About Me
- Name: Editor Shawn
- Location: All over the place
Yes, it is. And as long as you remember what it's all about shit will be just fine.
Life's little Soundtrack
- Buttah yer muffin
- Sass Me
- No Lime chaser
- Step on me anytime!
- So Snavvy
- She likes us! She really does!
- Tumble in the Weeds
- Sweet like Hunee
- Shacks Back!
- Her life as she lives it
- You've been a very naughty boy
- Just 5 minutes... alone preferably
- it's the silver DAMMIT D!
- Have you seen his Kraken? It's HUGE!
- You had me at Man Butter
- Glad you woke up
- He makes me Google... Everything
- He slid in the back door
- Kick in the pants
- I swear I know you from a previous life
- Spiritual Influence
- I Toys
- My Shopping Heaven
- Google News
- Best Loving Wives
- Lite Erotica
- Screenhead
- Fucked Company
- Uh, this is Porn
- I loved this meme. so i did it too for the weekend.
- Again, Typo's.. do I care? no.
- Lame HNT
- Alright, so
- powered by Audioblog.com
- powered by Audioblog.com
- powered by Audioblog.com
- Veg-ass
- House Arrest
- Random finale' of the last three days
- 1. Float On - Modest Mouse
- 2. Torn - Creed
- 3. Body - The Presidents
- 4. Reflection - Tool
- 5. American Car - Mike Doughty
- 6. I Feel So - Boxcar Racer
- 7. Soul Meets Body - DCFC
- 8. Helter Skelter - Beatles
- 9. All These things I've done - The Killers
- 10. Ocean Breathes Salty - Modest Mouse
- Sugar we're going down - Fall out boy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
I know what you mean. I am exhausted over here and I have to be up in 4 hours to go to work! FUUCK MEE, I need another day before going back to work! LOL
Funny ass picture though :) I hope you had a great weekend!!
hi babe
i so know the feeling, i'm looking forward to sleeping for the first time in a week tonight.
and just because i know you want to know?
i wore a bikini top and a skirt and flip flops and a hat.
that's it :)
(the skirt was shorts first... but then i bought a fuschia tie dyed skirt and...)
typical squirrel ... all balls
I've seen that little guy before on a certain web site I frequent!
Monday's suck.
I've seen that little guy before on a certain web site I frequent!
Monday's suck.
Mornings like this almost make me regret giving up coffee.
grumble, grumble
Yeah huh Snav...
The only thing holding me together is the vision of Sassinak in a tiedyed skirt... and bikini... kissing a bear....
I tried to get D to get a drink and play golf with me today...
Snav - what if you kicked that rule and just gave in for one day?
Morning Pyrhonik!!
I finally got to linking you:)
I did the Bustin' loose one instead of chit-chat. I hope that was correct :)
i wanna see the white tank :P
LOL Mimi! I think it finally got to the point I could sleep around 2am...
Yeah, blog reading beats working today for certain. Coffee?
Alright D. Your wish is my command... heh :)
"poppin in and out all day!"
that reminds me ... I need a genie ... just like Maj. Nelson ... only I won't be such a schmuck about using my scantily-clad genie gal ;)
*folding arms together and nodding head*
genie ... make your white tank sheer!
*fondles your bottle*
Now why did the bottle fondling turn me on?
twitched even.... Why didn't you just wish for no tank at all?
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Took the kids to see Over The Hedge this weekend.
Favorite line from movie, "I found my nuts!"
I LOVED that movie... I took my boys to see it a couple of weekends ago... oh, it was Memorial day weekend, so I guess that was more than a couple of weekends!! jeez, time flies.
wet white rocks... I'll go stand outside in the sprinklers :)
you do get that i listed off *everything* that i was wearing right :)
and i got groped... by GIRLS!
Yes I got that, hence the visual of you in such *everything* that negated my coffee rush and went all silly sexy-adreneline rush instead :D
OMG groped by girls... so nice! they have soft, strong, hands and a great style to "cupping"
Py - did you just say nice narples!?!?!? LMAO!
What movie was that.... shit it's on the tip of my tongue....
they were little truffle-like things...
I can't remember either. I loved Over The Hedge.
Saw Cars the other day. There is still no better Pixar movie that The Incredibles
The Incredibles kicked ass, still does at my house.... my son watches it over, and over, and over... Not in the same day of course.
I'm hoping they'll do a part 2 that is just as good as the first... with the Underminer in it... I liked his drill and big buck teeth.
"Dammit woman, this is about the greater good!"
"Greater Good, I am your WIFE... this is the greatest good you're ever gonna get!!!"
Dammit! Narples... jesus I can see them eating it....
...PY!! Im still stuck on Narples!!! and I remember pig balls on toothpicks.....
Hey Em! Just dropping by to say HI!
*BIG HUG* :)
Big Hugs right back atcha!!!!
I swear to GOD if I could just remember it.... Been bugging me all day...
flaming pig balls on toothpicks and narples...
narples were little chocolate truffles with little pink caps.
FUCK it's driving me to remember... K, tell me about nurples.
Hey Sug! What's shakin' at the shack?
OMG! Shawn used to give me those... I can't tell you how many bra's that bastard ruined!!
Sug - OK :) I just need to know where to find it... Oh, and those After 5's are YUMMY!!!
how is shawn?
also? i'm glad i wrecked your monday morning coffee... can't think of a better person to do that for...
this one girl literally stroked my breast and tweaked my nipple before i EVER saw her!
Oh my! Those are the best kind Sassinak!! Nah, my coffee is unnecessary... thinking of you getting a nipple tweak in a bikini?
extreeemely necessary :)
God damn nerples and a large stack of balls and Im still working on it!!
I can't remember that friggin' movie to save my life!!!
pyr: the thing with nipples is that their pain tolerance changes with your time of the month. so something that feels fantastic one day is unfelt the next... and somethign that feels fantastic one day is bloody torture the next.
that one really is about know your partner.
and regarding purring? i snuck home at one point and got interrupted JUST as i was starting to purr. which made the shorts with nothing under them extra fun for the next couple of hours...
bubbles: purrfect
It was about 20 or so years ago... Mainstream. I saw it either on HBO or Cinemax, maybe Showtime.
I remember an actress plucking one of the pig balls from the stack and they all fell onto the table so she tried to shove her face full.... there were narples there.
she had one.
pyr: anything for bubbles *g*
have fun imagining sug :)
and yes, drawing blood is too much... though if you had known her better it would have been different right? like then you would have grown to that instead of diving right in
so to speak
I HEART YOU SASS! *moving hotel list closer to home ground*
do i have to call anyone for reserving or anything? and are you drivin' me friday morning or do i have to learn bus schedules or a/p shuttles from where the shindig is?
Is Monday over yet?
pyr: bubbles is emma is emmalicious is everything nice is bubblegummeltdown is bubblelicious :)
you're enjoying my naked shorts aren't you?
No and see, I thought about Porky's but thats not it... I also thought maybe it was Modern Times... and then maybe ... FUCK!
No sass, I will be driving you friday.
HA! I will be driving you Friday... LOVELY!
naked shorts are yummy!!!
Unfortunately Kristen, it's STILL Monday... only you are a few hours shorter to Tuesday than I am, I admit.
sugar: i'm actually going to a conference in emma's town, so we get to have dins on the day before and the last day. and hopefully WAY TOO MUCH booze.
i'm glad your imagination was good for you... uh english.
em: coo' so you can pick my motel all you like since you're the one picking me up at it.
yay for emma driving sass *dirty thoughts dirty thoughts*
dude my shorts were extra yummy.
worst moment of the day?
"dude that guy was totally checking you out"
'what guy'
"tall, skinny, dark, looks like that guy you were gone on all last year"
'damm, where?'
"he's gone now. but he stopped and turned and grinned and totally checked you out and so i smiled at him smiling at you while you were oblivious"
WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???????????????
you can't point him out? my perfect man who is drooling over me? what are you a SADIST?
OH my. That sounds almost as bad as waiting for my husband outside of his work one afternoon when a man approaches me and says:
"You waiting for something there doll face?"
"Yeah. I am."
*arms outspread* "Well you can stop cause I'm right here!!!"
k, gold teeth
bling around the neck
baseball cap sideways with tag still bolted on.
Walmart price tag (not that there's anything wrong with Walmart)
"Uh...uh.... Uh..."
Meanwhile this really SMOKIN' chick walks by that looks all sorts of bi-sexual....
and laughs at joker, smiles at me as if to say "you poor thing...."
You could eat me most days?!?!?
Like a pig ball?
Jesus I wish I could remember that movie... Ive asked everybody and they think I'm flawed.
oh. *giggle* my.
If you eat me like an ice cream cone I would have to eat you like a popsicle.
fair trade.
fuckall it's hot here.
Anyway, yeah Sug I tried Google, imdb, Yahoo, and my husband, friends, father, and uh....
they all think it was some weird dream I had. like this one I had last night/this morning where the house we were partying in collapsed and folded up like an accordian.
people died, it was a travesty. I was more worried about my i-egg being in my duffel bag on the bottom floor.
I love my i-egg second only to my children.
Crop Duster!
I was thinking Helicopter.
Thanks darlin'!
dude seriously that's what she said. she had his eye enough to smile at him while he grinned at me. WHY couldn't she just thwap my arm?
i startle and look up
they laugh
by the time i get what's going on he's over here talking to me
THAT is what a wingman does RIGHT
pyr: nice... i'm glad someone out there thinks i'm hot :)
Alright Py... here... I'll school ya.
Welcome Madame :) anytime!
emmalicious go read today's post please
PY- The pig balls were these little ball like glazed things that were maybe the size of a grape... stacked using toothpicks
wait.. it's coming back to me....
oh. k. Sassilicious!!
and the iegg is a bullet like thing I use to masturbate. It has a remote with 5 different settings and 10 speeds.
If you're interested I'll toss the link up here :) Not that you could use it, but the lady in your life can :)
or that cool vibrator with the pearls...
Pig balls?
Is is snack time already, kids?
Pig balls and apple juice for everyone!
it has a remote
Oh jesus it might be the police academy actually!! Wait, no.
okay, let me get that link for you :)
You mean the i-rabbit Sassinak? They just came out with a new one, it's waterproof. I put my name in the hat for a review on it :)
I'd eat pig balls with apple juice.
Stick that in your browser. I would do that cool hyper link thing, but I don't know how to comment section manipulate it.
Hold the phone...A waterproof irabbit?!?!?!?!
Come to Momma!!!
Fresh off the market!!! I'm SO excited :D
LMAO! At the Hustler super store!!!
Py - I share well. Wanna borrow it? Just wash it when done, k?
k. :)
oh.. light sabre?
O.M.G you did NOT just say that!!!
You think after reading the link Pyhronik will want to play with it MORE or less.... ?
I have to go now. But, *best ahnold impression*
I'll be back!
Blondies all about the quotes today!
I'll do that show with you Py!!
Am I white?
ok now really i have to go LOL!!
Em, sweetie do you have any idea how long it took me to figure out what YIM is?
You know I am, like, one brain cell away from 'crack whore' !
Sorry, I hardly ever sign on cuz it slows my PC down something awful!
No worries!
I'm going to go get laid now so I'll talk to you tomorrow!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes i DO mean the i-rabbit i think
is it like a dildo with pearls in it and a little clit attachment?
i'm not too sure i want the attachment part, i mean my hand wants to play too... but the pearls inside seems divine
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