
Inward dialogue

It only takes two seconds before almost immediately the stale mold on the breaded, crusty life force scrapes away and wafts into a summer evening breeze... Mingling with the fire flies.

Dances, teases and seeks to find something else to cling to.

My fingers feel nimble and overstimulated, my senses are alive with rapid and blunt strobes of juxtaposition.

Zero chance it would ever be brushed as easily as it's predecessor was so recently from my shoulders.

Though parts of this fungal armor have been missed and overlooked where the tainted areas are still adhering... unreachable from six different angles.

Those tidbits of repugnant irritations linger... But I hope not for long.

I am a child, I need to play. So the two heels click, they tap softly on a glossy floor.

I can see my reflection smiling back through the snapshots of color and music... Welcoming me to the happy warm comfort of something I forgot six lonely weeks ago.

And who is this woman? Does she remember?
It's an energy you know. A pulse and passion that five stallions couldn't drive for water if thirsty and emaciated.

It was only three hours later I was concealed in the music, touched by the others that had stayed, making their cardbox homes under the tables and in the restrooms, all suits are represented. Strange but vague they smile and kiss; they grow in their spiritual adolescence.... To find the four things.

Or was it three? Yet and still...

What makes them whole? Is it the same as me? Perhaps a piece is missing still... But no, it couldn't be. I feel quite together, and yet I think it's the staunchy mold that I cannot scratch off, festering....

It must come off. It must.... I could taste much better if only I could be completely free of it... But it's a task and my brow is weary. What to do?

I've scrubbed, antiscepted... prepared and treated.

I should go down the staircase again, only to return when I've fully bound myself in everything that is purely electric... But then, would you go two? And if you did, I know there would be no return.

So now if you choose, take my hand and let's walk... I'll attempt the first crooked faulty step downwards.

Promise to plant your hands firmly on either shoulder when you push.


Blogger sassinak said...

i somehow don't feel like this post is really for us.

but i'm glad you went dancing and that at least the surface rust got shaken loose!

8:44 PM, July 16, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Its a battle I've fought within myself actually. I've been away from the lifestyle for a bit but only recently was able to get back on track.

It's about re-emerging and picking up where I left off before all the other shit went down.

Like a starting over point for me to re-assess where I'm at and still being conflicted about my decisions.

Nobody in mind for this particular post but myself... and myself.

Kinda like inner dialogue, only a in a whisper.

HA. Would have been easier to write it about or to somebody then to write it to me.

8:53 PM, July 16, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

That and if you read it backwards three times it clearly says "Freddy is the Devil."

8:59 PM, July 16, 2006  
Blogger Spirit57 said...

Your blog, your words, your pain ...
Your life, your struggles ,

I offer you my hand ...I've been down the staircase before.

10:13 PM, July 16, 2006  
Blogger Osbasso said...

I caught the "Freddy is the Devil" part the first time around. Or at least I think I did...

Hope you get back into the swing of things, so to speak!

10:58 PM, July 16, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

Happy Monday

3:42 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...

i'm sure that we are all following you like a line of penguins

7:10 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger AndyT13 said...

Nice writing EN. Tons O love!

7:25 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

Morning Emma! :)

7:30 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Oolong T said...

I really like this post.

It speaks volumes about where you are with yourself and where you want to go, and I think it's great you're diving back in.

Maybe the break was needed, though, but I'm glad you're back at it ;)

8:09 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Editor Shawn said...

This is like one of those illusional posts.

Or a movie you can watch a thousand times and see something new in it every time you flip it on.

How very imaginative of you to throw so much out there, but to pull it back into that dark place inside you.

I have a feeling wednesday will be intresting.

8:22 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

put the fucking acid down before you start typing next time.

8:24 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Editor Shawn said...

If you had acid when you wrote this I will be pissed that you didn't share with the class.

8:50 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

is emma workin' er somethin'? she ain't made a peep all day.

8:57 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Editor Shawn said...

Yea it is kinda strange, let me see if I can find her.

9:47 AM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

uh....you used big words!

OMG Bill is here.....yeehaw!!!

12:22 PM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i think i just saw a ghost. calzone can't be far behind.....

12:25 PM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Good afternoon Miss Emma.

1:18 PM, July 17, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

i like what mimi said most of all

5:47 PM, July 17, 2006  

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