I am the F

Friday night I barrel-assed to the lake, made a 4.5 hour run into 2.75. Nevermind the fact that I was leap frogging the back highway roads blaring "Highway to Hell" on my dope sound system (insert sarcastic tone here)and gnawing on pepperoni sticks at approx. 95 mph on average. Fuck the 70 speed limit, I got somewhere to go.
Lesson learned though: Chicken with Hay trucks can be fun sometimes.

Yes I said bats. In the bar.
It was an outdoor bar after all.
We tried to talk J's husband into getting his .22 out for some target practice, but since it was a public establishment we thought maybe that wasn't such a good idea this time.

Further I'm not the only one that tried to take a picture that night... Hence this lovely picture of me, that to this day J blames on the 'camera setting'.
By 1am we made it back to the cabin, got a game plan for the early run, and passed out. Well, J and her husband did... I got laid. Interesting how when you share a 1 bedroom cabin it makes 'sneaker sex' just intense. Though, I just said "fuck it" the minute I heard them snoring and proceeded to get on top and just get mine... twice.
Alcohol is like a one night stand. Feels sooo good when you nail it, but not so good the next morning.
Saturday Morning at 5am we launched the Pink Taco and it was fish on once we hit the bays.
The water levels at the lake were near record lows, which gave us an opportunity to chart the flats we normally fish OVER. Yep, levels were 60ft down and it showed. Our normal camping spot 'the point' was no longer water level, it was about 30 feet up a sand "tit". Hence the need for a cabin...
This a shot I took of the lake from 'the point' last year in September:
This is what it looked like on Saturday, from the lake to 'the point':
See those little itty bitty trees up there? Those would be the trees I'm standing between in the first picture. Yep.
September trip forecast: Will rock because we marked the flats and tits on the GPS, and will find them when the water levels rise. Nope, not cheating.. Strategy.
We did pretty well on Saturday considering we were out until dusk. We hit the rock walls, the reed beds, and the sunken thickets in perfect 62 degree water.. *sigh*
I caught 24.
In total on Saturday we caught 73 fish. Mostly small mouth, some perch, some wall-eye. J had a monster (10lb.) wall-eye that snapped her line when he thrashed the surface and bolted to the floor. We all had a moment of silence and a beer after that, since, well that was an ugly ass fish.Saturday night we played crib til late. Again I was hammered. Ever played crib while drunk? Takes you 10 minutes to add 7 and 18. Even longer to remember that you would need a 6 to make 31. I, again, was too fucked-up to take moon pictures. Sorry folks.
I did not get laid, instead I passed out.
Sunday morning we hit another lake on the way home, great great great fucking bays with reed beds completely lining the sides. The presence of bald eagles nesting in the trees above a smaller offlet meant that there were fish in them thar beds, so we hit em... And it was a fucking success.Yep, I got the sweet fish with a perfect cast into the shadow of a sunken thicket. AND I drew the 'first blood' title of the day. This makes Emma a very very happy girl you see, because a 'first blood' pat on the back PLUS catching the sweet fish is indeed a rarity.
I was a god for that moment fuckers... Bass master Emma even. I was the only one that caught a large mouth too.
I'm tellin ya... Ego inflation at it's most. I got cocky of course, and why the hell not?Eat my ass everyone, this baby was 5 pounds with a mouth so big I stuck my fist in the fucker, kissed it, and threw it back to make babies.
I got the "sweet-fish-way-to-bring-it-to-the-boat-title", and damn I felt golden. Seems every Mothers Day trip the universe blesses me with a 'gift-fish'... Two years ago it was a small mouth 7 pound sweet heart that I fought for three minutes in a windy bay...
In total between the four of us approx. 110 fish were caught, four 24 packs of beer were drank, 2 bottles of Vodka annihilated, and 30+ games of crib were stumbled through. I'd say it was a successful trip.
Sunday afternoon was a blur as we drove home. Again, me at 90mph blasting "Natural Joe" chewing on Twizlers and realizing that I need to stop chewing on shit. I sooo want to discuss the drive, but to do so would bore the hell out of you.
Lesson learned: Faking orgasms in the car rocks.
Bonus lesson: If you start hallucinating while driving, it's best to pull over because dodging gophers on a freeway when they're not really there is sobering.
you .....are priceless ...a tremendous story teller and one warped little girl ....and I love all of it ...
Never stop writing ...the world will never be the same ...
Sounds like a hell of a weekend!!
Glad you had a good time
I love your humor.
Plus, I think that is the first fishing story I ever read from a woman.
Nice fish!
Gophers, eh? Sounds as dangerous as bat country...I hate when that happens. Once giant preying mantises were stalking the landscape, but they were off in the distance.
Sounds like a great weekend Em! I love the pics!
Have a wonderful day!
if you ever need a prissy bitch who finds the feel of fish repugnant on your trips
call me!
hoooooo-eeeeeeee!! look at dem fish!
Spirit - Thank you :) AWWW *blush* I'm glad you enjoyed the story, let's hope I can continue to dazzle you :)
PM - You know *whisper* I play Euchre, nothing like a calling a Farmers Hand and dipping into the Kitty!
Kristen - Yeah, was fun! Thanks!
TGuy - Thank you :) Good to see you old chap, where you been?
Mr.Husband - Welllll... You know it goes Fucking, Fishing, Football in pretty much that order. Stick around, maybe I can continue to impress you with my non-womanly ways? Err, that sounds weird.
SHS - You can have it sexy fucker.
Matt - LMAO, you know I think I saw some of those too... hmmm... Thanks for the compliment on the fish honey :)
TGirl - HI!!! Yes was a good time, next time you join us. :)
Buttah - Okay, seriously, here sit on my lap and I'll teach you how to 'feel your line', either that or you can tan on the boat. We all need prissy bitches.
Scumbag - HOOOOOEEEE! That was almost a keeper buddy, til I kissed it.
damn I miss freshwater fishing ... *sigh*
*needs to plan trip*
You're not far D, jump a ferry and come with us next time!!! I bet you could catch a 'smokin' fish!!
i'll so tan on the boat!
i used to fish with my gramps..and i know how to do it all, i just cant' stand how fish feel..so i don't touch 'em hah
EN: I come from a long line of fisherkings ... I would catch Moby Bass!
buttah: touch my fish ... please
Buttah: You catch, I'll release... I've gotten real good with feeling fish! heh! Ooooh, that sounds nasty...
Seriously though, you tan... look pretty, I'll stare and drool.
D - Moby Bass!! LMAO! I say we get a big ass Pontoon boat and have a blogger fish off!! You know, that actually sounds like fun!
That trip totally rocks and I am so jealous! Nice fish....I bet he could blow. he he
I hate coming late to the party!
Everyone's already drunk, paired up and there's always something unidentifiable in the guacamole...
Sounds like a fabu weekend Miss EN!
I am envious that you have an activity that you can share with Mr. Naughty...well besides the getting laid activity.
LMAO @ blow Weed!! Oh shit, were you talking about the fish or my husband!?!?!?
Madame - Never too late to the party, as you can see it's more like 'tea time' around here :) It's soooo quiet!
How are you hun?
I'm good, I'm good!
Tea time...hmmmm wanna butter my crumpet?
YES!! That goes without saying!! Can we add a little strawberry frosting to it though!?!!?!
YOu know how I feel about strawberry frosting!!!
what happen to the first pink tako?
It sank after a weekend out with the girls....
J shot the .22 through the hull on accident after we blew apart a big ass crappy that wouldn't make it to the boat.
Fuckin boat made it within 20 feet of the shoreline, then met it's death.
Nothin like sinkin' the pink taco.
Sinking the pink taco: A weekend out with the girls... where have i heard that...... i wanna say Tory Lane and Brianna Banks are in that one........ tory lane... mmmm.. gotta go.
Tory Lane can throw her legs up for me anytime.
And no fucker, I didn't google that either.
Niiiiiiice Fish.
Nice tuna...I mean bass...That sounds like a theme for an after school special "Hallucinating on the Highway...Death to Imaginary Gophers."
Sounds like you had an awesome time !! I love the outdoors just something so relaxing about it and to catch the "sweet fish" just makes it that much better.
I cannot wait for my fishing trip this weekend !!!
I'm jealous you weekend sounded awesome.
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