I am still the F.
But I won't bore you with that right now.
Basically, we mesh immaturely... And something hilarious always ensues when we're in the same space. This day fishing trip would be classified as a comedy of errors, but a fruitful one none-the-less.
5am: Im on the road with three other sleepy girls, sipping coffee and talking about work, family, fashion and cars. We opt for the Golden Arches for breakfast 3/4's of our way to destination "Lake O'plenty."

which led to shitty comment #1, courtesy of J: "What language are you speaking? I swear if you call us your peeps I'm kicking you out the car."
7:01am: Boat launch. Four girls and a boat launch with "fuckupyourprettyboat" written all over it. See how it L hooks to the right down there and keeps on going? Yeah, if you click on the image you can totally see it.
You can imagine a brief panic session and prolly a scream. Though I admit we did pretty well, It only took one try. Okay two... sheesh!
late 7amish: I'm fishing, and I catch one on my first cast. J's catching too. Zanie gets excited for us... Her line yanks and she's got one on too. Hat trick first thing in the morning. We compete on who can get it to the boat quickest while Chan holds the net... J did that bitch.
We high five. We knuckle. We beer.
9am: Two or three fish caught just me. Nine in total. J's on fire...
Chan is sunbathing and having her first shot of Jeager (out of 12). Zanie is talking about god knows what and I'm checking my voicemail (because I'm on call at work this weekend).
The lake was glass... you could see the fish jumping. For a holiday weekend it was awfully silent at the lake.
We got sappy. Fish on... rinse, repeat, beer me.
Yes I totally look like ass when I fish fuckers... fuck you:)
12:10pm: "Dude, who was in charge of lunch?"
"Chan was"
Chan got up from sunbathing and pointed at her bag "In there, I brought stuff."
I put my pole down and reach for her bag, there's one thing of cocktail pep and a bag of trail mix.
"Chan where's lunch?"
"In there, right there in your hand."
"Chan," holding up her choice of nutritional drinking/fishing hungry girl food "Cocktail pep and Trail Mix? This is all you brought for the four of us?!?!"
"Well, it's food isn't it? There's plenty of beer, that's filling."
In the background of this conversation my pole is sliding towards the edge of the boat, off the side, and down into the water... yup. cool.
"Alright I'll have some trail mix and a beer." Fourth beer, hand of trail mix... looking for my pole... "Hey J did you move my pole?"
Zanie is on the other side of the boat, Chan has been bathing and taking shots of Jaeger no where near where I was sitting. Where's my pole?
"Seriously J, what the fuck... Not funny!"
"I didn't move it... I swear, I've been fishing this flat hard."
I remember the last time I lost a pole in a lake, I jumped in after it. "Zanie what's that depth finder say?"
"18.3 feet, why?"
"I think my pole's back there on the lake bed."
12:45pm: I'm drunk and praying that I can dive 18 feet -AGAIN-
1:25pm: I'm wet, I'm drunker than when I started. But I have my pole and a fish that ingested my hook. I'm a little pissed off. J laughs at me and Zanie thinks I'm fucking insane. To liven things up J flashes us her tits. We move on.
We sing bad eighties songs and talk about men. Yep, beer me.2:50pm: No shit people I had a HUGE fish on. To this day we're not too sure how big that shit head was but I fought it for 10 minutes or so easy. I swore he gave and was letting me reel him in, but towards the end he dove and my line snapped.
The next cast was just as evil. Remind me to never EVER drink as much as I did in the sun again. Especially when all I got is fucking trail mix and 2 cocktail peps to eat.
*chewing on beef stick*
Cast. Wait.
Get a bite, fish is on... Set the hook... Pull... reeel... he's a fighter... just a yank and bring him in nice and easy... take a step back... whoa shit I lost my footing.... I'm going backwards... right... right... right off the other side of the boat. *splash* That waters refreshing.... I still have this cocktail pep in clenched in my teeth... Dammit I JUST got dry.... Where's the fish?
Zanie and Chan are laughing their asses off. My fish is in the boat, after slapping J in the side of the head. Hilarity ensues as I try to get back on the boat. Chan almost falls off trying to help me in. Maybe it's a good time to call it a day... We'll troll the shoreline on the way back.
4:00pm: Can you drive? No, can you? Uh-uh I think I'm going to puke. Hey, can you drive dude? Nope, I think we should wait it out... Let's get the boat on the trailer.
*blank stare between the four of us at the thought of "fuckupyourprettyboat" launch*

4:05pm: Fuck dude, can you even walk up the boat launch? No, don't think so... Can you? Uh-huh, no way. Our car is up there though.
Beer me.
6-7ispm: I fall in the door. I didn't drive, no. I STILL have my pole though. My new sun burnt shoulders...
A day out with my trouble making friends.
My catch record of eighteen to torture The Wedding Party boys with.
and knowing I could still work on the weekends drunk as hell and with a fish on.
The Universe was cool as hell today.
Dang your fish stories get me hawt. :D
Kick ass story. I don't think I would get much fishing done if I was on that lake watching the four of you!! LOL
A catch of 18 is mighty fine for a day of fishing! HELL a catch of zero is fine by me as long as I am out there fishing!!
You have to show off some of these fish to me one day, I would love to see them!!!
Have a great Monday!!
damm girl
nice weekend.
i got to swing an axe so mine didn't suck either.
Why is it you are posting pics of Macca's highway advertising signs from Australia?? That was a bloody long way to come for breakfast!
Sounds like a blast!!
and a good time was had by all -- especially the guys who got to see your rockin' supergirl undies...
The Fishing Goddess rules again ...
fish on, you crazy diamond ...
Matt - Let's fish! It gets me a little hot too.
Slider - I think the last two fishing posts I put fish pics up. This trip I was a little too drunk for camera operation. Though, I agree any day fishing is a good day, even when the catch is at 0!
Sass - Wait. You swinging an axe? Now that's a picture I would love to see!!
Austral - There's no where better to eat then in Australia, you know this! Actually when doing a search for McDonalds pictures I saw that one and laughed my ass off. I figured since it's everywhere else on the net it might as well be here too.
Kristen - thanks!
Bare Frame - Yes, perhaps that's why I caught them fish... It was the magic undies!!
Spirit - Thanks and good morning :)
D- Over here dear boy, have a cigar. :)
I will be in and out today, just like Friday. My life sucks ass this week :)
Hahaha, I'd have loved to have been there to watch. LOL!
Oh man. there is no better way to waste a weekend than in a boat with a 1/4, bowl & fishing pole :D
have fun?
them boys just got told!
Man did you need a good fishin day like that! I'm so proud....and jealous! You did say fish fuckers....that made me laugh!!
I am guessing Chan is a skinny bitch with an eating disorder. :)
You sure got that right!! Anyday I can be out the lake is a good day!
It is too bad no one had a video camera, that would have been priceless *grins*
Anteros - You're invited :)
Blondie - I'm in hell right now, come rescue me... please.
Hubris - YES absolutely.. :) There's only two of us that bowl.. and yeah. my utensil was in my pocket when I fell off!! I guess I wasn't prepared to hit the water that time!
Buttah - You bet your ass. The derby is won for sure! Ladies give a woot!
Py- Actually we had cigars in the glove box of the boat. We forgot to smoke em though! SHIT, we'll bring you along next time to remind us!
Weed - LOL! Kinda sorta... she's not thin, but she is a diva-type I admit. No eating disorder, but she carries wet wipes for metrosexual men that want blow jobs.
Slider - :) Nono we know better than that!
Hey - I was boating & drinking beer & watching other people fish this weekend. I remembered to bring a cooler full of food though.
Which reminds me, I need more beer for tomorrow.
6am - 6pm. Aren't I a lucky bitch?
errg. Snav, bring me beer :)
You simply are not allowed to work tomorrow!!
I'll write you a note.
Dear Mr. Emma's Boss -
Please excuse Emma from work today because she needed to eat, drink and cause trouble with the rest of the nation. Furthermore, making employees work on the 4th of July?? WTF is wrong with you?? You are unpatriotic and I will be calling Homeland Security on you.
Regards -
That girl is taken off Lunch duty pemenently!
That is just TOO MUCH WORK for me!
I'm glad you had fun.
WTF??????????? Am I the only one who doesnt know what coctail peps are?? Well??? What are they??
i don't know either and i WANT to!
congrats on the fish sweet Em! Woo hoo, gotta love hanging with the girls!
I don't know what cocktail peps are either...
pyr any good canadian says those are their hotspots i mean really
fishing with beer and hot boys
weed and beer
skinny dipping
what's not to love?
and that boat launch is hella fucked.
Yeah, (actually from where the picture was taken) the end of the metal part of the ramp (immediate right) is where the water line is... normally.
When you enlarge it, you can see the end of the dock center-right with a boat already hooked to it. In fact you can see the buoys to the left sitting on the sand bar which is where the rope off for the swimming area is (normally).
The white buoy in the water to the right is for the boats to throttle down for wake control, that's normally 200 feet from the shoreline... I think right now it's about 30, if that.
So actually when the water is at normal levels it's a straight shot... not so when it's 90 feet down.
I swear I'll post a picture of cocktail pep, you don't have cocktail pep in California Hunnee?
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