Tie goes to the runner
Interesting enough, I have been busy today. Alot of little things that compound to rather large items...eventually sucking every morsel of energy directly our of your body (without you even noticing). This is when I feel my age... and although the Liquor store lady still argues that I'm 19 (god bless her), I'm every bit 30-something. I reassured her of that today... while whisking my brown paper-bag off the counter and strutting out the door with my trophy.
Sure, $25 down. I totally deserve it.
Yes, that' s Britney Spears on the toilet...
Everyone should know, pretty britney potties too...
So here I sit, chitlens in bed... and I ponder all the little things.
Have any of you seen Point of No Return (with Bridget Fonda)? I often find myself idiotically repeating the phrase to myself while faced with catastrophe... "I never did mind the little things." After seeing that movie, I too wanted to be one hot, bad-ass bitch working undercover spy ops.
*Sigh, grab a cookie*
In order for me to proceed with the rest of the evening, I need a download:
1. I had hoped to meet a friend for lunch today. Guess for one reason or another it didn't work out. I have to stop looking forward to things like that... I used to alway get stood up for lunches; and then they would say "let's do dinner instead... " And then they'd usually buy me breakfast the next day. I guess two meals instead of one is a positive though.
those were the good old days.
2. Red heads Dinner plan has me intrigued. I know after talking to her this afternoon that there will be no other attendees. I guess it would make the answer oh-so obvious if I knew more about her husband.
3. School Shopping- Alright, that came way outta left field. I hate it, had to let it out. No I am not one of those parents riding the shopping carts down the aisles like in that Staples commercial... I'm the one saying:
"Holy Shit, $5.99 for #2 pencils! Can you get these non-#2's for $1.99? Perhaps we can carve little #2's on the sides of them and fake those bubble tests out."
My eldest child loves shopping with me, I assure you.
4. I have been blessed the last few days to have the opportunity to lay faces to the names of some of my readers. I have yet to come across one I couldn't fall in love with... so many beautiful people out there... both in mind and body. I appreciate you folks for becoming (to me) more of a human being than a type-script... It is so much more enjoyable reading your material from day to day, being reminded that you all come from different standards, different beliefs, different walks of life... Have much love for you all.
5. Two of my blogger-friends (Ming, Gladiator... that's you) are having issues with content, which in turn has provided for some pretty thought provoking material. I asked earlier if the ultimate question was "to niche or not to niche"... I think that these players will find the answers in themselves... honestly, their day to days, refreshing viewpoints, and interesting anecdotes are enough for me.
I should be interesting to see what develops from there.
I'm fucking great with my content.
6. The sour cream container that gives you atleast 2 more weeks on that expiration date is a lie. Furthermore, A bag of cheese I bought last week doesn't expire til December. I don't think so. And the almighty question of why dairy products cause stomach upset is answered.
7. I have a submission coming due... that means writing - creatively.
8. All of these topics have been rather different than my usual... I feel strange, almost weird not writing about sex...
And now I must succumb to the dark side... I have two porn's to watch tonight, will try not to stay up too late. If they're good quality, this could be a late night. If they bomb, I have a guaranteed early night-night. Will see all in the morning *yawn*
Sure, $25 down. I totally deserve it.
Yes, that' s Britney Spears on the toilet...

Everyone should know, pretty britney potties too...
So here I sit, chitlens in bed... and I ponder all the little things.
Have any of you seen Point of No Return (with Bridget Fonda)? I often find myself idiotically repeating the phrase to myself while faced with catastrophe... "I never did mind the little things." After seeing that movie, I too wanted to be one hot, bad-ass bitch working undercover spy ops.
*Sigh, grab a cookie*
In order for me to proceed with the rest of the evening, I need a download:
1. I had hoped to meet a friend for lunch today. Guess for one reason or another it didn't work out. I have to stop looking forward to things like that... I used to alway get stood up for lunches; and then they would say "let's do dinner instead... " And then they'd usually buy me breakfast the next day. I guess two meals instead of one is a positive though.
those were the good old days.
2. Red heads Dinner plan has me intrigued. I know after talking to her this afternoon that there will be no other attendees. I guess it would make the answer oh-so obvious if I knew more about her husband.
3. School Shopping- Alright, that came way outta left field. I hate it, had to let it out. No I am not one of those parents riding the shopping carts down the aisles like in that Staples commercial... I'm the one saying:
"Holy Shit, $5.99 for #2 pencils! Can you get these non-#2's for $1.99? Perhaps we can carve little #2's on the sides of them and fake those bubble tests out."
My eldest child loves shopping with me, I assure you.
4. I have been blessed the last few days to have the opportunity to lay faces to the names of some of my readers. I have yet to come across one I couldn't fall in love with... so many beautiful people out there... both in mind and body. I appreciate you folks for becoming (to me) more of a human being than a type-script... It is so much more enjoyable reading your material from day to day, being reminded that you all come from different standards, different beliefs, different walks of life... Have much love for you all.
5. Two of my blogger-friends (Ming, Gladiator... that's you) are having issues with content, which in turn has provided for some pretty thought provoking material. I asked earlier if the ultimate question was "to niche or not to niche"... I think that these players will find the answers in themselves... honestly, their day to days, refreshing viewpoints, and interesting anecdotes are enough for me.
I should be interesting to see what develops from there.
I'm fucking great with my content.
6. The sour cream container that gives you atleast 2 more weeks on that expiration date is a lie. Furthermore, A bag of cheese I bought last week doesn't expire til December. I don't think so. And the almighty question of why dairy products cause stomach upset is answered.
7. I have a submission coming due... that means writing - creatively.
8. All of these topics have been rather different than my usual... I feel strange, almost weird not writing about sex...
And now I must succumb to the dark side... I have two porn's to watch tonight, will try not to stay up too late. If they're good quality, this could be a late night. If they bomb, I have a guaranteed early night-night. Will see all in the morning *yawn*
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Most intresting "love" story ever? See What You think...
Tel - That's disturbing. In no way do I condone violence, much less murder.
In fact, if I ever let on to readers that I supported something illegal or dangerous to others, I expect them to dump my link and abandon all thoughts of reading further.
I'm interested in knowing how you think this applies to me?
i dont i just found it intresting.
it wasnt anything 2 do with you, just love, or confusion, im not sure.
it was just about a confused boy who thought he was in love with this guy so had 2keep lying.
it also serves as a warning not tobe trusting of people & be more intrested what kids are doing on their computers etc.
The 14 year old was kind of pathetic that he made up all these characters, idont know who 2 feel sorry 4,the older 16 year old who believed it all or him?
Tel - Thanks for stating the obvious, I tend to be paranoid since my blog is in fact all about honesty.
I worry much about my eldest child and his computer activities... we have a program hacked into our firewall which logs address (html and IP) that come in and out. I view it everyday... I also check my parental filters.
That story does serve to educate those... and educate well. It's a sick world out there.
Murph - Stripping out of your hockey gear to D'angelo? That's fucking sexy as hell... do I get to circle your navel with my tongue while listening to KRS one?
EN - a friend once said to me, "A lot of people think they are thinking when all they're really doing is rearranging their prejudices."
It took me quite while to ascertain his statement's true meaning; I believe I finally did. Then I happened upon a poem by Longfellow, called A Psalm of Life, where he says:
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
OK, enough literary bullshit. What I'm getting at is that I feel we humans spend a lot of wasted moments adding too much significance to things, setting ourselves up for disappointment, betrayal, etc. This poor kid Tel references thought he was going to get a little poontang if he followed 'her' orders. Boy, was he wrong.
How many of us have been hoodwinked into believing that we're going to get something special, only to be slapped awake by the harshness of reality? That too-good-to-be-true boyfriend who turns out to be a cheating asshole? That perfect job that becomes a sickening drudgery? That great new car with payments so dear we end up mixing shakes at McDonalds to make the payments?
I know I have spent so many years fabricating reality that I've missed the real thing: my life.
How very interesting Ming. Nice addition to this topic.
Are you living now though? Or still fabricating?
I'm frantically making up for lost time. Remembering the past, and hopeful for the future -- all the while focussed on this one fleeting and precious moment in time.
'Cause if I don't fo-cus, I'll fo-cup.
LOL, new mantra!
Hey! Check out my friend Ulli's photography on my site. You will dig it.
Already did..
I am particularly fond of the kitchen scene with the hands coming out of the oven...
Do you think I could sport one on a post?
I think I will purchase some too... for my writing niche
Glad you enjoyed. I'm sure Ulli wouldn't mind if you linked the images to his site.
Sexy, wacky, and amazing. Ulli is the man!
Absolutely...beautiful artwork.
Murph - you are mellow today.
I kinda like it... sort of the whole graham cracker thing when you've had saltines for so long.
Thanks Ming, I will submit and link.
Nice stuff...you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a internet business site. It pretty much covers internet business related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
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Blogger has an option that requires word verification for comments. It uses the function where one has to enter letters/numbers displayed in an image. Spammers -- and I do believe some of these goofball comments are just that -- have ingeniously (deviously?) come up with automatic ways to add comments to our blogs.
This feature is one way we can counteract these boring intrusions.
hmmm that's very cool
i am going to consider it if the disabled anonymous comments don't work.
also... morning!
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