Again, Typo's.. do I care? no.
Three pieces to this post, and a birth announcement.
You Tah
1. I remember what I was going to say about Utah now!
If I had gone into it last night I would have said something about what you shouldn't do while in Utah and stretched it out into some wordy nightmare. I
think I can break it down without all the smoke blowing :) Here is a short summary of them:
a) Don't tell the cashier at the airport gift shop that you support any state that can make fun of themselves while purchasing the Polygamy Porter Ale mug.
b) Don't wear your Jenna Club hat. At all. Especially when following closely behind an airport security officer as if to insinuate an 'escort'
c) Don't work on your porn review in the terminal while waiting for your connecting flight.
d) Glass walls. They suck. Don't sit against them.
e) Don't tell the locals they shouldn't have their children in the terminal 'smoke-boxes', they apparently think 9 wk olds don't mind carcinogens.
f) Don't say "God-damnit you suck ass" too loud while on the phone. In fact, don't say the lords name in vain at all.
g) Don't expect to find a bathroom stall to masturbate in. They don't flush their toilets.
Okay, the 'do's':
DO masturbate in a bathroom stall in Utah (if you can find a flushed toilet). Holy shit it's fun and the bathroom clears out quickly.
DO notice that there's 15 guys to every available woman there.
DO notice that there's no trees... anywhere in Salt Lake.
DO notice that the airport is about as big as a spit and just about as entertaining.
DO notice that the airport bar is empty but there's no room at the Burger King.
DO remember that it is entirely possible for your connection flight to be a twin-prop nightmare that flies at ONLY 3500 feet, and you may sit on for 2.2 hours next to a man with a stutter. Though, he was a nice man... Until he started making phone calls mid-flight.
Couldn't not write this
2. Not knowing what's up is like trying to kick through a cardboard box with duct taple:
Dear you.
Somedays I do good, somedays I do not so bad. I mean, I've pretty much identified and accepted the fact that things are the way they are. It helps to know that the friendship was the priority and nobody stepped away on bad terms.
But today I heard that song on Backdoor Sliders blog and I halted for a very long time. It was almost like everything came back for a second and I missed you all over again from the beginning.... So today I guess I was not so bad.
I really don't know why it stopped my blood cold like it did... Maybe it's because the memory of your rant about the music video made me laugh. It's still a great song though.
But it makes me wonder if it had been easier to deal with if we had left on bad terms? Although I know in my heart thats not so. I never had the opportunity to just say thanks to you for the lessons you taught me, the times you made me laugh and defended me. I think I'm a little bit stronger and even perhaps a little more of a person having known you, so I'm grateful.
I think I appreciate the opportunity for letting me know -you- the most. So with that being said I guess I just want you to know that more than anything I think about you.... and I pray for you. I wonder if you ever made it back to play on the big toy, or got around to reading your book again.
And I suppose a big part of me just hopes you are and would somehow shout out an hey and a ho... I don't think you'll ever really get this letter and well I don't expect to hear from you realistically, but I can hope.
Most of all I hold close to me the image that in all you are well and that you're holding the hands of a little soul that loves you just as much as you love.
With Warmest Regards.
And baby makes three
3. So I started this therapy a couple of months back. I can't go into too much detail about it but it's a scientific trial that deals with stem cell research (now do you understand why I can't say anything?) yep... politics. Anyway...
A couple months ago I lost a kidney donor to a tuberculosis history and got pretty down in the dumper. My specialist mentioned trying this non-FDA approved trial that was currently being offered to terminal patients needing organ transplants... and yeah, I qualified.
I figured what else did I have to lose? Right?
I'm already on a three-injection-a-day therapy for the Addison's *shrug* but that's stabilizing and with any luck it will push into submission status... It's just a matter of the waiting game.
This bi-weekly dose I take is a DNA multi-booster cocktail made to go in to the damaged organ and repair and/or rebuild the soft tissue of the impaired part. It's highly controversial and not very accepted round these parts but I figure if it keeps me alive I could give a rats ass about what anybody else thinks.
Ho, there's side effects though... Wanna hear a couple?
-- Weight gain. I currently weigh 120 and I wear a size 4 instead of the previous size 2 and a weight of 107.
-- Confusion and poor judgement. Like this is something new.
-- Anemia. I bleed like a stuck pig's jugular.
-- Change in libido. I still have yet to see that change.
-- Independant organ re-generation. Sounds like something right out of a science fiction novel, doesn't it? Sure thing! But no, it's true. I was warned when I signed the disclaimer that it's entirely possible I could grow a third kidney or some strange way-ward secondary mutated organ next to my left kidney.... COOL!!!
So for weeks Ive been monitored closely, having ultrasounds every week and blood tests bi-weekly. For the last month or so I've watched my poor little filters go from 10% L/ 65% R to 75%L/99% R.. and to that I say HOORAY.
This last weeks ultrasound detected something a little... umm well some kind of wonderful I think. And with that I leave you with the birth announcement... SO wish I had a picture of the ultrasound to go with it... dammit.
Welcome Em's new kidney!!
Birth date: May 27th (approx.)
Weight: .019 ounces
Length: 2.1 centimeters
APGAR score: 10 (fully functional)
It still has yet to be decided whether it's a boy or a girl. I figure only time will tell... If it gets to full growth and then get's all lazy on me... well you know what that means. :)
Have a good weekend everyone!
Im going to go try and get laid now.
You Tah
1. I remember what I was going to say about Utah now!
If I had gone into it last night I would have said something about what you shouldn't do while in Utah and stretched it out into some wordy nightmare. I
think I can break it down without all the smoke blowing :) Here is a short summary of them:
a) Don't tell the cashier at the airport gift shop that you support any state that can make fun of themselves while purchasing the Polygamy Porter Ale mug.
b) Don't wear your Jenna Club hat. At all. Especially when following closely behind an airport security officer as if to insinuate an 'escort'
c) Don't work on your porn review in the terminal while waiting for your connecting flight.
d) Glass walls. They suck. Don't sit against them.
e) Don't tell the locals they shouldn't have their children in the terminal 'smoke-boxes', they apparently think 9 wk olds don't mind carcinogens.
f) Don't say "God-damnit you suck ass" too loud while on the phone. In fact, don't say the lords name in vain at all.
g) Don't expect to find a bathroom stall to masturbate in. They don't flush their toilets.
Okay, the 'do's':
DO masturbate in a bathroom stall in Utah (if you can find a flushed toilet). Holy shit it's fun and the bathroom clears out quickly.
DO notice that there's 15 guys to every available woman there.
DO notice that there's no trees... anywhere in Salt Lake.
DO notice that the airport is about as big as a spit and just about as entertaining.
DO notice that the airport bar is empty but there's no room at the Burger King.
DO remember that it is entirely possible for your connection flight to be a twin-prop nightmare that flies at ONLY 3500 feet, and you may sit on for 2.2 hours next to a man with a stutter. Though, he was a nice man... Until he started making phone calls mid-flight.
Couldn't not write this
2. Not knowing what's up is like trying to kick through a cardboard box with duct taple:
Dear you.
Somedays I do good, somedays I do not so bad. I mean, I've pretty much identified and accepted the fact that things are the way they are. It helps to know that the friendship was the priority and nobody stepped away on bad terms.
But today I heard that song on Backdoor Sliders blog and I halted for a very long time. It was almost like everything came back for a second and I missed you all over again from the beginning.... So today I guess I was not so bad.
I really don't know why it stopped my blood cold like it did... Maybe it's because the memory of your rant about the music video made me laugh. It's still a great song though.
But it makes me wonder if it had been easier to deal with if we had left on bad terms? Although I know in my heart thats not so. I never had the opportunity to just say thanks to you for the lessons you taught me, the times you made me laugh and defended me. I think I'm a little bit stronger and even perhaps a little more of a person having known you, so I'm grateful.
I think I appreciate the opportunity for letting me know -you- the most. So with that being said I guess I just want you to know that more than anything I think about you.... and I pray for you. I wonder if you ever made it back to play on the big toy, or got around to reading your book again.
And I suppose a big part of me just hopes you are and would somehow shout out an hey and a ho... I don't think you'll ever really get this letter and well I don't expect to hear from you realistically, but I can hope.
Most of all I hold close to me the image that in all you are well and that you're holding the hands of a little soul that loves you just as much as you love.
With Warmest Regards.
And baby makes three
3. So I started this therapy a couple of months back. I can't go into too much detail about it but it's a scientific trial that deals with stem cell research (now do you understand why I can't say anything?) yep... politics. Anyway...
A couple months ago I lost a kidney donor to a tuberculosis history and got pretty down in the dumper. My specialist mentioned trying this non-FDA approved trial that was currently being offered to terminal patients needing organ transplants... and yeah, I qualified.
I figured what else did I have to lose? Right?
I'm already on a three-injection-a-day therapy for the Addison's *shrug* but that's stabilizing and with any luck it will push into submission status... It's just a matter of the waiting game.
This bi-weekly dose I take is a DNA multi-booster cocktail made to go in to the damaged organ and repair and/or rebuild the soft tissue of the impaired part. It's highly controversial and not very accepted round these parts but I figure if it keeps me alive I could give a rats ass about what anybody else thinks.
Ho, there's side effects though... Wanna hear a couple?
-- Weight gain. I currently weigh 120 and I wear a size 4 instead of the previous size 2 and a weight of 107.
-- Confusion and poor judgement. Like this is something new.
-- Anemia. I bleed like a stuck pig's jugular.
-- Change in libido. I still have yet to see that change.
-- Independant organ re-generation. Sounds like something right out of a science fiction novel, doesn't it? Sure thing! But no, it's true. I was warned when I signed the disclaimer that it's entirely possible I could grow a third kidney or some strange way-ward secondary mutated organ next to my left kidney.... COOL!!!
So for weeks Ive been monitored closely, having ultrasounds every week and blood tests bi-weekly. For the last month or so I've watched my poor little filters go from 10% L/ 65% R to 75%L/99% R.. and to that I say HOORAY.
This last weeks ultrasound detected something a little... umm well some kind of wonderful I think. And with that I leave you with the birth announcement... SO wish I had a picture of the ultrasound to go with it... dammit.
Welcome Em's new kidney!!
Birth date: May 27th (approx.)
Weight: .019 ounces
Length: 2.1 centimeters
APGAR score: 10 (fully functional)
It still has yet to be decided whether it's a boy or a girl. I figure only time will tell... If it gets to full growth and then get's all lazy on me... well you know what that means. :)
Have a good weekend everyone!
Im going to go try and get laid now.
Congratulations Emma!! I sincerely hope all works out well for you and that you'll be around to torment us for many, many years!!
oh my god
*wipes tear*
how long do you have to stay on the drug for?
Woo-hoo! Is there going to be a baby kidney shower or anything? Can we buy something? Does Hallmark make a card? I hope this is the beginning of lots of great news for you!
happy kidney!!
renal decorating kit is on the way!!
*major big hugs but not too tight so I don't squish the newbie kidney*
happy kidney!!
renal decorating kit is on the way!!
*major big hugs but not too tight so I don't squish the newbie kidney*
Well that is certainly GREAT news *hugs* and I truly hope that it all workd out perfectly!!
I have been to Utah on a connection flight to Portland and I would tend to agree with you on all your points. Well except for masturbating in the bathroom, I didn't try it! LOL
OH yeah that song brings back some big time memories for me too!! It always makes me sit and wonder about what I have been through and what I put others in my life through! But still I can't help loving the song!
How cool would it be if you could grow another clitoris?
This time grow it someplace a little more discreet say like...the palm of your hand or by your belly button?
How much easier would masturbation be then?
Congrats on the new Kidney
and you KILLED me with that letter, very moving!
how does one comment on so much? suffice it to say this page is becoming a must-read.
about utah ... um, nah. you pretty much said it.
about old flames ... how splendid to reside in such warm regard.
and then finally, hooray for good news!
Excellent news hun ...and if I haven't said it before ....thanks for breathing ...and thanks for being to stubborn to give in to all of this shit get yet another big "atta girl" from the old Spirit
Ohhhh...can we have a baby kidney shower for ya??
wait...I hate baby showers...
Congratulations!!!! So fuckin' happy to hear this good news.
Emma, this is truly incredible... whooosh! Unreal... your life is turning into 2001 Space Odyssey! Pretty soon we'll all be bowing down to a giant Emma monolith, and when we touch it...well, let's just leave that to the imagination. How enticing, wow, I'm ready to strap myself back into my rocket to follow this story! Congrads! Totally excited for you... soooweee!
Outstanding news!
Wow! Heavy post! Hysterical Do's and Don'ts in Utah. Very sad letter. Made my heart all achey.
Very happy to hear about your improving health! Yay!!! I hope you got L A I D good and hard. :-)
Picturing you in a bathroom stall in Utah now. Um....I have HHNT!
THANK YOU EVERYBODY!! Yes a baby shower is definitely in order.
Sass I stay on the meds until either A. funding gets pulled or B. I bloat to 180pounds and have an excess of 6 kidneys.
Okay I would love to touch each of your comments individually but Im a loser and an awful terrible person that should be strung up on a firing line and shot at will.
Any takers? Im sure you've thought about it at least once. Honestly what's the point of wanting to save your life if you just want to end it anyway?
Let me regroup from drinking white out in hopes of poisoning myself and try this commenting thing again in a minute.
Note: White out doesn't taste that good and it's bothersome trying to suck it out of those little pens.
I tried the tape too. Still a no go.
OH, and mimi... yeah absolutely. You rock.
Wow Em - that's absolutely fabulous news!!!
Where are you registered??
(imagining Emma's gift registry now)
::evil grin::
Hehehe. Fredricks of Hollywood!!!
oh wouldn't it be just hilarious to open up a gift registry for my kidney? LMAO.
You ... the kidney...
I'm sure it will like whatever you like.
LOL - do it!!
OMG! Babies R us here we come!!!
Oh shit maybe I should stop drinking the white out.
Thanks for the vote of confidence there asshole.
It's people like you that just give one that one little push. registry at Frederick's of Hollywood sounds like a FABULOUS idea.
DO it....we'll stock you up. :)
April - Thanks :) okay, i may just do it!!!
Sug - yeah. I miss BUBBA. Wd-40 may be just what the doctor ordered.
:C I hate that guy. he hurts my crummy feelings.
Noooooooooooo Babies R Us.......
Fredericks is my vote
*rolls eyes at assholes*
Fredericks registery would be SOOO awesome Kristen!!!
Do they have an online registry?
Listen fucker, just because you said that. I think i'll keep my blog up...
You wanna brawl, Im totally ready... bring that shit on.
AWESOME! Blondies is the hizzay...
Maybe we should start our own store.........a mix of Hustler and Fredericks.......we would do online registry.
Fredrick's does have an online gift registry.
Now THAT would be fun times!
I could totally get the vendor hook up for the stock....
I would just need a store and somebody to run it.
And then a good accountant.
Done deal... ET and I are going shopping.
I just tried to send you an email from my work account but since I'm not at work, I'm not sure it went through.........
yes I'm's what I said and I hope you understand....
"I hope you realize that there are people out there who see you as somebody more than a sexual person. You have to believe that."
Kristen - I just got it and I appreciate it :)
so, what are you wearing right now?
daisy dukes and a corral tank.........classy, huh?
Actually... classy or not it sounds comfortable. Is it hot there?
:D I'm wearing a big ace bandage on my ass.
Now THAT's class!!
It's humid.....very humid.
It's been hot here all week
Wait............why is there an ace bandage on your ass?
We've had a great marine layer but it burns off quickly and bumps us up 40 degrees by the end of the day.
So you start the day with 4 layers and drive home with barely one.
OH, i had my backside injured in an unfortunate incident... it's mostly just a bruise but my shirt hikes up and everybody goes
So i cover it and nobody says anything.
Well at least you're able to encorporate (sp?) into your everyday life
makes sense
The layers or the bandage?
*hop shuffle hop toe, hop shuffle hop toe, hop shuffle hop toe, hop shuffle hop toe, flap shuffle hop toe, flap shuffle hop toe, flap shuffle hop toe*
Both actually.
I have to poof again.
packing little boys clothes is calling my name.........
*shakes head*
don't wanna pack.
ok, I'm out for the day probably....
have a great weekend
Madame - why are you doing the time step? Are you bouncing? :D
Oh totally do the ace bandage... that would rock!! Let's wear one over our eyes and be pirates.
Bye Kristen! Have a nice weekend :)
*streaks through*
Im sorry... are you boring yet?
uh-huh. you are.
OH LOL.. not your streaking Kristen... this retarded guy here.
You know, if you're such a big man on the totem pole why don't you make your own blog and let us come play in it?
V-E-G-A-S rules.
Well I know for certain this ass isn't Scumbag. I have my GPS tracker on and apparently Scumbag is in the backwoods of Kansas sucking on a beezos.
So that's at least settled.
*stops to dance*
and then..........
Wouldn't that be that THEY'RE cringing at?
Mr. gramatical shithead?
Okay Kristen I like it when you poof like that.
Where'd Madame go?
Blondie I think I need to find this guy and beat him with my...
fuck im back to square one. It used to be so much fun to joke about... but now it's not so funny.
dude. thanks.
so sweet.
Send any and all love letters to:
Novaseline, USA
Thanks T... yeah, not so much.
I think you are all that is evil.
I think you know exactly where to get somebody where it hurts the most.
I keep thinking that maybe if I ignore you you'll go away but that doesn't seem to be the case.
So hmmm. I wonder what's next then... eh?
Yes, he is smart and timely isn't he...
See now.
That was so awesome. I never thought about it that way!!!
So i had this totally awesome response but...
I think I need to walk away from you now.
Have a wonderful weekend Mr.Gramatical Pro.
Say hello to the embreyo's for me!
I bet that guy works at the department of licensing.
Just stopped by to say 'Have a fun fucking weekend everyone!'.
Except hipposhitstik...he sucks.
i think maybe that's the kind of person where you just delete their comments. it's hate mail pure and simple.
i wish blogger had a flag this profile option.
i know they're just trying to get a rise out of us. and i know that letting them means they win. so i'm not going to swear and yell but i will say this.
"let he who is without sin throw the first stone"
according to the buddhists it doesn't matter what your intentions are but only what your deeds are. thus they don't care whose name you do things in it's the actual deed they consider.
i like this because then when people hatemonger and claim that it's in the name of the lord the truth is clear. although you claim to work in god's name you are nonetheless evil. the same way that a satanist who goes around rescuing lost puppies and abused children is good.
whoever this is has such a small and sad life that they have to come around to popular blogs and make fun of people's weaknesses. this is extra funny because they don't even have the courage to put their own weaknesses out there in exchange.
can you imagine how unhappy that kind of person must be inside? i've never yet met anyone who was having a happy and fulfilled life (and the people who are happy and fulfilled also tend to live love and gratitude) who was also judgemental and cruel.
just doesn't go together you know.
kind of like how the homophobe is almost always gay...
Em, I am sorry that some jack ass that deserves absolutely no attention is in here making all this crap up and wishing you ill will. What he does not realize is that we all care immensely for you and wish you the best. It made me tear up knowing that you may be getting better. I too have a terminal illness and I know how hard it is to be a wife, mother and sex goddess while feeling like crap. You are very inspiring to me. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts with us.
Too bad that this little guy that comes around being such an ass can not see the beauty that is within you.
Best Wishes..
i'm going to have to disagree with you sass... don't delete those hypo comments
You know when go to the State Fair and relieze how much better looking you are than everyone (sorry shane if you don't understand that one)
I say thanks hypo.. Thanks for being that triple chin lard ass with the weird growth over his left eye that you want to pick at while he eats his fried peanut butter sandwhich.
but in hypo's defense i think he could kick dan's ass... no offense dan but you are canadien and he is ...some sort of alien with a bug eye.
bug eye alien vs canadien dan.... my money has to go on the alien.
johnny i actually disagreed with myself and wrote a post about it :)
but yeah, there is that. the guy really does make you see how lucky you are to not be him
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