
Giving pieces of ones-self and HNT

This is a very special HNT. I hope you enjoy it. Not sure I will be around much to chat today but I assure you that I am watching your comments, and I will check in from time to time for smiles. Feel free to keep up the naughty lounge in my absence or just send well wishes, I will try to catch up on things Thursday evening as time permits.

I was tagged some time ago by Sugarpunk and Dan.
The challenge(s) were tough for me since it seems all I post is weird stuff about myself, or my sexual likes and dislikes... so to ask me such things would be to repeat a lot of what I've been blogging about.

I think in lieu and with respect to Sugarpunk and Dan I will instead do 25 random observations and/or things about myself ... Some may be ones you've heard, others will be newbies.

1. I feel uncomfortable many times expressing directly how I feel but seem to be fluent in sarcasm. Sarcasm for me is a learned blanket of comfort and defense.

2. I have come to peace with myself and accept that things are.

3. I don't own bikini bottoms, only tops. I have five tops, no bottoms... Imagine that.

4. I was in back to back abusive relationships before I met and married my first husband. I still carry the scar of the cigarette burn on my fore arm where a high-school boyfriend would take pleasure in using me for his human ashtray.

5. I used to co-host a late night jazz show sometimes. Have a great appreciation for Count Basie.

6. Challenges are the greatest character builders - ever. Many of you out there are going through personal battles and challenges of your own. I will share my challenge in hopes you will agree that I understand what it's like to have your hope mashed like potatoes', regardless of why, how, or what it is:

This is my challenge, you're looking at the afterglow of dialysis and isn't it pretty? (and yes, I normally get tracks on both arms...

I wear my challenge on my sleeve, literally. Yeah, I get to feel my body disintegrate every so often. I reflect on what it may be like to finally hear that I will no longer need this treatment. Every time I look at this I wonder if I will get to see my son graduate high school... The realization that I might not is the heart of the challenge, and the most painful. K, sorry .. That pic is especially nasty because my arm actually 'exploded' three days before that shot was taken.

7. I promised Sass the grossness pic, and I haven't been good on keeping with emailing her, or any body for that matter... I apologize all the time but I never just dig in. That, I would say is my biggest fault... My in-box.

8. I admire any one that can be sincere most of the time.

9. When blindfolded and silenced, your senses become acute... my fingertips love the dance and stimulation of exploring another persons body, not hearing them move around me.

10. I cry myself to sleep at night too.

11. Cherokee Indians believed that your soul left the earth when you died by way of a crow... I despise Crows. And I'll be damned if one didn't perch on my roof Sunday and not be shoo'd away. I throw stones at crows. Fuckers.

12. Pot stickers in Vegas are not very good. Don't waste your $16.75 on them unless the company is worth it.

13. Sometimes the company makes all the difference.

14. My husband and I don't keep secrets. I have a strong foundation. Sometimes we don't see eye-to-eye... But we accept each others differences.

15. I am intentionally not putting anything blatantly sexual in this post because I wanted to focus on the last 32 years... I find the last ten to have been extremely character building though... At least sexually.

16. I grew more in my twenties than I did as a child and teen. I am wise and and all powerful now... At least to myself. Thirty has been kind to me.

17. I love football, I love sports. Im not just one of those chicks that watches to please you... Football is in fact my favorite sport... If you don't consider fishing to be a sport.

18. Next weekend is the first 'adult' fishing trip of the season. It will be rowdy and obnoxious and distant from the world. There will be a full moon that Saturday night.

19. The most beautiful thing in the world to me is looking up to the full moon on a clear night east of the mountains. With a beer in my hand. I'll take a picture of it weather permitting, post it up here for ya.

20. I have taught my kids that lifes lessons need to be learned. That does not mean that I allow them to do whatever and say "I told you so". This means that I have patience and permit them to attempt to fly first before I offer assistance. Sometimes when I jump off that bandwagon of thought things don't work out so well and I smother... The best parenting advice I can give to ya is not to over-bear, they need elbow room to grow into their own person.

21. Dilf fuckers are rocking the baseball caps and I hate you for that in a very good way.

22. I am a bi-sexual swinger, I like men and women... Equal opportunity employer.

23. I have to stop now because I'm being distracted....

IN all I guess I want to just say that I have loved the last 32 years of my life, every year I have gained wisdom, strength, and the ability to believe that there is always tomorrow, and never a need for burning bridges or giving up. I accept people for who they are not what they are, and I am love with life almost as much as it's loved me.

I no longer need to search for the person I am because I'm right here. And I'm the genuine article and golden to you if you believe in me as much as I believe in you --- from the git go. I may lax and negate my email sometimes and for that I apologize, but I think of you everyday and wish the universal blessings on you all... all the damn time.

A heartfelt sidenote to myself: Thanks for you. You rock. We've endured some rough shit and the battles long from over... but, I have to say that you have always been a fighter.

A heartfelt sidenote to you: Thanks for believing in me and providing me with the building blocks that make up my own personality and chemistry, we all need more people like you.

As a special err, thanks. The husband and I agreed to post something special for my fans and friends, because we're givers and shit... so, it's not work safe. But feel free to click on the words "Happy HNT" below, and then you wish me a happy birthday or, errr I'll kick your ass.. Maybe.

With that sappiness over, we will continue with our previously scheduled programming tomorrow for Cinco De Mayo... and a very happy celebration for a heart and soul that's had the opportunity to live longer than ever anticipated.

Happy HNT.
(remember clicking this is NOT WORK FRIENDLY)


If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!


Blogger HuneeB said...

*gasp* FIRST COMMENT!!!!

9:20 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

okay so I am still at work so I will have to view the Happy HNT later...

Emma that was a really beautiful post with truly inspiring and genuine words. I like you too, and I am glad that you like you. :)

It makes me look forward to growing and learning more about myself. I think you are a beautiful person inside and out regardless of what scars or bruises you might own. You have a wonderful story to tell and I enjoy reading it.

(oh and you know you are always invited too when I wash my ass, I always have enough soap...the good stuff)

9:25 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger DeepItalianEyes said...

Happy Bday and thanks for sharing your feelings. WIshing you the best.

9:38 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Osbasso said...

That was a great post, my dear! And a great present to us!! Happy, happy birthday to ya!

10:43 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

damm emma. awesome post.

happy birthday by the way.

and thank you for sharing your arm with me... and i think i like this list better than the alternative.

beautiful post.

11:10 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

Fucking Hell, Emma. I swear I've never gotten tears in my eyes while looking at a very attractive bisexual fantasy MILF wearing nothing but a scarf and a sneeze. Minus the scarf!

I have all these fantasies you know. One of the best is sitting in a coffee shop shooting the breeze, talking about kids and journalism and fundraising and health care and blowjobs, and you getting a little squirmy in your seat and a distracted look in your eyes, and me saying "go ahead and masturbate, I'll cover for you." But that's so not the only one.

Those are great fantasies but I've got other ones too. Hanging around a playground watching your slightly younger kids figure out my slightly older ones. Doling out snacks and comparing notes on schools and bedtime routines, meeting your husband, and just generally shooting the shit with you guys...

About eight years ago I spent three nights in the cardiac care unit at Swedish, all hooked up on blood thinners and nitroglycerine drips waiting for an angiogram and possible stents, unable to sleep because the guy in the next bed -- the only other guy on the ward under maybe 70, in for a valve replacement -- kept coding, watching my then 18-month-old son, totally clueless and still drooling to beat the band, doing his beautiful little la-la-la chatter and pushing somebody's walker up and down the hall, and wondering if I'd live out the week, let alone live to see grandkids. It turned out to be a total false alarm, my arteries were as wide open as the ramps to nowhere down on 520 but man I did some serious fucking introspecting during those three days, and ever since. And I'm just sitting here thinking how you've been going through that for... it's gotta seem like forever.

Every night since then I've tried to sit with my son, and when she came along with my daughter too, holding their hands as they fall asleep, thinking this is what it's all about. Ever since then I've meant it every time I've told them I loved them, said good night, said goodbye, because you just never know what could happen. I say the same to my partner too. And not in a gloomy way either. I say it because I get to and it's just so cool to be able to.

That's a great list of 25 things, Emma. The hematomas? Eh, they don't look so bad, not really scary -- no need to feel shy about those, they mean you're alive. And the last two photos? Geez, can I rip those panties, slip my hands under your knees, and lick the shit out of you? (If you'd rather not rip them I could just take them off very gently instead.)

Gotta find a Kleenex first though, my eyes are a little moist.


You know how a writer always wants to move his or her reader? Bingo. You got me. Two ways at once.

I hate that, in a good way.

Good luck, Safety Pup,


11:30 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...


I forgot to say that earlier...


11:43 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Romantic Perv said...


Of all the others that have shared in this 25 things tag, i think that this was one of the deepest and enlightening. Thank you for sharing yourself (as always).

Some very beautiful HNT pics too. Made for a nice counterpoint to the deepness of your post. Between them you have shown you are more than just a sexual person, but at the same time are very much that too.

Whats this about you being sarcastic?? No way are you sarcastic.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! May you have many more to follow!!

(although the idea of you kicking my ass does have its own appeal. could i wish you the happiest of birthdays and still be subject to it later??)

2:42 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

Thank you Emma for being so honest and heartfelt in this post. It was beautiful and I have to agree, it's one of my favorites.

The pictures are sexy as always...

Happy HNT and Happy Birthday!!!

3:33 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

As always Outstanding, sweet Emma!

Thank you!

3:51 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger SCH said...

Very powerful post today. Beautiful pictures too.

Happy Birthday!

Have a Happy HNT!

4:19 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Knight said...

Hi... that was a very good post.

4:23 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Hubris said...

Happy BDay Em! That was a great post of introspection... thank you.

And the pics. Damn, woman.... damn

5:56 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Happy Birthday my dear, sweet Em xxx

I loved this heartfelt, honest post and although I don't comment any more - I still read your blog from time to time. This is definitely one of my favorites that you have written. You're an amazing, beautiful woman and I wish you many, many healthy years ahead. And I can't wait to see your view - I hope you get that pic soon because Indiana is completely lacking in a view of the mountains. Sigh.

All my love and a zillion kisses,

6:23 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger RobynB said...

I love your ability to look at yourself so honestly. Beautful post, Em.

Happy Birthday!

6:53 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger AndyT13 said...

I just love reading your blog so much. You are the shiznit! I'm so sorry you're sick and so proud of the way you're fighting. Thanks for all the beautiful pix. Awsome! HHNT! Oh and FISH ON! ;-)

7:14 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger AndyT13 said...

D'oh! and HAPPY BRITHDAY and many7 many more!

7:16 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Still Searching... said...

A beautiful post, and the "Happy HNT" photos...gorgeous!


7:36 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger da buttah said...

happy birthday, my love

7:40 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Helskel said...

Happy birthday, you ever smart, flirtatious, MILF, woman, tease, dreamer, pleaser.

awesome words... real as always.

and SPECIAL appreciation for those pics... that's gonna be worth a private tribute after work. (I like the dark girl behind dark glasses in her dark hood too.)

you are definitely one of the more spiritual/emotional inspiring,
and COCK STIFFENING!, people out there.

-astrally yours until you come, later.


7:53 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

you're hanging it up for a while aren't you? that's just the impression i got. lovely pics and commentary.

8:20 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

HHNT Em. thanks for exposing yourself like that, both physically and emotionally. that's so hard to do. i totally get the sarcasm thing, i'm the same way. love ya babe.

8:51 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Emma - great post!! I come here for the articles -- really!!

I'm just in awe of the pictures!!

Happy Birthday!!

9:08 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

And what? Your birthday's today? Sheesh. I thought it was last week. Happy birthday again, then. I hope it's the best you've ever had, and that you have at least fifty four even better ones.

If Scum's right and you're taking a break, have a good one, Emma.


9:20 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger white_devil said...

I did read this before..just didn't comment on it...nothing is fun about being treated like crap when you don't deserve it. you deserve the best as most women do...but shhh..don't let that get out.


10:46 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger white_devil said...

feelings man...feelings...

11:19 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

Shut up Murphy

11:31 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Murph your a dike aren't you?

11:32 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

KJ how are things and the letter, are you okay?

11:33 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Matt Vella said...

Potstickers - I get 'em at Trader Joe's and steam em myself. A little soy sauce...nice.

11:35 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Spirit57 said...

It was nice to stumble upon your blog and read words of honest proportion. Your story is real and it demands respect and attention.
You deserve the best and I know you will achieve it.

PS. Great pics ...fuck the work friendly shit ...I looked at them any way ...didn't even close my office door ....me bad ...lol

11:40 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

I've been better....thanks for asking....

Ha Ha...good one about Murphy

11:40 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

well I read yesterdays comments and I really hope that you are okay since you didn't really explain. I really hope you took this to the authorities, for your own safety

11:43 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

I haven't done that but I did notify my security department at work....letting them know that there have been two threatening letters as of today and one of the threats is to cause problems at my work

11:44 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

it is important to get these things documented b/c that is the first thing you are asked if god forbid something does happen, which I sincerly hope does not. But it is always better to be safe. *hugs* I do not want to upset you or worry you, just make sure you are safe.

11:50 AM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls
balls balls balls balls balls

Just wanted to get that off my chest!

I crack myself up!

12:29 PM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for the second time I might add)
2. Where the hell is the naughty lounge and why have I not been drunk and horny there yet?
3. You're adorable.
4. Sarcasm rules!!
5. I am so sorry you are going through dialisis...That is sincere...it does not happen often.
6. I heart you, take care of yourself....sincere again.

2:27 PM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger The Chief said...

The only thing that turns me on more than reading about your sexual likes and dislikes is reading about the other parts of you and seeing your sexy pics!

2:36 PM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Scott said...

Those are lovely photos...thank you for the best HNT ever!

3:10 PM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Backdoor Slider said...

You are an extremely attractive women and your Happy HNT pics are frikkin hot as well. HHNT

5:20 PM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Phain said...

wow - to the post...happy pic not so bad either...but the list..incredible

6:49 PM, May 04, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

I want you on so many levels it's actually depressing. My god what I could do....

Anyway, sorry I haven't been around much. Focusing on the house, the kids, the wife and looking for a job. I have an interview this afternoon with a large oil company which I'm expecting will go very well. Wish me luck damnit!!!

10:08 AM, May 05, 2006  

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