Frosty Metronome
This picture strongly represents the mood for today. Thanks to Ming and his friend Ulli for explaining it to me. 
Of course, there were other photos in his portfolio that I can connect with ultimately... but, this one takes the cake for today.
I have all sorts of business to attend to today, it is most likely I will not be online for the majority of my Wednesday. I have two meetings, one interview... and misc. errands. One of them being a trip to the DMV... for a license overhaul. Not only is my address wrong but my picture was taken 3 years ago, when I was 9 months pregnant. I am so tired of people denying my alcohol because my picture doesn't look like me currently. Like what? A gal can't lose some weight or what? I was a size 12 after birth of second child... currently a size 3.
I told you sex was a great cardio.
Last nights porno-fest was cancelled due to the necessity of communication between husband and I. The last few days I have been knocked out of my sexual rocker; becoming rather demure and unattentive... perhaps even melancholy. Husband was concerned and asked where his naughty girl was... tried to provoke her to emerge with no luck.
Responsibilites shun Horniness.... I detest responsibility right now. I owe it to myself and my husband to regain that sensual side... I will open the closet today and let her out I think. But first of course responsibilities must be checked-off... which brings me full circle to the tasks of today.
I am off to take care of the items at hand. I should come back to this blog renewed, re-energized, and completely and udderly non-distracted. If I were you, I would watch out... In past experiences it seems that when she is stifled, she comes back full force.
Hence, you've been warned...

Of course, there were other photos in his portfolio that I can connect with ultimately... but, this one takes the cake for today.
I have all sorts of business to attend to today, it is most likely I will not be online for the majority of my Wednesday. I have two meetings, one interview... and misc. errands. One of them being a trip to the DMV... for a license overhaul. Not only is my address wrong but my picture was taken 3 years ago, when I was 9 months pregnant. I am so tired of people denying my alcohol because my picture doesn't look like me currently. Like what? A gal can't lose some weight or what? I was a size 12 after birth of second child... currently a size 3.
I told you sex was a great cardio.
Last nights porno-fest was cancelled due to the necessity of communication between husband and I. The last few days I have been knocked out of my sexual rocker; becoming rather demure and unattentive... perhaps even melancholy. Husband was concerned and asked where his naughty girl was... tried to provoke her to emerge with no luck.
Responsibilites shun Horniness.... I detest responsibility right now. I owe it to myself and my husband to regain that sensual side... I will open the closet today and let her out I think. But first of course responsibilities must be checked-off... which brings me full circle to the tasks of today.

Hence, you've been warned...
teresa - I might be able to get Ulli over here (or you to Deutschland) to snap a few shots of you sliding up and down that stripper pole.
Then we can put YOU on our blogs!
Emma, Murph, talk her into it...
Ummm... T, I love you truly.
Although I am concerned as to why I was not asked to Duetchland.
*tear running down cheek*
not helping libido at all.
I vote no pole.
I vote T and I embraced, smothered in lubricant... rolling messily on the stage floor.
If not that, then mud wrestling... Murph can ref.
Apologies, my dear. No disrepect intended.
All are invited!
T wrapped around a glistening silver pole; you floating in a sea of latex body parts; me..., let's leave me out of this.
Airfare on Murph!
I like the blond red thing.
No T, no pole. We can dirty dance without it.
Murph. you better not even mentioned flying the whole harem...
I could hold you to that.
But then, I could hold you.
OK. Murph does the preliminary shots and coughs up airfare.
No pole.
Ulli should have artistic license as to any other props.
Only if we can use that bull whip...
Reminds me of... erg. Never mind.
Alright then... you wish to by-pass the 'sweet'? I'll do it for your attitude adjustment.
I could hold you, face first between my legs where it counts... clutching your peanut head within my beer can crushing thighs.
Or, I could hold your balls during the reach around..
which is preffered?
T - no worries, he needs to ejaculate.
Murph, did that work for an attitude adjustment, or what?
Ming... proceed with plans... we will be ready.
T - see what you have to look forward to?
Notice Murph did not reply?
EN - here's an idea if the attitude adjustment doesn't take. Be sure to get the tickets FIRST. OK?.
go with it T... I am, it's working well.
Ming, I am so sorry I clicked on that. Now I have to start all over again!
No silly, I am double jointed.
Which enables me to reach around while in front. Such a talent, I assure you...
Otherwise, the thigh lock is not to inflict pain... it's to keep you stable.
murph perhaps someone else is in front already?
I have to go TCB... meeting time.
Will catch up with ya'll later.
She's got you there Murph.
Can i have it too. I will then submit my tat pics.
Umm, shave? Where exactly is this tat located?
Visuals are interesting...
OMG! *spoken like an OC cheeleader* No offense intended... much love to Orange County.
I have a tat in almost exactly the same place!!!
See... we were meant to be together. Pray tell, which side (from your perspective)?
No fair.
LMAO crotch tattoo party!
It's ok, without giving too much away I can tell you that there is some Orange County dirt in my immediate vicinity.
That was so elusive, and yet so mysterious.
I think I'll get my black light out for that one.
*sung to a funny little tune*
I'm gonna make it with T, I'm gonna make it with T... la la la la la la la la
Absolutely.. I majored in innocence, with a second degree in just plain kinky.
Murph, admit you're on half hard right about now.
T - I sent you an email...
T - you may never go back...
And I can't imagine a more skilled and dedicated guide than the princess of Mount Venus.
Enjoy the ride!
I'm here.. have no fear
Shit that rhymed...
You have two.. I sent it to the TB instead of the TN...
Will resend.
Alright T, send me something, I will reply back.. I think I need to adjust firewall settings...
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Just ran into your blog - nice! I just started discovering blogs and the people that write them - it's hard to read them all. Have to keep my garden rose site up and running too! Ok - I won't promise you a rosegarden but feel free to check it out if you get time :-)
damm girl and you were jealous when i hit 40 comments one whole time.
also, not fair, not fair at all that you two ladies live SO FUCKING far away.
hrm i wonder who he thinks will pay for lunch?
i hate being nice... i so don't want to be nice today, i want to be a bitch and not helpful and go back to bed dammit!
No doubt he thinks I will.
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