Whose bright idea was this?

The man on the left is Fateh Mohammad, a prison inmate in Pakistan.
(the guy on the right is obviously a lucky bastard getting a free photo op)
Fateh says he woke up last weekend with a glass lightbulb in his anus.
How about that?
Mohammad, who is serving a four-year sentence for making liquor (a big no-no for Muslims), said he was horrified to find out there was a light bulb buried deep in his anal cavity. "It explains the discomfort in my abdomen." Fateh points to his belly button and smiles a toothless grin "and why I couldn't turn my lamp on for the last week."
He swears he didn't know the bulb was there.
Wednesday night a team of skilled doctors worked religiously to remove the lightbulb from Fateh's asshole... It took them one and a half hours.
Lightbulb+Ass = 1 1/2 hours with forcepts and silly putty... and one of those weird clickety-click things they have at the gynecologists. Yes I know it's called a Speculum, but not everybody does.

The good doctor hung his head in shame "No one is trained or certified to operate the suction tool so it's any one's guess as to how that would have turned out. Mr. Mohammed is a very lucky man. Praise Allah for the motor oil and peanut butter. "
Dr. Aftab then went on to say "The bulb still works amazingly well, we needed to replace a light in the staff lounge anyway, so I thought, why not?"
Mohammed recalls how miserable the experience had been "When I woke up this morning I felt a pain in my lower abdomen, but later in hospital, they told me this," Mohammad said. "I don't know who did this to me. Police or other prisoners."
Dr. Aftab added that he'd never seen something as strange in his life, and doubted Mohammed was speaking the truth about his suspicions. Somehow the possibility that someone had/could drug him and insert the bulb while he was comatose was inconceivable to a well educated doctor that Police or other prisoners could do such a thing.

"Thanks Allah, now I feel comfort. Today, I had my breakfast. I was just drinking water, nothing else," Mohammad told Rueters Press from his hospital bed yesterday afternoon. "I can only really sit on one ass cheek, but now I will be a celebrity when I get back to the jail. Every one will want a piece of me."
EDIT: Nah, I didn't make it up completely :) The above story was modified from the original story found here. I will be on and off today (snicker) as I will be working two jobs, but the banter and jokes are wonderful!! And so nice to come back to after my stressful workload! Keep it up!!! Happy Friday...
all I can say is WTF???!!!
did it at least make you smile perty lady? :)
Just damn!! That is just some fucked up shit! Funny yes, but some fucked up shit LOL
please tell me you made up that entire thing
otherwise it's just too... too...
*shakes head*
I sat here LMAO reading this!! hehe ... ass!
Ok....did you make this up? I mean, the quotes seem very odd but hey, stranger things have happened.
At least we know how many muslims it takes to change a lightbulb!
Oh...and you mean the guy on the right is getting the free photo op?
Just askin'
When you have time stop by my blog Em. I would appreciate your opinion.
"Um... ok .. oopps. I have no idea how that lightbulb got there!!" wtf?? LOL
Where do you find this stuff??
oh man pyr
that wasn't fair
umm this is just wrong...
it is bad that while reading I was sitting in awe that it didn't break in the insert?
Seriously Watt the fuck?? (Love it py!) ummm yeah so then they go and plug it in??? Uhhhhh what genious thought to do that? In a hour or so they are going to wonder why the staff lounge smells like ass!!!
gawd this is weird :)
uh to not know how a lightbulb just shows up DEEP in your anal cavity is beyond me???
I wonder what wattage it was????? Just wondering ya know. I saw something like that on the show Jackass on Mtv...this guy put a toy car up his ass...and had to go get an ex-ray of it to prove he did it to show to his friends...We have such good quality television to watch these days...oh well, its my own fault for watching Mtv in the first place right?? lol
pyrhonik: kudos on the pun ... so good it made me wince! LOL
EN: Is this what happens when an asshole gets an idea?
Energy conservation at its finest.
Yup, it made me smile, sugar. :)
I like what Dzer said...LMAO
My sister is a nurse and worked an ER rotation.
She told me a woman came in with a potato suck in her cooch.
The woman said she had no idea how it got there.
I figured she was peeling potatoes in the nude, dropped one and it bounced up and lodged in her cunt.
I wonder if they kept the potato afterwards?
I wonder if they used that lightbulb afterwards?
Isn't sodomy a crime to muslims also?
Yeah that guys fucked more ways than one!
OMG Madame LOL!!
Holy Crap!
Thanks for teh gigglie!
You guys and gals crack me up!
HAHA Crack me up!
Okay damn, back to work... BUTT, I will pop in and out all day.
Any one wanna take on the scenario of HOW the lightbulb got up his ass in one piece?
That still baffles me...
I can relate to the puppy part.. er um..
Great story!!
The most bizarre (and funniest) thing I've read in a while...and I tend to read a lot, lol. Wow...I can't even begin to imagine...and I imagine a lot (is there a pattern here?). Good stuff, thanks for the laughs.
And he's skinny so I bet he's flexible...Maybe he SAT on his lamp inserted the light bulb and the slowly unscrewed the light bulb while spinning around?
I'm putting my money on the Rectal Fairy.
Dzer - you made me spit tea on my computer!!
snavykins: it's a talent ... making women spit ... retch ... expel ... ;)
it could be that he's trying to become a magician and isn't very good at it so he's embarr-assed!
HOLY SHIT!! LMFAO The Rectal Fairy ?!?!? Toooo funny
The lamp scenario is at least plausable!
I thought the rectal fairy left rolls of quarters?? hmmm
madame x: with the lampshade there? c'mon now!!
w.c. jack: are you saying you've awoken with laundry money in yer anus? LOL
oh lord
y'all are so sick
dzer... not only that but I can count out change!
No sir, exit only... Maybe just for Madame - that would be worth it for sure
Okay ....back to therapy I must go ...
I mean really ...WTF....
Hey D!
It's PRISON!!!
There are no Lamp Shades in PRISON!!!
w.c. Jack: I have seen a stripper squat over a stack of quarters and make them disappear up her hoo-ha ... and then be able to count out change perfectly ... she could also "slice" a banana for cereal and blow smoke rings with that vagina ... she was talented!!
madame x: every good Muslim jail has lampshades! :P
LMAO! Do you think the bulb casts a brown hue over the lounge?
You are such a funny bitch!!
I was picturing the same thing Madame was!
BUT the rectal fairy??
Now that is damn funny, I don't care who you are!
Pyro made me giggle!!
Here's the scenerio. His partner was ass fucking him with the lamp. They had to stop in a hurry cuz someone was coming and the bulb wouldn't come out, so they just unscrewed(he he)it and left it to get out later. He forgot it was there and it got lodged deeper during the next ass fucking session. The End (did you catch all the puns??)
oh man tumbleweed
groans out loud
april: thank you darlin' ;)
tumbleweed: niiiiiiiiiice heh
Ummmmm... Uhhhhhh... you all are just sick. Hehe...
Have a great weekend & 4th! I'm on my way to Michigan in 4 hours. See you next week! :)
OMG! Look at the peanut gallery go today!
*sitting in the corner with my pom-poms*
This is some of the funniest shit I've read in a very long time... it's amazing how sometimes the comments section compliments the post,
and vice versa! LMAO
EN.. um.. have a pic of you and those pom poms?
Great blog!!
pom poms ....image is lovely ....
roflmao. i love your sense of humor. sick, just like mine. ;)
Maybe the guys pet mouse was afraid of the dark....
Blondie....I'd like to help you stretch those muscles...
I just like to be helpful!
*laughing hysterically from corner, trying not to spit my turkey sammich*
Awesome... what'd I do with those pom-poms?!?!
I HNT'd with pom-poms once. Let me go get em for ya Em.
Blondie, if Dan isn't may I? lol
EN- MMMMMM Pom Pooommmss!!
Wow, pass the KY...lots of it!
Pom-poms ......slightly disturbing ....and yet ....hmmmmmmmmm.
Please tell me I am not going to have to meet you at the hospital to have a pom pom removed from your ass!
I've never EVER shoved a pom pom in my ass.
but look at me sitting here considering it!!
Hi Emma :)
Friday nights at work stink! :(
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