
Roly Poly Fish heds fer two damn days

My pussy is wet as hell right now. I'm all giddy and excited...

( <--- fishin cam )

The 'adult' fishing trip is upon us!!

That's right, two and a half days out in the wilderbush of the outerbackish dunghole of our state.
Which just happens to be the very best of fishing spots to be offered without ass holes on sea-do's tearing up your sweet spot. And it's beautiful as hell... Makes yer eye just kinda tear up like a hooker gagging on 10 inches, don't it?

What makes this trip different from the others? Wuh-hell THIS trip is no limits fishing, no rules, no curfews, no responsibilities besides not getting ourselves killed. Unlike the other 'day trip don't-drink-too-much-ya-gotta-drive-home-in-four-hours' trips, these trips are the epitome of everything inappropriate and adult.

We say fuck a lot.
We do stupid shit.
We drink like... fish. Beer yes, good.

Yep, it's a drunken fucking balls-out blast... And it's all mine. 14 hours of fishin, 6 hours of drunken cribbage... 4 hours (if that) of sleep and it's out on the water again.

AND, It's women against men.

Which makes it suhWEET because the competition's top notch. Two women, two men... Both couples competitive and in need to win the title of "Holy shit that's a nice fuckin fish! Way to bring it to the boat!"

Yep, the minute the poles hit the water 'games on' and it's a count on quality and quantity for the rest of the weekend. All you hear is our mouths talking shit and our reels making that thzzzzzzzzz sound when we cast. Usually I'll feel the strain from my arms around 3pm and have to slam beers to kill the pain. But just like a triathlete pisses while he pedals... We marathon fish through the blood, sweat, and sunburn just to see who's gonna get the shit chores.

HA. *sigh*
It will be in the 70's, and well.. sunny, hot. Bikini weather. YES. Heaven.

This year, my ass is gonna win the most fish caught.. I just fucking feel it.

I have my tackle box re-stocked like a fuckin' champ. I got minnows, baby bass, 4" and 6" lizards, senko's of all sizes and colors, tubes, spinner baits, rapalas, and even my trustworthy grubs... I got 10 pound line re-stocked on my reel.. And my has been broken in nicely from the last day-trip. It's a beautiful thing people... loverly.

Y'all have a great weekend, drunk texts are welcome and will be returned :)


Blogger sassinak said...

i love how you go on hiatus *grin*

have a great weekend babe, eat some delicious fresh fish for me...

and catch the water breathing kind too!

i'm going to hell.

9:30 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger Spirit57 said...

Okay, just got back in my chair ...laughing so hard my bride thinks I'm having a heart attack!

Have a great weekend ...good luck!!!

Remember ...keep your tips up ...

10:10 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger Osbasso said...

Enjoy the hell out of the weekend! Drunk texting sounds like a good time, but you don't have my number...

11:36 PM, May 11, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

Have a wonderul weekend!!!!

3:43 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

Fish Heads
Fish Heads
Roly Poly Fish Heads
Fish Heads
Fish Heads
Eat them up

Great song, great video...if I am not mistaken...Billy Mummy of Lost in Space fame.

Enjoy Em!

4:51 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger RobynB said...

Have a great weekend and Happy early Mother's Day!

5:38 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...


this may be the ONLY weekend you catch more than me.

6:00 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...


7:31 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

I forgot!
Happy Mother's day!

7:37 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger FortuneCookie said...

Hush! Hush! Secret! I came from a fortune cookie factory.

7:37 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger FortuneCookie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:37 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

i always thought you had a very sexy and talented ass, but it can catch fish too? wow. ;)

12:46 PM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

uh....you said bikini...then what?

Have fun!!!

2:34 PM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Matt Vella said...

Yay, fishing!

5:09 PM, May 14, 2006  

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