Gone to look for me HNT
While none of you were looking we made a pact not to expose either story (i.e. the Observation Deck or the Marshmellow story)... today.
I think we both learned that coming back to the journalism desk after an extended period of time off leaves little time to concentrate on laughing at each other. We will start off next week with those stories.
We agreed on Monday. Something tells me that Shawn will jump ahead of me and post tomorrow... we'll see.
Today I got an assignment that got my blood boiling. I'm totally into it, like completely. So I think that I will prepare and pack my facts until around 10 and then go out (which also I have not done for almost over a month).
I have found that I am totally out of touch with the person I was six or so months ago. I've felt my libido decline and my stimulation for errr stimulation wane. I've had a lot of not-so-sexy personal issues to attend to... legalities and support for people that have needed me, family too has become a major hand-holder (which of course is never an issue)...
How do you non-freaky non-fetish people do it? The same thing day after day with no bizarro-fill? No mind altering sexual touchdown spike of the playfull senses?
For me, I simply do not understand. But then, I've been called a muse so maybe it's not within me to understand but instead embrace myself.
I should be out being me lately, and I haven't been. There's a fifty percent missing in the equation. My friends have taken note as I have remained blind to it...
The club calls, and my other fifty percent is there.
For now, here's an oldie but a goodie... I will get around to posting new pictures very soon :)

Happy HNT Everybody, one more day til Friday.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
I think we both learned that coming back to the journalism desk after an extended period of time off leaves little time to concentrate on laughing at each other. We will start off next week with those stories.
We agreed on Monday. Something tells me that Shawn will jump ahead of me and post tomorrow... we'll see.
Today I got an assignment that got my blood boiling. I'm totally into it, like completely. So I think that I will prepare and pack my facts until around 10 and then go out (which also I have not done for almost over a month).
I have found that I am totally out of touch with the person I was six or so months ago. I've felt my libido decline and my stimulation for errr stimulation wane. I've had a lot of not-so-sexy personal issues to attend to... legalities and support for people that have needed me, family too has become a major hand-holder (which of course is never an issue)...
How do you non-freaky non-fetish people do it? The same thing day after day with no bizarro-fill? No mind altering sexual touchdown spike of the playfull senses?
For me, I simply do not understand. But then, I've been called a muse so maybe it's not within me to understand but instead embrace myself.
I should be out being me lately, and I haven't been. There's a fifty percent missing in the equation. My friends have taken note as I have remained blind to it...
The club calls, and my other fifty percent is there.
For now, here's an oldie but a goodie... I will get around to posting new pictures very soon :)

Happy HNT Everybody, one more day til Friday.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Go get your freak on girl! Have fun! :)
*sticky kisses*
As one of the non-freaky, non-fetish people, I don't think I have an answer. Growing up in Montana, and staying here probably has alot to do with it.
You go out and be you, OK? Most of us live through you!
I wouldn't know about that ;)
ANYWAY that may be an oldie pic but you look absolutely beautiful and sexy :)
Have a great time
should take a bag with you....
anyone else get a X-Files.. agent Scully flashback from the photo?
shit girl you are hot. go and have fun. get crazy, you need it
Is jacking off in a dinner salad non-freaky and non-fetish?
Just curious.
Enjoy the croutons.
i don't know em, i've been wondering the same thing myself.
exercise, good food and friends mostly
but that pales.
Define freaky ....gawd ...I can see more therapy in my future ....
Happy HNT hun ....
when yer as big and ugly as I am, you take what you can get, when and if you can get it, freaky or not ... and just fill the days in between with boring, quiet desperation ...
*shakes self*
umm ... nice pic! :D
it's called beezo. that's how i get through.
did anyone else but me laugh out loud at dominator's comment?
I did too Scum...
Happy HNT Em! You are beautiful!
Have fun and remember who you are! :)
lovely shot! HHNT!
Your cropping skills suck...you tend to cut off too much of the picture! Damn it!
by the way...I am non-fetish and love my life...well unless you count the stuffed international penis collection I have on a shelf above my bed. I had to put the African one on the floor it was too heavy for the shelf!
Normal life sucks that why I run away from it every chance I get!
Hey thats the first time I saw this HNT. Very nice!
Yes why did you crop that? Starfuckers not shy...
atleast you weren't last night.
re-post the whole picture, include the sexy panties.
Oh and stay-puft!
wouldn't a wonder bra have worked better for her?
ok, i'm done being a dick now. seriously this time.
hmm i think i have that shirt!
Hey, Shawn....if the thing doesn't work out with your penis....can I add it to my collection?
It's not a fetish...shut up!
i love this pic. HHNT. and define non-freaky, non-fetish. just because i don't stick ostrich feathers up my ass doesn't mean i don't have fun. ;)
P.S. Scum is never done being a dick.....or playing with it!
I'm bored....so I did the dictionary quiz with my name. It said I would be defined as "sexually stunning"......well, duh!
I think the 'net itself is a fetish and it can be freaky. I mean, "if you ever deleted your 'history' in a panic, then you're a 'net whore".
Or, "if you've ever tried to e-mail granny pics of your summer vacation and she instead received pics of you and your 'slave' 2 hours into a fisting session... then you're a 'net whore".
And "if granny e-mailed you back pics of her in a "love swing" then your granny is a 'net whore".
ok shane that time i laughed
She let you take pictures?
I did that once but she stole my memory card.
Dominator just made me spit water on my keyboard!
not sure why i haven't seen any other HNT's by you but VERY VERY NICE!!!
Emma, you are gorgeous. If you're ever in Colorado you can show me your freaky side
I love this picture!
LOL - I have plenty of bizarro-fill in my life. Unfortunately none of it is sexual.
is it just me or is kj's blog gone?
Holy crap is that hot!
Happy HNT!
Some of us have way too much bizarro, but we aint spillin!
ah, em, you gorgeous, gorgeous creature. how i love thursdays here.
WOW that is a fantastic HNT you are beautiful!!!
Being a total freaky fetish person I'm with you all the way. How do they do it? HHNT!
/control need to lick monitor
is that a chat command? i hope it works.
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