Lame HNT
I had this most awesome post in my head but the minute I sat down it oozed out of my ear and into some deep musky black hole vortex of nothingness. And no fuckers I wasn't talking about my vagina... that's just sick.
If I were talking about my vagina I would have said "some overly co-operative stellar-pocket vortex of happiness."
I know it had something to do with Utah though.... Perhaps that's why I forgot it so quickly.
Anyway. I'm a little tired and not able to get any fresh pictures for HNT so I give you this instead. Happy Thursday every body!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
If I were talking about my vagina I would have said "some overly co-operative stellar-pocket vortex of happiness."
I know it had something to do with Utah though.... Perhaps that's why I forgot it so quickly.
Anyway. I'm a little tired and not able to get any fresh pictures for HNT so I give you this instead. Happy Thursday every body!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Okay so since this picture sucks so badly I think we should play the caption game just for fun.
A happy H non-N T to ya as well! Vegas fuckin' rules. I need to go back.
"what do you get when you cross a cowgirl with a margarita"
"crap, lost mah head agin"
"hey what're you doin' down there... hey that didn't mean STOP"
uh :)
hat: $75
sunglasses: $100
cell phone: $200
Partying your ass of all night in Vegas and passing out in a restaurant: PRICELESS
"shhhhhh. Lets ditch her and let her pay the check."
Happy HNT
I'm thinking you must have written about your vagina some time back. Tell us which post it was, so that we don't have to troll through your entire archives.
Shit, there was an assignment?
I mustn't have been paying attention.
OK, OK, OK, I can do this.
I'll be back.
"aw crap i ate my own weight in grease *again*"
There is nothing lame about tits and a cute hat!
Happy HNT!
dude the expression on yer face is priceless. lemme know when its alone time;)
"oh mah gawwwwwd bobby sue jean alley mae! did he just walk into here all thinkin he could get away with it. he knows this is my place..KNOWS! i just can't believe..oh, oh shit! i think he saw me...quick where do i hide? i know! under my beautimous cowboy hat. shhh, pretend i'm not here."
Sissy: You a real cowboy?
Bud: Depends on what you think a real cowboy is?
Sissy: Can you 2-step?
Bud: Course.
Sissy: Wanna prove it?
Lucky sunglasses!
she's not a cowboy cuz she's a girl. she can be the cowboy's secretary though!
LMAO! Those are some great captions!!!
Err, lemme see what I can do here, hmmm....
Waiter #1: Did you ever find that bag of roofies I left on the catering counter?
Waiter #2: Nope.
Waiter #1: Oh.
The caption game?
Honestly, the picture doesn't suck and neither does it's occupant!
Happy HNT!
I suck at the caption game...not gonna play...pffffttttt...heh
LOVE the hat though.
Oh, wait...and the boobs...
where can I get some of that??
LMAO at "some overly co-operative stellar-pocket vortex of happiness" - that's awesome - I think the definition of vagina should be changed to that in all dictionaries.
Your breasts .. um I mean you look good in red.
There's nothing wrong with that picture!
In fact, I like to think you're sitting there, staring at your tits and imagining all the things I could be doing to them. And I see your hands are drifting down to help finish yourself off.
Sweet. Happy HNT!
Oh wait...caption....right. How about:
Hmmm....I think I'll have melons for dessert!
After riding the mechanical bull into submission, EN relaxes at a Denny's.
Hey ... got any of those onion rings left over?
I can't even see you face & you looked tuned ;)
If you were going to blog about Utah it was probably going to be about mormons.
"When your out of paper bags at home to put over your date's head look for alternatives."
I like it! Great hat:)
Oh man you guys and gals these captions are awesome!!
I haven't laughed this hard in the longest...
But I do feel better knowing Johnny Menace knows how to use a brown bag....
Fill up? Are you ininuating Im full service?!?!?
You look like you need a good lay.
Well then have an onion ring and move on honey. You've done enough damage for one day dick-chew.
Unless you have something to pick on me about and if that's the case then please continue...
if not then don't waste my time.
and yeah sug, how bout that?
Hi :)
OK late but I think I got one.
"Psst! You under the table, up and over to the left! It's where I keep my vagina!"
Fried mushrooms, YUMMY!!!
Hi Huneeb! :D
Good one Madame!! better late than never I always say :)
Hypo - what a very noble cause you have. How fucked up is your life to actually be messenger boy to some asshat that can't fight his own battles?
I think you should take your onion ring and go away until my name shows up on your shit list.
Until then..
Hey Em I was catching up since I went MIA for the past month and I have something I need to ask you, I didn't sleep very well last night b/c of something I read, can I email you?
Yes Huneeb, email me now.
It's all you sexy one!
Was there really someone under that table though?
Catch ya tomorrow!
K madame I'll be here!!
i like hypo.
Oh i see how you are scumbag.
hipposhitstik...I mean hypokriptik is one of those people who acts like a 'protector' and makes other people's lives miserable to make up for the fact that he can't get his 3 inch dick to harden without thinking of dead animals first.
Leave him be and he'll disappear.
Hi Sug Hi Scum :)
Sorry I disappeared for a while I had some things to work on, and I am back and better than ever!
Missed you guys!
Dan that was a gross visual man!
oh, i'm sorry. i was skim reading again. i thought you two kids got along.
dan, i'm just like hypo except for the 3 inch dick thing.
huneeb - LOL. Thanks! I'm in a bit of a bad mood today for some reason so that just slipped out.
scum - I can tolerate you because I know Em're not so bad. I think.
Scum good to know... I hope it's not 2" ...
Dan no reason to apologize :) not your fault I am a visual person; nice descriptive language :)
Bad mood? sorry... maybe you need a good lay? That always "perks" things up a bit
Scum, why no more wedding party?
Is it strickly the WTL now?
I like the WTL page by the way ;)
Funny ass pics!
I need a good lay.
Alone time scum.
I can always use a good lay! That goes without saying. I had a good one two days ago but had to fnish myself as I wore her out. I wish that would happen more often!
But that was two days ago.
Is she still worn Dan?
well then make it happen more often silly!
if she is *still* worn then that was a DAMMMMMMNNNNN good lay!
can I have some of that??
dan - emma and i have a weird bond. it still puzzles me why she likes me sometimes.
huneeb - the wedding party is more of a shrine for blogland now. historical landmark so to speak?
em - ok.
boobie nuzzles and a booty bump Em
I gotta go now and get all professional and such for work...
:P work sucks!
I love it when you say professional.
ok scum.
Dan, thanks bud it was nice havin' ya... errrr....
yikes :)
I think she's feeling better now.
And I'd like to make it happen more often but she's my wife. Not all marriages have as much sex as Em's!
Emma - you can have me anytime. If only I was closer to you...or you to me.
Or we all together like a big blogger gang bang!!
Dan you know, you're very lucky you're getting any at all.
it's been a week for me. no joke!
I mean, shit!! LOL
Not like you don't deserve to get laid by your wife!!!
Just saying a lot of married men don't.get.any.
like that hypo-asshole-objectable guy.
You're absolutely right Em! I don't complain about not getting enough because atleast I get some.
And it's always great...
See Dan. It's a happy rainbow and daisy filled world around Canada these days.
err except for that whole Hurricanes win.
sorry about that btw. I was rootin for edmonton.
So was I....oh well. For finishing 8th in their division and barely making the playoffs they had a hell of a run. Cam Ward was the goaltender for our Red Deer Rebels for a few years so it was cool to see him win the cup I guess.
But it should have been Edmonton...
Agreed. I definitely should have been Edmonton.
I threw shit at my tv and boo'd real loud. My neighbors thought I was beating my children.
fuck my typo's. Its been a long day.
My oldest daughter actually cried. It was sad.
Oh well. Next year.
And yes, it's been a long, hard, stiff day for me too.
Onion rings, yum! HHNT gal!
Wait a minute...did you say it's been a week?! A WEEK?!
WTF? I thought you couldn't go for longer than a day? What gives?
not lame at all. love it. very cool pic. HHNT hon. yeah, i know i'm late. sheesh. ;)
Barefoot Mistress :) I'm SO hungry from looking at this damn picture. Happy HNT!
Dan - I've been otherwise detained and then I had to deal with backlash and uhhh stuff that's not to sexy. :)
I am going out of my mind though...
jd - Better late than never babe. I should say the same to you :) Happy HNT
Stephanie - this is true but normally I show at least a little nipple!!!
hehehehe. I love me some professional looking women. So glad to have you back Hunee.
You know, a lot of people have asked about my health... you think I should post about my kidneys? I figured it'd be kinda boring....
It's true for 5 days and 40 hours I gotta rock the high heels and crisp buttonups...
of course I mix it up when I can get away without wearing a bra or undies
I would like to know, and poop on them if they think your well being is boring. I care about it and of they don't they can skip your blog until Thursday...
Well I hope everything is going better for you now and you can get some...I hate to see you suffer.
What is this mess about you not gettin any? geez don't you know I am living my sexual life vicariously (sp?)thru you and if you aren't gettin any and I sure ain't then well snarf! It puts me in all sorts of panty bunches
See now Dan just hearing her say no bra and panties is intense suffering.
yes i hope i can get some too.
Damn it's good to have you two back around every once and awhile, Im glad life is treating you well :)
I will post kidney status. I dont think others thought it boring, I guess I thought I found it boring.
ha. GO ME!
There's something so sexy about an attractive woman in a suit. It just gets me going....
So does long straight hair in a ponytail! Yummmmm
damm a week
it's been like three for me so the craving is starting to wear off...
Well Dan you're in luck I have both! hope you like brunettes ;)
Em - it had the same effect on me! And it just amazes me that you actually like when I comment. You just seem so far out of my league!
But I've got mad love and big Canadian bear hugs for you!
huh Sass? three weeks?
Sass did you dump mute?
huneeb - blondes, brunettes and red heads. I'm an equal opportunity kinda guy. I'm intrigued by you now...
Yeah for Sass for gettin sum!
Sass!! I should hope if I have to go that long that the craving would die.
THIS SUCKS MY ASSHOLE, but I know in good time it will be over and I will be satisfied. :)
I know, long straight hair in a ponytail *sniff*
i miss vegas.
ooo intrigued! nice! least you've spent two weekends with T in Vegas. That's two more than me!
Em you dont have to go to Vegas for long straight hair just come visit me!
plus I am not that far from T either, just a short drive I say...
I've seen Em, I've seen T, I haven't seen you do we fix that?
pictures I mean....
Look at dan doing the bull dance... workin' it.
workin' it.
well I don't have any of me at work and I only have a boobie pic in the archive of my blog soooo hmmmm maybe I will send Emma one and she can forward to you since your profile is private, I haven't seen you either?
lmfao the bull dance haha
hehehe Dan's profile is PRIVATE....
you gotta admit, I'm one smooth operator! LOL
Right, I forgot I changed my profile and made it private. I'll have to fix that. There is a few pics of me on my blog if you take the time to search. I checked out your one HNT pic in your archive already. Very nice!
Em...I DO have a 'private' profile. I think I sent you that pic once didn't I?
*hugging in-box*
I was blessed with a nice set of assets; I come from a very well endowed fam bam but I do have to say it would be nice if people talked to my face instead of my boobs. I don't tend to wear "put-em-out-there" shirts for that reason. That night was special so I did and almost everyone I went out with insisted on taking a pic of my boobs one friend even has them on his scrren saver for his phone...and he is gay! so yeah I have boobs ummmm horray... I guess
Em you will have to wait until I get off work later tonight...that's not till 11pm...sorry :(
And yet you're talking to a guy that gets turned on by long hair in a ponytail. Yes, I like boobs, but I don't look at them first....
no.. you look at their hair, then their boobs.
no worries Hunee :)
yeah! (that is why you are married already, she grabbed a good one)
ya know come to think of it noone here has ever asked to see what I look like...
Em - true. BUT...I don't look at hairy boobs!! LOL
Hun - thanks. I'm blessed.
You know Dan, funny you say that... I was checking out my husbands boobs just the other day and noticing how full they were.
I offered him some pamperin and a nice water pill and then I measured his chest size for his man bra.
I love man boobs.
"the bro"!!! from Seinfield! loved that episode :)
Then you're in luck....umm...k...well I said I don't look at them. I didn't say I didn't have them!
And I think I shared my profile again...
I 'member you... how's the newish job going?
Now dan's privates are public.
Well you see my husband will intentionally hit potholes just to watch my tits bounce... It used to bother me....
so I did the same to him.... and they bounced.
Don't feel too bad about it now. hehehhe.
oh my gawd that is funny!!! Em you two are a perfect match!
The newish job is going well. It's more laid-back and less stressful plus my office looks out over a bank parking lot so I get to see all sorts of hot women! Yes, with straight hair and ponytails!!
Hunee - You have no idea. *smirk*
Hi Sug!! Fried Mushrooms definitely.
I missed that one too Sug!!!
I vote sauteed mushrooms!
:) I like you Sug! I am glad that you don't judge on looks that is VERY important!
Dans a slut.
I need to send him a t-shirt to my club.
you have t-shirts?
Hey...just 'cause I was curious about what hun looked like it doesn't mean I was judging her. Just thought I would clear that up. I was asking simply because I was curious...she said she had long hair....
Well, they're kind of T-shirts...
they come in a little baggy full of water and you're supposed to wear them wet.
Not many people find that as neat as I do so I haven't sold many.
no worries Dan, I didn't take it that way at all :)
Slut? yes I am and rather proud of it.
T-shirt? I'm up for that. I like free clothes...
haha for you Em only for you would I wear your T but you have to personally deliver it *wink*
hun - glad you understand.
sug - yes, I'd willingly be the main course...and dessert.
Umm. Shawn may not be around these parts for a while.
Alright then yes everyone wears the t-shirts!
it's okay Sug it grows back!
I think in a couple of months I will be ready to chop all mine off again :) maybe go REAL short this time... we will see, my hair is almost to my pants about four inches short of it anyway...
did Shawn finally decide to go all the way and just chop it off?
I like Shawn even if he thinks that all us bloggers are idiots and insults us all the time...
That is shawns way of expressing emotion I guess. The world is full of people pitching insults... At least his came with fluff sometimes.
No I wish it was as simple as an operation complication but it's not.
Hopefully he'll be back sometime soon.
Sorry...I had to do some work finally. Now I have to leave my office for a bit. Why don't you all put on those wet t-shirts and I'll be back in 3 minutes....
Yes...still working. and 'working it' too. Hun....pic? LOL
Anyhoo...I have to make a call and then it's time to head home. I'm looking forward to putting the window down in my truck, throwing on the shades and cranking my Nickelback CD!
And girls, if the wet t-shirts make your nipples pop out you have my permission to rub them!!
WHOOPIE Rubbing hard wet nipples!!!
I knew you'd like that!
Time to head home for me. If rubbing doesn't work, put them in each other's mouths!!
In case I don't get back on tonight...take care!!
I love this photo! Happy HNT!
Well I think your hat is cool!
You look like you fell asleep after a hard afternoon of looking at cows. ^_^
Happy HNT!
Well I think your hat is cool!
You look like you fell asleep after a hard afternoon of looking at cows. ^_^
Happy HNT!
hunee: i dropped hints... i did not announce :)
and yes, i dumped him
I saw soooome hint to it in my catch-up reading but I didn't want to pry, I figured if you wanted to talk about you would say so...
sneaky sass always with the hints... :)
Still luv you tho
not even trying the caption, apologies... I'm still smiling over your "overly cooperative" vagina... that sounds like a very good thing to have...
I like a good nap after a meal too, but I usually wait until I get home from the restaurant
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