Oral Roberts secret survey
Oral sex, and is it fixation related.
The topic of the speech I will now rant about, and perhaps throw in a BAM of neat education for you... k, prolly not.
you never really know around here :)
Last time I heard his speech in the "practice rounds", the part about how we learned to give head was what threw me off. I swore I'd punch the guy for that. 30 minutes of my life wasted on memorable blow jobs. It was almost like bad porn, and yet... strangely exciting. Overall and mostly I was distracted on thinking back to HOW i learned my oral skill. Hmmm. Okay, you try it.. do you remember? Okay I do, but I sucked. literally. He didn't mind... anyway.
I mean, hear me out on this... I (speaking for only myself) never learned how to give a blow job from a friend, family member *GAG*, or any reference manual.
At 6 yrs old I did not intentionally eat my melty Push-Up popsicle all slutty to get the boys in a fluster.
At 16 years old I did not sit in the cafeteria in high school and orally molest my banana to the football team.
At 18 years old I did not say "Hey, do you suck dick like this? Or like that?" to my girlfriends when we sat in the church parking lot for lunch.
We didn't simulate our sucking tactics at the bachlorette party, either of them. Okay dammit we did at the first one, but it wasn't to learn a damn thing. It was tequila.
I did not EVER ask a guy to show me how to fucking do it either. Jesus. I can see that catastrophe unfolding before my eyes.
I ate pussy before I ever sucked a dick, just want to make that clear.
And though the two are very different, if you know how to work your tongue first, you'll always be 'in.'
A similar analogy would be to learn to drive a stick before an automatic since the first one requires a higher level of difficulty. The second ones a breeze... Honestly, if you can make a girl cum, you can easily make a guy cum. FACT!
Men are slutty compared to women. It's a blessing.
Of course, I'm not saying that if you've never eaten a girl out you couldn't be a great pro at it. I will never preach to be the best blow jobber ever because every technique is either different, or it's card board. I'm just not cardboard.
Sure, I have gotten compliments... but DUH he's a guy that just came on my face... what is he gonna say?... Jesus that was shitty, gimme my $40 bucks back? Um no.
Where were we?
Oh yes, oral fixation as it relates to oral sex. Apparently we didn't make a big deal about oral sex and it's many benefits until Pre-Christian Ancient Rome, but then it was a big taboo thing and they wouldn't have dinner with you if you gave oral. Alright that was a joke...
Actually the Romans that practiced fellatio in those days were considered a health risk and often not asked into the homes of others; since it was believed that the genitals were dirty and thus putting your mouth on them would dictate bad breath, terrible oral hygiene, and overall unclean yucky funkiness. *shrug*
These days if you suck dick you get a free dinner, and a show!
The Greecians totally didn't mind though.
Let's jump to the here and now of it. Please, I'm having visions of naughty greecian girls... its fetching.. I just wanna shave them first.
So Mr. Oral begins to approach the items of how and why we give oral sex. Mr. Oral looked like he'd never given oral sex a day in his life... But, he knew what he was talking about that's for certain. I had to forgive him for his idiotness about the when did you learn to give a blow job thing... and give him mad props for the need to fulfill oral fixation issues.
He made a good point.
My answers: A) Uh yep. check. B) Wow. hmm, k I like both for that one for sure C) Oh yes sometimes oral is better than sex in certain situations. I desire it sure yes. Jesus I am a cock holster....
And after cementing in my head the fact that smokers, gum chewers, and grazers are indeed far more inclined to be orally attached.... He presented the zones.
Like, the "delicate underside" thing. Tell me you know about the delicate underside?
Immediately my tongue went HELLO! MY NAME IS....
and I reminesced about running my tongue up a shaft like a champ.
Flicking, moving, sliding, sucking... just terrible awful thoughts that are extremely distracting for my concentration. To make matters worse, then I began salivating somewhat as he talked about the glans and tip pressure on the roof of the mouth.
My tongue itched. My clit twitched. My finger jerked and I have no clue why the finger jerked.... and as I tried to readjust myself in my chair and insist myself refocus, I non-chalantly rubbed the slight drool from my lips with my fingers.
Mr. Oral stops his presentation, looks around the audience and says. "I notice a lot of you out there needing a napkin to wipe the drool away. If you're experiencing excessive salivation right now, you can rest assured you are in fact orally driven and fixated."
Wow. How fucking scientific and yet uncouth of Mr. Oral to take advantage of finding out which audience members dick diet. Smart man. Though, I was kinda embarrassed you guys. And at the same time it rocked that there were so many cock smokers in one room!!! I wanted a big group hug after that.
After that and again, I didn't get too into the rest of his speech... I was eye-balling the droolers.
The topic of the speech I will now rant about, and perhaps throw in a BAM of neat education for you... k, prolly not.
you never really know around here :)
Last time I heard his speech in the "practice rounds", the part about how we learned to give head was what threw me off. I swore I'd punch the guy for that. 30 minutes of my life wasted on memorable blow jobs. It was almost like bad porn, and yet... strangely exciting. Overall and mostly I was distracted on thinking back to HOW i learned my oral skill. Hmmm. Okay, you try it.. do you remember? Okay I do, but I sucked. literally. He didn't mind... anyway.
I mean, hear me out on this... I (speaking for only myself) never learned how to give a blow job from a friend, family member *GAG*, or any reference manual.

At 16 years old I did not sit in the cafeteria in high school and orally molest my banana to the football team.
At 18 years old I did not say "Hey, do you suck dick like this? Or like that?" to my girlfriends when we sat in the church parking lot for lunch.
We didn't simulate our sucking tactics at the bachlorette party, either of them. Okay dammit we did at the first one, but it wasn't to learn a damn thing. It was tequila.
I did not EVER ask a guy to show me how to fucking do it either. Jesus. I can see that catastrophe unfolding before my eyes.
I ate pussy before I ever sucked a dick, just want to make that clear.
And though the two are very different, if you know how to work your tongue first, you'll always be 'in.'
A similar analogy would be to learn to drive a stick before an automatic since the first one requires a higher level of difficulty. The second ones a breeze... Honestly, if you can make a girl cum, you can easily make a guy cum. FACT!
Men are slutty compared to women. It's a blessing.
Of course, I'm not saying that if you've never eaten a girl out you couldn't be a great pro at it. I will never preach to be the best blow jobber ever because every technique is either different, or it's card board. I'm just not cardboard.
Sure, I have gotten compliments... but DUH he's a guy that just came on my face... what is he gonna say?... Jesus that was shitty, gimme my $40 bucks back? Um no.
Where were we?
Oh yes, oral fixation as it relates to oral sex. Apparently we didn't make a big deal about oral sex and it's many benefits until Pre-Christian Ancient Rome, but then it was a big taboo thing and they wouldn't have dinner with you if you gave oral. Alright that was a joke...
Actually the Romans that practiced fellatio in those days were considered a health risk and often not asked into the homes of others; since it was believed that the genitals were dirty and thus putting your mouth on them would dictate bad breath, terrible oral hygiene, and overall unclean yucky funkiness. *shrug*
These days if you suck dick you get a free dinner, and a show!
The Greecians totally didn't mind though.
Let's jump to the here and now of it. Please, I'm having visions of naughty greecian girls... its fetching.. I just wanna shave them first.
So Mr. Oral begins to approach the items of how and why we give oral sex. Mr. Oral looked like he'd never given oral sex a day in his life... But, he knew what he was talking about that's for certain. I had to forgive him for his idiotness about the when did you learn to give a blow job thing... and give him mad props for the need to fulfill oral fixation issues.
He made a good point.
When you're in an intimate moment with your partner, do you want to taste their skin first and foremost?
When you are ready for the interaction, do you think to please your partner first? Or is it pleasing to you? Or both maybe?
Do you contemplate putting oral sex above all else, even over penetration? Is it a desire more so than sex?
My answers: A) Uh yep. check. B) Wow. hmm, k I like both for that one for sure C) Oh yes sometimes oral is better than sex in certain situations. I desire it sure yes. Jesus I am a cock holster....
And after cementing in my head the fact that smokers, gum chewers, and grazers are indeed far more inclined to be orally attached.... He presented the zones.
Like, the "delicate underside" thing. Tell me you know about the delicate underside?

and I reminesced about running my tongue up a shaft like a champ.
Flicking, moving, sliding, sucking... just terrible awful thoughts that are extremely distracting for my concentration. To make matters worse, then I began salivating somewhat as he talked about the glans and tip pressure on the roof of the mouth.
My tongue itched. My clit twitched. My finger jerked and I have no clue why the finger jerked.... and as I tried to readjust myself in my chair and insist myself refocus, I non-chalantly rubbed the slight drool from my lips with my fingers.
Mr. Oral stops his presentation, looks around the audience and says. "I notice a lot of you out there needing a napkin to wipe the drool away. If you're experiencing excessive salivation right now, you can rest assured you are in fact orally driven and fixated."
Wow. How fucking scientific and yet uncouth of Mr. Oral to take advantage of finding out which audience members dick diet. Smart man. Though, I was kinda embarrassed you guys. And at the same time it rocked that there were so many cock smokers in one room!!! I wanted a big group hug after that.
After that and again, I didn't get too into the rest of his speech... I was eye-balling the droolers.
UHHHMMM ...not sure where to go with this one .....somebody ....anybody ...where's dzer when I need him ...
An oral fixation, huh. Well thats me to a T. Of course the desire and need are for women. I could kiss you all over for an enternity, then spend an equal time pleasuring you.
OK since you mentioned this post I've thought of NOTHING but sucking dick for the last two days!!!
You pay guys to let you suck their dicks...BRILLIANT!
It's going to be one of those twitchin' days, isn't it?
Why is that banana peeled from the bottom?
Is that why I never get cock shaped bananas? I was peeling them in the wrong direction?
I so need a life .....*twitching* ....
must....see....therapist ...must ....be...strong .......*more twitching*....
you know what's funny? i am occasionally inspired to suck dick and i er suck at it.
well not exactly.
the tease part? the part where you work them into a tizzy?
the bit where the gasping and pleading comes in?
totally awesome at that.
it's the actually getting the boy to come. i do the hand thing and the speed thing and the slow down thing and the testicles and the perineum and the base and... yeah no.
dicks will not come in my mouth, just won't. but boy they'll sit up and beg all day.
anyway... yeah it's fucking frustrating.
and because of that i sort of stopped liking it... because you know all that pressure and the sore cheeks and the never getting any protein and...
*clears throat*
but see i love the teasing part... that's what's really lame because i give that up too when i get all off the fellatio cause of the whole pressure problem...
i suck... just not well. but i do have drool right now. :)
I laughed at Sass and rolled my eyes at Murphy......all is right with the world
murph: dude i've been to that class.
Spirit - You know, I have a good therapist that may be able to assist you. That is if you don't mind sitting in the mens room third stall down....
Perv - :)heh. So, are you a sucker or a licker then? because apparently there's a difference! I bet you lick.
Antonio that is absolutely noted! We have something in commen! Welcome and good morning :)
Madame - LOL I know huh? Yeah, you know to my surprise when I peeled that sucker open, low and behold... it was the most perfect banana in the WORLD!
Kristen - It's the hump day twitch!!!
Heather - If you like I can get to technique, I just didn't know if I should cover that PLUS this post. Maybe I can work that in for tomorrow? Hmmmm.
Maybe it's time for the MR. to make an appearance on my HNT.... *contemplating*
And well, you're not a vegetable dear, no.
Sass - Have you tried to utilize your hands to pump the shaft and finger the taint area at the same time?
Depending on the man it's either a soft tickle or a firm circular rub.
It pretty much sets the guy off and is a shallow equivallent to sticking your finger in his ass to rub his prostate while blowing him.
There's also tongue therapy on the delicate underside while pinching the base of the penis between two fingers and... and...
You know really, this may dictate a follow up post.... Hmmm. What do you think?
And futhermore hearing you descript yourself giving a bj just makes me wanna kiss you long and hard.
Murphy - Well its not going to do any good unless they pay attention! I mean, there's a steep learning curve here....
HA CURVE! Oh my god, what an innuendo....
Ahhh. All indeed IS right with the world :) Happy Hump day all!
LMAO @ Murphy!!!
Yes in fact his speech was geared toward men and women. And well a lot of the men were drooling.
ha! Awesome, but he didn't go into vagina areas since the Vagina lady did that and kinda scared everybody back to reality.
Anybody have any clue how hard it was to get up and do my speech after Mr. Oral?
I chewed a lot of gum right before I went on.
Nothing wrong with the curve fucker.
let's hear it for oral sex!
Um, I need a cigarette now.
Pass me the pack ...I need two ...
LMAO clit-clit-hooray! I heart you D.. you da man!
306 - Do you smoke after sex? I've heard I do but I never really checked... It's more like steam.
Spirit - two packs?!?!? Jesus!
Hump Day Twitch........I like it
EN: I have my moments ;)
I'm gonna go have one now :)
In honor of Hump day, in which I will now demonstrate to the toilet paper holder in the ladies restroom how to glide a finger in properlike.
I don't smoke, I smolder. I will say that my jaw and toungue cramp up after I eat pussy, though.
OMG .....
I said "moments" ... not "movements"
Heh. that was a great movement.
Murphy my vibrator doesn't fit in a toilet paper tube...
Paper towel tube maybe.
Umm. No, we're back to the "damn a toilet paper tube is about 5 inches while the average dildo or vibrator runs an even 7 no matter the girth."
Good try though! No gapers here!!
I do what I can, when I can. You know Murphy... Its just you and me here alone-like.
Yep, you need to do the follow up post, too..
LOL! Thanks Robyn, I kinda thought it might be a good idea.
:) anything specific you think I should start with?
OMG! Great comment(s) from the Passionate man!
Well agreed, its one thing to desire and fully enjoy oral sex, it's absolutely another when it's a have to.
Just something to be said about the technique there.. and you know I have to laugh because I think that might be where I was going with 'card board'.
Bring a cock friend!! You available then?
seriously, Im not JUST a cock whore, I'm bisexual too so that would make me a well rounded whore I suppose.
Either way *shrug* I know silly, I see your comments later in the evening, or if I'm on when you comment I comment back.
You only need 15 minutes? I would spend at least 30. :)
LOL! Me too! Yeah still trying to finish this draft :)
Then well, I could cut your 30 minutes to maybe 5 easily if it's a quickie.
YoOu're a scream E. Rock on!
Hmmm. Hotel next door, really? Jesus that's an advantage and a half!
Andy - Thank you luv :) I so appreciate that!!
Or days... no crickets...
We dont do the cricket thing anymore, there's just not enough steady thread for that here :)
Err. And if I'm starving, then what? Still no dangle?
Speaking of dangle...
My mouth hurts from chewing my gum so much this morning. I would say I have the oral fixation thing....and man can I suck/lick/curl a good dick! Must be the no gag reflex thing. I would love to know some new techniques though! Can you e-mail me that diagram bigger...and slip in a few tricks to would ya?
I can't wait for the g-spot thing!!
I actually did have a talk about blowjobs with a friend.
I was 15 and clueless (still am on a lot of topics over here but...). So, at a hockey game, she explained how and what to do (she was 1 day older than me so I was shocked to hear all this from her).
Let me tell you, damn good teacher!! Over the course of the year, she told our entire circle of friends (all girls catholic high school) the technique.
To this day, when our husbands see her, they thank her.
I was wondering who would be the first person to find that diagram informational!!
I think you're the first person that noticed the action packed and fully informative attachments to this post!
Gold star shit Tumbleweed!
Snav - I giggled when you said that since, yeah isn't it funny how catholic girls do that? I was a public school girl and ghetto rat which made me extremely dangerous to teach anything to.
"to this day, when our husbands see her, they thank her"
oh, and I must say that honey, you can certainly go ahead and ask as many questions as you like :)
Smokin the hog!?!?! LMAO!
I like you around yes, next tell me how to bop the bologna...
hehehe. I may have it at home, but I prefer it in public.
I got a gold star, YAYYYYY! In your face everyone. I just care about the needs and total satisfaction of my new future boyfriend....when I find him.
I have one of those pictures PM...
Weed - Is it the one this weekend? *giggle*
Dirk - see, now just seeing your smiling face here makes me all sticky. Gimme your beer.
And I must say in the picture my ass is really fucking white yes... how embarrassing.
The one this weekend is way to new. I don't pull out the amazing blow job for just anyone!!
Oh of course, you never pull out the big bangs on the first meeting...
Well then we need to make our oral skills are well polished for if he's deserving of a second date.
Well, at least I have to judge on whether he's deserving or not to get my very very best. It's my motto...
fool me once, shame on me
fool me twice, cardboard.
I wish someone would just fool me once ...before I forget why I'm here ....
You know spirit, I always forget why I stay here....
and then i realize that my newly found readers would miss me.
all 12 of them.
LOL. K, we should be partying.
Dirk. I would willingly fuck you without the beer.
em to all your questions back around comment like 10? yes.
yes to all... and yet still :)
Party ....who said party?.....
Seriously Sass? Holy hell, I wonder.... Hmmmm. You know, Im going to have to think on this... I mean, Im sure it's not your technique then.
Is it just one guy or a few that this problem occurs with....
could be they have control issues that they're not sharing with you...
Well Spirit, I just figured...
Hi Em, umm the pic of the severed peni is a little scary...
but diagram is umm informational...
bubbles: ALWAYS.
my mouth is like the anti cum zone. it only ever works if he basically uhhh takes a hand in things and i sort of um catch...
i've tried every piece of advice i've ever gotten abuot it. hell i'll give you blow by blow descriptions if you want...
hee i said blow by blow
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