Homeward Bound you sickwit
In honor of Editor Shawns return to his blog home here I promised to script a list of memories for him to tackle. I think I mentioned this the week before last but since work had been hectic I never had time to write the list.
Many of you were curious as to what the list might look like.
Well, since I clearly cannot post them all to protect the innocent and other's privacy issues I will post a handful which actually compliment the emailed list I sent to him. I have also included a piece of a picture at the end that may help to amplify any hidden spikes of synapse that are not aroused during the list.
He's a visual creature, I'm a bitch like that.... On we go:
1. The first time I met you I called you queer, not because I thought you were gay but because you complimented me on my wrists amd then broke down 24 ways to tie knots so they wouldn't budge. Then you told me I liked your shoes. Not that you liked mine, that I like YOURS... idiot :)
2. There's a black box in your lower left hand desk drawer, open it and check the ticket stub... Read what's written on the back. Try and ignore the other things in that black box please, we can get to that later.
3. You wanted to date that waitress at the little italian place a few doors down, you really liked the meatballs. I think she still likes you, you might wanna go check it out. (heh. the elusive meatball story people... heh!)
4. April 26th 2004 you competed in a bicycle race south of the city. We thought it'd be funny to loosen your bike seat... I'm sorry about the bruising, still.
5. Solstice Festival 2002, sun yellow leotard... wear underwear underneath that next time dork.
6. Red turtleneck draped across lampshade is there because you use it to warn your mother through the window that you're entertaining. It's so classy.
7. Bruce Lee's grave, you did the coniche wha! drunk on sake. MM was there and she spanked you, thus your love for punishment.
8. January 1st, year 2000... the party that started it all for real. You have to remember that, if anything that is where I first met Dr. K and that weird pavlovian thing occurred between the three of us. I think that truly the celebration wouldn't have been the same if you hadn't tried to piss in that bottle on the observation deck.
9. Charity AIDS Breakfast back in the early 02's a guy in leggings and a tank top that said "Spike's Meats" tried to make out with you for fun. I found his number in your pants pocket later while I was fishing out your keys.
10. "I think Starfucker has a bit of the lean to the bizarre, put a device in her way and watch her toothpick it to her advantage. Don't get me wrong, she's sweet as honey... but push her nubs and watch her tweak out like a herionhamster on hystemine.
I suppose I give her a lot of fuckshop on a regular basis, but the truth is I wouldn't ever want anybody else to have my back... or my front. "
EN: "Shawn, are you in love with me?"
"Hell no, I just want to fuck you... did that work? I figured all this time being nice is the only thing I haven't tried."
If none of those items work, reference your email... It will be like the twenty-hundredth one down in your email box.
And if you don't feel like doing that, perhaps this picture will be helpful to you in one way or another. I figure a good percentage of men derive the most memory from a visual aspect, it's the least I can do... I'm a giver.
Welcome back to your world good friend, good luck with your first day back at work.
Many of you were curious as to what the list might look like.
Well, since I clearly cannot post them all to protect the innocent and other's privacy issues I will post a handful which actually compliment the emailed list I sent to him. I have also included a piece of a picture at the end that may help to amplify any hidden spikes of synapse that are not aroused during the list.
He's a visual creature, I'm a bitch like that.... On we go:
1. The first time I met you I called you queer, not because I thought you were gay but because you complimented me on my wrists amd then broke down 24 ways to tie knots so they wouldn't budge. Then you told me I liked your shoes. Not that you liked mine, that I like YOURS... idiot :)
2. There's a black box in your lower left hand desk drawer, open it and check the ticket stub... Read what's written on the back. Try and ignore the other things in that black box please, we can get to that later.
3. You wanted to date that waitress at the little italian place a few doors down, you really liked the meatballs. I think she still likes you, you might wanna go check it out. (heh. the elusive meatball story people... heh!)
4. April 26th 2004 you competed in a bicycle race south of the city. We thought it'd be funny to loosen your bike seat... I'm sorry about the bruising, still.
5. Solstice Festival 2002, sun yellow leotard... wear underwear underneath that next time dork.
6. Red turtleneck draped across lampshade is there because you use it to warn your mother through the window that you're entertaining. It's so classy.
7. Bruce Lee's grave, you did the coniche wha! drunk on sake. MM was there and she spanked you, thus your love for punishment.
8. January 1st, year 2000... the party that started it all for real. You have to remember that, if anything that is where I first met Dr. K and that weird pavlovian thing occurred between the three of us. I think that truly the celebration wouldn't have been the same if you hadn't tried to piss in that bottle on the observation deck.
9. Charity AIDS Breakfast back in the early 02's a guy in leggings and a tank top that said "Spike's Meats" tried to make out with you for fun. I found his number in your pants pocket later while I was fishing out your keys.
10. "I think Starfucker has a bit of the lean to the bizarre, put a device in her way and watch her toothpick it to her advantage. Don't get me wrong, she's sweet as honey... but push her nubs and watch her tweak out like a herionhamster on hystemine.
I suppose I give her a lot of fuckshop on a regular basis, but the truth is I wouldn't ever want anybody else to have my back... or my front. "
EN: "Shawn, are you in love with me?"
"Hell no, I just want to fuck you... did that work? I figured all this time being nice is the only thing I haven't tried."
If none of those items work, reference your email... It will be like the twenty-hundredth one down in your email box.

Welcome back to your world good friend, good luck with your first day back at work.
wow. see.
now THAT brings back the warm and fuzzies right there. Thank you Emma for giving back to me that memory.
truly. you are a giver.
*smirks* it is always good to know a giver *grins*
It was the picture.. damn it I knew you wouldn't read it!!!
You skimmed until the photo you sicko pervert.
Well as long as it helped you to find happiness... I guess posting it isn't so bad. *shrug*
It did put a smile on your face though, right? Say it did!
True that my good man...
Em I wasn't talking about your picture. I was talking about the SPIKES MEATS MAN.
I bet you think this song is about you, don't you?
:) Thank you Slider!
#10 was your birthday toast.
The first thing I did tonight was throw away that turtle neck.
OMG OBSERVATION DECK AS THE O's CLICKED!!! That one we might have to take in private.
Im calling you, don't break any vibrators while you're waiting.
for a long while there I never thought tears of happiness were possible.
Then you came back here Shawn, and you're still the same sarcastic asshole you've always been.
Yeah, for you man I'd totally think this song was about me.
Call. and look over your shoulder as you walk down the hallway...
I liked the meatball story ;)
Glad to see you back Shawn, hope that you are doing okay :)
*hugs and kisses*
I think we need to put the meatball story up here... we need a vote!
Hi Hunee :)
That's one YAY for the meatball story!!!
Yay, (but we already heard the meatball story) Can I hear the observation deck one?
Hi Emma!! (guess what no bra today at work and I'm PROFESSIONAL) I got told by 4 coworkers that I looked "very beautiful" today :)
did ya twitch?
OMG! Im totally twitching! I wish I could not wear a bra... my breasts are too feisty!
I bet you did look beautiful though... Hey, want to come do my job? Im <> close to quitting!!!
Shawn I vote for the observation deck one too.
What she meant to say Huneeb is that her tits are too old.
Alright it helps when you actually answer your fuckin phone retard.
See? Do you feel the love here?
Again, tears of happiness. Okay so observation story tomorrow then, and/or meatball story...
I'll go get my phone then.
My tits are just fine.
Well Shawn that is not very nice, I've seen them, well you've seen them too...but they are nice :)
I would do you while you do your job...little inspiration no? Well I would help but I wouldn't want to be a distraction...
Hows the gold member doing Shawn?
Uhhh... *perk*
Dammit, Im turning my phone on vibrate... and then Im reading that again :)
they just smiled and said thank you Hunee!!!
Okay, Im out to take this call :P Have a good night at work Hunee... I will check in with you tomorrow!
I hope he sees that!!!
You can punish shawn anytime Sug, you have my permission...
yes vote on which you'd like to hear and we'll post the winner...
Uh, yeah well.. the picture speaks volumes dont it?
Night Emma, boobie nuzzles for ya, mine smile back :)
Hi Sugar!
That pic is hot!
:D heh. Im sure instead of gold its quite purple...
heh. k goodnight ladies, keep it warm for me :)
You are, without a doubt, one of the sexiest women I know. Damn you make me hard and fill my fantasies!
P.S. I love your new profile pic. It makes me want to put my dick where your finger is!
(umm...yes...I'm on the road and horny! LOL)
Em I'll keep it warm and wet for ya ;)
wow what an awesome list
almost as awesome as shawn being in da house.
*sigh* ah dear Emma. You don't take bad pictures do you...
excellent post
hubris: one could think that of me based on the ones i POST! :)
Thanks you guys!! Hubris I do totally take bad pictures!!!
I should post one of those and watch you all run for dear life!!
Sass: Your pictures kick ass.... I've been to your blog once or twice or even more times to see them...
Blondie: Thank you luv :) It's good to have him back, kinda... now, which do you want to hear?
Sug: LMAO He looked like a complete idiot... so funny, Im still laughing!
Dan: Does that mean you'll lick my boot heel? :)
You blurred the picture? I want that in my e-mail....pronto!! I'll be back to finish the list. *wet kisses*
OH! Wet kisses!!!
Email? heheeee.
show butthole!
I'll show you nothing and you'll like it.
Em - As long as I can keep licking upwards!
I just found that black box.
shawn: hope the twig n berries are better
em: *boink*
My twigs and berries are feeling 100 percent.
I think Dzer's head just hit the monitor.
What's with this scribble on the back of the ticket here? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong one?
Dan - Yes, but stop to suck on my knee caps wouldja?
Dzer - :) *drip*
Shawn - Is it the Pearl Jam one?
EN: *slurp*
btw ... pirate hnt is up ;)
Hi Shawn! How's Frankinpenis? Is it alive?? I send well wishes!!
Frankenpenis is alive and feeling frisky. Its waving at you right now.
No, this is the Endfest one... I need to find the Pearl Jam one?
Yes, find the Pearl Jam one.
Dzer- oh my. *blush*
I just called the phone number on the back of that.
You're a total bitch, but thanks!
I would never kill you Sug! Okay well damn when survivor season starts count me in on that.
I'm a survivor freak, self-admittantly. I think the last two seasons have been rather lame so Im still trying to get over it... but...
:D Shawn, you owe Sug approx. a cool grand....
Welcome back Shawn.
Emma - I have those same exact boots!! I DO NOT have that same exact pic! hehe :)
Sug LOL! hey, I think Andi's take on it was just fine!!
Snav - So the appropriate answer would be to say that you NEED that exact same pic :D... right?
Shawn you ASSHOLE.
You did not give me that column, take it back and pass that shit onto somebody else....
No. shut it.
This column is perfect for you.
PLUS there's no reason why you shouldn't cover the Christian Sextoy thingy.
The religious people adore you, I would love to see you do a one on one with this lady. I wonder if we could set up a phone interview.
It's all about challenges Sugarpunk.
I have no doubt in my mind that a seated discussion/interview between our beloved and some Christian lady selling sex toys under god's name and approval would be riveting.
I think down deep in your mind you do too.
Jesus. And here I was all happy to have you back in the captains seat.
silly me.
Let me know when the interview is.... fucker.
Im absolutely posting the observation deck story tonight!
No you aren't! Not if I post the marshmellow one first!
Okay, I take this back... I totally want to do this interview... After reading up Im totally up to the challenge.
Bring that shit on.
Christian Hypocracy at its best and proof that rule believers don't follow!
Where's the lady that wanted me to go to hell Shawn, send her my blog address....
I knew once you followed the links you'd feel that fire again.
Wow. I think I even saw a sparkle in your eyes some where....
This article is yours. I can't wait to read what you have to say about it. Perhaps this should be tonights post instead?
Unless you are doing the piece about de-sexing kittens.
K, we need to hear the observation deck story and the marshmallow story! Bring em on!
Hi Shawn! Good to see you back!
Well tequila girl you can bet if the observation deck story goes up, so does the marshmellow story.
Yippy! I dare you to post it Emma! :)
Oh my god TG, Id be in a world of shit if the marshmellow story goes up!
There's a reason I get quiet when somebody says Marshmellow Fluff!!
But, I may be willing to call his bluff..... I doubt he remembers the details of the marshmellow story...
K, here's the deal... email me both stories and I'll let you know if they are too much for the blog world to handle... *wink* PLEASE? PRETTY PLEASE with marshmellow fluff on top? I just love a good story. Hehehe!
hehehe. I like it when you say pretty please :)
*evil laugh*
Whatcha laughin' bout?
marshmellow story? interesting....
marshmellow fluff is fucking gross btw.
just sayin'.
i love marshmallows... will i still after this tale?
I miss all you guys!
Hi miss madame, did you finally get that cranky pc fixed? :)
neva mind I just read your post, bummer!
Have a good weekend!
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