know it!
Sorry guys.....rough day. Yep, parents got an anonymous letter in the mail to their home address. So this person not only knows where I live but where my family lives
Holy crap Em! This pic will go great right next to the x-ray image of fellatio that I have on my hard drive... high-larious
Regarding TSS, from what I've read-up on, Em... hate to break it to ya... but a store-bought fake dong (if not clean) could do as much damage as the wine bottle did to your friend... assuming she died of the TSS infection and not somehow rupturing herself and hemmoraging (ala Enumclaw horseman).
And even then, TSS is very rare now-a-days and getting rarer according to whichever 'net MD site I'd read that on. Typically affiliated with the use of tampons, but can also happen from the packing of gauze in a nosebleed!
It sounds like she must've been frolicking with a foreign object, caught something, and then when she's feeling really really ill she goes to the hospital but it's too late by then. The image we all have is a woman coded out on a gurney with a liter of Paul Mason poking out from her nether regions. But clearly, reality must've been less graphic but nevertheless tragic.
Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing pretty woman. Happy birthday too!
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