Must've been all that LDS
Alright. I found it fuckers!!
That's right, my good ol' high school cassette tape collection!!! Jesus lot's of memories in this huge box of cassette tapes... approx 200 to be exact, some mixed up all full of pop songs from Color Me Badd to Public Enemy to 2nd II None to Depeche Mode and the Cure... Interesting mix.
I think what interests me the most when looking back on these is how strange and ecclectic my music tastes were... honestly.. just bizarre.
Anyway, I promised White Devil and Scumbag of the Wedding Party a song.
A particular song that chanted the uhh, special word...
I think this would be a great way to do a TMI Tuesday and maybe cross over into a WTF Wednesday.
(Kuntz by Butthole Surfers Album: Locust Abortion Technician)
TMI? For TMI Tuesday?!?! Sure.
This song was feared when we would drop acid in High School.
I swear we would avoid the whole album like the plague once that paper hit our tongues!!
But alas, one time while tripping it just so happened the wrong cassette got into the player and well... Let's just say that it lead to me eating grass somewhere in the heart of a local municipality... and walking backwards for three blocks... past my dad parked at a 'job'.
I think I spoke Tiawanese to him about Enchiladas, and then my friend asked him if she could wear his belt... My other friend tried to play it off, but she failed when she had to formulate a sentence... and from there I remember nothing but how much orange juice I drank and hid behind my sunglasses... In December.
Dad must've known, he requested the three of us get a ride back home...turned on Aqualung by Jethro Tull as loud as he could, and barrel-assed us back to my house on the ride of our lives. All I can remember is my dad chanting... "Snot is running down his nose... DUH DA DUH"
After he was gone and we were home safely, my friends and I hopped in the bathtub... filled with Kool Aid packets... and water, and sugar... Blue Raspberry has never been the same.
we were thirsty.
That's right, my good ol' high school cassette tape collection!!! Jesus lot's of memories in this huge box of cassette tapes... approx 200 to be exact, some mixed up all full of pop songs from Color Me Badd to Public Enemy to 2nd II None to Depeche Mode and the Cure... Interesting mix.
I think what interests me the most when looking back on these is how strange and ecclectic my music tastes were... honestly.. just bizarre.
Anyway, I promised White Devil and Scumbag of the Wedding Party a song.
A particular song that chanted the uhh, special word...
I think this would be a great way to do a TMI Tuesday and maybe cross over into a WTF Wednesday.
(Kuntz by Butthole Surfers Album: Locust Abortion Technician)
TMI? For TMI Tuesday?!?! Sure.
This song was feared when we would drop acid in High School.
I swear we would avoid the whole album like the plague once that paper hit our tongues!!
But alas, one time while tripping it just so happened the wrong cassette got into the player and well... Let's just say that it lead to me eating grass somewhere in the heart of a local municipality... and walking backwards for three blocks... past my dad parked at a 'job'.
I think I spoke Tiawanese to him about Enchiladas, and then my friend asked him if she could wear his belt... My other friend tried to play it off, but she failed when she had to formulate a sentence... and from there I remember nothing but how much orange juice I drank and hid behind my sunglasses... In December.
Dad must've known, he requested the three of us get a ride back home...turned on Aqualung by Jethro Tull as loud as he could, and barrel-assed us back to my house on the ride of our lives. All I can remember is my dad chanting... "Snot is running down his nose... DUH DA DUH"
After he was gone and we were home safely, my friends and I hopped in the bathtub... filled with Kool Aid packets... and water, and sugar... Blue Raspberry has never been the same.
we were thirsty.
I was hoping you'd come across "Mucky Pup" and their song "She Qweefed".
I recall the chorus Gotta Gotta Go... Gotta Gotta Go Way Down Low... *bam-bam-bam* SHE QWEEFED!
And who could forget Bomb Shelter Videos...?
OMG! Im fucking finding Mucky Pup.. how many times did we listen to that album?!?!?
Im trying to think of that other song I loved that they did...
you know Dom, sometimes you bring back feelings that I haven't felt since the dasher wagon.
Hi Heather, yeah surprised I have brain cells left...
Dom, it was "Jimmies" that we listened to so often!!!
Go here:
They have a mini jukebox where you can hear full samples of the whole discography. She Queiffed is on there.
Its awesome, seriously.
K Dom, you have a kick ass memory... If you can throw anymore fastballs at me, please do...
that Mucky Pup reminder rocked.
...umm... some Asian guys lit yer bushes on fire.
LMAO! My mom and I were talking about that last weekend.. that bush is huge now.. on one side.
Wait, i got ya beat...
"Hustle with my muscle.." remember that song!?!?!
As much as I'd love to continue this train of memory lane... I'm trying to be bedtime enforcer for the 22 mo and 3 yr olds.
What a different a decade makes.
Here's one more memory jogger for you... "Come to Geeoorge, Coy. Come to Geooor-juh. Lemme make luv to ewe, Cooo-oy."
Understood, Ive been battling with mine as well.. and after 12 trips to the bathroom I think we may just have him down.
Be firm daddy. Be firm.
Dilf fucker. Let's do lunch, seriously... Chinese this time.
Waterland is July... And we can pay a visit to Zenith just for old times sake.. just don't let me pee in the field again... fucking sprinkler system SUCKED.
sprinkler -- hahah!
woulda had you in mere seconds if it wasn't for the chit-chit-chit of the local parks' dep't automated sprinklers!
OK... as long as I'm teasin' you... two words: roof deck
geez? did you have to hit the showers?
oh man
back when the stuff still had drugs on the paper
I love those teenage memories.
I am stuck imagining you in a tub of Blue Kool Aid. The way that stuff stains...Smurffette
ahh....classic songs...much love...nothing beats that "special word"
Great story Emma.....damn I loved high school...great memories
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I have blocked out huge portions of my time in HS because the memories of humiliation and isloation are more than I care to deal with...Denial it's not just a river in Egypt!
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what's lds?
heh, he said cunt.
iono what's worse...that i've heard this song before..
or i can so picture myself freaking out to it while tripping.
cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt!
Dom - I did hit the showers at 'roof deck' actually... jesus good job :)
Sass - I know huh? Bart Simpson stamps rocked the funky acid trips!
Welcome Leigh :) Ahhh, wonderful memories they were.
Perv - You know, as a matter of fact yeah it did stain.... for like a week.. so you're justified in calling me Smurphette... hehe
Whitey - You got all the love buddy, all the love... cunt.
Kristen - I wish I could remember more about that day actually... it comes in flash back mode every so often... bath?
Madame - same goes for you, bath? And you know, my husbands ex-wife used to say that denial thing all the time... It's a big joke around our house... that and shrimp platters... long story. anyway.
Scum - No clue, butt plug? Cunt.
Buttah - LOL! Neither is bad... we can make it happen captain! Your post rocked today btw.. good job :)
Murphy - I have a camping story... maybe I should save that for another time tho... hmmmm. Wait, come here... I'll whisper it to ya.
i saw nin's closer, for the first ever, while on acid...that left enough scars =P
Oh. yeah see... that's just not a great thing at all... The tool Stinkfist Video did the same for me... on shrooms. Amazed Im still alive...
See, and I did stoopid shit to entertain myself when I was high like that... Like seeing Pink Floyd 'The Wall' laser show.
I'm having flash backs just thinking about it... maybe it's the cold medicine.
acid and The Wall...excellent show...
Hooker with a Penis...Im a man..You're a Man...
two words: clockwork orange.
one more word: sofuckinscaryicanteverwatchthatmovieagain!
wow - i would have never thought to mix acid with emtv, er MTV ... that would have been more entertaining for sure
I'd be a man for you Whitey. Prison sex? *sigh*
Yeah Acid and the Wall... dark dome, lots of people laying on the floor, "mother do you think they'll try and break... my balls..."
Buttah - Ifuckingknowhuh? K, that movie changed a lot of things for me... like, sleeping. LMAO.. jesus I hope you didn't see that on acid.. you almost don't have to even trip to get fucked up from it.
ohh i saw it on acid!
people talk about that movie, and i get all weirded out...still!
Jesus girl... Do you have trouble sleeping?
i'm an insomniac...but i was long before that movie
Insomnia is not cool... I've been haunted with it myself lately..
dunno whats up with that.
might i suggest acid and ren and stimpy
course then later you stare at a stucco cieling and are gifted with a vision of ren and stimpy doing the nasty...
and still? funny enough that it's worth the trauma
OMG Ren and Stimpy! I fuckin loved those guys... watched em all the time!
good to see that i wasn't the only one that saw clockwork orange on acid.
1st time i dropped acid i watched the denver broncos win the super bowl. trippy huh?
happy happy joy joy
happy happy joy joy
Wow, yeah I suppose that would be trippy. Hey Scum does John Elway look more like a horse when you're trippin?
Thom - It's log, It's log, It's big it's heavy it's wood.. It's log, It's log it's better than bad, it's good.
Everyone wants a log, you're gonna love it log.
no, but them budweiser commercials had ma laughing so hard i thought i was having a seizure. then me and shs went and sold some coke to some tweakers at the local hardee's.
see my nutty ice cream bar
oh how i love to lick your creamy centre!
*giggles madly*
Gritty Kitty Kitty litter!!!
Those bud commercials kick mudhole, I love me some Superbowl commercials tho, serious.
err. lick.the.creamy.centre.
HOT! *giggles madly back*
btw Elle, Nice job with yer comments. ;)
My boob itches
Right or left?
*waiting for sexual comment from emma about kj's boobs*
heh. See, if I'd stayed away from the cold medicine I'd be TIGHT today.
I can scratch that itch Kristen.
Thank Emma.....let me take off this bra..
I love Primus, great song Murphy. My beaver isn't brown tho... well, the stripe is...
Thanks Kristen, makes it much easier :)
Madame!!!!???? You okay?
Someone revive Madame!!!
Are you biting or tonguing it, Murph? Or is it going to be a combo move?
I'm OK!
Thank God....don't do that
It's you're fault KJ!
You took your bra off!
I was trying to make it easier for Emma to help me with my itch
I never said I wouldn't bite.
nibble maybe.
he's a fuckin asstwit. trying to one-up the wrong blogger...tee hee
Ok Emma, so give me pointers on the writing thing....
Agreed, just nice to see you put it so blatently... well, uhh... LMAO blatent.
I know it made 'her' day when she saw it :D
K, Kristen you need help with it? Hmmm, how to approach it... I wonder.
Is it dirty talk in full you have issues with? Or formulating anything dirty? Where's the issue lie with you?
I guess it's dirty talk in full.......I can't get the fear that the other person will think I'm a complete idiot
see if he responds to my follow up. i mean, does he honestly think he can come over to my blog, comment, and not get an anal reeming..especially in light of fucking over a good friend of mine? c'mon now. who the fuck does he think he is?!
and um i could use help on the dirty talking =P
Oh thank god too?
uh, you can talk about the weather while having sex and you still won't sound like an idiot at all.
you want we should fuck with him elle?
Makes you wonder if he will Elle, my money says he wont. But, I've lost a LOT of money in the past.
You know, Im frankly amazed that he even stepped up to say anything in relation to that since, well it seems that errr, he's got an awful lot of 'fouls' in that arena. WOuldnt you say!?!?
K, dirty talking. First of all, you're not an idiot. Ever. Unless you say something outrageously unintelligent like "Don't cum in my ass, I'll get pregnant..." Really not good.
So, hmm lets approach....
*please wait while we process your request*
oh yea..i'm not silent, but i can't say things. i sit there going "god i want you to fuck me"..but then i can't like..say it. i can't even make the first move!
ME TOO.......well I can make the first move but I can't vocalize it....nothing....zilch. I can't tell you what I want you to do...I'm thinking it, I just can't say it
There's a ton of names and adjectives to describe body parts and the way they feel... either yours or his, or hers or theirs... so I mean, basically you list the various names of your, errr, part of the part you want to speak of in your head or on paper. For instance, your vagina has about 200 different names.... Pick one.
Honey Hole?
Then, pick a proper adjective to describe how it feels... is it wet? Jesus i hope so... So what's another adjective for wet?
So instead of:
"My vagina is wet."
You get:
"My Honey Hole is sloppy."
HOLLA! Shall I do it again?
oh, you meant physically verbally... hmmm.
Well why the fuck not? Here, call me and practice....
When you call say this:
"Emma you're a hot piece of ass and I want you to eat me like yesterdays leftovers you sexy bitch."
your pink taco needs some more meat and sour cream ?
Both Emma, I mean both.......I can't do either way.....
i can make the first move after i'm with the guy for a while, but not off the bat..
i can do it in text..just can't write it.
no problem texting "i have dinner plans, but i'd love to suck you off for dessert" ....bastard words just don't vocalize!
It's best to have a friend you can practice verbally saying these things to. Seriously.
K, so like for example I talk dirty to my friends, that I know will never fuck me... and they laugh and do it back... it's banter...
BUT, the neat thing is that then when I say it to my... errr, partner it lessens the embarrasment because I can recall the non-stressful way of approaching it with my friends.
The more you say it the less embarrassing it is for certain.
*practice with a friend* Ok, I'll work on it.....
This is really good advice
I have no doubt in my mind that both of you girls would rock the dirty talk.
Buttah do a grab bag. You know what that is?
sink my pink.
cheetos anyone ?
I feel CHEATED if I don't get the dirty talk!!!!
LOVE the dirty talk! need to be licking my pussy right now!
Just saying
grab bag?
See, I couldn't even type that and Madame has no problem....
Yeah, I didn't know the grab bag either
i can say the shit jokingly....i say that stuff all the time to my guy friends..
If you want something you gotta ask for it....
K, I like Cheetos.
Uh Madame - I'm finger fucking you first, and when you cum I'm taking my dripping fingers out of your spent folds and sticking one in your mouth. Suck on it while I lick the rest of your juicyness from your swollen slit.
Buttah if you can talk dirty to your friends, then see your lover as a friend, you should have no issue... pretend its jokingly, and watch the outcome. errr outcum.
Grab bag, every good porn writer should have one. Compile a list of dirty words or adjectives to describe certain things, put them on paper, cut the papers into little fortune cookie size shapes and pull them misc. fill that shit in like mad libs.
You can write a basis story with gaps and fill them with your grab bag. I have two grab bags, one for body parts, one for descriptions... eventually you dont need your bag anymore and rely on your head... but, it's good for when you're 'blocking'
Sometimes I hear new descriptions for body parts and add them to my grab bag. It's coo.
Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent
That line always troubled me.
cheetos grab bag are only 99 cents at the local Shell station ...
flaw to your recommendation: i laugh my ass off when i say it to my friends. doubt the dude wants me sitting there riding him saying "Oh yea, fuck me with your hard cock" while my eyes well up with tears from laughter.
oh, those kind of grab bags ... nevermind then.
kristen: i'm exactly like you on that one actually...
That is f-ing hilarious! Now I feel the need to take a bath.
I am glad I am not the only one with a warped 80's tape collection!
Only if I can grab your hair and grind my cunt into your face then after you've licked my slit dry I want to cuck on your tongue!
LMAO! Yeah Elle I suppose that could be an issue.. hmmm. I need to re-think this.
Thom - honey... focus.
Murphy - Well yeah, did you upgrade to one of those real dolls yet, or are you still into the old style plastic blow ups with the seams? Call me, we'll talk dirty.
that would be SUCK on your tongue!!!
cuck on your tongue!!!
Buttah: I laughed so hard at that mental image.......see that's what I'm saying.....
Sass: Thank you....nice knowing I'm not alone
One hundred!
One hundred!
Eat me!
our torrid kiss of lust, our hands exploring each others body. your hands eagerly roam down my stomach to undo my jeans. you stop kissing me, as you pull out my (reaches hand in grab bag) happystick. My hands move down to caress your (reaches in grab bag) funbags, feeling your erect (reaches in bag) pencil erasers ...
*waving* HI SASS!
Madame that's a deal, but after you've successfully made my face a sticky mess I'm breaking out the strap on.
Then I'm bending your sweet ass over and splitting the lips of your pussy with my dildoe, hearing you moan as I push that fucker deep inside you... spread your ass cheeks apart while I pump, finger your asshole still wet with my own saliva...
*shaking head at Thom*
awww, you saying i need a new bag?
hmmmm wondering if my arms are long enough to reach through and finger fuck you?
LOL at Thom.......sadly I think that is what I would sound like if I try to talk....
Damn Emma........damn damn damn that's hot
Let me ask you something KJ...what do you do during sex?
Are you verbal at all?
Prolly not Madame, but you can have lunch with Kristen and I... sit next to me... wear a skirt.
Murphy behave.
I got the basics down.......simple lines but the explict stuff....nope
she gets on her knees, and wraps her lips around my hard (reaches in bag) dork. Her warm mouth and slick tongue running up and down the smooth shaft. Her hands cupped my (reaches in bag) doodads and gently squeezes them as she takes my (reaches in bag) one-eyed bandito into her mouth deeper.
Now actually Thom, I've read stories like that....
Deal but can I whisper dirty talk in KJ's ear while you finger my pussy?
Go Cuck yourself, Murph!
Yes Murphy........I'm at the beginner level and Emma is shut up
emma , you say that like it's a bad thing ...
Madame - That's a deal.
Murphy - Just go back to focusing on your perfectness. If I grab your doodads you'll be all fuckered up.
Thomas, its never a bad thing... ever.
one thing i've learned about dirty talk, is that if you are gonna use the phrase "brace yourself" during foreplay, you better deliver
i'll take your bag thomcat
oh be-have!
WTF are you like a Muppet now Smurphy?
Smurphy the tall pasty muppet...
Wasnt that beaker?
i bet animal fucked like a stud.
No I would have fucked Scooter the little nerdy guy
no way i'd pork ms piggy ...
hey murphy - what do mopeds and chubby chicks have in common ?
Take your hand off your dick Smurph!
You know this shit turns you on!
I don't name my vibrators.. there's too many... I'd get confused.
Jesus I have no idea which muppet I'd have fucked, but I have to agree with Elle on Animal..
they are both fun to ride, but you wouldn't admit it to your friends ...
On the Trippin thing:
I ALWAYS prefer trippin in the woods while camping over the city trippin. Something about being away from all those right-angles.
On the talking dirty thing:
Have you girls worked yourselves up enough yet? You didn't even need my help? golly
And hey Emma, did you check that falling apart comet movie on my page yet? thought you'd dig it.
Howdy to the rest of you Buggering Fuggers!
Now let's play reality check. The day Murphy takes his hand off his dick is the day I... I...
become... celibate.
Net your fish Murphy...
w ;gn;lfjksd z{H)*(y&UYH*}djiz;njbn
Get the man a beezo.
Helskel - I will have to check that out... :D
Scum - Consider yourself beezo'd.
Murphy - I tell you what... I'll do the fly fishing, heh.
fly fishing. *sigh* I wish.
Emma, when are you gonna switch away from the grimreaper avatar?
I love those cute serial killer eyes and all...
just kidding girl...
(i just miss those legs!)
don't listen to helskel emma.
her profile pic was chosen in a unanimous vote.
SHHH Murphy........
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Cute serial killer eyes?
mornin horny ladies and 'gents
cheetos grab bag anyone ?
:( did everyone go home?
i wish, i'm still at work.
Hi Thom :) Everyone always leaves this place when I swing by to say hi...starting to think it is me :(
you don't smell bad or anything do you hun?
no I use good soap and I am a very OCD person when it comes to hygiene, the only thing people tell me is that they can smell my hair (shampoo) when I throw my locks down or they like my no bad smells here
i guess you need to start stopping by earlier. it usually dies off around this time. well, at least here it does...........
I get the shampoo thing a lot guess that is a given when your hair is so long...I take at least two showers a day. So my hair always smells good. My pseudo, complicated man friend told me that he missed my smell and it's hard for him to sleep, so I think that is a good thing.
oh...I usually can only come around this time :( teachers don't like bloggers and I have smaller classes so I can't get away with it. I don't think my boss cares for it either...ya know they want you to work and all...I need a goof off job
anyone want blue raspberry koolaid ?
never liked how it turned your mouth blue
want some lemonade?
it's cold and delicious
nah, would rather have a beezo
hahaha. Well I'm off. enjoy the beezo and the koolaid
serial killer buns?
serial killer legs?
serial killer lips?
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*wow* it's true.
There really isn't anyone here in the mid afternoon.
Get home and start drinking you fuggerS!!!
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damm it's so dead in here i can hear myself type...
hehe Sass...
*, click.*
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