These 3 things
Please feel free to click on the button and visit the Stewart/Colbert blog. If you can't get the button from the site, email me and I will send it to you :)
Second of all, some of you are not familiar with cocktail pep:
Like beef jerky, only in stick form... And a little spicier! This is usually a fishing essential... when there's more than ONE PACK OF IT! Oh, and the pack we had was a 9 pack, not this jumbo bag!!
Third and last, Look!!! I got fan mail from the Wedding Party Boys!!!
I think they actually like me!
Alright, I'm going to go back to my insane life right now.. I'll try to get to more posting tomorrow!!
Those pep things look nasty!! The slim jim junk alikes always remind me of doggie treats :(
heh oh yeah beef jerky is definitely an essential on all fishing trips!
You really think they do? *smirks* LOL
Have a good day EN :)
Love the button!!
Already put it up!
Thank you for making it - you rock!
oh man you guys must have been dying of starvation
like dyin'
visiting th eblog...
Best thing about The Colbert Report...
Just sayin'!
xoxo, T
In the cartoon, is that a turtleneck or foreskin around your neck, Em?
LMAO..and to think Sug had me looking in the liquor aisle of the 7-11's to find the cocktail peps! LOL
Oh, and the pic from the boys...I think someone is falling in love with you..or the Seahawks!!
huneeb is right. Meat snacks (though tasty) are horrifying. Not horrifying like my dream but in that squishy meaty-fatty industry.
and sooo with you on the 2008 proposal.
pbc's so good at art.
and here I thought that you'd be more of a "beef stick" kinda gal ...
I'm with you on stewart/colbert ...
Sorry life is so insane for you riht now!! I'm thinkin about you.
I loved the's so life like. Also, I am glad you put a picture of the meat sticks up there cuz I was lost.
Do you really eat those things? *wrinkles nose*
Don't forget to take sometime for yourself!
Have a great day! :) you mind if i like...honk your titties when you're hanging like that?
ohh!! so stealing the colbert button!!
total aside: this is totally going to fuck with my devout allegiance to the Walken '08 campaign, huh?
as in christopher walken?
*waving at everybody as I run through*
Christopher Walken as secretary of defense?
I'm on board for Stewart / Colbert in '08. I think they should keep their day jobs, too.
Hey, where are ya? Get your ass back here!!
is mimi calling anna a crackwhore or did i just read that wrong?
Scumbag I had no idea you could actually read.
*waves at Emma*
Py - That's the only email I own besides my work one, why?
*waving at everyone and blowing kisses*
oh, you want I should get another email because you can't get to yahoo?
I emailed your g mail accnt.
Well considering this is the first time I've had more than 30 seconds in front of internet and it will continue at that pace until tomorrow night...
Next week sounds good for me to :)
Have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing from you.
Im assuming the position, yea ;)
Wait.. you've seen the way I do it?
hmmmm. tsk tsk... are you stalking me :)
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