Independance? Okay after 6pm maybe.
Disclaimer: This post is a rant. In no way do I harbor ill will to Europeans, Canadians, Brits, or even Australians, god love you all. Anybody that knows me knows I have friends in all corners of the world thanks to my job... etc. I understand that right now us Americans aren't exactly the favorites at the big table of the world. And it makes me sad to know our alliances are crumbling... this post is all in fun and from the mind of a woman that's pretty pissed Im working a 6am-6pm shift on July 4th.
So I'm sitting here at work trying to ignore the many pleas from friends and family to come out and play.... Really I don't mind that they're excited they get to go to the parks, BBQ's, whatever... I'm just a little pissy about what I have to do today in contrast to what I want to do.
I surf through the news in between tasks, and I find this:
Britons tire of cruel, vulgar US.
Oh good! They feel the same way we do!!!
Now don't get me wrong here, I love my country and the freedom I have (well not today). But I am not too proud of the direction it's taking currently nor do I appreciate that half of corporate society in America is being out-sourced to India instead of keeping American people working.
So thanks Britian, we appreciate your agreeance that our country is in a world of shit... Now you understand how we feel living here... Like total shit!!!
but don't blame it on us as a whole, blame it on our government and corporate CEO's...
Us little people are just squirrels trying to get that proverbial nut... Even if that nut is made in some child-labor sweathouse in Bangladesh and then taxed 3/4 per it's actual worth. I think you should more pity us than anything at this point.
But then the next headline speaks volumes:
Cost of making love comes down in Britian. Uh, huh? Oh right, see if this were a vulgar American headline it most likely would have read "Americans can almost fuck for free, go get your freak on."
But whoa, wait a minute... British Foreign secretary utters a foul word to the Prime Minister? So you do say those things, only you don't publicize them, errr.... So that's not vulgar...K... And I'll completely ignore Boy Georges' little temper tantrum too.
Id agree your society is indeed still a role model.... But then, Uhhh. Marijuana health food shops? I think jolly old England is asking for Americans to cross the water and take up residency with that one! Meanwhile we'll leave you to running from Porcupines...
Perhaps you should covet Australians instead of Americans... They seem to have their shit together:
They deliver Pizza like champs.
They've decided that perhaps nudity and sex shouldn't be a selling point for their cruises.
And in the same context, this isn't vulgar in the least... It's just a crotch rub!!! Hey, we don't even have an adult version... what's up with that?
Hey, they've apparently found a solution for the roadkill problem too!
I love Aussies. We should all love Aussies... Don't get me started on Manilla or Bejing for that matter... eh.
I guess what I want to say is sure, we're vulgar and cruel. But it's because dammit, we're bitter as all hell because we get cheated and finger pointed every day.... It's the same old rule about not remembering all the good things we've done, but the bad things sure do speak volumes that resonate forever.... FOREVER.
Meanwhile the Canadians are growing teeth.
We work harder than most Europeans to maintain what we have and what is expected by the ass hats upstairs. The harder we work, the more is expected. It's cyclical entirely. BUT, it's American!!
Furthermore after paying our taxes, sacrificing our privacy, and throwing tomatoes at our fuck shop of a government.... We get to watch our jobs go the way of the dodo to illegal immigrants and CEO's wanting to cut corners for absolutely NO REASON other then their bottom line....
Wouldn't you feel a bit cruel and vulgar yourself? Yup, welcome to the vulgar American way. I hope instead of equating all of us poor red-blooded Americans into the mix of vulgarity and cruelty, you'll pity us a bit instead... After all, if it wasn't for us you wouldnt know that Jesus loves porn stars too.
Happy Independance Day Americans. Go grab a strangers ass and act like an idiot today... We have a reputation to uphold!!!
So I'm sitting here at work trying to ignore the many pleas from friends and family to come out and play.... Really I don't mind that they're excited they get to go to the parks, BBQ's, whatever... I'm just a little pissy about what I have to do today in contrast to what I want to do.
I surf through the news in between tasks, and I find this:
Britons tire of cruel, vulgar US.
Oh good! They feel the same way we do!!!
Now don't get me wrong here, I love my country and the freedom I have (well not today). But I am not too proud of the direction it's taking currently nor do I appreciate that half of corporate society in America is being out-sourced to India instead of keeping American people working.
So thanks Britian, we appreciate your agreeance that our country is in a world of shit... Now you understand how we feel living here... Like total shit!!!
but don't blame it on us as a whole, blame it on our government and corporate CEO's...
Us little people are just squirrels trying to get that proverbial nut... Even if that nut is made in some child-labor sweathouse in Bangladesh and then taxed 3/4 per it's actual worth. I think you should more pity us than anything at this point.
But then the next headline speaks volumes:
Cost of making love comes down in Britian. Uh, huh? Oh right, see if this were a vulgar American headline it most likely would have read "Americans can almost fuck for free, go get your freak on."
But whoa, wait a minute... British Foreign secretary utters a foul word to the Prime Minister? So you do say those things, only you don't publicize them, errr.... So that's not vulgar...K... And I'll completely ignore Boy Georges' little temper tantrum too.
Id agree your society is indeed still a role model.... But then, Uhhh. Marijuana health food shops? I think jolly old England is asking for Americans to cross the water and take up residency with that one! Meanwhile we'll leave you to running from Porcupines...
Perhaps you should covet Australians instead of Americans... They seem to have their shit together:
They deliver Pizza like champs.
They've decided that perhaps nudity and sex shouldn't be a selling point for their cruises.
And in the same context, this isn't vulgar in the least... It's just a crotch rub!!! Hey, we don't even have an adult version... what's up with that?
Hey, they've apparently found a solution for the roadkill problem too!
I love Aussies. We should all love Aussies... Don't get me started on Manilla or Bejing for that matter... eh.
I guess what I want to say is sure, we're vulgar and cruel. But it's because dammit, we're bitter as all hell because we get cheated and finger pointed every day.... It's the same old rule about not remembering all the good things we've done, but the bad things sure do speak volumes that resonate forever.... FOREVER.
Meanwhile the Canadians are growing teeth.
We work harder than most Europeans to maintain what we have and what is expected by the ass hats upstairs. The harder we work, the more is expected. It's cyclical entirely. BUT, it's American!!
Furthermore after paying our taxes, sacrificing our privacy, and throwing tomatoes at our fuck shop of a government.... We get to watch our jobs go the way of the dodo to illegal immigrants and CEO's wanting to cut corners for absolutely NO REASON other then their bottom line....

Happy Independance Day Americans. Go grab a strangers ass and act like an idiot today... We have a reputation to uphold!!!
First Really !? ME!!!???
Oh damn dude. You hit the nail on the head. Its really hard to be all celebratory of our independence when we see what we've done with it. Freedom=buy & do whatever we ant? Jesus F-ing Christ! Are we really that gullible & childish?
HOORAY!! You get a medal Hubris!!
Unfortunately yes, and it stems from our direction given by our excellent government
*cough* *bullshit*
I think what a lot of other countries don't understand is that we are crying over here knowing that our alliances with other countries are slipping to almost non-existant.... While we fight to bring our troops back and hope that we can heal this country back to what it stood for in the beginning.
But it's not. Soon enough the American masses will revolt and vote Jon Stewart to the presidency.
Only then will be role models once again.
I fear that will not occur before a stunning amount of bloodshed and Earth raping.
I feel the same. And I weep about it...
Sometimes I philosophize about where and when we went wrong... I sit and reflect upon it for hours..
I can't blame it completely or mostly on our government until AT LEAST the 1940's or so... But then society molds the people running our country...
and I get frustrated because there's so many good people in our country getting cheated right now and dammit did we do it to ourselves? Or was this maturity mis-represented somehow through dictation?
It's the whole, who came first, the chicken or the egg.
After about an hour or two of other-thinking it I realized that maybe I'm hitting the reefer too hard.
How's Canada today? :D
That post is awesome! You are a brilliant woman!
Stewart/Colbert 2008!!
Where's our button??
IM TOTALLY DOING THAT!! Maybe I can multi-task between reports!!!
Thanks Snav- I don't talk politics or headlines much here... But it seems to be something you enjoy :) Maybe I'll do it more often :)
You know I'm not one to keep my opinion to myself at times and this is in no way directed to you in a personal way Em. You know I have respect and mad love for you.
From a Canadian view of Americans this is what we see:
Americans believe they are the greatest and have no problem telling everyone else. Yes, America has problems, but then the government gets all 'self righteous' and tries to tell other countries what to do.
It's totally fucked up and other countries get tired of having the US (government) tell us what to do.
On the other's nice to see Americans actually complain about how fucked up their country is.
Canada Day was great thanks!
I'm really not into politics at all. You just can't help but notice how bad our government has fucked up our country. I'm sick of the negativity from other countries. The government should not reflect the people as a whole.
I do however, firmly stand by my post the other day. teehee...
Alrighty - I'm off to grab some ass and act like an idiot. I dedicate my first beer to you! Cheers girl!!
Dan - No offense taken, and this is exactly where I'm getting at actually so thanks for putting that out there.
In contrast to what you said, let me give you the POV from most Americans right now.
We wish we were Canadian. Now trust me, most Americans wont agree with that point of view but clearly:
We're in war... We thought we knew why, apparently we don't. We're still there... hmmm.
Our deficit? Don't make me laugh.
Funding for programs that assist or aid future generations? Ummm, right, what's that? It died with Kennedy.
Overtaxed much on EVERYTHING? yep.
I hate that America feels it has to bully others. I don't think there's many here that think we're any better than those overseas making the decisions we wish we were making. Instead of watching our government and religious foundations fray until its last thread of rediculousness.
But that's just my opinion, and a large handful of others...
Snav- I totally have the hook up on the button, I just have to build it :)
Thanks yes, have a beer. I stand by you as well... Have a great day hun :)
Hubris - hehehe. I hope I can say the same in about 7 hours :)
Yes thanks Sug :) HI!
No No Py. Yeah, I feel thats the same.. which is an important point.
Hence my blame of CEO's and government, not a society tearing itself apart.
No boiling at all, and any American (or otherwise) that doesn't know what you said should be shot.
I'm not passionate politically, I just like stating my point of view :) You know, Im not entirely miserable either...
I think Im just finally saying that while we love our country and celebrate happily what we stand for, I believe there are a lot of people that feel jilted in light of this presidential term and are ready to make a change towards healing instead of blaming.
I have no wealth. The people that live in this country that are in big business wont share it with us little people.
And Im not trying to boil anybody in a different tax bracket...
just sayin :)
lol, well said, em... as for grabbing ass, you might wanna watch that talk -- you with the oh-so grabbable (grabbable?) ass!
there's a lot of things wrong about this country, many of them having to deal with the current administration, but a lot of things right about it too.
I think other countries should focus on their own shit before they worry about criticizing us ... unless they want to take up the slack if we suddenly pulled every dollar of funding we give to the rest of the world ...
Py- Two more hours thankfully... two more hours :) Thanks for the sunshiney ass comment, I try :)
I'd rather have sunshine up my ass than smoke anyday.
Bare Frame - Hehehe are you offering to grab?
D - You know it's funny, I agree with every comment on here, yours included. Which I guess makes me an on the fence type person.
But see, I think the media and governments all over the world are spending far too much time delving into how shitty America is and simply not enough time exploring some of the wonderful things going on in the world today, and there's so many.
Happy 4th everyone. I think I'll close up shop and just go home early :)
kisses and beer :)
Happy 4th sweetie..I have to work tonight too..until freaken 10 p.m. This is so un-American!
Anyway, sending you big hugs and kisses on the 4th!
Working?!?!? Well that sucks ass but your probably out partying by now. So have a great finish to your 4th.
I am out, not much is going on due to the pouring rain!!
dude i LOVE americans but your government and the behaviour of your 'ruling class' or 'the rich' is horrendously embarrassing.
such a grand experiment and such a beautiful dream to be so tarnished by that's happened at the top levels.
i feel you honey, i live next door and it *hurts* in a visceral way to watch.
my company is doing my best to help out. I'VE been outsourced to india. been stuck here 17 months trying to install a gas turbine to help with the power crunch here. funny thing, we've been sitting for 13 days with no gas. they aren't sure there will be gas availability until late 2007. so my U.S. company made some mad cash on me wasting away 17 months of my life in the middle of nowhere india. i miss fireworks and BBQs.
my company is doing my best to help out. I'VE been outsourced to india. been stuck here 17 months trying to install a gas turbine to help with the power crunch here. funny thing, we've been sitting for 13 days with no gas. they aren't sure there will be gas availability until late 2007. so my U.S. company made some mad cash on me wasting away 17 months of my life in the middle of nowhere india. i miss fireworks and BBQs.
you know, the last peace movement started with people like you and hubris em.
gather the people and march on washington with white flags and placards and beautiful songs. is that inciting a revolution? i guess it's okay if it is, according to the declaration of independence that dzer posted you're supposed to.
the tragedy is that elections in the USA are won with money and the people with money only like to give money to each other.
the really sick part of the whole foreign aid thing is how fucked it is. the more you delve into it the less like aid a lot of it looks.
i hope bill gates is on the level. oh my god, did i just say that with BILL GATES in the sentence? either way the gates foundation gives me some hope. they might finally have enough money with warren buffett's contribution.
sorry digressing...
pyr: best hope we've seen yet... now to see what happens
Preach sister, preach!
I'm right there with you on all that.
fuckin' commie.
I need a nut! he he
Sorry you had to work! You will just have to make up for it by partying extra hard this weekend!!
i was at work....but that's the american way, huh? work work work work work..then buy something outlandish *points at new shoes*
i ain't bitchin!
Nice post but I REALLY love your fishing stories. For my money I never let someone else be in charge of my food. Sure you can be in charge of lunch but I'm bringing food for me plus a little extra. People can be asshats sometimes with that sort of thing. I would have gone ballistic. Reminds me of Cannonball Run: "Got enough beer? 10 cases. Plenty!
Got enough food? Two bags of chips. Plenty!"
Get your ass over to the lounge! PBC is going nuts!
Hi :)
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