House Arrest
I wish EN would stop being busy so I could not have to feel obligated to bore all you bitches with my charming intellect... I find myself extremely boring no matter the situtation, I yawn when I touch myself.
Well when I USED TO touch myself!!!
BUT, you will have to deal with me posting more often here, so buck up! Because I am working to give the heavy some quiet reflective time. That and she's got some field work and research to do. HA! What, you thought I was being supportive and un-selfish?
*thinking* Nope sorry.
Being stuck at home sucks my left ball.
And since my balls seem to be the only functional properties between my legs right now I'm going to tell all you ladies to just go ahead and mouth one for fun.
Trying to pinpoint the thing that sucks the most about being stuck at home, but there's so many little things that are irritating. Like having to work without my regular co-worker induced atmosphere. Or getting good coffee at 9am, 11am, 2 pm, 4pm.... Instead I get folgers and a big cup of kiss my ass this tastes like shit.
I can't touch my dick for SIX MONTHS. Six long pathetic months... I can only take a piss with it, everything else is off limits. No women, no masturbation, no teasing, NOTHING.
I take a pill that gives me an erection every six hours. I forgot I took it today and walked downstairs to get some lunch. The kitchen window was open.... For the comfort factor I wasn't wearing any clothes except for this sterile sheath I could wear to keep germs from the patchwork they've made of my foreskin. UGH.
The lady across the way is terrified that I'm some exhibitionist pervert who eats bologna with a sock on his cock.
Also, I swore I asked that this whole "surgery" thing be kept a secret within the local area. Yet, every time I made a business call some body had to insinuate that they knew.
"Hey trent, just calling about that article for next week"
"Oh hey Shawn, yeah just having a little trouble getting it going... I'm sure you understand what that's like..."
or when I called Sheila to follow up on some Q and A's:
"So you had to back up and begin again? Will you have it to lay out in time?"
"Oh sure! I just had to cut some from the bottom and blend it into the top, no big edits... Just fixed the hole in the flow of the article."
And then the Pizza man had to throw his two fucking cents in:
"But can I get extra cheese on that then?"
"Sure we can do that, are you going to try the new half and half deal?"
Honestly people. If there was ever a time that I needed a shotgun to put me out of my misery. It would be right now.
With a little bit of guess work and some vaseline I was able to find out where they got the extra skin from for my little trooper!
I'd show it to you for a quarter, granted your head isn't that big... or your ears.
Why is it when I originally saw this photo I wanted to play Heads-up 7 up?
Does anyone remember that game but me?
I used to look up the girls skirts while they're heads were down on their desks... Great game that was.
Well when I USED TO touch myself!!!
BUT, you will have to deal with me posting more often here, so buck up! Because I am working to give the heavy some quiet reflective time. That and she's got some field work and research to do. HA! What, you thought I was being supportive and un-selfish?
*thinking* Nope sorry.
Being stuck at home sucks my left ball.
And since my balls seem to be the only functional properties between my legs right now I'm going to tell all you ladies to just go ahead and mouth one for fun.
Trying to pinpoint the thing that sucks the most about being stuck at home, but there's so many little things that are irritating. Like having to work without my regular co-worker induced atmosphere. Or getting good coffee at 9am, 11am, 2 pm, 4pm.... Instead I get folgers and a big cup of kiss my ass this tastes like shit.
I can't touch my dick for SIX MONTHS. Six long pathetic months... I can only take a piss with it, everything else is off limits. No women, no masturbation, no teasing, NOTHING.
I take a pill that gives me an erection every six hours. I forgot I took it today and walked downstairs to get some lunch. The kitchen window was open.... For the comfort factor I wasn't wearing any clothes except for this sterile sheath I could wear to keep germs from the patchwork they've made of my foreskin. UGH.
The lady across the way is terrified that I'm some exhibitionist pervert who eats bologna with a sock on his cock.
Also, I swore I asked that this whole "surgery" thing be kept a secret within the local area. Yet, every time I made a business call some body had to insinuate that they knew.
"Hey trent, just calling about that article for next week"
"Oh hey Shawn, yeah just having a little trouble getting it going... I'm sure you understand what that's like..."
or when I called Sheila to follow up on some Q and A's:
"So you had to back up and begin again? Will you have it to lay out in time?"
"Oh sure! I just had to cut some from the bottom and blend it into the top, no big edits... Just fixed the hole in the flow of the article."
And then the Pizza man had to throw his two fucking cents in:
"But can I get extra cheese on that then?"
"Sure we can do that, are you going to try the new half and half deal?"
Honestly people. If there was ever a time that I needed a shotgun to put me out of my misery. It would be right now.

I'd show it to you for a quarter, granted your head isn't that big... or your ears.
Why is it when I originally saw this photo I wanted to play Heads-up 7 up?
Does anyone remember that game but me?
I used to look up the girls skirts while they're heads were down on their desks... Great game that was.
For the record, I'd yawn if I touched you too.
Nice picture. Dork.
God love ya, you even got it done before 9 :)
HEY! If you've got time to check in to bloggerville on me then you must have time to post!!
Here I was thinking "sheesh, she'll never have a chance to check this out"
but yet, here you are!!
Oh, let me put away this expose' on the diffent shapes of butt plugs and attend to this instead! I'm sure page 7 wont mind the big fucking hole!!!
*sigh* I just wanted to make sure you weren't TAINTING the hearts and minds of my friends and readers.
I would hate for you to make them feel INADEQUATE.
Hope I'm not leaving any body in STITCHES here... LOL! I'm such a CUT UP! A regular laugh riot!!
Okay, well I'm gonna SPLIT now... hope to catch you later.. DICK!
If I get too bored tomorrow I'm UPSing you my cock sheath.
I swear to god. I hate to love you sometimes Starfucker.
Go to bed, finish the article tomorrow... Oh shit, you're not at home, are you?
Nope, I'm at the store. It's inventory night too so I'm double multi super duper tasking.
Is great for studying ass pylons though I admit.
Okay, gotta go. Call me if you need.. For now I'm audi!
Much love to everyone!!
K wait... Ass pythons?
I'll call you.
Because Shawns a dumb ass Sugarpunk, that's why.
Dude, check your post date Shawn.
You suck!!
EN: I can't believe you didn't use the I will use any spare time to watch "Brokedick Mountain" line ... heh
OMG!!! I should have said that!
Dzer I can always count on you for word play.
How are you at foreplay?
EN: wordplay is my strength ... but as a fat, relatively ugly man with inadequate penile equipment, I've worked VERY hard on learning how to use my fingers, lips, teeth and tongue to maximum advantage ...
... of course, I'm so out of practice I'd be lucky to perform twoplay!
I hope you hate to love me someday Shawn!
I came over here to see a picture of Frankinpenis and I have been SORELY let down. It just TAINT right! You know we all have a morbid fasination for that kind of shit. I do find you very entertaining Shawn and I am glad Em added you to her needed more dick! Glad you are on your way to healing...keep your chin up and think about all things non-sexual.
D-Man - We could rock the two play. So what if you're a large man, just gives me wide open spaces!!!
Inadequate penile equipment? no. Just needs a kick start after hibernation!!!
You got great teeth though!!
Tumble - I'm not enough dick for you!?!?! I brought my strap on!
mimi: the story is rated NC-17 for graphic dick violence and extreme subject matter. be advised.
EN: if we were in bed together, we couldn't 69 ... it'd look more like a 10 ... with me as the big circular zero ... LOL
So? What's wrong with 10? Last time I checked wasn't the saying
"perfect 10"?
Mimi - Shawn jumped out of a moving car and tore his penis a new hole when his peircing caught on his jeans fly during the escape.
Since he has gone through reconstructive surgery to fix the gaping laceration in his shaft and dick head and is now recovering at home.
If you have time you should read the story, is actually entertaining... I understand the whole attention span thing though...
Normally mine is induced by alcohol and ludes.
EN: but the other way around, it's 01 ... LOL
I think it would be more like you bein' the little kid on the vibrating DZER ride outside of Kmart ... LOL
I always ran out of quarters and my mom ran out of patience every time we hit the Big K.
I love the vibrating rides. Still do... That's why last night I gave the sybian a spin!
01/10 whatever it takes :)
teasing and tittilation ... *dreamy sigh*
and please don't stick quarters in any of my slots LOL
teasing and tittilation... I think that should be a t-shirt :)
with nipple holes cut into the front!!!
*passing Sugarpunk a lude*
Somebody needs to do some rubbing around here!
yer killing me here ... now all I can think of is erect nipples ... *sigh*
and I've been rubbing for the last 10 minutes or so ;)
My bologna has a fist name it's
My bolonga has a second name it's...
Yeah I was on a roll but I got CUT OFF sorry.
Is that a cut up, bruised banana in his pocket, or is he just ...
Fist name?
I need the comments to have spell check!
Madame X: Maybe you got fisting on the mind? LOL
Madame - My fist name is Bubba. He treats me right. *giggle*
Where the hell is Shawn anyway?
D- Now all i can think of is rubbing erect nipples.
Scumbag - I may be a cunt, but you're a cunta. Oh wait, were you talking to me or Shawn?
What am I missing?
Maybe Scum has Tourette's?
i goddamn don't have fuck shit spick tourettes.
good morning emma. i will continue stalking you later. right now i have a half dead hooker in my trunk that needs some more "attention".
We all have hobbies Scum!
Don't forget that bleach and water cleans blodd up the best!
K that pisses me off. I was supposed to be half dead in your trunk.
And where's my envelope with skin and semen in it? Don't tell me you ran out of stamps!!!
madame - He's due for his medication, he'll be fine.
EN: hmm ... are you saying you're rubbing your erect nipples now? please say you are ;)
Through this little sheer blouse I have on today!?!?!
Hell YES!!
i like it better when your lively. and i already told ya, i ain't much fer beatin' women. hookers don't count though and since you ain't a hooker.......
sugartits!!!! i was talkin about a final raping.
EN: damn you woman!!
hmm ... any chance you'd care to provide me with proof of: sheer blouse; erect nipples; you rubbing them?
in case the answer is yes, my Yahoo messenger is on ... LOL
i don't believe that you're rubbing your nipples. that's too silly for the workplace.
shut your motherfuckin' ass up!
Wow. It's amazing how much power the word "Sheer" has!!
LMAO! Err...
sheer is my favorite color
li dyxgfz4sw79-758au[jh'!
If I shut my ass up, you could never slip your dick in there.
Just saying.
my favorite color is cocaine!
Except when you say...Sheer folly or Sheer idiocy then it's not so good
lick my asshole you shitbags.
Scumbag... Alone time.
Scumbag's getting a time out!!!!
i think i'm in trouble......again.
Scum's be a vewy vewy bad boy!!
damn ... what happened to the sheer blouses and nipple rubbing?
where's this supposed alone time taking place? i can't find her anywhere. wait, maybe it was a trick! that sheisty little hellian. she's really done it this time!!!!!!!!
scumbag go crazy now!!!!!!!!!
when i was circumsized they had to use an industrial size chainsaw.
you guys all suck.
ha! i killed the comment section!
look! i'm #69
I was just about to say something nice about your dick.
But I changed my mind.
Mimi - Yeah, your son has my sympathy... I couldn't imagine being circumsized at 3!!
I can't imagine being circumsized at all actually.
BTW.. I suck my thumb with my hands down my pants all the time.
It's kinda embarrassing in public, but its soothing!!!
I woke up with morning wood, went to take a piss and fan sprayed all over the bathroom.
You poor, poor pathetic man... Get in there and clean it up!!!
Wait, how did that morning wood feel?
It hurt like fuck. My balls are going to explode I swear it.
Yeah I cleaned it up. But I do that every morning, will it ever stop? I can't quite get back around the toilet bowl so I guess that piss will just have to dry there.
My poor sperm.
i think someone should follow shawn around with a video camera 24 hours a day.
and have paramedics on call.
Are you saying I'm a danger to myself and others with my huge explosive nutsack?
I just wonder how much sperm I can pack in a 6 month time frame.
Oh, you wont be packing sperm Shawn.
It will die in your testes and re-absorb back into your body as you produce fresh sperm.
I thought you knew that.
die and re-absorb back into my body?
I really don't think I like the thought of something dead in my testes Emma.
Muchless being re-absorbed.
Don't ever say that again.
*sticking tongue out at Shawn*
So I'd say in 6 months you'll be full of dead sperm.
I've been trying to get in her for 20 minutes!!!
Friggin ass suckin blooger!
And now that I'm here everyone else is gone!
Well thats better than being full of shit, right?
You know Madame X there's been times when I've said just exactly that...
But I figured that the more lubricated she was the less time it took.
Any the less time you are in a woman the better?
oh wait...
*grandiose eyeroll*
Whatever dirtbag, you never had a girl that tight. Your friends girls maybe, but never your own.
Hi MADAME!! Im here! Just been in and out all day :)
Ms.X am I supposed to understand what the fuck you just said?
Get your finger out of your pussy and try that again.
E The good thing about friends is their girlfriends. Saves me from having to cold call flirt at the bar.
Sugarpunk I can't use one of those because the girth of my monster schlong won't fit in the hole.
*hand over mouth to conceal hysterical laughter*
You're a dweeb. Cold calling at the bar?!?!?!
Madame, you're just too intelligent for him is all.. He's still working on his vowel sounds.
I think he likes the way the echo tickles his ass.
I think you ladies need to know what it's like to be triple teamed.
But then you'd probably like that so I won't go into detail.
First of all, less time spent in a woman is... well just plain dumb since I like to take my time and work that shit out.
Second, it's fact! It's just that swollen... you don't believe me ask Emma.
Third, All Im saying is by the time I get my friends girl she's socially broken into me and there's no effort needed. I just smile and snap my fingers... she's on my dick in seconds.
its okay shawn, i had to read it a few times myself.
Oh My GOD! Remember that time we went and saw Puppetry of the Penis at the Moore?
So funny, that was great to see together actually. Still don't understand why you HAD to get the book though E.
Pyhronik thanks for that! Im thinking those crazy australians really have some talent to stretch and do origami with their schlongs!
Too bad your dicks been on the operating table
damm shawn
six months
i have no sex drive and i can't go without uh rubbing one off for that long.
total sympathy dude
damm shawn
six months
i have no sex drive and i can't go without uh rubbing one off for that long.
total sympathy dude
I love puppetry of the penis. We sooo need to see that again.
And yeah I have the book!! STILL!! Quick everybody do your batwing!!
Py - Thanks love, yeah there were lots of tools :) Exotic locations? hmmm. Does a warehouse of buzzing phallacies count? LOL
*waving to Sass*
I love the way the ladies pick on you Shawn. I do.
i'd wave at sass if she didn't hate me.
Wait a second-penis skin is definitely a different color than...well than MOST other skin on the body...Shawn...does your dick look like a patchwork quilt?
now I feel bad for sass...I remember that no sex drive time in my life....thanks God that's over! Wait, what am I saying...I'm not getting laid and my sex drive is on overload....I envy sass!
pick, pick...I'm picking on Shawn...his scabs that is.
So this is what a gang bang feels like then E?
Sassinak yeah 6 months. No rubbing, touching, fondling, anything.
I can look at it.
Madame - Patchwork? Yep. It's two different colors like those new Eggo waffles that are half chocolate and half buttermilk.
Why is it everybody wants to see my dick?
So your dick is half chocolate? got a skin donor then?
Now I want a freakin' waffle!
LMAO me too.. I have meatballs for lunch...
want one?
They're swedish. And you know what they say about them swedes :)
uh. fuck you shawn.
They make great waffles?
LMAO - Yes I brough lunch. I made swedish meatballs in a sweet sauce and rice last night for dinner.
made so much there were left overs so now I have lunch for two days!!!
Wait, wasn't that the belgians that make good waffles?
I thought Kellogs makes great waffles so what do I know?
I'm gonna go make a waffle, peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich!
mmmmmm. Dolly Madison.
Okay I have to eat... Play nice people!
choco donuts? Yum
Only you ladies can go from my dick to chocolate donuts.
Only you. jesus.
OOOOO Your dick covered in chocolate donuts!!!
Now THAT I wanna see!
Aren't you supposed to be covered in peanut butter and honey?
And what the fuck did you do with that banana?
LIAR! You spit it out and you know it!
Why would I waste a perfectly good banana?
I ask myself that constantly lately.
I ask myself that constantly lately.
Aparently so.
Or apparently so...
It all looks the same to me Madame...We dont frown too much on typos here.
Unless you said 'a parent lee', and then I'd have to ask who he was.
Robert E.'s father I would think.
I bet you look hot in confederate wear.
Don't think about X in confederate's not time for your "dose" yet!
I need something distracting, preferably gross and distasteful.
Where's that Scumbag at?
If he were up your ass you might know.
But i doubt it.
For a moment I thought you said confederate under wear...I was going to ask what that was but then again...what's confederate wear?
I think he was going with Robert E. Lee being in the confederate army and all that....
though Im not sure exactly where his head is right now.
No I got that part...I just wanted to know what confederate wear might entail...purely for research purposes!
One of those little box hats and a boy cut jacket with medals on it?
Fuck if I know.. he's got some strange fetish-type perversions happening.
OK I sadly have to go to work!
See ya later!
OK I sadly have to go to work!
See ya later!
Bye! and... Bye!
for someone on house arrest, Shawn sure isn't here dicking off enough. he he I said dicking!
Tumbleweed I have to work from home. Besides, I was looking for something distasteful to erase the image of Madame X wearing confederate wear in my mind.
I have no idea Pyhronik. How do you ween off of boner meds?
Speaking of boner meds, I just took one and thought I would watch some day time television.
Watching Jerry Springer and getting an erection at the same time is dirty and wrong.
I switched to the discovery channel.
Well as long as she's tan and gorgeous she can consult away!
You would have to think that sex consultants have to look good, right?
Jesus I hope so. Something to look forward to...
*waves to em and punk and madame i think*
scum why do you think i hate you?
shawn: dayumm dude...
also ladies? peanut butter and NUTELLA! not honey. yeesh
shawn i might just offer to suck your dick after all
See now I was just about to lose this boner. Thank god you stepped up when you did.
For you I would dip it in Nutella.
Right now... wound and all.
Shawn, do I have to arm wrestle you over Sass and Nutella?
God damnit I'll do it!
i'm actually seriously flattered
being the nerd i am i wouldn't let you because i wouldn't want to break you... more for later *eg*
nah em, you know you're the only girl for me :)
LMAO! hehe that felt like a little dig at shawn there :)
I love it!!!
i can't swear that i did that on purpose
*tips back a nutella free beezo*
And THAT is why you rock my world. FYI, I have put some calls in to different places regarding your email...
I'm waiting for a call back before I give you any kind of break down.
I think I can get a deal on one close enough to where you want to be!
Hi Thom!
Hi Emma!
Umm. How are you? And what kind of beer are you drinking?
em that would be utterly fantastic since i'm all poor and stuff!
Emma , I am rolling ...
and I'm drinking Skinny Dip Beer. Fat Tire's summer ale.
t'is not bad...
How are you, my angel?
Yes Sass! I know the lowest you found was around $89. I think I can hit one in the vicinity around $65. It's not much, but it's cheaper!!! I hope that this pans out... I really do!
Would make me happy to see you, we could have dinner!
Thom - I'm not wearing a bustle, but besides that... I'm better. Actually I'm still quite mad at times... but lunacy is the gateway to normalcy and my hypocracy knows no bounds.
:) oooh, that beer sounds yummy!
It's rather amazing how often lunacy and brilliance can be confused for one another.
*takes another gulp*
by the way, i'm glad to hear that you are doing gooder
Wow. You just said a cotton pickin' mouthfull.
And thanks. Are you doing gooder?
No bustle? How lewd ....
I'm good.
You're understated today.
yeah 65 would be awesome... if you find that reserve it and then i can call with cc info or whatev...
and yes dinner
too bad you live too far or i'd just rent a car ;)
i'm always understated.
it's part of my charm.
You know how CINDER-ELLA Was named after the cinders in the fire place?
Well...What do you think NUT-ELLA was named for? I mean I know what she was named FOR but what do you think she was doing with them?
you saved it with the heads up seven up rant at the end
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