Like to look? Happy HNT
I used to get nervous about my facial expressions and the way my body moved when I came. Ever do that?
Ever wonder what you look like when you're having an orgasm?
Or while just having sex in general?
I don't.
And now you don't have to either.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Ever wonder what you look like when you're having an orgasm?
Or while just having sex in general?

And now you don't have to either.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
OH GOD DAMN!!!!! That is just a beautiful pic!!!
You just continue to drive me frikkin crazy *grins* in a very good way.
Now this is a very good image for me to see before going to bed *winks*
Happy HNT beautiful
damm girl
that's balls. or as nat would say?
you have some steel plated ovaries!
You da bomb babe ...can't believe I said that not me
Fantastic pic ...
Looks like you've got some serious scratches on your camera lens! Love the shot!
You look beautitful, I never doubted that.
There is NOTHING more beautiful than the face of woman while she's experiencing an orgasm (or two).
You are a sexy beast!
Great idea for a pic, great pic too! :-)
i have a boner now. thanks.
That's an interesting thing to be nervous about. The pic is super hot... so I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Pyrhonik's question is good. You may need an audio-blog!
Great pic sweety...
I never thought about what I looked like during that - always too busy with going completely haywire (in that wonderful way).
As long as I don't do the white guy overbite or something. ;)
I wonder what I look like.......
I'm sure I don't look that hot though.....
Happy HNT!!!
Damn Emma - very erotic!! Happy HNT!
LOL at Scumbag!!
very, very, VERY nice ... though I find myself desperately wanting to see nipples now ... but such is DZER ... LOL
Damn good HNT... nicely done...
Perfect breadsts too...
Lovely, very lovely.
There's no way I could look like that... I think I squish my face up too much
Yes, I always wonder that! Come film me. he he
Have I told you how sexy your are lately?
I do know that my mouth is probably always open....cuz I'm a moaner!
Hey, I just noticed Madame X is on top of me in the comments! Cool!
did someone say ....nipples ....?
I've seen what I look like and it's not pretty...
I'm look at your boobies! I'm such a kid.....I said boobies.....he he
I know it's a bad day for you, but the word boobies makes everyone smile
see I did it again and you smiled!
I think your nipples are causing a rip in the space-time continuum there.
thanks for the *sigh*
Am I the only one who just realized that is EN's KNEE in the picture?!?!
is that a knee or a dick hovering over you... if its a knee its throwing the shot out of balance.
Clearing the decks... a) Kristen: I promise you look wonderful. b) Madame: is too.
Emma, first of all orgasm face totally suits you. Second of all, how can anyone worry about "orgasm face" when it's just one part of "orgasm body?" And geez, look at yours! That perfect combination of relaxed tension in your body? That perfect combination of tense relaxation in your shoulders and arms? That plus just knowing you've got an orgasm in the works makes it just a wonderful photo. Orgasm body totally suits you.
*trips & falls on Em's hnt pic*
woops! Hrm... now that I'm down here... ;)
I know this is going to bite ME in the ass but...It's not going to be the same with out you fucker!
Sorry I had to use your blog as a message board EN but I knew he'd be in here sooner or later.
First of all thanks everybody for the comments, Ive been blushing and smiling all day.
Second, Ive had a shit day and well Im just trying to pull my head out of my ass enough to cordial.. HA
Third, Murphy stalk all you want dude... I'll be here. Fucker jesus you will be missed though. I think I felt a weird female like shutter when your blog was gone, and I played Taps and saluted...
Madame - No, please say what you need... If he's stalking we'll never know what he sees and what he doesnt.
Thanks EN.
Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Cue:Gone with the Wind soundtrack
Incredibly lovely, Emma..HHNT
a glorious hnt. glorious.
What a great pic. I don't know how i've missed you through all the HNT's.
I've been reading alot of your blog the last couple of days and it is now one of my faves.
You are an inspiration! Oh and beautiful too :)
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