I was tagged last week right after my *outburst of laughter* hiatus announcement (ha, right hiatus *eyeroll to myself*) by the beautiful and spunky Madame X. I adore the fact that i have a tag since it requires little fore thought as to content and will allow me time to complete this assload of work at hand.

Hopefully once this seminar is over and things return to normal I can concentrate a little more on getting back in the 'swing' of things (pun intended!) Until then I hope to post some tags, the anniversary HNT, and possibly my birthday party story.
Here goes!
I AM: An enigma of layers that surface sometimes, but no two consecutively.
I SAID: There's no way I could possibly have an expose' on the foundations of g-spot recovery by noon Friday.
I WANT: A bottle of wine and good conversation.
I WISH: Some body else would write this speech.
I HATE: Feeling hatred. Assumptions. Grudges. And when my veggies 'bleed' into my mashed potatoes.
I MISS: You.
I FEAR: You.
I HEAR: Porn, because I'm watching it for review purposes.
I WONDER: Why I feel like I don't want to watch porn.
I REGRET: somethings', not many. I learn from regret, it's the greatest teacher.
I AM NOT: Moody!!! I'm just tossing yer shit back at ya.
I DANCE: Every chance I can get with my children, well and then there's sometimes at the club.... errr. K, I don't dance at the club like I do with my children. And thought is kind of disgusting actually.
I SING: Unfortunately.
I CRY: Not as often as I used to, but I do.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: on time, but I'm always there when you call.
I MADE: This really neat paper mache' dong for a festival last year and I wore it on my head.
I WRITE: Because they pay me sometimes.
I CONFUSE: Shit all the time, just strike me with the obvious and see which direction it goes because often I just don't get it.
I NEED: I plead the fifth on this one.
I SHOULD: Do what I NEED to do *snicker*
I START: Twitching sometimes, so maybe I SHOULD.
I FINISH: Everything at the last minute, I need to work on that.
*I believe: only 20% of what I hear and 110% of what I see.
*I know: That my life style is mis-construed all the time.
*I can: Do anything I set my mind to.
*I can't: Make you do the same.
*I see: dead people.
*I blog: I used to know that answer to that question.
*I read: Poetry. I love Poetry.
*I am aroused by: Intellect, Wit, and somebody that doesn't feel intimidated but instead 'at home' with me.
*It pisses me off: That only one of my nipples gets hard sometimes.
*I find: change in my pants.
*I like: Men and women that fit the criteria of "I am aroused by"
*I love: boyshorts. I'm not a thong fan... Get over it! If I'm wearing underwear at all it's gotta be boyshorts or hipsters. And that's settled.
I can't tag anyone because everybody has already been tagged or done something similar, so I suppose I would like it if you have read this and want to do it, to please let me know because I would be thrilled and delighted to see what you come up with... Especially you Tequila Girl and Sass!!!
Alright, I'm back to contractual fibers and strengthening your prostate... You folks stay cool.

Hopefully once this seminar is over and things return to normal I can concentrate a little more on getting back in the 'swing' of things (pun intended!) Until then I hope to post some tags, the anniversary HNT, and possibly my birthday party story.
Here goes!
I AM: An enigma of layers that surface sometimes, but no two consecutively.
I SAID: There's no way I could possibly have an expose' on the foundations of g-spot recovery by noon Friday.
I WANT: A bottle of wine and good conversation.
I WISH: Some body else would write this speech.
I HATE: Feeling hatred. Assumptions. Grudges. And when my veggies 'bleed' into my mashed potatoes.
I MISS: You.
I FEAR: You.
I HEAR: Porn, because I'm watching it for review purposes.
I WONDER: Why I feel like I don't want to watch porn.
I REGRET: somethings', not many. I learn from regret, it's the greatest teacher.
I AM NOT: Moody!!! I'm just tossing yer shit back at ya.
I DANCE: Every chance I can get with my children, well and then there's sometimes at the club.... errr. K, I don't dance at the club like I do with my children. And thought is kind of disgusting actually.
I SING: Unfortunately.
I CRY: Not as often as I used to, but I do.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: on time, but I'm always there when you call.
I MADE: This really neat paper mache' dong for a festival last year and I wore it on my head.
I WRITE: Because they pay me sometimes.
I CONFUSE: Shit all the time, just strike me with the obvious and see which direction it goes because often I just don't get it.
I NEED: I plead the fifth on this one.
I SHOULD: Do what I NEED to do *snicker*
I START: Twitching sometimes, so maybe I SHOULD.
I FINISH: Everything at the last minute, I need to work on that.
*I believe: only 20% of what I hear and 110% of what I see.
*I know: That my life style is mis-construed all the time.
*I can: Do anything I set my mind to.
*I can't: Make you do the same.
*I see: dead people.
*I blog: I used to know that answer to that question.
*I read: Poetry. I love Poetry.
*I am aroused by: Intellect, Wit, and somebody that doesn't feel intimidated but instead 'at home' with me.
*It pisses me off: That only one of my nipples gets hard sometimes.
*I find: change in my pants.
*I like: Men and women that fit the criteria of "I am aroused by"
*I love: boyshorts. I'm not a thong fan... Get over it! If I'm wearing underwear at all it's gotta be boyshorts or hipsters. And that's settled.
I can't tag anyone because everybody has already been tagged or done something similar, so I suppose I would like it if you have read this and want to do it, to please let me know because I would be thrilled and delighted to see what you come up with... Especially you Tequila Girl and Sass!!!
Alright, I'm back to contractual fibers and strengthening your prostate... You folks stay cool.
ooooo oooo comment one!
Hi Emma :)
The fishin trip sounded like fun! Glad you got to get away :)
Take care
Oh and since I don't have a prostate or contractual fibers to worry about in that vicinity can I stay hot?
i'll do this tag... but not anytime soon :)
i love that you answer questions that aren't asked and avoid ones that are and somehow write a coherent post in answers
also i want to read the speech okay? sounds interesting from my perspective and i have clients with physical problems in the nether regions :)
My nipples do that too.....
I love women's nipples. Hard. Not hard. One hard, one not.
*dreamy sigh*
nobody tries to tag us anymore. probably b/c the last person that did i responded, if you try that shit again i'll kill you.
K, I did it... :)
Have a wonderful day!
Yeah...I'm gonna need a picture of the papier mache dong!
Huneeb - Thanks! And yes, since you don't have contractual fibers you stay hot.. *snicker*
PM- It's good to be back? HA! Yeah, it's good to be back... did I leave? I don't remember. I think i was supposed to *giggle*
Sass- Guilty. Nothing like the dance of evasion but yet specific and true to the question. And yes, as soon as its completed I'd be more than happy to share the speech. :)
Kristen - Ever want to just smack or pinch the fucker and bring it to attention? damn nipples.
D- LOL, so you take em any way you can get em? Smart man, smart smart man.
Scum- Yeah well I could do without another death threat in my life. Thought about taggin' you guys though, really did!
Tgirl - HOORAY! Can't wait to read it! You have a wonderful day too!
Madame - I think we burned it after the festival, but there should be a picture around here somewhere.... I think Shawn's got it.
Shawn baby!
Hook me up!
There's nothing like a sexy woman walking around with a giant paper dick on her head!
Consider me... *cold*.
Good to see you back from your Hiatus, life-lusty one! ;-)
LOL Madame - I hope he stops by today just to read that!!!
Helskel - Thanks babe, hope life is treating you just as lustfully. Remember to love your prostate... Apparently a lot of men don't.
Hey that would make a great T-shirt
Help ME love my Prostate!
hmmm, you mean the more I cum, the better I feel?
From your lips to God's ears...back to your lips... and then up to God's breasts...and then to your lips...and breasts... then to God's heels!
Whoa, are you calling me a god helskel?
Madame - I know huh? Hmmm... Jesus I wish I'd thought of that, I cold have worn it this weekend at the seminar!!! Only it would have to say "I can help you love your prostate"
I *heart* your prostate.
Love my Prostate. (front)
So give me the finger (back)
Oh jesus the second one rocks... let's do that!
Stick your finger in my ass? But I don't have a prostate... well,OK!
E, you're definitely a Goddess I sometimes offer 'reverence' to!
I guess that makes me a polygimist...er, uh... a polytheist!
Good T-shirt idea Madame!
Either Poly works for me helskel, I could be any god you wanted to reference depending on the mood factor of course.
Madame - I would happily stick a finger in your ass, but it would only be while we're finger fucking... hope thats ok!!!
Sure, sure!
It's all good!
Sup Sug!!! Why are you sighing?
God yes please. Wait, don't I need to help you with your work?
Let's trade, yours sounds like more fun!
I'm glad you found some one to assist you Sug.
Huge coincidence - I love girls that love boyshorts!
Oh okay! shhhhh... lol!
Matt - Holy hell dude, that IS a coincidence! lol! Make sure you tell your prostate you appreciate it for me.
Raise a finger for prostate health!
No wait...give a finger for prostate health!
I need to take Madame on my business trips and seminars... she's creative as hell!!!
Sug - dude, I would love to see you in monolo racing shoes and a chanel race jumpsuit!!
OOhhhh I have just the outfit for business trips!
A little Chanel Suit, my hair pulled back in a twist, heels...my glasses. Hawt!
Ok.....i'm back.......are we talking clothes?
Visqueen is fun to wear. I prefer Madame in saran wrap.
Satarical eh? I'd love to read that!
I think we're talking clothes Kristen but Im losing focus here quickly LOL.
Tickle my prostate and I'll tickle yours!
For the Homosexual/bisexual community.
Cool.....i'll try to catch up
Uh. See?!?! Losing focus!!!
Fall off a sailboat!!!!
Now that's funny but at least you're planning ahead and have the bubble suit ready
I need one of those bubble suits for the next time i go fishing!!!
market that shit Sug!
Yeah, sign me up for one
Anybody find it eerie that its just us ladies here?
Nah! I scare all men away!
I think its the trend for the day...........WHERE HAVE ALL THE MEN GONE??
Part of me wants to say who cares, but a completely different part of me needs a testosterone fix.
Madame, I don't think you're scary!!!
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time past seen.
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago...
Yeah, I need a smartass comment from someone with balls to make my day complete.....
Seriously, they don't even have to be young at this point...
Just here and approachable!!!
Where's Scum........he's good for a smartass comment
Hm. Yeah I could feed you a smart ass comment, but my balls aren't real, they're silicone.
Yeah, it's just not the same.....
Shut up Kristen, sit in the corner and suck on your finger would ya?
jesus, and here I thought you were learning....
Howd i do?
Damn Emma, that was great.......You got all Murphy and everything.....very hot
LMAO!!! Hmmm...
Well that's because I'm perfect, it's up to you needy chicks to put up or shut up.
Who got all over Murphy?
What did I miss?
That's right Gig, just keep try and keep up, okay?
AHHH, my day is now complete........
I got the needy chick comment....
Hey! Hey! I'm mello!
How bout instead you sit in the corner with Kristen and she'll fill you in. In small words so you don't miss anything...
k, this is fun.
You're pretty good at this.....
Wow...you're good!
Gig...can I tell you how much I fucking hate that!!
Gig...Geeg but it looks like gig
Stop with the ass kissing, you'll all have my dick in due time.
I love competitive chicks.
Yeah, I know it Madame, its not like it takes much effort to type in that one 'i'!!!
Its a nice pattern actually!
Fuck I was 69 and didn't even know it...that says so much...
LMAO! Okay so are we feeling better up in here?
So I'm horny
I have a headache
and it's my special week
EN...do have smurphy captive in your basement or something...HAWT!!!
He is MIA.......that would explain his disappearnce
Um. No. He's not between my legs either.
I have no idea where he is. For all I know he's with you Madame!!
Murphy's with Madame????
It wasn't really a washing machine, was it?? It was Murph bumpin' your ass
What you think I'm humming for?!?!
Ok, are you serious?
i think you could have gone with a better picture there... the framing is off... and its a little weight heavy.. i'm not say you need Ansel Adams but come on..
Jeesh...ya think Smurph could take my verbal abuse or I his for this long?
I think not....Ya know KY is not that far away....
Johnny, I swear you pull my pigtails on purpose.....
So Smurphy's in KY!!! It would make sense!
No wonder Kristen has a headache!
Smurphy is not in KY.........to my knowledge.....I would not have been crying over cookie dough and American Idol last night if he was in KY
What would you have been doing instead?
Drinking beer of course
Clubbering Smurphy with the roll of cookie dough?
LMAO! So much love in here ladies, do you feel it?!?!?
cookie dough is sacred.......not wasting it on Murphy's bald head
Don't forget the helmet.
Hell I need someone to pick on!
Even worse........do you realize the damage his helmet could do to a roll of cookie dough?
I know eh? Maybe, just maybe it's some sort of rouse to make us appreciate them.
Or maybe they have shit to do.
Or maybe they're on a mini-vaca having beer and watching hockey together....
Somebody needs to make him a helmet.
oOoOoOooo-A cookie dough helmet!!!
TIGHT! Somebody do that and take a picture of it!!!
I'm not creative, so you guys make it and I'll take a pic
Alright, Im all over that. Any idea which brand of cookie dough works better than the other? As far as stickiness?!?!
stickiness *giggle*
Sorry...I've got crazy stalker chick issues here...where were we?
hehehe. Cookie Dough testing will now commence I assume... hey, that could be fun.
Do a review of cookie dough by brand!!!
I prefer Nestle's cookie dough to Pillbury
I'm all over that review....
Is that stalker still bothering you?!?!?
Stalker chick? I'm sorry. Do I need to kick somebody's ass?
I want to watch Emma kick ass
6's ex girlfriend is under the impression that he still is interested in her...she's a wack-o!
Now that's a needy chick
Sometimes they just need to be slapped the fuck around...
Heh. Charlies Angels style.
ya think?!
I mean granted he is a guy and didn't end it cleanly but HELLOOOOOO!
Over a year!
charlie's Angel style.......now that's hot
It's like the island of Lesbos in here!
Yes Helskel we are enjoying the Sapphodic (?) delights!
Um. lol!!!
Well, we're all catty bitches madame, remember this. Moody, emotional, over-reacitve, catty bitches.
So I brought this raging hard-on for nothing?
well fuck, I'll just play with it myself then!
Yeah I know....trust me I know EN!
But it's getting to the point where the authorities will be called.
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no. Sharing is Caring!!
I'm so confused. :(
Well if it's that bad then yes I think you should take appropriate action for certain.
No need to get psycho!!! You want I should send over a vat of bird flu her direction?
I'd love to share this bouncing-while-I-walk erection with you girls...
although, it points up toward your beautiful faces all the time....
I wonder what it's hinting at?
Nah...I honestly pity her...In a small way I've been her at one time or another... but I knew when to give up.
If he is with another woman, it't time to give up
Let's talk about something nicer say...helskel's bobbing erection!
hmmm...oooo a cookie dough cock cover!
hmmm... sounds warm...
I'd prefer a Madame cock cover I think!
Helskel, do you have any idea what you've walked into here?
Walking into something with a bobbing erection sounds fun.
While I staring and reaching for Kristen's excellent rack!
Awwww...thank you Helskel!
I have way too many ideas on what I've walked into here.
Like the 3 sirens... shit.
Alright, I'm going soft.
Damn Sirens appear and then disappear. Always a salior's luck.
Lunch today... Wahoos! (you guys have Wahoos where you are?)
Another question: where the heck is dozer?
WTF is a wahoo?!?!?!
I don't know what a Wahoo is either
mmmm I think I'm one of the few males who see the awesome sexiness of boy shorts... well, for me, WOMEN wearing boy shorts :D
love the tag..I feel they make better posts than most people care to admit.
good lord. Em, I find it both refreshing and... um solidifying to see a woman so comfortable with her sexuality. Keep it up. I love to read about it. In return, I'll keep writing music reviews - deal?
Dzer is a wahoo?
Green, that sounds like an awesome idea!!
I love your music reviews!!!
Wahoos is a resturant...
they have them in california, and here in Colo.
Kind of a mix between asian/mexican/surfer? food.
Dzer, right.
Stange, and yet tasty.
Usually what I shout just before I cum...what don't you?
No, I shout Bonzai.
yeah, I thought of anyone, you'd have been there Emma!
(ps, I never order the fish... but the blackened chicken is excellent!)
sorry, I just more dumb-hungry than smart-horny right now.
Good to know!
I just finished another about an hour ago :) lemme know what you think?
Wow. WAHOOO!!! K, now Im hungry... If only I had a lunch hour to eat, I'd be all set!
My prostate isn't talking to me atm. I need you to come talk him down off a ledge, so to speak. ;)
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