Death to clippy
You paint your nails to perfection.
Flip the hair up into a sloppy bun.
Slip into the powder blue business suit (no i didn't wear the penis suit dammit!)
and you kick on the heels.
You look perfect!!!
You have a quickie.
.... and then you start all over again depending on the damage factor of all the primping you've done.
The Seminar this weekend went off without a hitch! Seriously it rocked.
Not only was it fruitious for the paper, but for my career a bit I think as I was able to network and get information from some really heavy hitters in the local medical and journalism industry. Not benefitting to the career job wise, but man I sucked up some much needed information and advances in health reproductively. AND I scored on reminding myself of some techniques and facts that had been forgotten through time.
As well I got a nifty fistful of contact phone numbers.... For what, I'm not sure. I think there was probably some elusiveness to the business card hand-outs, but my perversion was on the back burner. I was trying to be respectful and noble.
Stop laughing.
I couldn't believe the audience response I got from my speech though, I was partially amazed really. People laughed and nodded more than I would have assumed, in places I would have never thought they would have. I'm thinking it was the delivery...
Or maybe it was my power point presentation.
I mean, I did go a little overboard with the slides... Some were appropriate and some were not I admit. But I felt a contrast was good.
So with every artist rendering of a man's scrotum, or a cadaver shot, I'd add a humorous one...going even as far to actually photoshopping a nice big smile on a prostate :) with teeth even!!!
Overall though I practiced control and tried to stick to the facts, statistics, controlled innuendo's... However I'd find myself straying and have to kick my ass back into reality. HEY you try staring at diagrams of peni (peen.eye) for hours straight!! It's a little taxing!!!
I wrote and deleted repetitively until I just said "fuck this" and resorted to a bottle... and well, tried to ignore clippy as much as humanly possible. Little sarcastic fucker....
Yeah this whole preparation of some uptight speech really got my panties in a bundle. I mean, I tried not to be snide... but really...
there was more tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy.
So go me. Until... The next presenter after me.
The Vagina Lady.
The Vagina Lady begins her little schpeel on vaginal pressure points. Wait, how in the HELL did I get Healthy Ejaculation while she got the fun job? No clue to this day, I think my editor said some snyde remark to the wrong person like "Oh yeah, Em's the pro on anything ejaculatory". And he's reading this right now laughing. fucker. Because you know that's sooooo not what you meant!
Uh-huh, and as a sidenote let me just say, I love it when I'm called a cock holster.
But I digress, the Vagina Lady begins her speech, complimenting the contrasts between internal and external pressure... and then she takes the sheet off the table next to her. Low and behold, it is a dummy. It is very anatomically correct... only, it has no legs... and... and... her vagina was about 10x anatomical size.
Of course I'm sitting in the front row, and I'm a little stunned because I swear the lips on that thing were a bit intimidating. Even more so the faux pubic hair and the absense of legs.
*blank terrified stare* I never saw this model at any of the prac
The Vagina Lady continues, as she points along the labia majora with a steady hand... demonstrating all of the external sensual pressure points. Okay, good god be done with this 'cause after this pussy is not going to look the same for me.
But then she does the thing. You know the thing where she opens it to navigate internal pressure points?!?!? Sure enough, the rubber lips spread WIDE THE FUCK OPEN and there is the clitoris at the top, the full vaginal canal, and a great big purple fucking cervix winking at me.
I try REAL hard to surpress the need to bolt.
umm. hi. Im going now. But wait, this is kinda hilarious.... As I'm looking around the audience I'm seeing others with either looks of terror, or smirking while perspirating from not trying to burst out in laughter. I felt at home all of the sudden, and giggled to myself.
Anyway, you thought the ASSPRACTICER 5000 was bad?!?!! I am kicking my own ass for not bringing my camera! But I didn't think I would need it honestly! I was able to snap a shitty pic on my camera phone.. but it just looked like a bad picture of a gaper, so I deleted it hoping to GOD somebody wouldn't pick up my phone and think it was mine!!! *sigh*
So yeah, I don't have a shot of that for ya... But I have this.
After 15 minutes of being face to face with a legless stump of vagina I had come to many conclusions:
A- You could fit a basketball in that opening, easily
B- Ever seen little shop of horrors? The part where Audrey II eats the dentist? Yeah.
C- That's a really big pussy.
D- I have learned nothing since she unveiled that dummy.
What did I take with me from this experience?
*ahem* So yeah, I got to hear Mr. Oral man's speech about the history of oral sex which may have peaked the creativity in my brain... but....
I think I've bored you enough for one night with the seminar rant...
Either that or clippy thinks he's being real fuckin' funny. Little bastard makes me drink. Seriously, does anybody else have the bi-polar clippy issue? Or is it just me?
Anyway, We'll touch on oral tomorrow
I've also had some questions and requests on G-spots which I'd like to get to this week, the party story, and uh, The letter Z. :)
Flip the hair up into a sloppy bun.
Slip into the powder blue business suit (no i didn't wear the penis suit dammit!)
and you kick on the heels.
You look perfect!!!
You have a quickie.
.... and then you start all over again depending on the damage factor of all the primping you've done.
The Seminar this weekend went off without a hitch! Seriously it rocked.
Not only was it fruitious for the paper, but for my career a bit I think as I was able to network and get information from some really heavy hitters in the local medical and journalism industry. Not benefitting to the career job wise, but man I sucked up some much needed information and advances in health reproductively. AND I scored on reminding myself of some techniques and facts that had been forgotten through time.
As well I got a nifty fistful of contact phone numbers.... For what, I'm not sure. I think there was probably some elusiveness to the business card hand-outs, but my perversion was on the back burner. I was trying to be respectful and noble.
Stop laughing.
I couldn't believe the audience response I got from my speech though, I was partially amazed really. People laughed and nodded more than I would have assumed, in places I would have never thought they would have. I'm thinking it was the delivery...
Or maybe it was my power point presentation.

So with every artist rendering of a man's scrotum, or a cadaver shot, I'd add a humorous one...going even as far to actually photoshopping a nice big smile on a prostate :) with teeth even!!!
Overall though I practiced control and tried to stick to the facts, statistics, controlled innuendo's... However I'd find myself straying and have to kick my ass back into reality. HEY you try staring at diagrams of peni (peen.eye) for hours straight!! It's a little taxing!!!

Yeah this whole preparation of some uptight speech really got my panties in a bundle. I mean, I tried not to be snide... but really...
there was more tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy.
So go me. Until... The next presenter after me.
The Vagina Lady.
The Vagina Lady begins her little schpeel on vaginal pressure points. Wait, how in the HELL did I get Healthy Ejaculation while she got the fun job? No clue to this day, I think my editor said some snyde remark to the wrong person like "Oh yeah, Em's the pro on anything ejaculatory". And he's reading this right now laughing. fucker. Because you know that's sooooo not what you meant!
Uh-huh, and as a sidenote let me just say, I love it when I'm called a cock holster.
But I digress, the Vagina Lady begins her speech, complimenting the contrasts between internal and external pressure... and then she takes the sheet off the table next to her. Low and behold, it is a dummy. It is very anatomically correct... only, it has no legs... and... and... her vagina was about 10x anatomical size.
Of course I'm sitting in the front row, and I'm a little stunned because I swear the lips on that thing were a bit intimidating. Even more so the faux pubic hair and the absense of legs.
*blank terrified stare* I never saw this model at any of the prac
The Vagina Lady continues, as she points along the labia majora with a steady hand... demonstrating all of the external sensual pressure points. Okay, good god be done with this 'cause after this pussy is not going to look the same for me.
But then she does the thing. You know the thing where she opens it to navigate internal pressure points?!?!? Sure enough, the rubber lips spread WIDE THE FUCK OPEN and there is the clitoris at the top, the full vaginal canal, and a great big purple fucking cervix winking at me.
I try REAL hard to surpress the need to bolt.
umm. hi. Im going now. But wait, this is kinda hilarious.... As I'm looking around the audience I'm seeing others with either looks of terror, or smirking while perspirating from not trying to burst out in laughter. I felt at home all of the sudden, and giggled to myself.
Anyway, you thought the ASSPRACTICER 5000 was bad?!?!! I am kicking my own ass for not bringing my camera! But I didn't think I would need it honestly! I was able to snap a shitty pic on my camera phone.. but it just looked like a bad picture of a gaper, so I deleted it hoping to GOD somebody wouldn't pick up my phone and think it was mine!!! *sigh*
So yeah, I don't have a shot of that for ya... But I have this.
After 15 minutes of being face to face with a legless stump of vagina I had come to many conclusions:
A- You could fit a basketball in that opening, easily
B- Ever seen little shop of horrors? The part where Audrey II eats the dentist? Yeah.
C- That's a really big pussy.
D- I have learned nothing since she unveiled that dummy.
What did I take with me from this experience?
*ahem* So yeah, I got to hear Mr. Oral man's speech about the history of oral sex which may have peaked the creativity in my brain... but....

Either that or clippy thinks he's being real fuckin' funny. Little bastard makes me drink. Seriously, does anybody else have the bi-polar clippy issue? Or is it just me?
Anyway, We'll touch on oral tomorrow
I've also had some questions and requests on G-spots which I'd like to get to this week, the party story, and uh, The letter Z. :)
You said crack.
My bride just asked me why I was crying ...I was laughing so hard I nearly pissed my pants ...too freaking funny ...a cock holster ....LMFAO ...
Gotta go ....
Spirit rocks the pants pissing :) Jesus why haven't I linked you yet!?!?! Thanks for the disclaimer btw. Say hi to the bride :)
OMG Emma I would have loved to see the giant replica! (and everyone else's faces!)
You sound like you have a good time...umm the cadavier in the first pic is gross, they have really wrinkly skin...Oh and I found a pic of good ol' Dicks (the burger joint) I know where your mind was going...
So tomorrow's (err Wednesday's) lesson is on oral? Count me in...
Have a wonderful night!
I'm with Huneeb, I'll be here first thing tomorrow for the oral class........I might just take notes.
first assholes and now giant, gaping cunts?
sounds like my first job.
i have no words
but congrats on the success of your speech
and the vagina lady is EEEEEvil
dzer ....where the hell did you work?
I bet your speech was the best!! Just the fact the audience got to stare at your sexy ass should have been enough. I totally want to know lots of details on oral and the g-spot! My g-spot must be broken!!
spirit: the base commissary LOL
nicely done.
*points at head*
migraine. can't make self read all right now.
but i do love you :)
Hey Emma!!
Umm...apparently I've been gone too long. I finally updated my blog too and I promise I'll cum around more often.
Hunee & Kristen - NOTED! We'll definitely talk about the oral speech tonight/tomorrow then. While it's fresh in my head.
Head. yea. good.
LOL @ Spirit and D!!
Thanks Sass :) She was a bit evil... I wonder if anybody heard anything she said after she broke out the model... I'm thinking no.
Tumbleweed - I hear duct tape works well for a broken g-spot! *cringe*
Scum - Thanks cunt.
Buttah - When you do get around to reading it, you'll find it's remotely similar in humor and context to Johnny's mother. In which I found it soooo ironic that the picture you posted co-incided with exactly what I was going through at that moment. You may even laugh a little :)
I love you too.
Dan the MAN!!! congrats dude, I'm proud of you. Yes, we've missed you here.. stop by more often, k?
mac's version of office has an annoying little mac computer head with arms and legs asking you those questions ... little fucker
D - Does you Mac guy ever ask you if you're on drugs? I swear mine knows every time I get high.
Kristen - Are you jumping?
EN: actually, my little Mac guy isn't talking to me anymore ... seems I'm quite the bastard
and fuck I hope she's jumping
LMAO! Have you seen that new mac commercial with the Windows guy and the Mac guy holding hands?
If not, Ill send it to you, fucking hilarious. I keep a mac in my house. I use it to make movies and do some picture modifications... My windows laptop can't do half that shit right.
i hope she's jumping too.
EN: Yeah, there's several new commercials ... Steve Jobs is on a mission ... and the new macs can run both mac osX ... and Windows ... the seventh sign of the Apocalypse
D - I love Steve Jobs. I want to have his babies.
Murphy, intrigued?
Wait *marking day on calendar*
I think I'm going to find out where the Vagina Lady got that dummy and send one over to you... something to keep your power tools in.
:) I'm a giver.
EN: If I have a boy, I'm gonna name him iDZER
LOL!!! iDZER awesome! What's the middle name?
LOL too funny. I just love the way you put things into words. Anyways sounds like you did good and had a good time.
EN: Version 1.0?
K, lesse, birth announcement could be a little hard drive peeking from it's bubble wrap...
We welcome into the world iDzer version 1.0!!!!
Slider :) - Yes I had a great time, was informative and overall good for me!!! I'm hoping to pass on some of the education this way... kind of like an advocate!!
EN: I'll make sure to take pictures when I cut his firewire cord.
K ....really disturbing mental image now ....thanks for that
you rock
Hmmm to bad you weren't in the giant cock costume!
Think of all the fun you and the Vagina Lady could have had!
Actually Emma ...since I started visiting here ...the images I'm left with at the end of the day ...large cocks, huge vaginas, dzer's pic ....I'm not really sleeping all that well any more ...
Thought it was the heat ......but ....cock holster.....still cracks me up ......hee hee
I always jump when I'm in this blog.....makes me twitch
Spirit - Education is more fun when a touch of entertainment is tossed in. I try to find a good balance... and then I cross my fingers that it works!
D - K, THAT.IS.SUM.FUNNY.SHIT!! If it's a girl, make sure you don't convince her USB with a scsi port... they're a little swollen and all when they're newborns...
Thom - Thanks! I'm trying!
Sug - Did you know you just said shit?
Madame - Where the HELL have you been? You don't like me anymore :(
um, what did you sniff on madame ?
well, i tried to.. but she disappeared.
You know, I don't have any business cards. How bout you hook me up Murphy?
I was working.
Jeesh louise...It's kinda hard to teach a class while carrying a laptop!!
Word of warning I've not showered yet don't sniff too close!
Trust me it's working ....just very disturbing ...lmfao
Im buying you a harness then!!! Well actually, Id like to see you in a suspension harness completely naked!!! I'll sniff you where I like, unshowered or not!
Spirit :D
You've been warned!!
Suspension harness...I need a photo of that please!
Picture of suspension harness, check!
Is anybody making a list for me? I'm going all sideways here.
Murphy - Yes, we use you *eyeroll* If anything you should feel complimented that I actually liked the idea of you doing my business cards. Fucker, fine Ill find some one else to do it.
Sug - :)
that cadaver shot totally made my day. i kinda puked a little in my mouth, but that was what i was going for, ya know?
next time, i'm coming along!
and, uh, i'll supply the bananas for tomorrow's oral lesson...wait...which oral are we talkin' about?
oy! HI!
OMG!!! I HEART YOU!! Yes, bring the banana that's exactly the kind of oral Im talking about :)
You know, I chose the pic to post because not only is it extremely informative but it proves that in fact, men are not full of shit.
Although sometimes we like to convince ourselves of such things.
i heart you too :)
bananas and cucumbers...i know some people don't like bananas....i could bust out the carrots, too...just lemme know!
welcome, sug :) that's what i'm here for!
it's a great pic! it's prepping me for my phys. therapy shit...bring on the dead people!
shut up, murphy.
Murphy, puhleeeze you weren't offended!! Why don't you just shut up sit in the corner, and play with yourself.
TN - WOOT! It's so good to see you today.. yes, bring on the dead people for certain!!!
I think we could do what we need with Bananas... I think we may be a bit intimidating with the cucumbers... carrots leave stains.
Carrot's leave stains where? On your tongue?
YOu are talking oral lessons, right?
any other phallic vegetation we can work on?
good to be here! will probably be one of the few times, but hey...why not? :)
morn' all you beautiful people!
I thought men where stupid sex toys
carrots lack girth
some are Madame, some women are too ...
Madame - They leave stains when you peel them... which, if you're using vegetation for masturbation it's always best to scrub or peel it.
So yeah, big orange ring around your o-ring... not so good.
TN - You know though, tha look on your face is priceless :) I love that profile pic :) Umm, hmmmmm... celery?
Hi Hunee!!!
Murphy I say you give a lesson on good sex toys... I'd totally read that.
This isn't helping
HI EMMA, missed you
I'll bring the bananas for ya, Percy.
The devils advocate? *grins* lol
Slider - Anything I can do to advocate errr anything!
Hunee - I missed you too!
TN - I would love to see how percy uses that banana.
I know Spirit huh? Sometimes the comment section rocks just as much as the posts!!
i think i'd end up with PTSD from seeing that...but it's the price i'm willing to pay for torturing him.
Hi T!
Hi Hunee :)
Hi Hunee :)
Hows the new place? Did you rock a new exciting job yet?
New place isn't bad. Empty right now, lol. And no job yet...but I'm being picky and rethinking my life plans. No surprise there. How's life up north?
hello, did you not see her memo about teaching oral tomorrow? bananas, oral, put the pieces together.
i'm serious, em. i'm already developing a twitch from the thought.
okay I wrote an entire post and the bitch did post!!!
so I am too lazy to retype all that shit!
Yeah up North is good!
Em I am rather horny today, sux!
Hmmm well Hunee whatever you do, do NOT notate the placement of my lovely assitants finger against the cadaver.
Did anybody else notice she was sticking it in the rectum? hehehe.
TN - you know, I think you're asking wayyyy too much of him :)
why is the bladder so small?
oh and no rectum diving here, that remains an exit only
Seriously, the picture rocks.
I mean, it's one thing to watch the discovery channel, its far different to see it all sprawled out in front of you like that.
beef jerky anyone?
hahaha beef jerky!
the skin is all old lookin'
tis gross.....
Well Em I am off to the shower, wanna cum?
*cough* errr come?
LOL! Turkey Jerky?
ooooo that just sounds NASTY!
you love it.
Thanks PM... and I'm so glad you've kept with the theme... 'crack' awesome!
Anna - I would spank you and put you in a corner :) But then I'd be all gentile and cuddle with you too. :)
K I'm gonna gag
Boy I got you swinging all kinds of emotions here Spirit :)
I'll tell you a secret though...come closer, closer, closer...
sometimes, i gag too. Just sometimes.
Re-living that seminar is great humor! I'm still stuck on the pubic hair fly paper.
Of course, nobody but you and I will find that funny maybe.
I can't wait to hear what you have to say about Oral Roberts, that should be comedy for certain!
Thanks Shawn. And quit laughing.
Even from the back of the conference room... That vagina was scary and I had nightmares about it.
I never told dude you were the pro on anything ejaculatory. I told him somebody called you a cum dumpster once so therefore you must know everything there is to know about it.
Cockholster though, that's pretty.
That's MS. Cockholster to you dammit!
and MS. Cum dumpster!!!
I want the DVD of your presentation.
But the big pussy scares me!
Wait...was Eric's comment seriously how you got into this seminar thing?! God DAMN that guy!
Don't think I forgot about the bananas! I'll be here, with enough for the girls AND boys!
Helskel, I wasn't wearing PVC.
Teresa god damnit i LOVE your profile pic... it reminds me of vegas, and the look on your face about the guys in that lovely pickup truck next to us.
good times.
good good times. LOL!
Good news therapist can see me tomorrow ...
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