And it begins downstairs in his bedroom. It is hot outside today, it is nice and cool here. It's dark, but I can hear you there... where are you?
Oh, you're hiding silly... come sit next to me, we can whisper for awhile.
I still can't see you, and you're not saying anything...why is it so dark in here?
I feel you... you're breath against my neck, your hair against my shoulder. I begin to breathe harder now, my heart begins to flutter a bit.
Your soft kiss on my ear. Your warm tongue on my skin... Can you see me?
It is so dark in here... Why aren't you saying anything?
I can feel you; the nervous palm sliding into my shirt, fingers clumsily searching for nipples. You caress me with the other,.. it's like heaven. I still can't see you.
Tighter your lips get, harder the kisses come.. your mouth meets my breasts, my legs begin to shake.. Please turn on the light, I want to see you. Can you see me?
It's so dark in here....
Hello? Will you say something?
Where are you?
I feel you now, between my legs.. I fall back and grab the sheets, tightly. It is pure exstacy, I feel overwhelmed... I want to see you, the light...
Faster your mouth works; my pulse has hit maximum capacity... I tighten my eyes, fighting back the urge to... too soon, please turn on the light.
No.. don't stop.... Hello? It's really dark in here... please...
Your hands on my hips, turning me... twisting me. I am dominated, grabbed tightly... my hair as your balance, my waist as your grip. You are behind me, now inside me... Say something...
I grab the sheets, biting down to surpress the moans of pleasure, and I open my eyes...
What's that, I see something.. the sheets... yes, they are plaid.
Everything suddenly just got better.
I bite harder, smiling, crying excitedly... and feel you working, sweating, coming. I want to scream too, but I want to hear you do it first.
I am wetter, hotter, tighter... you are harder, faster, better...superior.
I love it, every inch of it. Yes.
Oh, you're hiding silly... come sit next to me, we can whisper for awhile.
I still can't see you, and you're not saying anything...why is it so dark in here?
I feel you... you're breath against my neck, your hair against my shoulder. I begin to breathe harder now, my heart begins to flutter a bit.
Your soft kiss on my ear. Your warm tongue on my skin... Can you see me?
It is so dark in here... Why aren't you saying anything?
I can feel you; the nervous palm sliding into my shirt, fingers clumsily searching for nipples. You caress me with the other,.. it's like heaven. I still can't see you.
Tighter your lips get, harder the kisses come.. your mouth meets my breasts, my legs begin to shake.. Please turn on the light, I want to see you. Can you see me?
It's so dark in here....
Hello? Will you say something?
Where are you?
I feel you now, between my legs.. I fall back and grab the sheets, tightly. It is pure exstacy, I feel overwhelmed... I want to see you, the light...
Faster your mouth works; my pulse has hit maximum capacity... I tighten my eyes, fighting back the urge to... too soon, please turn on the light.
No.. don't stop.... Hello? It's really dark in here... please...
Your hands on my hips, turning me... twisting me. I am dominated, grabbed tightly... my hair as your balance, my waist as your grip. You are behind me, now inside me... Say something...
I grab the sheets, biting down to surpress the moans of pleasure, and I open my eyes...
What's that, I see something.. the sheets... yes, they are plaid.
Everything suddenly just got better.
I bite harder, smiling, crying excitedly... and feel you working, sweating, coming. I want to scream too, but I want to hear you do it first.
I am wetter, hotter, tighter... you are harder, faster, better...superior.
I love it, every inch of it. Yes.
breath of fresh air
Phew. I feel better today.... I had some weird dreams last night.
No, not complaining, they were great..believe me. But it was weird because it was almost as if I had regressed about 14 years back to high school. Dreaming of Angelo, and his plaid sheets. Its bizarre the things you remember in life.
I will have to post on this later as I am trying to coral my child outside for an extended period of time. Either for house cleaning, or masterbation...whichever may come first.
fishing good, two 6 packs of Mikes hard lemonade, bad. Headache, yes.... but it's Saturday, hence I must insert Tylenol intraveneously and pray for the Gatorade God to bless me with health.
Although, an even better way to beat a hang over? The bullet. I think I'll try that first.
tee hee
No, not complaining, they were great..believe me. But it was weird because it was almost as if I had regressed about 14 years back to high school. Dreaming of Angelo, and his plaid sheets. Its bizarre the things you remember in life.
I will have to post on this later as I am trying to coral my child outside for an extended period of time. Either for house cleaning, or masterbation...whichever may come first.
fishing good, two 6 packs of Mikes hard lemonade, bad. Headache, yes.... but it's Saturday, hence I must insert Tylenol intraveneously and pray for the Gatorade God to bless me with health.
Although, an even better way to beat a hang over? The bullet. I think I'll try that first.
tee hee
What's that in the sky? It's a bird.. It's a plane...

Okay, no. It was one of the most viewed Reuters photos though, in close competition with the scantily clad Santa Claus women.
Wonder why this pic is so popular? ahem.
Probably for it's Freudian value. Don't tell me it's just my dirty mind for chrissakes...
Alright so what, everything I see reminds me of him.
T'wood be really cool though to see a giant fallic object careening through the air, we could all have an Austin Powers moment and see how many people can come up with gentalia nicknames... Me first.
Alright so what, everything I see reminds me of him.
T'wood be really cool though to see a giant fallic object careening through the air, we could all have an Austin Powers moment and see how many people can come up with gentalia nicknames... Me first.
Testosterone Overload
You would think that with both bosses gone today and nothing in my inbox it would be a good day.
No such luck. Only thing going for me is my impending fishing trip this afternoon with the girls. Nothing like bikini fishing for bass. I lucked out because my friend is pissed at her husband and decided to "steal" his boat for the day, hence making it unavailable for his previously planned fishing trip with his friends. Called the girls together last night, very last minute. My husband, knowing he was in trouble for his antics the previous night, was more than happy to give the go-ahead, bless his heart.
So yeah; beer, boat, bikini, bass. Gotta love my vindictive friends.
On another note I woke up this morning ready to kick someones ass. And it doesn't help that everybody for some reason wants to give me shit today. Must be in the water.
So for all of you that didn't have one fucking nice thing to say to me, fuck off. I am done talking to you for today because you didn't take enough initiative to be nice to me this morning. fuckers. You are hereby bumped from the Category 2 list to the Shit list.. I'll just grudge fuck you for fun then...bitches.
If I had a picture of my ass, I would post it.
Pucker up screen-sucker and kiss mine.
I need some comfort and consolation the happiness of a warm gun could only provide. Dammit I have kids... and a suicide clause in my life insurance. Nix that.
Perhaps a methadone habit is in order, or just a bong toke...either one should suffice.
No such luck. Only thing going for me is my impending fishing trip this afternoon with the girls. Nothing like bikini fishing for bass. I lucked out because my friend is pissed at her husband and decided to "steal" his boat for the day, hence making it unavailable for his previously planned fishing trip with his friends. Called the girls together last night, very last minute. My husband, knowing he was in trouble for his antics the previous night, was more than happy to give the go-ahead, bless his heart.
So yeah; beer, boat, bikini, bass. Gotta love my vindictive friends.
On another note I woke up this morning ready to kick someones ass. And it doesn't help that everybody for some reason wants to give me shit today. Must be in the water.
So for all of you that didn't have one fucking nice thing to say to me, fuck off. I am done talking to you for today because you didn't take enough initiative to be nice to me this morning. fuckers. You are hereby bumped from the Category 2 list to the Shit list.. I'll just grudge fuck you for fun then...bitches.
If I had a picture of my ass, I would post it.
Pucker up screen-sucker and kiss mine.
I need some comfort and consolation the happiness of a warm gun could only provide. Dammit I have kids... and a suicide clause in my life insurance. Nix that.
Perhaps a methadone habit is in order, or just a bong toke...either one should suffice.
I'm sorry, are my breasts staring at you?
Alright, so I'm a bitch on wheels today.
That's right, no love for me; I was cheated. Bastard husband.
Alright so, it wasn't really his fault... and even though I went to bed pissed off, ultimately I had only myself to blame. Would you like to pull up a chair and join my pity party... fuck you then, you're hearing it anyway.
Late, late last night I attempted to provoke half-asleep husband to fufill his responsibility by being a provider... of an orgasm or two. As my post last night reflected I was in need of some extra special love and attention.
Mental Post-it: "Listen bitch, do your duty... felate me so I can sleep" is not an appropriate way to ask husband for late night oral sex. Although it should be, damn it.
So I told husband that I just wanted to kiss it goodnight...riiiiggghhhtt.
I put his dick in my mouth, it was only supposed to be for a minute in order to warm him up to satisy my needs... I didn't mean for him to come and for me to sit there...stunned...
"What the fuck did you do that for?" followed closely by "You were supposed to get me off."
"Well then why did you suck it?"
"Because I thought you could take a hint, stupid me. I was trying to get you ready!"
We both kind of looked at each other stupidly... long unintentional pause.
"Honey, I don't need any help in that department... Why didn't you stop then?"
What I wanted to say was: Well, you were holding my head down there... and I dunno, normally you're not so fucking selfish about it... you normally tell me when you're going to come so we can switch up!
I didn't... I just took the lame ass approach and said "I dunno..."
"What's eating you?"
"Not you... that's for sure... bitch."
Accession : deep down inside, I think he likes it when I call him bitch.
SO ... I went to bed pissed off, defeated and unfulfilled.
Husband was sedated... that pissed me off even more.
But like I said, ultimately it was all my fault.
Mental Post-it: Do not administer blow job until I get a little first.
Today, today is a little different. I feel agitated. I hope I am not PMSing... although my breasts are beginning to confirm my worst fear that I am. Yesterday afternoon they began expanding to an ungodly proportion. So much so I had to remove bra to improve mood.
I have two bra sizes thank you... I wear a C for 2 weeks, and a D for the other two.
Because this month seems to bring exceptional growth, I strapped my D on and wished for something larger. I am not a big woman by nature. Only 5'3", 115lbs... hence my wardrobe decision around this time seems to be a challenge since my clothes shrink, and I look incredibly dis-proportionate. Top heavy.
The C weeks I can comfortably wear something low cut, or tank tops without problem. On the D days I have to conceal a bit or I cause big distractions (unintentionally of course), or I bust my smaller-chested clothes. SO many cute tops I've trashed because I stretched them out by wearing them on a D day.
Today, I opted to wear a more conservative top, thought it was a safe bet.
Apparently not since just about everyone; man, woman, animal and mineral has made eye-contact with my tits first. I told my co-hort here at work that I would say something profound the next time somebody did that... considering the fucked up attitude I have today, and the constriction this stupid fucking bra is blessing me with... it is not a far stretch.
Last note to self: So what if you're nipples get hard when it's cold... just take the fucking boob-buster off already and let those babies fly. Do you think it would be any more of a distraction than they already are?
That's right, no love for me; I was cheated. Bastard husband.
Alright so, it wasn't really his fault... and even though I went to bed pissed off, ultimately I had only myself to blame. Would you like to pull up a chair and join my pity party... fuck you then, you're hearing it anyway.
Late, late last night I attempted to provoke half-asleep husband to fufill his responsibility by being a provider... of an orgasm or two. As my post last night reflected I was in need of some extra special love and attention.
Mental Post-it: "Listen bitch, do your duty... felate me so I can sleep" is not an appropriate way to ask husband for late night oral sex. Although it should be, damn it.
So I told husband that I just wanted to kiss it goodnight...riiiiggghhhtt.
I put his dick in my mouth, it was only supposed to be for a minute in order to warm him up to satisy my needs... I didn't mean for him to come and for me to sit there...stunned...
"What the fuck did you do that for?" followed closely by "You were supposed to get me off."
"Well then why did you suck it?"
"Because I thought you could take a hint, stupid me. I was trying to get you ready!"
We both kind of looked at each other stupidly... long unintentional pause.
"Honey, I don't need any help in that department... Why didn't you stop then?"
What I wanted to say was: Well, you were holding my head down there... and I dunno, normally you're not so fucking selfish about it... you normally tell me when you're going to come so we can switch up!
I didn't... I just took the lame ass approach and said "I dunno..."
"What's eating you?"
"Not you... that's for sure... bitch."
Accession : deep down inside, I think he likes it when I call him bitch.
SO ... I went to bed pissed off, defeated and unfulfilled.
Husband was sedated... that pissed me off even more.
But like I said, ultimately it was all my fault.
Mental Post-it: Do not administer blow job until I get a little first.
Today, today is a little different. I feel agitated. I hope I am not PMSing... although my breasts are beginning to confirm my worst fear that I am. Yesterday afternoon they began expanding to an ungodly proportion. So much so I had to remove bra to improve mood.
I have two bra sizes thank you... I wear a C for 2 weeks, and a D for the other two.
Because this month seems to bring exceptional growth, I strapped my D on and wished for something larger. I am not a big woman by nature. Only 5'3", 115lbs... hence my wardrobe decision around this time seems to be a challenge since my clothes shrink, and I look incredibly dis-proportionate. Top heavy.
The C weeks I can comfortably wear something low cut, or tank tops without problem. On the D days I have to conceal a bit or I cause big distractions (unintentionally of course), or I bust my smaller-chested clothes. SO many cute tops I've trashed because I stretched them out by wearing them on a D day.
Today, I opted to wear a more conservative top, thought it was a safe bet.
Apparently not since just about everyone; man, woman, animal and mineral has made eye-contact with my tits first. I told my co-hort here at work that I would say something profound the next time somebody did that... considering the fucked up attitude I have today, and the constriction this stupid fucking bra is blessing me with... it is not a far stretch.
Last note to self: So what if you're nipples get hard when it's cold... just take the fucking boob-buster off already and let those babies fly. Do you think it would be any more of a distraction than they already are?
My bad mood and it's contributors
What a fucked-up day.
Actually, the whole week has been a tad off-kilter. What with the last weekend being "full" with family functions and me trying to catch up on house cleaning and all the bogus fucking chores you put off and put off until you just can't anymore; like laundry for example...or dishes... or well...everything.
Simply said, I would happily go to work scantily clad in bra and panties just so I could go one more day without doing the laundry. Something tells me that nobody at work would really mind... no objections eh Max? Only as long as the bra and panties match (that's the obsessive compulsive in me).
My kids need clothes, and the husband too. I refuse to send my kids off to school in their undies, though they'd prefer ir that way, s'pecially the little one. My husband, well.....
I'd get a kick out of watching him going to work in his bra and panties anyday. Anyone touches his dick, they're dead.
To add to my misery this week, the emails between myself and someone else have dwindled...that sucks giant monkey balls. I like to talk to him. He brings warm fuzzy memory feelings... like an old sweater that you loved so much but thought you lost it at the hospital that one night when you took your girl friend in because she got a hot dog stuck in her vagina.
Alright... point lost.... seriously though, I wish we weren't too busy to chat....that fucking work thing always gets in the way, you know?
My boss has been riding my ass all day. I know, nice visual but really it is not pleasant. Listen lady, just because I hand you something you don't like to deal with don't treat me like I'm the idiot. Get pissed off at the idiot that handed it to me.
Unless you're sleeping with that person, which is entirely possible.
I'm getting better at dealing with her though. If I could just get under her desk for five... no thirty minutes, she'd be the hap-hap-happiest person this side of the Mississippi. Then we'd all get raises.. no, never mind, no amount of oral sex could do that.
Okay, a positive. I got some last night.. but it wasn't that great... it was hot and late... and well, tonight better be better damnit or I'm really going to be a bitch on wheels tomorrow. Yeah, did you feel the positivity in that? Me too.
Thanks for listening,..
Actually, the whole week has been a tad off-kilter. What with the last weekend being "full" with family functions and me trying to catch up on house cleaning and all the bogus fucking chores you put off and put off until you just can't anymore; like laundry for example...or dishes... or well...everything.
Simply said, I would happily go to work scantily clad in bra and panties just so I could go one more day without doing the laundry. Something tells me that nobody at work would really mind... no objections eh Max? Only as long as the bra and panties match (that's the obsessive compulsive in me).
My kids need clothes, and the husband too. I refuse to send my kids off to school in their undies, though they'd prefer ir that way, s'pecially the little one. My husband, well.....
I'd get a kick out of watching him going to work in his bra and panties anyday. Anyone touches his dick, they're dead.
To add to my misery this week, the emails between myself and someone else have dwindled...that sucks giant monkey balls. I like to talk to him. He brings warm fuzzy memory feelings... like an old sweater that you loved so much but thought you lost it at the hospital that one night when you took your girl friend in because she got a hot dog stuck in her vagina.
Alright... point lost.... seriously though, I wish we weren't too busy to chat....that fucking work thing always gets in the way, you know?
My boss has been riding my ass all day. I know, nice visual but really it is not pleasant. Listen lady, just because I hand you something you don't like to deal with don't treat me like I'm the idiot. Get pissed off at the idiot that handed it to me.
Unless you're sleeping with that person, which is entirely possible.
I'm getting better at dealing with her though. If I could just get under her desk for five... no thirty minutes, she'd be the hap-hap-happiest person this side of the Mississippi. Then we'd all get raises.. no, never mind, no amount of oral sex could do that.
Okay, a positive. I got some last night.. but it wasn't that great... it was hot and late... and well, tonight better be better damnit or I'm really going to be a bitch on wheels tomorrow. Yeah, did you feel the positivity in that? Me too.
Thanks for listening,..
The PILF Award
Ah-yes, the almighty PILF Award. What,...you've never heard of it before? I'm sorry for you.
So, you're guessing as to what it may be, eh? p, p, p... what starts with the letter P.
Alright I'll save you the agony. PILF stands for Parapelegic I'd Like to Fuck. What? I'm not joking...
This years Paraplegic I'd Like to Fuck Award goes to:

That's right, this years award goes to Long Jeanne Silver... not to be confused of course with Long John Silver. This paraplegic beauty only starred in one film apparently, and this is it. Guess when it came to acting, she just didn't have a leg to stand on... LOL
Leg to stand on, get it? I'm fucking hilarious.
Her grand prize for winning is to be featured on my blog,... perhaps she'll get some royalties if you go and check this one out at your local Blue Video, I'm sure she'd appreciate that kindly. Here is the excerpt from the box (it's the small print on the photo)... this is some sick shit people....
"1979.65min. Director; Alex DeRenzy. Cast; Long Jeanne Silver, Amber Hunt.
Jeanne Silver, a pretty amputee, appeared in men's magazines and on San Franscisco burlesque stages. She had the lower part of ther left leg removed when she was a child. The remaining stump, extending serveral inches below her knee, is little more than bone covered with flesh. Director Alex DeRenzy uses the psuedo-documentary format to display Silver's sexual habits. She fucks Amber Hunt during a threesome, impales two teenage students, and even goes so far as to ram it up a homosexual's ass. Long regarded as one of the more bizarre films of the 1970's, Long Jeanne Silver fufills all expectations for those seeking a "freak show" event!"
Hmm. If anyone has seen this don't be afraid to critique, much less admit it you've seen it.... I can't bring myself to view it...
That's some really weird shit.
So, you're guessing as to what it may be, eh? p, p, p... what starts with the letter P.
Alright I'll save you the agony. PILF stands for Parapelegic I'd Like to Fuck. What? I'm not joking...
This years Paraplegic I'd Like to Fuck Award goes to:

That's right, this years award goes to Long Jeanne Silver... not to be confused of course with Long John Silver. This paraplegic beauty only starred in one film apparently, and this is it. Guess when it came to acting, she just didn't have a leg to stand on... LOL
Leg to stand on, get it? I'm fucking hilarious.
Her grand prize for winning is to be featured on my blog,... perhaps she'll get some royalties if you go and check this one out at your local Blue Video, I'm sure she'd appreciate that kindly. Here is the excerpt from the box (it's the small print on the photo)... this is some sick shit people....
"1979.65min. Director; Alex DeRenzy. Cast; Long Jeanne Silver, Amber Hunt.
Jeanne Silver, a pretty amputee, appeared in men's magazines and on San Franscisco burlesque stages. She had the lower part of ther left leg removed when she was a child. The remaining stump, extending serveral inches below her knee, is little more than bone covered with flesh. Director Alex DeRenzy uses the psuedo-documentary format to display Silver's sexual habits. She fucks Amber Hunt during a threesome, impales two teenage students, and even goes so far as to ram it up a homosexual's ass. Long regarded as one of the more bizarre films of the 1970's, Long Jeanne Silver fufills all expectations for those seeking a "freak show" event!"
Hmm. If anyone has seen this don't be afraid to critique, much less admit it you've seen it.... I can't bring myself to view it...
That's some really weird shit.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell; Chapter One
By popular demand, and lack of new material.. I am posting the infamous "don't ask, don't tell" story originally written as fictional erotica some years back. I am going to break it up in chunks though and call them chapters, as the need facilitates. They will most likely be time stamped to appear under the previous chapters, so all you will have to do is scroll down for continuous reading.
In the mid-90's I was stationed on the east coast during my tour of duty with the United States Marine Corp; 3rd division, 2nd marines. Mid-way through my duty our unit was briefed to deploy on a naval ship for a med float, it would be six months at sea, once back in the states I would be flying overseas, for another 2 years serving in Sasebo.
Our unit departed early one morning, before sunrise.. we kissed our loved ones good-bye and promised we'd write. Since this was just after Desert Storm, we anticipated this would be a safe journey, and we would return unharmed in record time.
I had been seeing somebody for about a year when we deployed, and the relationship had gotten quite serious...even going so far as to becoming engaged. We would marry when I returned though I was hesitant that this was "the one."
I could still make him out in the crowd as the ship sailed slowly away from the coast line. I would miss his company...
Not far out from shore our drill sargeant who was this shrewd, spindly old woman, commanded us to our bunker to be briefed and to prepare for morning drills. Our attention then turned to not that of our friends and families, but of our jobs being marines; women marines...and the best women marine unit on the east coast.
As we walked in two's across the deck of the ship, we passed another marine unit doing their drills toward the bow, it was a all male marine unit! I couldn't believe it, we were sharing the ship! My good friend and soldier (code named "chilly") whispered to me in surprise "a male marine deployment with us?" she chuckled "Seriously?..."
I nodded slightly to acknowledge that I heard her. "this should be an interesting tour..." I added. We practically drooled on our boots as we passed their shirtless, tan, well built bodies doing crunches...one, two, three....
Later that evening, while joking around in the mess hall a bunch of us girls decided to pick our favorites. Since we hadn't really had the opportunity to meet any of them yet, we were working off of first impressions. In all it appeared there were 5 marine units assigned to the ship; 2 women platoons, 3 men platoons so we had many to choose from.
"I'll take the one with the hat over there" smiled Chilly as she tongued her spoon.
"Ummm you stupid fuck, they all have hats on..." chuckled Binder (Binder was a large, intimidating looking woman in my platoon. She was attractive but really big boned, sort of like a glorified dyke. On the subject of that, she was also a lesbian and proud of it. Going as far as drawing a pussy with a sharpie on the front of her helmet.)
"No, no...the different hat. The safari looking one..."
We all burst out into laughter "you wear a pith helmet on safari dumb-ass" I cajoled, "I think you're speaking of the blond one third table to my left?"
"yeah. he's hot." she sighed..."what I wouldn't give for a piece of that shit."
As I was scanning the crowded mess hall for my pick, one marine imparticular caught my eye. Probably because he was looking right back at me; through all of the soldiers that filled the room, we made direct eye contact. His gaze looked deep and concentrated, even a bit angry...perhaps animalistic? Was I beginning to feel uncomfortable with this? I feel funny.. almost like, he's looking right into my soul. Why is he looking at me like that? Like I am a object, a goal, a necessity... I feel hot, and a tad shy...he's still looking at me like that....what the fuck does that mean?
After about a minute of obvious staring... my concentration was broken; the connection lost.
"So dude," another girlfriend of mine, Stokes interrupted "who's your pick? Come on with it, we've all shared..."
"ummm..." my eyes floated back to the staring soldier who was no longer staring at me, but chatting with a guy next to him. "Probably, that one..." I pointed shyly towards a table in the opposite direction, where the tactical unit sat.
"Are you serious? No, no, no...you need some one better than that!" Stokes pushed past Chilly and stuck her fork into my mashed potatoes. As she shoved her mouth full she was able to point and mumble "that one..."
"Hey, that's the one I picked!" Chilly whined "You can't have him..."
The conversation went on and on, but I was not paying attention.. I was intrigued by that soldier sitting over there, the one that looked at me like that... that look I can't describe...
And I thought about that look for 3 long months.
In the mid-90's I was stationed on the east coast during my tour of duty with the United States Marine Corp; 3rd division, 2nd marines. Mid-way through my duty our unit was briefed to deploy on a naval ship for a med float, it would be six months at sea, once back in the states I would be flying overseas, for another 2 years serving in Sasebo.
Our unit departed early one morning, before sunrise.. we kissed our loved ones good-bye and promised we'd write. Since this was just after Desert Storm, we anticipated this would be a safe journey, and we would return unharmed in record time.
I had been seeing somebody for about a year when we deployed, and the relationship had gotten quite serious...even going so far as to becoming engaged. We would marry when I returned though I was hesitant that this was "the one."
I could still make him out in the crowd as the ship sailed slowly away from the coast line. I would miss his company...
Not far out from shore our drill sargeant who was this shrewd, spindly old woman, commanded us to our bunker to be briefed and to prepare for morning drills. Our attention then turned to not that of our friends and families, but of our jobs being marines; women marines...and the best women marine unit on the east coast.
As we walked in two's across the deck of the ship, we passed another marine unit doing their drills toward the bow, it was a all male marine unit! I couldn't believe it, we were sharing the ship! My good friend and soldier (code named "chilly") whispered to me in surprise "a male marine deployment with us?" she chuckled "Seriously?..."
I nodded slightly to acknowledge that I heard her. "this should be an interesting tour..." I added. We practically drooled on our boots as we passed their shirtless, tan, well built bodies doing crunches...one, two, three....
Later that evening, while joking around in the mess hall a bunch of us girls decided to pick our favorites. Since we hadn't really had the opportunity to meet any of them yet, we were working off of first impressions. In all it appeared there were 5 marine units assigned to the ship; 2 women platoons, 3 men platoons so we had many to choose from.
"I'll take the one with the hat over there" smiled Chilly as she tongued her spoon.
"Ummm you stupid fuck, they all have hats on..." chuckled Binder (Binder was a large, intimidating looking woman in my platoon. She was attractive but really big boned, sort of like a glorified dyke. On the subject of that, she was also a lesbian and proud of it. Going as far as drawing a pussy with a sharpie on the front of her helmet.)
"No, no...the different hat. The safari looking one..."
We all burst out into laughter "you wear a pith helmet on safari dumb-ass" I cajoled, "I think you're speaking of the blond one third table to my left?"
"yeah. he's hot." she sighed..."what I wouldn't give for a piece of that shit."
As I was scanning the crowded mess hall for my pick, one marine imparticular caught my eye. Probably because he was looking right back at me; through all of the soldiers that filled the room, we made direct eye contact. His gaze looked deep and concentrated, even a bit angry...perhaps animalistic? Was I beginning to feel uncomfortable with this? I feel funny.. almost like, he's looking right into my soul. Why is he looking at me like that? Like I am a object, a goal, a necessity... I feel hot, and a tad shy...he's still looking at me like that....what the fuck does that mean?
After about a minute of obvious staring... my concentration was broken; the connection lost.
"So dude," another girlfriend of mine, Stokes interrupted "who's your pick? Come on with it, we've all shared..."
"ummm..." my eyes floated back to the staring soldier who was no longer staring at me, but chatting with a guy next to him. "Probably, that one..." I pointed shyly towards a table in the opposite direction, where the tactical unit sat.
"Are you serious? No, no, no...you need some one better than that!" Stokes pushed past Chilly and stuck her fork into my mashed potatoes. As she shoved her mouth full she was able to point and mumble "that one..."
"Hey, that's the one I picked!" Chilly whined "You can't have him..."
The conversation went on and on, but I was not paying attention.. I was intrigued by that soldier sitting over there, the one that looked at me like that... that look I can't describe...
And I thought about that look for 3 long months.
Don't ask, Don't tell; Chapter Two
Five long weeks on the ship, and the days were getting tedious. Our unit seemed taxed for some down time, and it showed in our attitude. Since leaving the US there had been atleast a dozen fights aboard the vessel, not including my self-defense issue with some dyke from another platoon trying to make me a late night snack... I broke that bitches nose like it was nothing.
Not that I had a problem with a little sexual attention by this point, cause I didn't. There were many nights that my bunk mate would ask me to come down and spend some time with her, of course between her legs...or vice-versa.
I remember the first time she asked me, I was writing a letter to my fiance' back home. They had called light's out, so I was operating the pen and paper under sheet with a penlight held tightly in my mouth. Very camp-style I assure you. Anyway, I was telling him all the bull shit politics aboard the ship, how lonely I was, what books I was reading. Wanting to know if Kurt Cobain was really dead or not...
"Robinson..." she whispered....
That was my code name, Mrs. Robinson... named after the notorious MILF played by Anne Bancroft in the move "The Freshman." Why? Because I had two kids, was a normal everyday housewife, but felt needed a call to duty... there were no other women there like me, mostly young girls or women who had given up on life and decided to begin over in the USMC. The boot camp sargeant being the dick he was informed me the first day that I was only there "to suck the dicks of other soldiers and that would be my duty to my country. Then he followed up the abusive monologe saying something about me fucking the friends of my son, and if I really wanted to serve my country I should spread my legs for every pretty boy at the local high-school. Hence, I adopted the code name of Mrs. Robinson and from then on it followed me everywhere.
"Hey, Robinson..." she called up again, "Are you awake?"
"Yep." I replied while still clenching the flashlight between my teeth "I'm still awake."
"What are you doing?" she asked quietly, "are you busy?"
"Yep. Well, er, no..." I whispered, removing the flashlight so I could communicate a bit more clearly "I'm writing to Dave."
"That stupid fuck, eh? Why do you still write him?"
"Because he's my fucking fiance' that's why."
"You know, you don't really love him... why even keep up the facade. Dump him and have some fun while on duty..." she smiled "Especially since we'll be in the south of france soon and we have some libo coming." Our ship was set to dock at a port in the south of France in about two weeks, we would have a weekend on land, off-duty...party time.
"What, like I'm going to find some hot french guy?"
She crawled out from her bunk and stood, looking me eye to eye and seeming quite shocked at my response. "Didn't you get a passport?"
"What?" I looked back, just as surprised "A what? A passport."
"Yeah silly," she smiled kinda conivingly..."A passport. You fuck a man in each country and you get a stamp for each, once it's filled you get like.... a prize or some shit like that."
"ooh, sounds riveting." I retorted.."Can't believe I didn't get the memo on that one."
Down the way you could hear the low moaning of another pair in our bunker behaving badly. Then she went on "Robinson, can I ask you a question?"
"It's personal"
"Do you ever get lonely, like for companionship?"
I paused for a moment, never before being asked that question by one of my commrades.
"Well, yeah I mean, we've only been at sea for about a month. But I guess I get lonely, sure."
She stood back up to look at me and said "I'm lonely too, and I think we could help each other... " My curiousity was peaked, I had to know what she was up to.. "Yeah, how's that?"
"Would you come down and lay with me, in my cot... just for awhile...please?" whining a bit, she intertwined her fingers as if she were praying, her big brown eyes staring, almost pleading. "I would really like it if we could just, be close..." she stumbled a bit for the right words, "we don't have to do anything, no pressure."
At this point in my life I must say I had never been propositioned by a woman for "company" before. And I never considered myself attracted to the same sex at all except for the occasional beauty that you might notice walking down the street or at the grocery store. Honestly, I wasn't sure that if anything were to start, if I could finish it. I put down my notepad and my flashlight and turned toward her, coming within inches of her face.
"You want me to lie in your cot with you?"
"Uh-huh" she grinned widely, and then batted those eyes at me again "ppplllleeeeaaaassseee?"
She was cute, just about the best looking thing in our squad. Everybody had wanted to provide her with company, even some of the naval officers on board, it surprised me that this girl could ever have been lonely. "Okay, but only for a few minutes... I don't want to get us caught."
"That doesn't seem to be a problem..." she said sarcastically as she pointed toward the end of our bunker where they were still behaving badly, and there was an apparent climax happening.
She ducked down into her cot, I climbed down and followed. She had a pink blanket laid across her normal drab military issue sheets. "I like your blanket." I said, as I ran my hand across it, feeling how soft it was in comparison to the blanket I had up in my bunk. "Thanks, my mom gave it to me when we departed... It keeps me warmer than this old thing." She reached down and patted the drab one. "Lay down next to me and feel how nice it is against your skin." I laid down towards the inside of her cot against the wall, she pulled the blanket up over us until it reached out chins. "See, isn't it nice?" smiling, she then continued "Anytime you want to come down and use my blanket...you're more than welcome. But we're a package deal...no me, no blanket."
"All right," I agreed, "No you, no blanket."
And then there was a moment of silence.
"Robinson, can I ask you another question?" she sighed as she nuzzled closer to me almost touching, and reached up to stroke my hair.
"sure" I replied, allowing her to run her hand through my hair, enjoying the way It felt to have somebody showing any kind of adoration towards me. For the first time in a long while I actually felt a sensation of excitement as her fingertips met my long locks over and over again. "Have you ever kissed a girl?"
"Ummm... no." I whispered "That feels good though, the whole stroking my head thing... do that some more." I basked in the pleasure of being petted.
"I want to kiss you Robinson." she whispered, moving closer.
"And..." I replied "You're not going to ask permission are you?" I joked, almost hoping that she wouldn't have even stated that she wanted to and just done it.
She rolled over so her back was toward me, "no, I guess I won't."
More silence followed, I laid there thinking about the way her hand felt on my head. The way she caressed, the way her eyes widened as she pleaded for me to lay with her. I put my hand on her arm and began to run it up and down from her shoulder to her wrist and back. She didn't respond, she couldn't have been asleep... there hadn't been enough time for that. I wanted her to touch me again, I wanted to feel more of her than just her arm. I scooted towards her, almost spooning, then I lifted up and kissed her softly on the back of her neck. Her hair smelled great, almost fruity..and it was soft; softer than mine. The scent of her skin was one of soap with a hint of perfumey lotion, I breathed her in as I kissed her neck gently over and over again. When I noticed she was not responding I stopped "I was just being a smart-ass" I whispered softly into her ear "I didn't really want to hurt your feelings... let me kiss you." I couldn't believe what I was saying, or that I was even saying it... but with that she rolled over onto her back and looked up at me. "I've wanted to hear you say that for a long, long time. Ever since boot camp."
Then, I kissed her.
Her lips were soft, and yet softer than I would've imagined they'd be. And I instantly felt warm when our lips connected, more so than when I had kissed my fiance' so long ago. She teased me with her tongue, withdrawing it in and out as we kissed, making me want to continue to kiss her...everywhere. My hands began to wander to her stomach and under her tank top, she was not wearing a bra... this, combined with the passionate kisses added to my warmth and excitedness since I had never felt another girls tits before. I smoothed my hand further into her tank top and placed one hand on her right breast; kneading it, squeezing it, wanting to kiss them as I was kissing her now.
I worked down, kissing her neck, her shoulders, caressing her hair with my other hand..."that feels so good" she sighed "don't stop." I lifted the tank top and moved down under the pink blanket... groping the fullness of her breast with my mouth, working my tongue toward her hard nipple. My right hand, which was previously engaged under her shirt, now moved southward toward her panties, she tensed a bit as if she knew where It was going to rest. Her hands slid down my neck and rested on my shoulders, she pushed down a little kinda like she was anxious to have me deeper under the blanket.
Now you have to know that I had never even thought about fucking another girl, ever. I was raised in a conservative household, we didn't talk about our periods muchless sex. If you said the word "penis" my mother would surely faint. Losing my virginity at 18, big problem. Dating first guy seriously, bigger problem... moving in with someone before marriage...
-yikes- So if mom only knew what I was doing now; and to add insult to injury... loving it.
Per her verbal request, I did move down. Dragging my tongue down the center of her breasts, lapping her stomach playfully, kissing around her belly button, the scent of her alone was driving me crazy... she smelled so good and felt so soft on my fingertips. I knew right then that we was no going back... I needed her. inserting my hand into her panties, she gasped and moaned a little "yea, do that," I moved my hand deeper, until my fingers rested within her soft hair. I continued to kiss her belly, and then a bit lower toward her hips..."come back up here, I want to kiss you.." she moaned softly, almost in a whisper. Our lips met again as my fingers toyed with her clitoris. Our breathing became heavier as I burried my fingers deep within her wet pussy. I felt almost dominating, like I had control over her every emotion, and I was going to take it further... As her tongue went deeper into my mouth, my fingers pumped deeper in and out as she became wetter and wetter. "Oh my god, Robinson" she panted as she spread her legs wide, "it feels so good, I swear if you keep that up I'm going to come."
"Go ahead sweetheart," I nibbled at her ear "come for me...I want to feel it." I began to pump faster and harder, adding another finger to the equation... she reaches over and begins playing with my nipples, which were now quite hard, and ready for her mouth anytime. She's rigid, and getting a bit more slippery... I could smell her sex lofting up from under the pink blanket...I am getting far too turned on to continue this, I have to taste it.
I remove the sopping fingers, "no no, don't stop, please" she pleads as she sucks on my tits, "I was just about to come...please" But I had to taste it, I had to taste her pussy on my fingers... to my surprise it was sweet, and delicious. I tilted her head upwards to look at me "I have something else planned.. but you have to promise me you'll be quiet." She nodded, and I was on my way downward...to remove her panties.
The minute my tongue entered her, she squeeled but I didn't care. My mouth salivated at the thought of being between her legs and now I was... it was heaven. I flicked her clit with my tongue, dipping down every once in awhile to get a mouthful of her sweet juices as she came again and again.. "oh yeah, oh my god, shit that feels so fucking good... keep going..." Her hips rotated and elevated slightly off the sheets to accomodate my work.
I drifted farther into her soft, velvety folds... bringing my hands back to the pleasure spot to finish the job. "I'm going to fuck you and eat you... I want you to let it go and come hard for me..." Then I slid my fingers back into her hot, moist pussy and fucked her slowly while sucking longingly on her swollen genitalia, I must admit when she came, I came too even though I didn't have any sort-of manipulation.. and when I told her, she of course wanted to taste me as well. So down she went under the pink blanket, and I laid back feeling her tongue teasing me, sucking me, fucking me deep with her fingers... licking up the dripping come that had ran down toward the bed sheets, loving the feeling of her deep inside me... I never came so hard in my life as I did that night. I never knew orgasms like that even existed.
We lay there together, naked and under the blanket kissing softly and playfully.
"Robinson, you can't tell me that was you're first time..." she whispered
"Yeah, it was..why?"
"Cause it was almost like having a man down there... actually, it was better."
"We're going to have to stick together Chilly..."
"like prison?" she chuckled
"Yeah, like prison... only we'll trade who gets to be the bitch. You do it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.."
We snickered..."Hey" she added "If you could eat our bitch of a Sargeant like that, I bet she wouldn't be so fucking uptight."
"Yeah, scary thing is.. she probably needs a blow-job instead."
We both laughed quietly, "I have to get back in my bunk.." I whispered, still laughing. See you in the morning.
"In like, two hours...goodnight..."
Yep, I still remember that first time like it was yesterday, but that was 5 weeks ago... and bigger, better things are on the agenda.
Not that I had a problem with a little sexual attention by this point, cause I didn't. There were many nights that my bunk mate would ask me to come down and spend some time with her, of course between her legs...or vice-versa.
I remember the first time she asked me, I was writing a letter to my fiance' back home. They had called light's out, so I was operating the pen and paper under sheet with a penlight held tightly in my mouth. Very camp-style I assure you. Anyway, I was telling him all the bull shit politics aboard the ship, how lonely I was, what books I was reading. Wanting to know if Kurt Cobain was really dead or not...
"Robinson..." she whispered....
That was my code name, Mrs. Robinson... named after the notorious MILF played by Anne Bancroft in the move "The Freshman." Why? Because I had two kids, was a normal everyday housewife, but felt needed a call to duty... there were no other women there like me, mostly young girls or women who had given up on life and decided to begin over in the USMC. The boot camp sargeant being the dick he was informed me the first day that I was only there "to suck the dicks of other soldiers and that would be my duty to my country. Then he followed up the abusive monologe saying something about me fucking the friends of my son, and if I really wanted to serve my country I should spread my legs for every pretty boy at the local high-school. Hence, I adopted the code name of Mrs. Robinson and from then on it followed me everywhere.
"Hey, Robinson..." she called up again, "Are you awake?"
"Yep." I replied while still clenching the flashlight between my teeth "I'm still awake."
"What are you doing?" she asked quietly, "are you busy?"
"Yep. Well, er, no..." I whispered, removing the flashlight so I could communicate a bit more clearly "I'm writing to Dave."
"That stupid fuck, eh? Why do you still write him?"
"Because he's my fucking fiance' that's why."
"You know, you don't really love him... why even keep up the facade. Dump him and have some fun while on duty..." she smiled "Especially since we'll be in the south of france soon and we have some libo coming." Our ship was set to dock at a port in the south of France in about two weeks, we would have a weekend on land, off-duty...party time.
"What, like I'm going to find some hot french guy?"
She crawled out from her bunk and stood, looking me eye to eye and seeming quite shocked at my response. "Didn't you get a passport?"
"What?" I looked back, just as surprised "A what? A passport."
"Yeah silly," she smiled kinda conivingly..."A passport. You fuck a man in each country and you get a stamp for each, once it's filled you get like.... a prize or some shit like that."
"ooh, sounds riveting." I retorted.."Can't believe I didn't get the memo on that one."
Down the way you could hear the low moaning of another pair in our bunker behaving badly. Then she went on "Robinson, can I ask you a question?"
"It's personal"
"Do you ever get lonely, like for companionship?"
I paused for a moment, never before being asked that question by one of my commrades.
"Well, yeah I mean, we've only been at sea for about a month. But I guess I get lonely, sure."
She stood back up to look at me and said "I'm lonely too, and I think we could help each other... " My curiousity was peaked, I had to know what she was up to.. "Yeah, how's that?"
"Would you come down and lay with me, in my cot... just for awhile...please?" whining a bit, she intertwined her fingers as if she were praying, her big brown eyes staring, almost pleading. "I would really like it if we could just, be close..." she stumbled a bit for the right words, "we don't have to do anything, no pressure."
At this point in my life I must say I had never been propositioned by a woman for "company" before. And I never considered myself attracted to the same sex at all except for the occasional beauty that you might notice walking down the street or at the grocery store. Honestly, I wasn't sure that if anything were to start, if I could finish it. I put down my notepad and my flashlight and turned toward her, coming within inches of her face.
"You want me to lie in your cot with you?"
"Uh-huh" she grinned widely, and then batted those eyes at me again "ppplllleeeeaaaassseee?"
She was cute, just about the best looking thing in our squad. Everybody had wanted to provide her with company, even some of the naval officers on board, it surprised me that this girl could ever have been lonely. "Okay, but only for a few minutes... I don't want to get us caught."
"That doesn't seem to be a problem..." she said sarcastically as she pointed toward the end of our bunker where they were still behaving badly, and there was an apparent climax happening.
She ducked down into her cot, I climbed down and followed. She had a pink blanket laid across her normal drab military issue sheets. "I like your blanket." I said, as I ran my hand across it, feeling how soft it was in comparison to the blanket I had up in my bunk. "Thanks, my mom gave it to me when we departed... It keeps me warmer than this old thing." She reached down and patted the drab one. "Lay down next to me and feel how nice it is against your skin." I laid down towards the inside of her cot against the wall, she pulled the blanket up over us until it reached out chins. "See, isn't it nice?" smiling, she then continued "Anytime you want to come down and use my blanket...you're more than welcome. But we're a package deal...no me, no blanket."
"All right," I agreed, "No you, no blanket."
And then there was a moment of silence.
"Robinson, can I ask you another question?" she sighed as she nuzzled closer to me almost touching, and reached up to stroke my hair.
"sure" I replied, allowing her to run her hand through my hair, enjoying the way It felt to have somebody showing any kind of adoration towards me. For the first time in a long while I actually felt a sensation of excitement as her fingertips met my long locks over and over again. "Have you ever kissed a girl?"
"Ummm... no." I whispered "That feels good though, the whole stroking my head thing... do that some more." I basked in the pleasure of being petted.
"I want to kiss you Robinson." she whispered, moving closer.
"And..." I replied "You're not going to ask permission are you?" I joked, almost hoping that she wouldn't have even stated that she wanted to and just done it.
She rolled over so her back was toward me, "no, I guess I won't."
More silence followed, I laid there thinking about the way her hand felt on my head. The way she caressed, the way her eyes widened as she pleaded for me to lay with her. I put my hand on her arm and began to run it up and down from her shoulder to her wrist and back. She didn't respond, she couldn't have been asleep... there hadn't been enough time for that. I wanted her to touch me again, I wanted to feel more of her than just her arm. I scooted towards her, almost spooning, then I lifted up and kissed her softly on the back of her neck. Her hair smelled great, almost fruity..and it was soft; softer than mine. The scent of her skin was one of soap with a hint of perfumey lotion, I breathed her in as I kissed her neck gently over and over again. When I noticed she was not responding I stopped "I was just being a smart-ass" I whispered softly into her ear "I didn't really want to hurt your feelings... let me kiss you." I couldn't believe what I was saying, or that I was even saying it... but with that she rolled over onto her back and looked up at me. "I've wanted to hear you say that for a long, long time. Ever since boot camp."
Then, I kissed her.
Her lips were soft, and yet softer than I would've imagined they'd be. And I instantly felt warm when our lips connected, more so than when I had kissed my fiance' so long ago. She teased me with her tongue, withdrawing it in and out as we kissed, making me want to continue to kiss her...everywhere. My hands began to wander to her stomach and under her tank top, she was not wearing a bra... this, combined with the passionate kisses added to my warmth and excitedness since I had never felt another girls tits before. I smoothed my hand further into her tank top and placed one hand on her right breast; kneading it, squeezing it, wanting to kiss them as I was kissing her now.
I worked down, kissing her neck, her shoulders, caressing her hair with my other hand..."that feels so good" she sighed "don't stop." I lifted the tank top and moved down under the pink blanket... groping the fullness of her breast with my mouth, working my tongue toward her hard nipple. My right hand, which was previously engaged under her shirt, now moved southward toward her panties, she tensed a bit as if she knew where It was going to rest. Her hands slid down my neck and rested on my shoulders, she pushed down a little kinda like she was anxious to have me deeper under the blanket.
Now you have to know that I had never even thought about fucking another girl, ever. I was raised in a conservative household, we didn't talk about our periods muchless sex. If you said the word "penis" my mother would surely faint. Losing my virginity at 18, big problem. Dating first guy seriously, bigger problem... moving in with someone before marriage...
-yikes- So if mom only knew what I was doing now; and to add insult to injury... loving it.
Per her verbal request, I did move down. Dragging my tongue down the center of her breasts, lapping her stomach playfully, kissing around her belly button, the scent of her alone was driving me crazy... she smelled so good and felt so soft on my fingertips. I knew right then that we was no going back... I needed her. inserting my hand into her panties, she gasped and moaned a little "yea, do that," I moved my hand deeper, until my fingers rested within her soft hair. I continued to kiss her belly, and then a bit lower toward her hips..."come back up here, I want to kiss you.." she moaned softly, almost in a whisper. Our lips met again as my fingers toyed with her clitoris. Our breathing became heavier as I burried my fingers deep within her wet pussy. I felt almost dominating, like I had control over her every emotion, and I was going to take it further... As her tongue went deeper into my mouth, my fingers pumped deeper in and out as she became wetter and wetter. "Oh my god, Robinson" she panted as she spread her legs wide, "it feels so good, I swear if you keep that up I'm going to come."
"Go ahead sweetheart," I nibbled at her ear "come for me...I want to feel it." I began to pump faster and harder, adding another finger to the equation... she reaches over and begins playing with my nipples, which were now quite hard, and ready for her mouth anytime. She's rigid, and getting a bit more slippery... I could smell her sex lofting up from under the pink blanket...I am getting far too turned on to continue this, I have to taste it.
I remove the sopping fingers, "no no, don't stop, please" she pleads as she sucks on my tits, "I was just about to come...please" But I had to taste it, I had to taste her pussy on my fingers... to my surprise it was sweet, and delicious. I tilted her head upwards to look at me "I have something else planned.. but you have to promise me you'll be quiet." She nodded, and I was on my way downward...to remove her panties.
The minute my tongue entered her, she squeeled but I didn't care. My mouth salivated at the thought of being between her legs and now I was... it was heaven. I flicked her clit with my tongue, dipping down every once in awhile to get a mouthful of her sweet juices as she came again and again.. "oh yeah, oh my god, shit that feels so fucking good... keep going..." Her hips rotated and elevated slightly off the sheets to accomodate my work.
I drifted farther into her soft, velvety folds... bringing my hands back to the pleasure spot to finish the job. "I'm going to fuck you and eat you... I want you to let it go and come hard for me..." Then I slid my fingers back into her hot, moist pussy and fucked her slowly while sucking longingly on her swollen genitalia, I must admit when she came, I came too even though I didn't have any sort-of manipulation.. and when I told her, she of course wanted to taste me as well. So down she went under the pink blanket, and I laid back feeling her tongue teasing me, sucking me, fucking me deep with her fingers... licking up the dripping come that had ran down toward the bed sheets, loving the feeling of her deep inside me... I never came so hard in my life as I did that night. I never knew orgasms like that even existed.
We lay there together, naked and under the blanket kissing softly and playfully.
"Robinson, you can't tell me that was you're first time..." she whispered
"Yeah, it was..why?"
"Cause it was almost like having a man down there... actually, it was better."
"We're going to have to stick together Chilly..."
"like prison?" she chuckled
"Yeah, like prison... only we'll trade who gets to be the bitch. You do it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.."
We snickered..."Hey" she added "If you could eat our bitch of a Sargeant like that, I bet she wouldn't be so fucking uptight."
"Yeah, scary thing is.. she probably needs a blow-job instead."
We both laughed quietly, "I have to get back in my bunk.." I whispered, still laughing. See you in the morning.
"In like, two hours...goodnight..."
Yep, I still remember that first time like it was yesterday, but that was 5 weeks ago... and bigger, better things are on the agenda.
Don't ask, Don't Tell; Chapter Three
Six weeks is a long fucking time to be stuck in a giant fucking tin can with a bunch of other soldiers. Normal deployment time is 2 weeks or so and then you port. Well sure, under normal circumstances… but due to current affairs overseas it appeared our course kept routing and routing.
Now I understand how people go fucking crazy. I had heard stories about being on ship for two weeks, and how intense it can become. The scene just about everywhere was fucking bizarre-o…from the stressed out to the extroverted; nothing was too much of a secret… And don’t let that surprise you about being on ship; especially stocked co-ed.
We were trying to be all that we could be, but it was getting iffy. As the weeks dragged on it seemed we would never port. The water was seamless and endless, we were looking forward to some freedom.
Chilly and I continued our rituals under the pink blanket, but that was getting tedious as well. Quarters were way too close and the others were starting to talk. High school politics shit, I fucking swear.
One morning, when exercises were through; we hit the showers and headed for the mess hall to eat breakfast. I looked forward to meals; because I knew that at meals I would get to see him closer than from across the deck.
That’s right; that soldier, sitting at the same table, in the same spot, and every fucking day looking at me; with those angry-sexual eyes. So many times I had fantasized about those eyes staring at me, as Chilly would eat me out. So many times I had to masturbate after meals in a quiet corner just to get through the evening….
Because of that fucking guy.
So I sit, and I look… and he’s there.
I can’t take it anymore… I am breaking.
”What’s your fucking problem?” Stokes grunts; as she sits across from me, clunking the tray down on the table “you look like you’re about to kick somebody’s ass…”
“I am,” I replied, feeling shaken and sick for what I was about to do…
“Whose bothering you then, let’s deal with it.” She lifted her cup to drink.
I replied again, “I am… and… I am.
Her face looked puzzled as I stood up, and walked over (felt like miles), and approach his table… his eyes follow me as I traveled,. I start to feel sick. “Please don’t fucking puke” I think to myself, “Oh god, don’t puke.. don’t get sick….”
I approach the table. My eyes are glossy from repelling my gag reflex…
Four other guys from his division were sitting with him… they all look up at me in unison. I am definitely going to get sick.
“Hi.” Says one of them, kindly, “you look sick”
“Am thanks” I muttered… then just stood there like a retard.
“And, you thought we could help?” he smiled widely in reply.
Then, most appropriately; a long silence….
“No, I” I began to stumble again… “I thought…” Shit, I need to pull my shit together, right now. Courage, marine, courage.
The others sitting there began to chuckle at my demise. I looked to the soldier with the eyes, and he looked up at me… and he said “It wasn’t my day for kitchen detail.”
And then he smiled widely… more so than his cohorts.
Fuck this shit, I’m just doing it. I remember my strength and blurt “No, actually I came over here because I wanted to introduce myself.”
“Huh?” another one of the guys stopped, as if this caught his interest.
“Yea, you see, me and the other girls in our unit would love to party with you guys when we port. Whaddya say?”
“Sure cool, what’s your name.”
“Well, they call me Robinson, but the name on my underwear is Jennings.”
“Robinson, I’m Jackson… and this here is Mikey… and this one ….” He points to the other two guys, at this point I’m not hearing their names, I am waiting for the soldier to introduce himself…. And then he did.
He extends his hand to shake mine, which is more than his buddies offered, “I’m Hayward, well at least that’s the name on my underwear.” I shook his hand, hoping that he would not notice the sweat on my palms, “They call me Howie.”
His comrade Mikey interrupts “But you can call him anything you like.” They all begin to laugh except for Howie, who looks back up at me inquisitively.
“So, you want to party with my guys eh?”
“You’re guys?” I mocked, though curious, “Whatd’ya pimp them out or something?”
His face grew stern, “On Sundays after church… But watch your mouth private, you’re talking to a Corporal.”
His gang of merry men begin to chuckle…
“Uh, yeah. .sorry” I stutter slightly, “When we port, us ladies would like to do a group thing..”
Oh Shit, I think to myself… did I just say a group thing? Oh fuck I can’t believe I just said that. Prepare for greasy comments. They all erupt into laughter again…
“Group thing… that sounds great” laughs Jackson, nudging Mikey on the shoulder to participate in the foolery.
“Ooh,” says Mikey, “I want the big fat bitch in the center. “I bet she could suck a mean dick.”
“I want the cute little redhead thing… I could toss her a salad with dressing.” Added another guy from across the table whose name I didn’t catch.
“That’s not what she’s talking about you fuck..” Howie interjected. “Don’t be a bunch of assholes…”
“Yes sir Corporal..” snickered Mikey as he gave a very comedic salute to Howie, “I’ll go walk the fuckin’ plank or some shit… you need to get laid Howie…”
Mikey then motioned to the other four guys, “Come on guys.., The smoking lamps lit.”
They all stood and collected their trays, as they began to leave Jackson stops as he passes me “See you on the train sweetheart,” and walks away, shouting over his shoulder as he goes “Later Howie…”
So there we were, sure in the middle of a still crowded mess hall… but within a three foot radius, we were alone. I looked over my shoulder to be sure my girls were still there; they were, staring back curiously and wondering why those “guys” just blew kisses in their direction as they left.
“Yeah, so sorry about those guys, they’re really just a bunch of assholes. But they’re my assholes…” He sighed “The military does that to ya, I’m sure they were perfectly normal people back at home.”
“Yeah? You think so”
“Probably, I mean, somebody at home loves them… I’m sure.”
“Really,” I gaffed, “That’s difficult to imagine.”
“Wanna sit?” His palm extended to the empty spot at the table across from him.
“Uh, I should get back to my unit” I look back over my shoulder, but the girls are gone… the mess hall is emptying… we are even more alone now. I turn back and shrug, “Well, they’re gone so why not?”
So I am sitting across from him, the soldier.
The one with the burning gaze that seems even more intoxicating now that I’m sitting right across from it. We began to talk about where we were from, why we joined the Marines, what we felt we should be accomplishing, if anything. I tried to maintain my end of the conversation, but found it a challenge as all I could think about was how does he feel? Taste? Fuck?
What he’s probably saying: well I come from California originally…
And I hear: blah blah blah come blah blah blah
It was time for briefings, and the announcement of it over the PA was what eventually ended the conversation. “I’ll see you when we port.”
“You will?”
“Yes, I will find you.”
Stunned and really turned on…”You will.”
“Yes, I am always watching.” He picks up his tray and mug from the table as he rises, I unintentionally look to his fly region… women do that.
“Yes, I have noticed..” I smile, though not hard I can make something out through the military issue sweatpants; which were awful by the way.
I stand to join him and leave, “We can talk about it…” I start to feel a bit distressed, as this quiet moment was ending. I would have to burn it into my memory for a little finger satisfaction later.
“I’ll see you Robinson…Jennings…” he casually waves as we part “Hope you enjoyed my package.” Then almost abruptly he stops, turns, and walks back towards me, prompting me to stop as well. He walks swiftly, coming up close to me… so close I could smell him. Instant gratification, I am so fucking hot right now I swear I’ll come if he so much as brushes against me. He advances to my ear, I tilt my head in to hear him, and he whispers “The lottery is coming, don’t enter it.”
Now I understand how people go fucking crazy. I had heard stories about being on ship for two weeks, and how intense it can become. The scene just about everywhere was fucking bizarre-o…from the stressed out to the extroverted; nothing was too much of a secret… And don’t let that surprise you about being on ship; especially stocked co-ed.
We were trying to be all that we could be, but it was getting iffy. As the weeks dragged on it seemed we would never port. The water was seamless and endless, we were looking forward to some freedom.
Chilly and I continued our rituals under the pink blanket, but that was getting tedious as well. Quarters were way too close and the others were starting to talk. High school politics shit, I fucking swear.
One morning, when exercises were through; we hit the showers and headed for the mess hall to eat breakfast. I looked forward to meals; because I knew that at meals I would get to see him closer than from across the deck.
That’s right; that soldier, sitting at the same table, in the same spot, and every fucking day looking at me; with those angry-sexual eyes. So many times I had fantasized about those eyes staring at me, as Chilly would eat me out. So many times I had to masturbate after meals in a quiet corner just to get through the evening….
Because of that fucking guy.
So I sit, and I look… and he’s there.
I can’t take it anymore… I am breaking.
”What’s your fucking problem?” Stokes grunts; as she sits across from me, clunking the tray down on the table “you look like you’re about to kick somebody’s ass…”
“I am,” I replied, feeling shaken and sick for what I was about to do…
“Whose bothering you then, let’s deal with it.” She lifted her cup to drink.
I replied again, “I am… and… I am.
Her face looked puzzled as I stood up, and walked over (felt like miles), and approach his table… his eyes follow me as I traveled,. I start to feel sick. “Please don’t fucking puke” I think to myself, “Oh god, don’t puke.. don’t get sick….”
I approach the table. My eyes are glossy from repelling my gag reflex…
Four other guys from his division were sitting with him… they all look up at me in unison. I am definitely going to get sick.
“Hi.” Says one of them, kindly, “you look sick”
“Am thanks” I muttered… then just stood there like a retard.
“And, you thought we could help?” he smiled widely in reply.
Then, most appropriately; a long silence….
“No, I” I began to stumble again… “I thought…” Shit, I need to pull my shit together, right now. Courage, marine, courage.
The others sitting there began to chuckle at my demise. I looked to the soldier with the eyes, and he looked up at me… and he said “It wasn’t my day for kitchen detail.”
And then he smiled widely… more so than his cohorts.
Fuck this shit, I’m just doing it. I remember my strength and blurt “No, actually I came over here because I wanted to introduce myself.”
“Huh?” another one of the guys stopped, as if this caught his interest.
“Yea, you see, me and the other girls in our unit would love to party with you guys when we port. Whaddya say?”
“Sure cool, what’s your name.”
“Well, they call me Robinson, but the name on my underwear is Jennings.”
“Robinson, I’m Jackson… and this here is Mikey… and this one ….” He points to the other two guys, at this point I’m not hearing their names, I am waiting for the soldier to introduce himself…. And then he did.
He extends his hand to shake mine, which is more than his buddies offered, “I’m Hayward, well at least that’s the name on my underwear.” I shook his hand, hoping that he would not notice the sweat on my palms, “They call me Howie.”
His comrade Mikey interrupts “But you can call him anything you like.” They all begin to laugh except for Howie, who looks back up at me inquisitively.
“So, you want to party with my guys eh?”
“You’re guys?” I mocked, though curious, “Whatd’ya pimp them out or something?”
His face grew stern, “On Sundays after church… But watch your mouth private, you’re talking to a Corporal.”
His gang of merry men begin to chuckle…
“Uh, yeah. .sorry” I stutter slightly, “When we port, us ladies would like to do a group thing..”
Oh Shit, I think to myself… did I just say a group thing? Oh fuck I can’t believe I just said that. Prepare for greasy comments. They all erupt into laughter again…
“Group thing… that sounds great” laughs Jackson, nudging Mikey on the shoulder to participate in the foolery.
“Ooh,” says Mikey, “I want the big fat bitch in the center. “I bet she could suck a mean dick.”
“I want the cute little redhead thing… I could toss her a salad with dressing.” Added another guy from across the table whose name I didn’t catch.
“That’s not what she’s talking about you fuck..” Howie interjected. “Don’t be a bunch of assholes…”
“Yes sir Corporal..” snickered Mikey as he gave a very comedic salute to Howie, “I’ll go walk the fuckin’ plank or some shit… you need to get laid Howie…”
Mikey then motioned to the other four guys, “Come on guys.., The smoking lamps lit.”
They all stood and collected their trays, as they began to leave Jackson stops as he passes me “See you on the train sweetheart,” and walks away, shouting over his shoulder as he goes “Later Howie…”
So there we were, sure in the middle of a still crowded mess hall… but within a three foot radius, we were alone. I looked over my shoulder to be sure my girls were still there; they were, staring back curiously and wondering why those “guys” just blew kisses in their direction as they left.
“Yeah, so sorry about those guys, they’re really just a bunch of assholes. But they’re my assholes…” He sighed “The military does that to ya, I’m sure they were perfectly normal people back at home.”
“Yeah? You think so”
“Probably, I mean, somebody at home loves them… I’m sure.”
“Really,” I gaffed, “That’s difficult to imagine.”
“Wanna sit?” His palm extended to the empty spot at the table across from him.
“Uh, I should get back to my unit” I look back over my shoulder, but the girls are gone… the mess hall is emptying… we are even more alone now. I turn back and shrug, “Well, they’re gone so why not?”
So I am sitting across from him, the soldier.
The one with the burning gaze that seems even more intoxicating now that I’m sitting right across from it. We began to talk about where we were from, why we joined the Marines, what we felt we should be accomplishing, if anything. I tried to maintain my end of the conversation, but found it a challenge as all I could think about was how does he feel? Taste? Fuck?
What he’s probably saying: well I come from California originally…
And I hear: blah blah blah come blah blah blah
It was time for briefings, and the announcement of it over the PA was what eventually ended the conversation. “I’ll see you when we port.”
“You will?”
“Yes, I will find you.”
Stunned and really turned on…”You will.”
“Yes, I am always watching.” He picks up his tray and mug from the table as he rises, I unintentionally look to his fly region… women do that.
“Yes, I have noticed..” I smile, though not hard I can make something out through the military issue sweatpants; which were awful by the way.
I stand to join him and leave, “We can talk about it…” I start to feel a bit distressed, as this quiet moment was ending. I would have to burn it into my memory for a little finger satisfaction later.
“I’ll see you Robinson…Jennings…” he casually waves as we part “Hope you enjoyed my package.” Then almost abruptly he stops, turns, and walks back towards me, prompting me to stop as well. He walks swiftly, coming up close to me… so close I could smell him. Instant gratification, I am so fucking hot right now I swear I’ll come if he so much as brushes against me. He advances to my ear, I tilt my head in to hear him, and he whispers “The lottery is coming, don’t enter it.”
Don't ask, Don't tell; Chapter Four
That evening, I had dinner with my platoon… I did not stray over to the soldier, even though he was there. I looked, he looked… but this time we smiled.
“What the fuck?!?” Chilly screeched “What the fuck is up with you and that dick on legs over there…”
“Relax Chilly, jesus fucking Christ... share it with the whole fucking mess hall would ya?”
“You were with him at breakfast, I came to breakfast late and you weren’t even fucking here.” She folded her arms and frowned angrily, she was acting overly jealous… understatement alert.
“Relax Chilly,” she was irritating and bitchy… like a girlfriend.
“No Robinson, I wanna know if you’re gonna fuck him?”
“Jesus Christ Chilly” drawled Stokes, “She was just talking to the fucking guy, what the fuck..”
“I just pisses me off, is all.”
“So, you’re afraid of losing your pussy, eh?” Snorted Binder, “Afraid she might remember how much she really enjoyed dick?”
Fuck you Binder, This isn’t your fucking issue alright?” Chilly’s voice was becoming eve more shrill now, almost bursting my fucking ear drums; that shit hurt. But, overall it was just irritating… I chose to keep my mouth shut and fumble for my earplugs still in my pocket from this afternoon’s activities.
“No, fuck you. You little bitch… you think just because you’ve stuck your tongue in someone, their fucking yours…” Bender was hitting a soft spot now, Chilly began to fume, she stood quickly as if to leave. I reached up and pulled her back to the bench by way of her pant leg.
“Relax, please…” I tried to be as soothing as I could, not sure if I could tame her. “Sit and eat your dinner. I am here, now, we can talk about this.”
“You dirty little twat” Bender kept on. “First you gotta fuck with me, now you gotta fuck with her.”
I stopped cold, what did she say? I had never made the connection. Bender and Chilly…? No fucking way. Her eyes darted toward me, a look of horror on her face; it was true.
“God damn it! You fucking bitch, I told you we were going to leave that alone!” She stood again, beginning to make a scene.
“Well, Stokes smiled, “The cat’s out of the bag now.”
Bender then looked at me and said “She tastes sweet, doesn’t she? Yes she does…” Chilly began to shake with anger, her earlobes were turning red, this was not a good sign.
Bender continued on “yeah, she’s a little tramp you know.. just about had everyone in the platoon.” She pointed down the table… “I can name at least, what Chilly… six?”
“You bitch!” Chilly lept across the table, fingernails outstretched and ready for attack onto Bender, a fist fight ensued. Amidst the flying fists and fingernails, I and the others were able to make way for the thrashings.
Before military police could get there, Bender was able to pound the shit out of her… slamming her face into the table like putty. Chilly sustained something that appeared to be a broken nose. It bled like fucking crazy. Bender on the other hand, was getting her own wounds from Chilly’s fingernails, which by the way are really sharp.
We were quarantined back in our bunks for the rest of the evening, and on the verge of losing our first liberty, only two days away. As we awaited our fate from the drill sergeant, I asked upon Matthews, another girl in my division who was in good with one of the other male platoons aboard ship if she wanted to play some cribbage. She was cool to play cards with, always the best conversations about the people and places on the ship… Okay, actually she was screwing the drill sergeants; everybody knew.. but she had no clue it was public.
“So, what’s the lottery?” I asked, trying to work it in like normal conversation.
“Where did you hear about the lottery?” She appeared startled by my question, shockingly, she fumbled her deck of cards.
“From another marine, why?”
“I was just wondering, doesn’t seem something you’re in to.”
“Well, I don’t even know what it is, so… maybe I’m not.” I hesitated, but was still curious. “He told me not to enter.”
“Really?” she appeared shocked, again. “He told you not to?”
“Yes, he told me no… So, what is it?”
“It’s a game the soldiers like to play when the can is stocked co-ed. You see, you sign up on this big ass sheet of paper, they assign you a number. There is a guy paper and numbers, and a girl paper and numbers… they draw numbers per week.”
“Uh-huh,” I was truly captivated by what she was telling me.
She continued “So they draw the numbers, pair them…”
“..and once you’re told you go fuck in the old ship-mates quarters…”
My mouth was agape “The old ship-mates quarters next to that big ass boiler?”
“yes, the one that’s so fucking loud your ears want to explode.”
Ah hah, curiousity satisfied, now time for questions. “I guess that would make sense since nobody could hear you back there.”
“That’s right” she added “And the sailors that work down there always wear earplugs and
never go into those quarters because they’re locked.”
“Really?” I was captivated once again “How do you get in if it’s locked.”
“Well, usually the guy marine is given the key…” She smiled as if she knew exactly how it worked “When they tell you it’s time… it’s time.”
“And as a number in the lottery, you have no say in who you fuck?”
She smiled even wider “That’s right.”
“So, I inquired, you never know who you’re gonna get?”
“Right.” She then leaned in, and said softly “I have gotten lucky a few times, with sergeants and all… that’s a privilege.”
She began to shuffle and deal the next game.. I pondered out loud while waiting for my hand, “No wonder he doesn’t want me to do it.”
“Who told you not to anyway?” She set the deck on her bunk, I grabbed my hand.
“Howie told me not to…” I fanned my cards. Again, her face was startled… and she appeared just as shocked as my original question…. Very curious.
Sweet, I thought to myself… 5’s and Aces; good hand.
“What the fuck?!?” Chilly screeched “What the fuck is up with you and that dick on legs over there…”
“Relax Chilly, jesus fucking Christ... share it with the whole fucking mess hall would ya?”
“You were with him at breakfast, I came to breakfast late and you weren’t even fucking here.” She folded her arms and frowned angrily, she was acting overly jealous… understatement alert.
“Relax Chilly,” she was irritating and bitchy… like a girlfriend.
“No Robinson, I wanna know if you’re gonna fuck him?”
“Jesus Christ Chilly” drawled Stokes, “She was just talking to the fucking guy, what the fuck..”
“I just pisses me off, is all.”
“So, you’re afraid of losing your pussy, eh?” Snorted Binder, “Afraid she might remember how much she really enjoyed dick?”
Fuck you Binder, This isn’t your fucking issue alright?” Chilly’s voice was becoming eve more shrill now, almost bursting my fucking ear drums; that shit hurt. But, overall it was just irritating… I chose to keep my mouth shut and fumble for my earplugs still in my pocket from this afternoon’s activities.
“No, fuck you. You little bitch… you think just because you’ve stuck your tongue in someone, their fucking yours…” Bender was hitting a soft spot now, Chilly began to fume, she stood quickly as if to leave. I reached up and pulled her back to the bench by way of her pant leg.
“Relax, please…” I tried to be as soothing as I could, not sure if I could tame her. “Sit and eat your dinner. I am here, now, we can talk about this.”
“You dirty little twat” Bender kept on. “First you gotta fuck with me, now you gotta fuck with her.”
I stopped cold, what did she say? I had never made the connection. Bender and Chilly…? No fucking way. Her eyes darted toward me, a look of horror on her face; it was true.
“God damn it! You fucking bitch, I told you we were going to leave that alone!” She stood again, beginning to make a scene.
“Well, Stokes smiled, “The cat’s out of the bag now.”
Bender then looked at me and said “She tastes sweet, doesn’t she? Yes she does…” Chilly began to shake with anger, her earlobes were turning red, this was not a good sign.
Bender continued on “yeah, she’s a little tramp you know.. just about had everyone in the platoon.” She pointed down the table… “I can name at least, what Chilly… six?”
“You bitch!” Chilly lept across the table, fingernails outstretched and ready for attack onto Bender, a fist fight ensued. Amidst the flying fists and fingernails, I and the others were able to make way for the thrashings.
Before military police could get there, Bender was able to pound the shit out of her… slamming her face into the table like putty. Chilly sustained something that appeared to be a broken nose. It bled like fucking crazy. Bender on the other hand, was getting her own wounds from Chilly’s fingernails, which by the way are really sharp.
We were quarantined back in our bunks for the rest of the evening, and on the verge of losing our first liberty, only two days away. As we awaited our fate from the drill sergeant, I asked upon Matthews, another girl in my division who was in good with one of the other male platoons aboard ship if she wanted to play some cribbage. She was cool to play cards with, always the best conversations about the people and places on the ship… Okay, actually she was screwing the drill sergeants; everybody knew.. but she had no clue it was public.
“So, what’s the lottery?” I asked, trying to work it in like normal conversation.
“Where did you hear about the lottery?” She appeared startled by my question, shockingly, she fumbled her deck of cards.
“From another marine, why?”
“I was just wondering, doesn’t seem something you’re in to.”
“Well, I don’t even know what it is, so… maybe I’m not.” I hesitated, but was still curious. “He told me not to enter.”
“Really?” she appeared shocked, again. “He told you not to?”
“Yes, he told me no… So, what is it?”
“It’s a game the soldiers like to play when the can is stocked co-ed. You see, you sign up on this big ass sheet of paper, they assign you a number. There is a guy paper and numbers, and a girl paper and numbers… they draw numbers per week.”
“Uh-huh,” I was truly captivated by what she was telling me.
She continued “So they draw the numbers, pair them…”
“..and once you’re told you go fuck in the old ship-mates quarters…”
My mouth was agape “The old ship-mates quarters next to that big ass boiler?”
“yes, the one that’s so fucking loud your ears want to explode.”
Ah hah, curiousity satisfied, now time for questions. “I guess that would make sense since nobody could hear you back there.”
“That’s right” she added “And the sailors that work down there always wear earplugs and
never go into those quarters because they’re locked.”
“Really?” I was captivated once again “How do you get in if it’s locked.”
“Well, usually the guy marine is given the key…” She smiled as if she knew exactly how it worked “When they tell you it’s time… it’s time.”
“And as a number in the lottery, you have no say in who you fuck?”
She smiled even wider “That’s right.”
“So, I inquired, you never know who you’re gonna get?”
“Right.” She then leaned in, and said softly “I have gotten lucky a few times, with sergeants and all… that’s a privilege.”
She began to shuffle and deal the next game.. I pondered out loud while waiting for my hand, “No wonder he doesn’t want me to do it.”
“Who told you not to anyway?” She set the deck on her bunk, I grabbed my hand.
“Howie told me not to…” I fanned my cards. Again, her face was startled… and she appeared just as shocked as my original question…. Very curious.
Sweet, I thought to myself… 5’s and Aces; good hand.
Don't ask, Don't tell; Chapter Five
That night as I laid in my cot I thought about him; at breakfast, at dinner during the squabble, and the whole lottery thing.
What with the long, intense day it was difficult to de-stress. With pen-light clenched I write the weekly letter to my fiance back home, but can only find enough pleasant filler for a half-page. I couldn't concentrate on what to say, should I be honest and tell him what's been happening with me? Is honesty really the best policy? I begin to write... And then erase. No, can't do this...
No matter how hard I tried to direct my attention, visions of how bounced through my memory... Shunning anything else that happened to drift in. Was this becoming an obsession? Was I cursed to forever admire him from afar? Would I some day just get up the fucking balls to tell him? Certainly not anytime soon.
To decompress this maddening fixation, I thought about what it would be like if he and I were picked by chance to spend 30 minutes in the cramped room by the big broiler. That'd be a memory maker for certain.
I fabricated vividly what it must be like to have him touch me, to feel his soft lips caressing my skin, and to match his gaze face to face, alone and unattended to. I reached down between my legs, running my fingertips across my slit.
I closed my eyes and imagined his tongue- hot; and his fingers spreading me open, preparing for oral stimulation beyond my wildest dreams. My pussy was already wet upon the arrival of my fingers, and it only became worse once I envisioned him slowly removing my panties and kissing what was exposed passionately.
I dipped a finger into my wet hole, and brought it to my mouth to taste it. It tasted sweet, like his come would taste as I swallowed it willingly from his hard cock. I reached down again, sinking my finger deeper.. And then two. He would feel so good inside of me, full and deep, filling up my pussy with his shaft, pumping it in and out... Hard, but gentle. Lifting me up to balance us against the wall as we stand, fucking madly. I add another finger, my pussy feels tight, but well lubricated. I moan a little..And I think this is what he would feel. This is what I want him to feel.. I begin to pump harder, deeper... I drive my fingers deep inside of me, as the other hand works diligently on my stiffened nipples. His hands dig deep, gripping my ass as he pounds at my cunt; working me like he owns me. He owns me...
I arch my back in ecstasy, as I envision the picture of his perfect dick hammering my dripping pussy.. I can't take it anymore, I'm going to come... And I can't surpress the moaning... I need it, I need to hear myself, I need to hear myself feel pleasure... This is what he'll hear; he'll feel...
All at once, I come.. A tingle shoots up my spine. I feel my fingers become saturated with my juices. I pump a little more, just to be sure I am satisfied... And I fall deep asleep.
What with the long, intense day it was difficult to de-stress. With pen-light clenched I write the weekly letter to my fiance back home, but can only find enough pleasant filler for a half-page. I couldn't concentrate on what to say, should I be honest and tell him what's been happening with me? Is honesty really the best policy? I begin to write... And then erase. No, can't do this...
No matter how hard I tried to direct my attention, visions of how bounced through my memory... Shunning anything else that happened to drift in. Was this becoming an obsession? Was I cursed to forever admire him from afar? Would I some day just get up the fucking balls to tell him? Certainly not anytime soon.
To decompress this maddening fixation, I thought about what it would be like if he and I were picked by chance to spend 30 minutes in the cramped room by the big broiler. That'd be a memory maker for certain.
I fabricated vividly what it must be like to have him touch me, to feel his soft lips caressing my skin, and to match his gaze face to face, alone and unattended to. I reached down between my legs, running my fingertips across my slit.
I closed my eyes and imagined his tongue- hot; and his fingers spreading me open, preparing for oral stimulation beyond my wildest dreams. My pussy was already wet upon the arrival of my fingers, and it only became worse once I envisioned him slowly removing my panties and kissing what was exposed passionately.
I dipped a finger into my wet hole, and brought it to my mouth to taste it. It tasted sweet, like his come would taste as I swallowed it willingly from his hard cock. I reached down again, sinking my finger deeper.. And then two. He would feel so good inside of me, full and deep, filling up my pussy with his shaft, pumping it in and out... Hard, but gentle. Lifting me up to balance us against the wall as we stand, fucking madly. I add another finger, my pussy feels tight, but well lubricated. I moan a little..And I think this is what he would feel. This is what I want him to feel.. I begin to pump harder, deeper... I drive my fingers deep inside of me, as the other hand works diligently on my stiffened nipples. His hands dig deep, gripping my ass as he pounds at my cunt; working me like he owns me. He owns me...
I arch my back in ecstasy, as I envision the picture of his perfect dick hammering my dripping pussy.. I can't take it anymore, I'm going to come... And I can't surpress the moaning... I need it, I need to hear myself, I need to hear myself feel pleasure... This is what he'll hear; he'll feel...
All at once, I come.. A tingle shoots up my spine. I feel my fingers become saturated with my juices. I pump a little more, just to be sure I am satisfied... And I fall deep asleep.
Don't ask, Don't tell; Chapter Six
Luckily, those not involved in the galley debacle got to take their liberty.
I was relieved to know that even though I was the reason for the fight that ensued, I (or the whole unit) was not to be punished for it. That was the norm at boot camp, and even some training exercises; where the whole platoon would suffer for one dumb-asses fuck up.
Our ship found itself in Greece, specifically the island of Corfu... The scenery was breath taking, and we became excited about the long span of beach and relic temples haphazardly propped on the hill sides. I kissed my dog-tags jokingly to Stokes, mimicking how a priest would kiss his cross before sermon. She laughed back and cupped her hands to the sky; thanking god that we had some freedom in such a paradise.
So there I was; nap sack in hand waiting to de-board the can. The method chosen to get us to shore was rather insane and tedious. I truly believe the hardest part in my whole military career was at that moment. The agony of waiting, looking on and planning what you would do and see first; while other units boarded the smaller boats and motored to the piers... Jumping out and hustling on. Fuckers.
Hundreds of us adorned the deck of the ship, but that number was dwindling fast. I perceived that we would be one of the last units off, and that Howie and I would be misplaced. So then the fucking stomach churning disappointment begins. The whole "I'll find you" thing... Sure Corfu isn't that big, but what are the odds? Fuck it, I'll just party with the girls tonight... Maybe we'll run into them. And hopefully that whole group thing I fucked up about in the mess hall that day won't come back and bite me in the ass.
"Hey Robinson, that's us..." Stokes pushed my arm, awakening me from deep thought.
After what seemed to be a way too long motor boat ride, we stepped onto Grecian soil... Or should I say, sand. In reality it was the pier... But who gives a fuck, I have 'til midnight and the day is mine!
"Hey Stokes!" I called over to her, as she was walking quickly away from me "Where you going in such a hurry?"
"Gettin' a beer!" she hollered back over her shoulder, "See you back here tonight, we're libo-buddies, remember that!"
"What'dya mean? I'm coming with you!" I started to jog her direction up the pier.
"No honey, you got company..." She stuck her hand out to stop me, then pointed back to the direction I came.
I whipped around, visually following her finger. Eyes darting the crowd... And there he stood. By reaction, I must've smiled when I saw him... It was knee-jerk I swear. I was pleasantly surprised.
Stokes smiled widely "Have a good time... Don't miss curfew." And then she paced off, into the city.
I stood there in a state of guffaw; pinching my hand just once to make sure this was reality... And not some drug induced coma. He began to walk toward me, I stepped forward as well; meeting him in the middle.
"I told yah I'd find yah." Howie grinned, tossing his jacket over his shoulder. "Ever been to Greece?"
"Nope, sure haven't." I stuttered a bit.
"You know what they do in Greece, right?" Now his grin became wider, and he chuckled a bit. "It's a good thing we stopped here."
"I know what they do in Greece... Should we eat before or after?" Now I grinned just as wide... Matching his expression, feeling joy that I hadn't felt in a long time.
"definitely before.." He laughs now and reaches out to grab my nap sack "that looks heavy, would you like me to carry it?"
Alright, so.. I'm feeling fucking stunned right about now. Not only is he fucking hot, and the object of my affection; but he's chivalrous too. Score a 12.5 on the 1-10 perfect scale.
"Sure, if you want to." I hand it over to him, our hands brush... Instant panty dampness. "You pick the place, let's eat."
After a long walk and an advantageous tour around the Island, we settled for a tiny walk-up and got authentic gyros and a Heiniken.
We sat a the table and ate our food, drank our beer, and ran our mouths. The conversation had it's pluses and minuses.
I found out he too had a fiance' back in the states, and how he wasn't about fucking around while serving his duty... Faithful fucking guy that one. It definitely prompted that second beer. Then we talked about our families back home, and what we were going to do when our term was over. Third beer. And lastly, what would happen if we were engaged in close combat... Fourth beer.
It was 12:30 by my clock, and I was wasted already. Though my perception was distorted, I believe he was headed down the same path of drunken buzz... As his speech began to don a slur, and his eyes reddened. That gaze though, amidst the talking of shitty fucking subjects, still burned into my inebriated soul like a four alarm fire. I didn't give a shit about his fiance', or mine at that point... I'd just take him anyway. Instant panty dampness.
About an hour later we decided to walk it off; so we stumbled through the town, taking in the atmosphere of daily Grecian life on the small island. We made our way up into the hills and took pictures of the cobbled temples and ruins. We laughed, we connected, we came real close to kissing each other a couple of times (or so I thought). Goddamn hummus.
He continued to lug my nap sack around, stopping and asking what the hell was in it as he dropped it to the ground with a clunk.
"Make up... And a change of clothes."
He erupts into laughter "Make-up? What do you need make-up for?"
I feel a bit embarrassed, and a bit complimented "So I can look pretty," I muse.
"You're so fucking gorgeous, don't fuck up your face with that shit." he swept my hair out of my eyes. I had worn it down that day, and one strand continued to waver vertically into my line of sight; irritating. "Why would you want to do that Robinson?"
"Because that's what women do." I replied, bashfully.
"You're not a woman..." He moved in towards me, coming within inches of my face. His eyes darted to my mouth, and then back up; meeting with my eyes, "You're a Marine."
I waited for the kiss... It seemed like forever we stared, motionless. Standing along the messy brick walkway... Amongst a beautiful green hill side; sun shining bright, sky bluer than the water. Perfect place Howie, I thought... Kiss me god damn it!
Instead, he backed away. "And a fucking sexy one at that." He looked down, rather defeated. Did I miss something? Did I not make it clear that I wanted him to do it? "You're trouble Robinson... Trouble."He picked up my nap sack and started down the walkway...
"Wait" I stood stunned, and confused. "Trouble what... Did I miss something?"He continued to walk away.
"God damn it Howie, what does that mean?" I started out to follow, "Hey, wait up."He halted and turned around, looking on as I followed...
"Atleast let me get my nap sack from you if you're going to run away like a pussy." I called as I stumbled down towards him.
"Pussy... what?" His brow wrinkled, he held out my nap sack "No Robinson, I'm not a pussy, I'm just distancing..."
I approach and take ownership of my nap sack, zipping it open and pulling toothpaste from it. I squeeze some onto my finger and swipe my teeth.
"That's attractive" he cajoles.
"So?" I return the toothpaste to the nap sack and wipe my finger on my pants, "Okay. I know the hummus was a killer... Kiss me now." I tilt head back, close eyes, and pucker.
He begins to walk away again. "I can't do it, I'm sorry."
Now, normally I am pretty sedate when it comes to rejection. But with the aggression I felt at this, coupled with the beers I consumed; this was not the time to lay the issue down. We were alone, in paradise, the time was now.
I hustled over to him and grabbed his arm, spinning him around to face me. He blocks my attempts by grabbing my shoulders, holding me still...
"Don't do it Robinson..." He looked stern, upset "I'm not about it.."
Then he grabs my chin, tilting my head up... Almost as if he would kiss me anyway. What a fucked up game of cat and mouse.
"You want to kiss me?"
"Yes" I hoped he would just get over whatever was causing him to hesitate.
"You want me to do it, don't you.." He came closer to my face, and then even closer still... Instant panty dampness. "You want me to kiss you, long and deep... You think about it... Right?"
"Yes" Now I was trembling a bit, and very excited as his lips came within mere centimeters of mine. And then he tilted... I closed my eyes; lips parted and waiting to feel his tongue.
"Buck up..." He let go and moved out. "And that's why I can't" Fucker.
Defeated, I pick up my nap sack and follow him back to town, neither of us saying much. Once we reached the pier, he finally broke the silence.
"Listen, I don't want trouble." he sighed "I am engaged, and you are engaged... Plus, we're both drunk and excited about our independence." He looked endearingly into my eyes, "I'm not going to do this... I need to think before I act with you."
I opened to say something, but he stifled it... "You're trouble for me."
I sat for a moment, again wondering why he was so abstinent... "Do you understand that I am not going to take advantage of you?" He said "I respect you."
"Yeah," I surrendered to the fact that I would get no action... And would have to rely on fantasy for a little bit longer. I was pissed though, I admit.
Such an emotional roller coaster... I thought things were right for my plan. Guess not. Is he just not interested? Maybe he really loves his fiance' and knows that people will talk.... Perhaps he doesn't like guilt? Bother. Fuck it... Let it go.
Down the pier we hear a familiar voice calling to us "Howie!... Robinson!" It was Stokes, and Mikey... Our libo-buddies. In mere moments they were in our company, and our intimate moments were over... Major disappointment. Major. I wanted to punch something... Didn't matter what or who it was. So fucking pissed off that my advances were for nothing... And now I most likely projected that I was a slut.
Stokes chimed in "Hey, did you guys have fun today?"
"yeah" I replied, "It was alright.. Greece is beautiful"
Mikey interrupted, seeing that they walked into a not-so-good conversation between Howie and I; "Hey, we were going to go in for a hotel room to get ready for tonight... wanna get in on it?"
"What's tonight?" inquired Howie.
"There's this outrageous night club just down the street, we were going to check it out... I hear most of the platoon will be there..." Mikey smiled, nudging Howie with his shoulder.."Some of us could use a good time."
"Fuck you Mikey"
I looked over at Stokes, who appeared excited about doing the night club thing... She nodded to me that the idea was sound. "Alright" I chimed "I'm in... Let's do it."
And the three of us walked off into town bound for the hotel, Howie stood on the pier... And disappeared into the crowd. I did look back... But he didn't.
I was relieved to know that even though I was the reason for the fight that ensued, I (or the whole unit) was not to be punished for it. That was the norm at boot camp, and even some training exercises; where the whole platoon would suffer for one dumb-asses fuck up.
Our ship found itself in Greece, specifically the island of Corfu... The scenery was breath taking, and we became excited about the long span of beach and relic temples haphazardly propped on the hill sides. I kissed my dog-tags jokingly to Stokes, mimicking how a priest would kiss his cross before sermon. She laughed back and cupped her hands to the sky; thanking god that we had some freedom in such a paradise.
So there I was; nap sack in hand waiting to de-board the can. The method chosen to get us to shore was rather insane and tedious. I truly believe the hardest part in my whole military career was at that moment. The agony of waiting, looking on and planning what you would do and see first; while other units boarded the smaller boats and motored to the piers... Jumping out and hustling on. Fuckers.
Hundreds of us adorned the deck of the ship, but that number was dwindling fast. I perceived that we would be one of the last units off, and that Howie and I would be misplaced. So then the fucking stomach churning disappointment begins. The whole "I'll find you" thing... Sure Corfu isn't that big, but what are the odds? Fuck it, I'll just party with the girls tonight... Maybe we'll run into them. And hopefully that whole group thing I fucked up about in the mess hall that day won't come back and bite me in the ass.
"Hey Robinson, that's us..." Stokes pushed my arm, awakening me from deep thought.
After what seemed to be a way too long motor boat ride, we stepped onto Grecian soil... Or should I say, sand. In reality it was the pier... But who gives a fuck, I have 'til midnight and the day is mine!
"Hey Stokes!" I called over to her, as she was walking quickly away from me "Where you going in such a hurry?"
"Gettin' a beer!" she hollered back over her shoulder, "See you back here tonight, we're libo-buddies, remember that!"
"What'dya mean? I'm coming with you!" I started to jog her direction up the pier.
"No honey, you got company..." She stuck her hand out to stop me, then pointed back to the direction I came.
I whipped around, visually following her finger. Eyes darting the crowd... And there he stood. By reaction, I must've smiled when I saw him... It was knee-jerk I swear. I was pleasantly surprised.
Stokes smiled widely "Have a good time... Don't miss curfew." And then she paced off, into the city.
I stood there in a state of guffaw; pinching my hand just once to make sure this was reality... And not some drug induced coma. He began to walk toward me, I stepped forward as well; meeting him in the middle.
"I told yah I'd find yah." Howie grinned, tossing his jacket over his shoulder. "Ever been to Greece?"
"Nope, sure haven't." I stuttered a bit.
"You know what they do in Greece, right?" Now his grin became wider, and he chuckled a bit. "It's a good thing we stopped here."
"I know what they do in Greece... Should we eat before or after?" Now I grinned just as wide... Matching his expression, feeling joy that I hadn't felt in a long time.
"definitely before.." He laughs now and reaches out to grab my nap sack "that looks heavy, would you like me to carry it?"
Alright, so.. I'm feeling fucking stunned right about now. Not only is he fucking hot, and the object of my affection; but he's chivalrous too. Score a 12.5 on the 1-10 perfect scale.
"Sure, if you want to." I hand it over to him, our hands brush... Instant panty dampness. "You pick the place, let's eat."
After a long walk and an advantageous tour around the Island, we settled for a tiny walk-up and got authentic gyros and a Heiniken.

I found out he too had a fiance' back in the states, and how he wasn't about fucking around while serving his duty... Faithful fucking guy that one. It definitely prompted that second beer. Then we talked about our families back home, and what we were going to do when our term was over. Third beer. And lastly, what would happen if we were engaged in close combat... Fourth beer.
It was 12:30 by my clock, and I was wasted already. Though my perception was distorted, I believe he was headed down the same path of drunken buzz... As his speech began to don a slur, and his eyes reddened. That gaze though, amidst the talking of shitty fucking subjects, still burned into my inebriated soul like a four alarm fire. I didn't give a shit about his fiance', or mine at that point... I'd just take him anyway. Instant panty dampness.
About an hour later we decided to walk it off; so we stumbled through the town, taking in the atmosphere of daily Grecian life on the small island. We made our way up into the hills and took pictures of the cobbled temples and ruins. We laughed, we connected, we came real close to kissing each other a couple of times (or so I thought). Goddamn hummus.
He continued to lug my nap sack around, stopping and asking what the hell was in it as he dropped it to the ground with a clunk.
"Make up... And a change of clothes."
He erupts into laughter "Make-up? What do you need make-up for?"
I feel a bit embarrassed, and a bit complimented "So I can look pretty," I muse.
"You're so fucking gorgeous, don't fuck up your face with that shit." he swept my hair out of my eyes. I had worn it down that day, and one strand continued to waver vertically into my line of sight; irritating. "Why would you want to do that Robinson?"
"Because that's what women do." I replied, bashfully.
"You're not a woman..." He moved in towards me, coming within inches of my face. His eyes darted to my mouth, and then back up; meeting with my eyes, "You're a Marine."
I waited for the kiss... It seemed like forever we stared, motionless. Standing along the messy brick walkway... Amongst a beautiful green hill side; sun shining bright, sky bluer than the water. Perfect place Howie, I thought... Kiss me god damn it!
Instead, he backed away. "And a fucking sexy one at that." He looked down, rather defeated. Did I miss something? Did I not make it clear that I wanted him to do it? "You're trouble Robinson... Trouble."He picked up my nap sack and started down the walkway...
"Wait" I stood stunned, and confused. "Trouble what... Did I miss something?"He continued to walk away.
"God damn it Howie, what does that mean?" I started out to follow, "Hey, wait up."He halted and turned around, looking on as I followed...
"Atleast let me get my nap sack from you if you're going to run away like a pussy." I called as I stumbled down towards him.
"Pussy... what?" His brow wrinkled, he held out my nap sack "No Robinson, I'm not a pussy, I'm just distancing..."
I approach and take ownership of my nap sack, zipping it open and pulling toothpaste from it. I squeeze some onto my finger and swipe my teeth.
"That's attractive" he cajoles.
"So?" I return the toothpaste to the nap sack and wipe my finger on my pants, "Okay. I know the hummus was a killer... Kiss me now." I tilt head back, close eyes, and pucker.
He begins to walk away again. "I can't do it, I'm sorry."
Now, normally I am pretty sedate when it comes to rejection. But with the aggression I felt at this, coupled with the beers I consumed; this was not the time to lay the issue down. We were alone, in paradise, the time was now.
I hustled over to him and grabbed his arm, spinning him around to face me. He blocks my attempts by grabbing my shoulders, holding me still...
"Don't do it Robinson..." He looked stern, upset "I'm not about it.."
Then he grabs my chin, tilting my head up... Almost as if he would kiss me anyway. What a fucked up game of cat and mouse.
"You want to kiss me?"
"Yes" I hoped he would just get over whatever was causing him to hesitate.
"You want me to do it, don't you.." He came closer to my face, and then even closer still... Instant panty dampness. "You want me to kiss you, long and deep... You think about it... Right?"
"Yes" Now I was trembling a bit, and very excited as his lips came within mere centimeters of mine. And then he tilted... I closed my eyes; lips parted and waiting to feel his tongue.
"Buck up..." He let go and moved out. "And that's why I can't" Fucker.
Defeated, I pick up my nap sack and follow him back to town, neither of us saying much. Once we reached the pier, he finally broke the silence.
"Listen, I don't want trouble." he sighed "I am engaged, and you are engaged... Plus, we're both drunk and excited about our independence." He looked endearingly into my eyes, "I'm not going to do this... I need to think before I act with you."
I opened to say something, but he stifled it... "You're trouble for me."
I sat for a moment, again wondering why he was so abstinent... "Do you understand that I am not going to take advantage of you?" He said "I respect you."
"Yeah," I surrendered to the fact that I would get no action... And would have to rely on fantasy for a little bit longer. I was pissed though, I admit.
Such an emotional roller coaster... I thought things were right for my plan. Guess not. Is he just not interested? Maybe he really loves his fiance' and knows that people will talk.... Perhaps he doesn't like guilt? Bother. Fuck it... Let it go.
Down the pier we hear a familiar voice calling to us "Howie!... Robinson!" It was Stokes, and Mikey... Our libo-buddies. In mere moments they were in our company, and our intimate moments were over... Major disappointment. Major. I wanted to punch something... Didn't matter what or who it was. So fucking pissed off that my advances were for nothing... And now I most likely projected that I was a slut.
Stokes chimed in "Hey, did you guys have fun today?"
"yeah" I replied, "It was alright.. Greece is beautiful"
Mikey interrupted, seeing that they walked into a not-so-good conversation between Howie and I; "Hey, we were going to go in for a hotel room to get ready for tonight... wanna get in on it?"
"What's tonight?" inquired Howie.
"There's this outrageous night club just down the street, we were going to check it out... I hear most of the platoon will be there..." Mikey smiled, nudging Howie with his shoulder.."Some of us could use a good time."
"Fuck you Mikey"
I looked over at Stokes, who appeared excited about doing the night club thing... She nodded to me that the idea was sound. "Alright" I chimed "I'm in... Let's do it."
And the three of us walked off into town bound for the hotel, Howie stood on the pier... And disappeared into the crowd. I did look back... But he didn't.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell; Chapter Seven
We spent the better part of two hours; Stokes, Mikey and I.
The hotel was not really a hotel, sure it had plenty of rooms… but they were 8x5 broom closets with a small bed in the corner and a towel rack. The wallpaper was aged and splintered at the seams; but the red flowers that were printed there oh so long ago were still prominent. It was musty in there, but clean… and it had its’ own shower.
Before the Marines, and even now I was not experienced in dressing and undressing in front of strangers, especially male strangers. Stokes, had seen my body many times in the barracks shower. Even sitting across from her in the bathroom stalls on base, it’s difficult not to see every part of every one.
Those of you in the service should know how that’s a fact, civilians have no idea the bathroom stalls in the barracks have no doors.
But Mikey was new to me… and here I was without anywhere to call my own personal space. I would need to get over it… the day has been shitty enough as it is.
Peeling the fatigues off and sheeting myself with a small, red towel; I accepted the offer to shower first. The water was fresh, and hot; so unlike the distilled, stale ship water I was used to. I open my mouth into the pelting stream to taste it, hoping it wasn’t going to be a Mexico experience all over again.
It was refreshing, not bitter or chalky… reaffirming my pleasure in being on liberty, and enjoying every bit of it. Well, every bit except earlier, when I blew it with Howie.
Don’t really know for sure what happened in our exchange today.
I was so close, yet so far from getting what I wanted… I fucking swore he’d go in for the kill, or at least be tempted.
Reflecting on the conversation once again, I tried to pinpoint the ebbs and flows… the words exchanged… hints perhaps? Fuck it. I’m just beating myself up about it.
The water runs over my head, engulfing my face and running down my shoulders, trickling from my breasts; hitting the tile below.
“Hey! Robinson! You done or what?!?!” Stokes shouts into the pseudo bathroom, I can barely hear her over the loud splashing of the water, “There’s three of us you know!”
“I’ve only been in here a couple of minutes…” I shout back to her, quickly soaping; not certain really how long I had been in there.”
“More like… TEN…”
Okay I felt like shit, and since my musing with Howie fell short I could hardly get myself off right now anyway. I keep the water running and step out, quickly grabbing my towel and trotting tip-toe to my corner of the room. “Okay Stokes, left it running… sorry.”
Mikey sits on the bed, in a pair of regulation boxers and a white dress shirt reading a letter of some kind. Upon my re-entry he looks up, just in time to take notice of Stokes, who has now dropped her towel sauntering slowly into the shower.
Mikeys’ eyes follow her ass as she walks; and of course you know it was her intention to have that happen. I take advantage of the distraction and quickly fight to put my on underwear over wet skin. Not an easy task in this forum.
His head then turns my direction just as I am able to regain my composure; grabbing the towel but clumsily failing and falling one breast short; exposing it. I could tell Mickey noticed the whoopsie by the way he gawked for a moment, and then darted his eyes quickly back to the letter;
“So, I heard you hung out with Howie today.. whatd’ya guys do?”
He dared not look up as I shuffled for the dress I had packed in my day pack.
Raging to tear almost everything out of it before Mikeys buzzer goes off and he looks back up; but I am shocked… it is gone.
I feel a chill come over me, and even a bit of panic… “Did I pack it? What if it fell out when I grabbed for my tooth paste…? Am I just not seeing or feeling it in here?”
“So?” Mickey interrupted my panic process, forcing me to come up with a lame ass answer.
“Uh, yeah… it was alright.” I murmured, still rifling through my bag…”We went to uhhh…” Shit, where the fuck is my dress? I had emptied it out completely by now, every piece and item in my bag laid-out …. It was not there.
“Well, I’ll just come out and say it…” Mikey finally decides to look up at me, at the worse time of course, being that I was bent over taking inventory of my day bag, “uhhh…” I didn’t feel his gaze move, it was centered on my ass now; covered, but not by much “I um, wanted uh… to tell you that…”
I stand and turn to look at him, hoping it would help him to concentrate on whatever the fuck he was trying to spit at me….”Go on Mikey, go on.”
“I heard from Stokes that you have it for Howie.”
I blush immediately. Not only from his blatant statement, or the fact Stokes told my secret to his comrade, but because now I had no dress for the evening as well.
Just how am I supposed to respond to this question, with all of the other issues at hand? Fuck it, I’ll use my courage,… I guess.
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
“Does he have it for you?”
“Uhhh, apparently not after this afternoon.”
“Why, what happened? That is, if you don’t mind me asking.”
I could hear Stokes in the shower, singing softly… some sort of deranged opera. I stand, bound only to my towel and underwear… feeling rather defeated at this point. Wish I was singing opera in the shower with Stokes.
“No, not at all… I mean, let’s just get it all out there, shall we?” I snip a little, feeling irritated and confused. Mikey gives a look of shock, perhaps even a bit offended at my tone. I could tell that this would not be a great time to be a bitch, especially since any word of it would shoot back into that squad tomorrow morning like unlimited rounds through my M-16 during rifle practice. And Corporal Howie would be there to hear it…
“Sorry Mikey, I just realized I have no dress for tonight, I’m kinda pissed right now.”
“No dress huh? That’s the shits, aint it?” He smiled widely at the prospect that I could be standing there towel bound for just that much longer. “Is that why you’re not dressed yet?”
I bow my head, stating the obvious “Yep.” When all I really wanted to say was duh dumb-ass... I just wanted you to check out my tits a little longer. In fact, how’s about I bend over again so you can size up what my pussy looks like from the back…hmmmm?
“Okay, so what happened today.” Mikey quickly changed the subject, which was a great choice on his part.
“He totally blew me off. We had beers, gyros, walked through some pretty outrageous landscape…” I sigh deeply, reflecting again on the painful events that haunted me just minutes ago in the shower. “We had some great conversation, I thought everything was going quite well… so I moved in for the kill and he blew me off.”
“Blew you off?” Mikeys attention turned back to the letter… “Moved in for the kill eh? Interesting choice of words.”
“Yeah, I guess. Wait, what does that mean? Good choice of words?”
“I mean, you’ll never break him.”
I felt shock; the towel slipped a tad “Break him? I don’t intend on breaking him.”
“Well no, I’m sure you don’t….” Mikey looks back up and smiles “Your nipple is showing.”
I look down to discover my nipple exposed, hardened from the chill in the room.
Perhaps it would be good if I just had put my fatigues back on. Defeated once again, I reach down, scoop up my dirty fatigues and head toward the half wall by the shower; just in time for the water to stop and a remarkably fresh looking Stokes to jump out.
“AAAAAHHHHH” She announces “I feel REFRESHED!”
“So Mikey,” I redirect the conversation back on track as I redressed “Breaking him?”
“Yeah, you’ll have to in order to get what you want…” he smiles again and adds a chuckle “break him that is.”
“Okay yeah, and I asked you what that meant…what’s it mean?”
“He’s pretty dead set on his woman back home, would be hard for him to be persuaded.”
I pull my shirt down over my head, forgetting the bra altogether and join Mikey on the bed. He cleared a spot for me to sit next to him, I obliged and plopped down while he continued… “Yeah, we’ve been to plenty of tittie bars, met lots of chicks…. Howies always been the only faithful one… stuck on his girl.”
“What’re you two talking about” Stokes interrupted, looking puzzled at the content of the conversation.
I shot her a look, and if it could kill? It would’ve. I could have punched her square in the face for telling Mikey about my feelings for Howie… bitch.
“We were talking about Howie. Mikey was just asking me if I was hot for him.”
She flinched, “oh” and then turned her way to the farthest corner, evading the situation completely. My thoughts at the moment turned to contempt for Stokes, and the pisser that I would never have my soldier.
Or would I? A challenge perhaps… I am used to getting what I want, how should this be any different. Maybe I could run into him tonight, apologize for my behavior and start again a different way. My mind begins to formulate a plan… a plan for victory; a plan for breaking the boy.
“This letter here” Mikey turns the subject away, noticing my disgruntled brow “I was going to send it to my girl..” He folds it and tucks it in his shirt pocket, “don’t think I will just yet.”
“Why, what is it?” I inquired, “That is if you don’t mind me asking.”
Mikey smiles widely “Thanks for putting some clothes on…”I smile back “No prob.””Hey!”
Stokes cheered “Why the grumpy face Mikey?”
He did look a little upset I guess. I thought maybe it was because he was stuck on libo with two women from another platoon. Stuck in this pathetic hotel room we paid way too much for, feeling rather out of place. But then, how could that be a problem for a good looking marine, who hadn’t been laid in quite some time… much less had the pleasure of two half-naked women in the same bedroom with him. I added “yeah Mikey, you okay?”
“Yea, I just wanted to propose… but I’m thinking no.” He pulls the letter back out of his shirt pocket and hands it to me, “It’s written really badly, and I had a difficult time deciding whether to write it or say it. But it could be awhile before I see her again, and I don’t want to lose her. I know she’s lonely.”
“Oh, come on now Mikey… good lookin’ guy like you? I’m sure she’ll wait.”
I look up at Stokes and agree “Yeah Mikey, sitting here with us and not puttin’ on the moves… sounds like Howies’ not the only guy stuck to his girl back home.” I unfold the letter gently, pictures fall out and hit the floor in a flurry. “Shit, sorry Mikey” I stoop from the bed to pick them up, turning them over and admiring his photography skills, “Wow, nice shots… these were taken on ship, weren’t they?”
“Yeah,” he perks up, seeing my interest in his photos “This sunset one was just the other night… I would have loved her to be there to see the sun melting into the water.”
“That’s some poetic shit Mikey” Stokes clears a spot on the bed as well, dressed in a red t-shirt and jeans she had packed for tonight, “Robinson, where’s your dress?”
I shrug “Fuck if I know, I thought it was in my day bag.”
“I saw you pack it… maybe it fell out.”
“That’s what I was thinking, but it’s the shits ‘cause I totally…” I stop mid sentence, immediately distracted by one photo imparticular… “Mikey, when was this taken?”
“Oh, yeah that picture was taken back on base. I was sending that one to her to show her that barracks living is not so glamorous.”
“Yeah, good shot… I like this one.” I look on at the photo, a stamp of time that existed just a couple months ago “Can I make a copy of it?”
I look to Mikey, who sits running his fingers through his cropped blond hair. He smiles widely…” I know why you like that one, Howies in it.”
“Yeah, what can I say.” I cajole.
“Sure, you can just keep that one..” he stands and begins to unbutton his dress shirt “I can make another copy.”
“Thanks Mikey.” I clutch the photo, looking into the eyes of my soldier as they were captured then, feeling warm.
“I’m gonna take a shower now, be good girls and don’t watch.”
“Oh, we won’t.” Stokes crossed her fingers behind her back “promise.” Her eyes fixed as Mikey heads for the shower, clothed only in his boxers; I admit he was kinda hot. I look over at Stokes
“crossing your fingers behind your back? That’s so fucking kindergarden.”
“How can you not look at that?” She whispered “He’s on fire.”
“Yeah…” I give her a look of disapproval as I whisper back “But he’s committed to somebody.”
“Uhhh Robinson…” she scoots over to sit next to me and looks on at my photo, still clutched tightly in my hands “So is he.”
The hotel was not really a hotel, sure it had plenty of rooms… but they were 8x5 broom closets with a small bed in the corner and a towel rack. The wallpaper was aged and splintered at the seams; but the red flowers that were printed there oh so long ago were still prominent. It was musty in there, but clean… and it had its’ own shower.
Before the Marines, and even now I was not experienced in dressing and undressing in front of strangers, especially male strangers. Stokes, had seen my body many times in the barracks shower. Even sitting across from her in the bathroom stalls on base, it’s difficult not to see every part of every one.
Those of you in the service should know how that’s a fact, civilians have no idea the bathroom stalls in the barracks have no doors.
But Mikey was new to me… and here I was without anywhere to call my own personal space. I would need to get over it… the day has been shitty enough as it is.
Peeling the fatigues off and sheeting myself with a small, red towel; I accepted the offer to shower first. The water was fresh, and hot; so unlike the distilled, stale ship water I was used to. I open my mouth into the pelting stream to taste it, hoping it wasn’t going to be a Mexico experience all over again.
It was refreshing, not bitter or chalky… reaffirming my pleasure in being on liberty, and enjoying every bit of it. Well, every bit except earlier, when I blew it with Howie.
Don’t really know for sure what happened in our exchange today.
I was so close, yet so far from getting what I wanted… I fucking swore he’d go in for the kill, or at least be tempted.
Reflecting on the conversation once again, I tried to pinpoint the ebbs and flows… the words exchanged… hints perhaps? Fuck it. I’m just beating myself up about it.
The water runs over my head, engulfing my face and running down my shoulders, trickling from my breasts; hitting the tile below.
“Hey! Robinson! You done or what?!?!” Stokes shouts into the pseudo bathroom, I can barely hear her over the loud splashing of the water, “There’s three of us you know!”
“I’ve only been in here a couple of minutes…” I shout back to her, quickly soaping; not certain really how long I had been in there.”
“More like… TEN…”
Okay I felt like shit, and since my musing with Howie fell short I could hardly get myself off right now anyway. I keep the water running and step out, quickly grabbing my towel and trotting tip-toe to my corner of the room. “Okay Stokes, left it running… sorry.”
Mikey sits on the bed, in a pair of regulation boxers and a white dress shirt reading a letter of some kind. Upon my re-entry he looks up, just in time to take notice of Stokes, who has now dropped her towel sauntering slowly into the shower.
Mikeys’ eyes follow her ass as she walks; and of course you know it was her intention to have that happen. I take advantage of the distraction and quickly fight to put my on underwear over wet skin. Not an easy task in this forum.
His head then turns my direction just as I am able to regain my composure; grabbing the towel but clumsily failing and falling one breast short; exposing it. I could tell Mickey noticed the whoopsie by the way he gawked for a moment, and then darted his eyes quickly back to the letter;
“So, I heard you hung out with Howie today.. whatd’ya guys do?”
He dared not look up as I shuffled for the dress I had packed in my day pack.
Raging to tear almost everything out of it before Mikeys buzzer goes off and he looks back up; but I am shocked… it is gone.
I feel a chill come over me, and even a bit of panic… “Did I pack it? What if it fell out when I grabbed for my tooth paste…? Am I just not seeing or feeling it in here?”
“So?” Mickey interrupted my panic process, forcing me to come up with a lame ass answer.
“Uh, yeah… it was alright.” I murmured, still rifling through my bag…”We went to uhhh…” Shit, where the fuck is my dress? I had emptied it out completely by now, every piece and item in my bag laid-out …. It was not there.
“Well, I’ll just come out and say it…” Mikey finally decides to look up at me, at the worse time of course, being that I was bent over taking inventory of my day bag, “uhhh…” I didn’t feel his gaze move, it was centered on my ass now; covered, but not by much “I um, wanted uh… to tell you that…”
I stand and turn to look at him, hoping it would help him to concentrate on whatever the fuck he was trying to spit at me….”Go on Mikey, go on.”
“I heard from Stokes that you have it for Howie.”
I blush immediately. Not only from his blatant statement, or the fact Stokes told my secret to his comrade, but because now I had no dress for the evening as well.
Just how am I supposed to respond to this question, with all of the other issues at hand? Fuck it, I’ll use my courage,… I guess.
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
“Does he have it for you?”
“Uhhh, apparently not after this afternoon.”
“Why, what happened? That is, if you don’t mind me asking.”
I could hear Stokes in the shower, singing softly… some sort of deranged opera. I stand, bound only to my towel and underwear… feeling rather defeated at this point. Wish I was singing opera in the shower with Stokes.
“No, not at all… I mean, let’s just get it all out there, shall we?” I snip a little, feeling irritated and confused. Mikey gives a look of shock, perhaps even a bit offended at my tone. I could tell that this would not be a great time to be a bitch, especially since any word of it would shoot back into that squad tomorrow morning like unlimited rounds through my M-16 during rifle practice. And Corporal Howie would be there to hear it…
“Sorry Mikey, I just realized I have no dress for tonight, I’m kinda pissed right now.”
“No dress huh? That’s the shits, aint it?” He smiled widely at the prospect that I could be standing there towel bound for just that much longer. “Is that why you’re not dressed yet?”
I bow my head, stating the obvious “Yep.” When all I really wanted to say was duh dumb-ass... I just wanted you to check out my tits a little longer. In fact, how’s about I bend over again so you can size up what my pussy looks like from the back…hmmmm?
“Okay, so what happened today.” Mikey quickly changed the subject, which was a great choice on his part.
“He totally blew me off. We had beers, gyros, walked through some pretty outrageous landscape…” I sigh deeply, reflecting again on the painful events that haunted me just minutes ago in the shower. “We had some great conversation, I thought everything was going quite well… so I moved in for the kill and he blew me off.”
“Blew you off?” Mikeys attention turned back to the letter… “Moved in for the kill eh? Interesting choice of words.”
“Yeah, I guess. Wait, what does that mean? Good choice of words?”
“I mean, you’ll never break him.”
I felt shock; the towel slipped a tad “Break him? I don’t intend on breaking him.”
“Well no, I’m sure you don’t….” Mikey looks back up and smiles “Your nipple is showing.”
I look down to discover my nipple exposed, hardened from the chill in the room.
Perhaps it would be good if I just had put my fatigues back on. Defeated once again, I reach down, scoop up my dirty fatigues and head toward the half wall by the shower; just in time for the water to stop and a remarkably fresh looking Stokes to jump out.
“AAAAAHHHHH” She announces “I feel REFRESHED!”
“So Mikey,” I redirect the conversation back on track as I redressed “Breaking him?”
“Yeah, you’ll have to in order to get what you want…” he smiles again and adds a chuckle “break him that is.”
“Okay yeah, and I asked you what that meant…what’s it mean?”
“He’s pretty dead set on his woman back home, would be hard for him to be persuaded.”
I pull my shirt down over my head, forgetting the bra altogether and join Mikey on the bed. He cleared a spot for me to sit next to him, I obliged and plopped down while he continued… “Yeah, we’ve been to plenty of tittie bars, met lots of chicks…. Howies always been the only faithful one… stuck on his girl.”
“What’re you two talking about” Stokes interrupted, looking puzzled at the content of the conversation.
I shot her a look, and if it could kill? It would’ve. I could have punched her square in the face for telling Mikey about my feelings for Howie… bitch.
“We were talking about Howie. Mikey was just asking me if I was hot for him.”
She flinched, “oh” and then turned her way to the farthest corner, evading the situation completely. My thoughts at the moment turned to contempt for Stokes, and the pisser that I would never have my soldier.
Or would I? A challenge perhaps… I am used to getting what I want, how should this be any different. Maybe I could run into him tonight, apologize for my behavior and start again a different way. My mind begins to formulate a plan… a plan for victory; a plan for breaking the boy.
“This letter here” Mikey turns the subject away, noticing my disgruntled brow “I was going to send it to my girl..” He folds it and tucks it in his shirt pocket, “don’t think I will just yet.”
“Why, what is it?” I inquired, “That is if you don’t mind me asking.”
Mikey smiles widely “Thanks for putting some clothes on…”I smile back “No prob.””Hey!”
Stokes cheered “Why the grumpy face Mikey?”
He did look a little upset I guess. I thought maybe it was because he was stuck on libo with two women from another platoon. Stuck in this pathetic hotel room we paid way too much for, feeling rather out of place. But then, how could that be a problem for a good looking marine, who hadn’t been laid in quite some time… much less had the pleasure of two half-naked women in the same bedroom with him. I added “yeah Mikey, you okay?”
“Yea, I just wanted to propose… but I’m thinking no.” He pulls the letter back out of his shirt pocket and hands it to me, “It’s written really badly, and I had a difficult time deciding whether to write it or say it. But it could be awhile before I see her again, and I don’t want to lose her. I know she’s lonely.”
“Oh, come on now Mikey… good lookin’ guy like you? I’m sure she’ll wait.”
I look up at Stokes and agree “Yeah Mikey, sitting here with us and not puttin’ on the moves… sounds like Howies’ not the only guy stuck to his girl back home.” I unfold the letter gently, pictures fall out and hit the floor in a flurry. “Shit, sorry Mikey” I stoop from the bed to pick them up, turning them over and admiring his photography skills, “Wow, nice shots… these were taken on ship, weren’t they?”
“Yeah,” he perks up, seeing my interest in his photos “This sunset one was just the other night… I would have loved her to be there to see the sun melting into the water.”
“That’s some poetic shit Mikey” Stokes clears a spot on the bed as well, dressed in a red t-shirt and jeans she had packed for tonight, “Robinson, where’s your dress?”
I shrug “Fuck if I know, I thought it was in my day bag.”
“I saw you pack it… maybe it fell out.”
“That’s what I was thinking, but it’s the shits ‘cause I totally…” I stop mid sentence, immediately distracted by one photo imparticular… “Mikey, when was this taken?”
“Oh, yeah that picture was taken back on base. I was sending that one to her to show her that barracks living is not so glamorous.”
“Yeah, good shot… I like this one.” I look on at the photo, a stamp of time that existed just a couple months ago “Can I make a copy of it?”
I look to Mikey, who sits running his fingers through his cropped blond hair. He smiles widely…” I know why you like that one, Howies in it.”
“Yeah, what can I say.” I cajole.
“Sure, you can just keep that one..” he stands and begins to unbutton his dress shirt “I can make another copy.”
“Thanks Mikey.” I clutch the photo, looking into the eyes of my soldier as they were captured then, feeling warm.
“I’m gonna take a shower now, be good girls and don’t watch.”
“Oh, we won’t.” Stokes crossed her fingers behind her back “promise.” Her eyes fixed as Mikey heads for the shower, clothed only in his boxers; I admit he was kinda hot. I look over at Stokes
“crossing your fingers behind your back? That’s so fucking kindergarden.”
“How can you not look at that?” She whispered “He’s on fire.”
“Yeah…” I give her a look of disapproval as I whisper back “But he’s committed to somebody.”
“Uhhh Robinson…” she scoots over to sit next to me and looks on at my photo, still clutched tightly in my hands “So is he.”
Don't Ask, Don't Tell; Chapter Eight
When we arrived at the nightclub, we were very disappointed. Nothing like American night clubs, it seemed getting anywhere with the waiters, bartenders, or other patrons was an absolute nightmare. Why didn’t I learn to speak the fucking language? Okay sure, they spoke some English, but it was just as broken as my greek. About an hour into the evening, and noticing it was getting closer to curfew; I asked Stokes if we could move on to somewhere a little less irritating.
She agreed, as did Mikey who looked just as miserable as we were. Mikey suggested a small bar down the way, so we stood began to walk out.
“I feel weird anyway, in fatigues and all.”
“Yeah, you looked kinda weird in there… out of place.” Stokes agreed, which didn’t make me feel any better.
“Atleast I didn’t have everybody looking at my nipples.” I jibed.
“Hey, I can’t help it if red shows everything.” She laughed, and flung her arm around me, “I
love the shit out of you Robinson. How come we never slept together?”
Mikey’s whips his head around “What? Did she just aske you why you two didn’t sleep together?”
I blush “Yeah, she’s had too much to drink.”
“No seriously” Stokes slurs “I bet you taste great.”
Mikey laughs “She could be less filling too…”
Stokes and Mikey laugh and carry on, reciting beer commercials. I pout, as I noticed Howie wasn’t at the night club… In fact, he just plain disappeared completely. Sheesh, the town wasn’t that big.
“So Robinson, was that fight in the mess hall over you then?” he asked, still snickering about the beer commercial thing.
“Well, I wouldn’t say it was over me… but my name did come up a couple of times.”
“Rumor has it you were fucking that one chick.”
I blush again, but this time I felt a bit defensive too, “What? What the fuck is going on? Is my life that much of an open book?”
Stokes and Mikey stop, directing me to stop as well by a pull on the arm “Robinson” Stokes sighs “Robinson Robinson Robinson…”
Mikey then leans into me “Your life being an open book? No. But on ship, nothing is ever a secret… ever.”
We finally make it into the bar, and I take a seat at the booth “I’ll take a beer please.” Mikey walks over to the bar to order, finding somebody he knew there; slapping that person on the back and pointing over in our direction. The stranger pays for our beers and stands. Oh no, that isn’t I think to myself, is that?
“Look Robinson” Stokes leans over the table at me “It’s Howie!” And then adds “You wore underwear right?”
I laugh at Stokes statement of underwear “What the fuck was that about? Of course I wore underwear you silly bitch.”
“Kay” she snaps her gum “cause there’s nothing worse than cumstains in your cami’s.”
“Noted” I said, smiling, as Mikey and Howie make their way to the booth “No worries there.”
Once they entered the booth, I immediately turned bashful. Fingernail biting, beer pounding. I found myself lost in the conversation, not being able to follow the topics at hand… and only one thing was to blame, Howie was sitting next to me. He was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, looking quite hot. I tried to keep up with the talk of other soldiers on ship, and the rumors that abound in the long steel hallways. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t. I could smell him, and every once in a while he would lean closer to me, brushing up against my arm.
I decided I would try to play buzzed and lean on him; it must’ve worked, because he leaned back. We were pressing up against each other, hard. I mean, sure it was just arms; but it was heaven. A few moments later Howie leaned out and spoke something to the waitress in fluent greek; my mouth fell agape. “How’d you do that?” Jealous of his multi-langual skills… I grin widely, and play coy with my eyes.
He laughs and matches the eye play “Educational Audio Tape, it kicks ass.”
“Wow, I’m impressed! What did you say?”
“I ordered another round…” He smiles and shoots a rather conniving look at Mikey, who begins laughing immediately after.
“I know what that look means!” Mikey announces, as his arm reaches back and rests on the booth behind Stokes.
“What? What did you order?” I asked, looking just as clueless as Stokes at this point; who looked as if she were about to cream.
“Shots” Howie then looks to me and leans “Two for everybody.”
Shit, I’m not good with shots, I think to myself, I’ll be drunk in no time. Well, perhaps I can just pretend that I can hold my own liquor, those guys will never know. Hopefully, they’ll be as drunk as me; and this could actually work to my advantage with Howie.
The waitress returns with the shots, we give a cheers and pound them quickly; my mouth puckers… ewww, that tastes like shit.
“What the fuck is this?” I spat at Howie, who seemed to be having trouble holding his down as well “Ouzo” he winces back “Authentic shit. You’ll never find it back in the states like it is here… damn shame.”
“Agreed” Mikey interrupts “I had that shit back at home.. not the same.”
“That’s because they add the opiate here.”
What? What the fuck did he say? Did he say opiate? “Howie” my face grew stern “did you say
“Yeah” he begins to snicker, watching the blood drain from my face “Hallucinogenic even,… good shit.” He picks up his second shot, and raises it to match Mikeys; whose had been in the air no sooner had we finished the first. Stokes and I sit in amazement watching them down their second, and order their third. I look down at mine, one empty shot, one full shot… tempting but no, I had already had too much to drink today. I’m not fucking with the opiates.
“I think I’ll pass…”
“Yeah, not sure about this stuff.” Stokes agrees and pushes hers towards the middle of the table.
Mikey and Howie begin to tease us, so we look at each other feeling embarrassed and reclaim our glasses. I guess if this is what it takes, I’ll do it and chalk it up to a learning experience. God damn peer pressure.
“Well, here goes nothing” Stokes raises her glass and chokes her second helping back, scrunching her face up on the return, coughing like crazy “Fuck that tastes like shit.”
“Good girl” praised Mikey as he receives his third.. “Good girl, want this one too?”
“Fuck no!” she pushes on Mikey, who sways back and falls into her a bit. She smiles widely at me, noticing that he has now scooted closer and his arm has fallen over her shoulder.
I sit, still looking at my full shot… like a pussy.
“Come on Robinson” Howie says softly “You don’t have to drink it, really.”
“No, I’ll drink it.” Now I was pissed at myself because I had an out, but my mouth blew it by saying stupid shit like no I’ll drink it. I chug it back, blocking my taste as much as I could… it was over before I knew it. I followed with a smoke I bummed from Mikey, which made it a whole lot better.
Not but moments later, we sat laughing like a bunch of fools at stupid shit. And again I couldn’t follow the conversation; but not because of Howie, because of the amount of opiates I had pumped into my system moments ago.
“I think that they should have co-ed sleeping on ship.” One would joke…
“Or perhaps have fuck rooms that we could go to for casual sex, that would keep the troops in order…”
“Isn’t that the lottery room?” Mikey adds-in, the booth fell silent.
“Uhh, Mikey. Shut the fuck up…” Howie tries to act serious, but his smile is stuck on… he must be really high right about now.
“Yeah, sorry…. Fuck.” Mikey laughs, pointing to Howies expression, “You can’t even keep a straight face, can you?”
“No, I totally fucking can’t… this is insane shit… how many hours do we have?”
“Seriously,” Stokes spats “What makes you think I can fucking read my watch right now?”
“Dunno, hold on…” again Howie uses his Greek skills to ask the waitress, who apparently responded with 10:30. “Shit, and hour and a half… what should we do?”
I don’t know how or why I didn’t notice that his left hand had moved under the booth. Really not sure if I even noticed it when he tapped my leg, nudging me to look under the booth… I force my eyes to focus in the darkness down in the cushions. I tried to look inconspicuous since that was apparently how he was trying to play it. It appeared as if he was trying to hand me something… so I move my hand down slowly, as not to attract attention. He grabs it, and places it over on his lap.
Through his jeans, I can feel his dick. No seriously, and it was really hard… I felt a bit of shock, and became immediately distracted. The rest of the room disappeared, my only focus was my fingertips and his hard member. I look over to him, he matches my surprised smile and nods a little, then turning back to give Stokes shit about her shirt.
I fondle through the thick material to find the zipper, but there is none… only buttons. I cringe inside, buttons are tough to maneuver when sober, much less drunk, high, and horny. But I am diligent, and I try to work the first button. Howie isn’t stopping me either…in fact, he sucks in a bit so I can more easily get them undone.
Pop, I feel the first button come undone, and then the second… I can feel the soft fabric of his underwear… no seams, no cotton…. Boxers? No way…. Way. I’m hotter.
I keep popping, one after the other; until all five buttons are open. I then slide a finger inside the fly of his boxers; he shifts to allow me easier access. Instantly I feel the hotness of his hard on, thick and warm… I gush with excitement, feeling a bit of perspiration in the corner of my lip.
“Robinson?” Mikey looks to me “Robinson”
“What?” I blurt, startled… my fingers tense, Howie flinches.
“What’dya think” he looks to me as if I hadn’t answered a question.. “sit here and continue to shoot the shit? Or the park.”
I wanted to say “Well, considering I have a dick in my hand, and I’m creaming my jeans…. We should stay.” Okay, but I couldn’t say that…
“We could stay.” I comply, stuttering a bit… sweating and extremely turned on.
“I suppose that’s cool” Stokes added, “I probably couldn’t get up right now anyway.”
I free his cock from the restraints of his boxers, it stands tall in my hand as it encompasses it, and grips it gently. I look over to Howie, who had his head back a bit, eyes closed…
“Hey” Mikey shouts to Howie “Keep it alive over there.”
“Shit sorry.” Howie gets attentive to the happenings at the table. “What were we talking about?” My hand slides up his shaft, I use my thumb to trace the lip of his head… and then start back down…
“What do you think we should do?” Mikey is still playing the fucking question game, fucker.
“I think we should go to the park, definetly.” Howie sighs… trying not to let on that he’s enjoying the manipulation under the table. I startle at his suggestion, knowing that his pleasure (and mine) would be over soon if we left the booth. Besides, I was so fucked up at this point, I wasn’t convinced I could leave the bar in one piece.
“Good plan, let’s go…” Stokes pushes Mikey, who almost falls like an idiot out of the booth. My hand releases it’s grip and clumsily moves to the top of the table, resting there… gloriously having just touched his dick. I swear I’ll never wash that hand again.
Howie moves to button quickly and works his way out of the booth. Me, being the concerned temptress that I was, became nervous about the tent he was pitching showing through his pants. It did,… score. We fell out of the bar and basically crawled to the park.
She agreed, as did Mikey who looked just as miserable as we were. Mikey suggested a small bar down the way, so we stood began to walk out.
“I feel weird anyway, in fatigues and all.”
“Yeah, you looked kinda weird in there… out of place.” Stokes agreed, which didn’t make me feel any better.
“Atleast I didn’t have everybody looking at my nipples.” I jibed.
“Hey, I can’t help it if red shows everything.” She laughed, and flung her arm around me, “I
love the shit out of you Robinson. How come we never slept together?”
Mikey’s whips his head around “What? Did she just aske you why you two didn’t sleep together?”
I blush “Yeah, she’s had too much to drink.”
“No seriously” Stokes slurs “I bet you taste great.”
Mikey laughs “She could be less filling too…”
Stokes and Mikey laugh and carry on, reciting beer commercials. I pout, as I noticed Howie wasn’t at the night club… In fact, he just plain disappeared completely. Sheesh, the town wasn’t that big.
“So Robinson, was that fight in the mess hall over you then?” he asked, still snickering about the beer commercial thing.
“Well, I wouldn’t say it was over me… but my name did come up a couple of times.”
“Rumor has it you were fucking that one chick.”
I blush again, but this time I felt a bit defensive too, “What? What the fuck is going on? Is my life that much of an open book?”
Stokes and Mikey stop, directing me to stop as well by a pull on the arm “Robinson” Stokes sighs “Robinson Robinson Robinson…”
Mikey then leans into me “Your life being an open book? No. But on ship, nothing is ever a secret… ever.”
We finally make it into the bar, and I take a seat at the booth “I’ll take a beer please.” Mikey walks over to the bar to order, finding somebody he knew there; slapping that person on the back and pointing over in our direction. The stranger pays for our beers and stands. Oh no, that isn’t I think to myself, is that?
“Look Robinson” Stokes leans over the table at me “It’s Howie!” And then adds “You wore underwear right?”
I laugh at Stokes statement of underwear “What the fuck was that about? Of course I wore underwear you silly bitch.”
“Kay” she snaps her gum “cause there’s nothing worse than cumstains in your cami’s.”
“Noted” I said, smiling, as Mikey and Howie make their way to the booth “No worries there.”
Once they entered the booth, I immediately turned bashful. Fingernail biting, beer pounding. I found myself lost in the conversation, not being able to follow the topics at hand… and only one thing was to blame, Howie was sitting next to me. He was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, looking quite hot. I tried to keep up with the talk of other soldiers on ship, and the rumors that abound in the long steel hallways. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t. I could smell him, and every once in a while he would lean closer to me, brushing up against my arm.
I decided I would try to play buzzed and lean on him; it must’ve worked, because he leaned back. We were pressing up against each other, hard. I mean, sure it was just arms; but it was heaven. A few moments later Howie leaned out and spoke something to the waitress in fluent greek; my mouth fell agape. “How’d you do that?” Jealous of his multi-langual skills… I grin widely, and play coy with my eyes.
He laughs and matches the eye play “Educational Audio Tape, it kicks ass.”
“Wow, I’m impressed! What did you say?”
“I ordered another round…” He smiles and shoots a rather conniving look at Mikey, who begins laughing immediately after.
“I know what that look means!” Mikey announces, as his arm reaches back and rests on the booth behind Stokes.
“What? What did you order?” I asked, looking just as clueless as Stokes at this point; who looked as if she were about to cream.
“Shots” Howie then looks to me and leans “Two for everybody.”
Shit, I’m not good with shots, I think to myself, I’ll be drunk in no time. Well, perhaps I can just pretend that I can hold my own liquor, those guys will never know. Hopefully, they’ll be as drunk as me; and this could actually work to my advantage with Howie.
The waitress returns with the shots, we give a cheers and pound them quickly; my mouth puckers… ewww, that tastes like shit.
“What the fuck is this?” I spat at Howie, who seemed to be having trouble holding his down as well “Ouzo” he winces back “Authentic shit. You’ll never find it back in the states like it is here… damn shame.”
“Agreed” Mikey interrupts “I had that shit back at home.. not the same.”
“That’s because they add the opiate here.”
What? What the fuck did he say? Did he say opiate? “Howie” my face grew stern “did you say
“Yeah” he begins to snicker, watching the blood drain from my face “Hallucinogenic even,… good shit.” He picks up his second shot, and raises it to match Mikeys; whose had been in the air no sooner had we finished the first. Stokes and I sit in amazement watching them down their second, and order their third. I look down at mine, one empty shot, one full shot… tempting but no, I had already had too much to drink today. I’m not fucking with the opiates.
“I think I’ll pass…”
“Yeah, not sure about this stuff.” Stokes agrees and pushes hers towards the middle of the table.
Mikey and Howie begin to tease us, so we look at each other feeling embarrassed and reclaim our glasses. I guess if this is what it takes, I’ll do it and chalk it up to a learning experience. God damn peer pressure.
“Well, here goes nothing” Stokes raises her glass and chokes her second helping back, scrunching her face up on the return, coughing like crazy “Fuck that tastes like shit.”
“Good girl” praised Mikey as he receives his third.. “Good girl, want this one too?”
“Fuck no!” she pushes on Mikey, who sways back and falls into her a bit. She smiles widely at me, noticing that he has now scooted closer and his arm has fallen over her shoulder.
I sit, still looking at my full shot… like a pussy.
“Come on Robinson” Howie says softly “You don’t have to drink it, really.”
“No, I’ll drink it.” Now I was pissed at myself because I had an out, but my mouth blew it by saying stupid shit like no I’ll drink it. I chug it back, blocking my taste as much as I could… it was over before I knew it. I followed with a smoke I bummed from Mikey, which made it a whole lot better.
Not but moments later, we sat laughing like a bunch of fools at stupid shit. And again I couldn’t follow the conversation; but not because of Howie, because of the amount of opiates I had pumped into my system moments ago.
“I think that they should have co-ed sleeping on ship.” One would joke…
“Or perhaps have fuck rooms that we could go to for casual sex, that would keep the troops in order…”
“Isn’t that the lottery room?” Mikey adds-in, the booth fell silent.
“Uhh, Mikey. Shut the fuck up…” Howie tries to act serious, but his smile is stuck on… he must be really high right about now.
“Yeah, sorry…. Fuck.” Mikey laughs, pointing to Howies expression, “You can’t even keep a straight face, can you?”
“No, I totally fucking can’t… this is insane shit… how many hours do we have?”
“Seriously,” Stokes spats “What makes you think I can fucking read my watch right now?”
“Dunno, hold on…” again Howie uses his Greek skills to ask the waitress, who apparently responded with 10:30. “Shit, and hour and a half… what should we do?”
I don’t know how or why I didn’t notice that his left hand had moved under the booth. Really not sure if I even noticed it when he tapped my leg, nudging me to look under the booth… I force my eyes to focus in the darkness down in the cushions. I tried to look inconspicuous since that was apparently how he was trying to play it. It appeared as if he was trying to hand me something… so I move my hand down slowly, as not to attract attention. He grabs it, and places it over on his lap.
Through his jeans, I can feel his dick. No seriously, and it was really hard… I felt a bit of shock, and became immediately distracted. The rest of the room disappeared, my only focus was my fingertips and his hard member. I look over to him, he matches my surprised smile and nods a little, then turning back to give Stokes shit about her shirt.
I fondle through the thick material to find the zipper, but there is none… only buttons. I cringe inside, buttons are tough to maneuver when sober, much less drunk, high, and horny. But I am diligent, and I try to work the first button. Howie isn’t stopping me either…in fact, he sucks in a bit so I can more easily get them undone.
Pop, I feel the first button come undone, and then the second… I can feel the soft fabric of his underwear… no seams, no cotton…. Boxers? No way…. Way. I’m hotter.
I keep popping, one after the other; until all five buttons are open. I then slide a finger inside the fly of his boxers; he shifts to allow me easier access. Instantly I feel the hotness of his hard on, thick and warm… I gush with excitement, feeling a bit of perspiration in the corner of my lip.
“Robinson?” Mikey looks to me “Robinson”
“What?” I blurt, startled… my fingers tense, Howie flinches.
“What’dya think” he looks to me as if I hadn’t answered a question.. “sit here and continue to shoot the shit? Or the park.”
I wanted to say “Well, considering I have a dick in my hand, and I’m creaming my jeans…. We should stay.” Okay, but I couldn’t say that…
“We could stay.” I comply, stuttering a bit… sweating and extremely turned on.
“I suppose that’s cool” Stokes added, “I probably couldn’t get up right now anyway.”
I free his cock from the restraints of his boxers, it stands tall in my hand as it encompasses it, and grips it gently. I look over to Howie, who had his head back a bit, eyes closed…
“Hey” Mikey shouts to Howie “Keep it alive over there.”
“Shit sorry.” Howie gets attentive to the happenings at the table. “What were we talking about?” My hand slides up his shaft, I use my thumb to trace the lip of his head… and then start back down…
“What do you think we should do?” Mikey is still playing the fucking question game, fucker.
“I think we should go to the park, definetly.” Howie sighs… trying not to let on that he’s enjoying the manipulation under the table. I startle at his suggestion, knowing that his pleasure (and mine) would be over soon if we left the booth. Besides, I was so fucked up at this point, I wasn’t convinced I could leave the bar in one piece.
“Good plan, let’s go…” Stokes pushes Mikey, who almost falls like an idiot out of the booth. My hand releases it’s grip and clumsily moves to the top of the table, resting there… gloriously having just touched his dick. I swear I’ll never wash that hand again.
Howie moves to button quickly and works his way out of the booth. Me, being the concerned temptress that I was, became nervous about the tent he was pitching showing through his pants. It did,… score. We fell out of the bar and basically crawled to the park.
forbidden fruit
So I was walking through some farm orchards in a more rural area of my state when something out of the ordinary caught my eye:

Okay so I didn't really see it locally, this was a photo sent to me by one of my girlfriends, she called it the forbidden fruit. Gee, I wonder why.
You won't be able to find these at the grocery store, although all of us girls agree that we'd like to.
Nice to know that falacies come in something other than plastic or rubber, even better is that there is no man attached to the other end. You have a plethora to choose from, and you can make sure the size fits just right instead of being disappointed that you just spent $85 on dinner to find that his member is entirely un-doable. That too has happened to me. I hate faking orgasms by the way.
Another way of looking at it? It's sort of the Organic way to masturbation... for all you healthy grain eating people. Not that there's anything with grain, that is unless it falls down the front of your shirt and sticks in your bra... gets all grainy and uncomfortable.

Okay so I didn't really see it locally, this was a photo sent to me by one of my girlfriends, she called it the forbidden fruit. Gee, I wonder why.
You won't be able to find these at the grocery store, although all of us girls agree that we'd like to.
Nice to know that falacies come in something other than plastic or rubber, even better is that there is no man attached to the other end. You have a plethora to choose from, and you can make sure the size fits just right instead of being disappointed that you just spent $85 on dinner to find that his member is entirely un-doable. That too has happened to me. I hate faking orgasms by the way.
Another way of looking at it? It's sort of the Organic way to masturbation... for all you healthy grain eating people. Not that there's anything with grain, that is unless it falls down the front of your shirt and sticks in your bra... gets all grainy and uncomfortable.
Virgins Suck
I had an interesting conversation with one of my Category 2 guys during an off-site break at work. Whilst mellowing out, we struck up a little chat about sex... there's a shocker. Anyway, it went a bit like this:
"So," I said, "Are you dating anyone?"
"Well then are you looking? Attractive guy like you should be having a new girl on your arm everyday of the week... right?"
"Well..." he replied as he exhaled "I do go out with the guys and I see girls all the time, but none as beautiful as you."
"No seriously, come on..." I quipped, "Don't you ever, like, see anything you're interested in?"
"Yes, sometimes..." he paused and smiled "But I seem to be a virgin magnet.. I have trouble with that."
Okay, I must admit I was a bit taken back with what he said. It bothers him to be a virgin magnet....huh. Isn't that like every other guys conquest? To have a virgin? I thought that the minute a woman declared herself a virgin (to a man) it was like a really really good thing. So I inquired a bit further:
"A virgin magnet? I thought guys liked that... how can that be a bad thing?"
He took another toke and choked back his reply... "okay, it's like this... the minute they tell me they're a virgin it's an immediate turn-off because virgins suck when it comes to sex."
I had to laugh "you mean like, literally and you don't like the sucking? Or that they're just trouble with getting attached... perhaps you had a bad experience with one then?"
"No, no...not a bad experience... it's just that they don't have the skills that experienced women do. I would rather have a woman that knows what she's doing than a virgin. It has everything to do with the sex and how it feels to me. I enjoy an active participant, not some girls that's going to just lay there and not know what she's doing."
Interesting point. And it makes sense.
So, tell me why it is that so many men enjoy women who have never experienced the thrill of sex. Is it the shyness? The anticipation on her part? Maybe it's the fact that you like to feel as if you are teaching her something. Don't feed me that crap that it's all about breaking the hymen... I believe that's about as much bull-shit as saying "it's tighter than an actively sexual woman."
I have had two kids, and alot of sex... to this day my husband still has trouble cramming it in there, and complains all too often that I am too tight, but enjoyable. So that being said there is no difference between a virgin and any other woman as far as tightness is concerned.
I have been with a virgin, myself not being one at the time.... it was boring. I had to do everything, from agressing fore play to controling his breathing and his orgasm. Even for a minute there I thought the poor guy was going to have a heart attack! SO yes, that sucked...I agree.
I would think that it would be best for a man or woman to have a good fufilling encounter with one that knows what they are doing. Let's leave the virgins to the virgins.... they can figure it out on their own. Or maybe not.
If you read this post and have some insight on what you prefer, post a comment and tell me about which you prefer... let's settle this dilemma once and for all.
Which is better, a virgin? Or someone with experience? You make the call.
"So," I said, "Are you dating anyone?"
"Well then are you looking? Attractive guy like you should be having a new girl on your arm everyday of the week... right?"
"Well..." he replied as he exhaled "I do go out with the guys and I see girls all the time, but none as beautiful as you."
"No seriously, come on..." I quipped, "Don't you ever, like, see anything you're interested in?"
"Yes, sometimes..." he paused and smiled "But I seem to be a virgin magnet.. I have trouble with that."
Okay, I must admit I was a bit taken back with what he said. It bothers him to be a virgin magnet....huh. Isn't that like every other guys conquest? To have a virgin? I thought that the minute a woman declared herself a virgin (to a man) it was like a really really good thing. So I inquired a bit further:
"A virgin magnet? I thought guys liked that... how can that be a bad thing?"
He took another toke and choked back his reply... "okay, it's like this... the minute they tell me they're a virgin it's an immediate turn-off because virgins suck when it comes to sex."
I had to laugh "you mean like, literally and you don't like the sucking? Or that they're just trouble with getting attached... perhaps you had a bad experience with one then?"
"No, no...not a bad experience... it's just that they don't have the skills that experienced women do. I would rather have a woman that knows what she's doing than a virgin. It has everything to do with the sex and how it feels to me. I enjoy an active participant, not some girls that's going to just lay there and not know what she's doing."
Interesting point. And it makes sense.
So, tell me why it is that so many men enjoy women who have never experienced the thrill of sex. Is it the shyness? The anticipation on her part? Maybe it's the fact that you like to feel as if you are teaching her something. Don't feed me that crap that it's all about breaking the hymen... I believe that's about as much bull-shit as saying "it's tighter than an actively sexual woman."
I have had two kids, and alot of sex... to this day my husband still has trouble cramming it in there, and complains all too often that I am too tight, but enjoyable. So that being said there is no difference between a virgin and any other woman as far as tightness is concerned.
I have been with a virgin, myself not being one at the time.... it was boring. I had to do everything, from agressing fore play to controling his breathing and his orgasm. Even for a minute there I thought the poor guy was going to have a heart attack! SO yes, that sucked...I agree.
I would think that it would be best for a man or woman to have a good fufilling encounter with one that knows what they are doing. Let's leave the virgins to the virgins.... they can figure it out on their own. Or maybe not.
If you read this post and have some insight on what you prefer, post a comment and tell me about which you prefer... let's settle this dilemma once and for all.
Which is better, a virgin? Or someone with experience? You make the call.
So last night after checking some email, I took a shower and grabbed my alternate.
Husband was far too into another project last night to unwind with me, so I granted him a pardon.
Alternate was a bad boy. I was disappointed.
Shit I must've worked that thing for atleast 45 minutes without achieving one good, strong orgasm. As I was washing him up I told him how shitty he'd performed.... bastard.
I also let him know he's easily replaceable, even in more fashionable colors, and with more than two settings, thank you. Stupid, fucking thing...
I finally went to bed more frustrated than when I started.
This set the tone for my whole Saturday though, I was exhausted from staying up entirely too late (for apparently no good reason). So I was a bitch about half the day... mellowed out for the rest. I have this birthday party for one of my kids tomorrow, he'll be three... and he's chock-full of energy that one. Today was a big house cleaning, grocery shopping day.
It's amazing the things you see at the grocery store, isn't it? Especially the people you see. Example, today I saw a hunched over 80 year old woman walking slowly through the produce section...
No, no cucumbers for me... but apparently this woman needed one... or five. Her cart had 4 gallons of milk, 5 cucumbers, and 10 boxes of Massengill douche. Perhaps she was having a wild evening tonight? I dunno. After choice picking her victims from the veggie section she hobbled towards the check-out with her goods. You have to wonder about those kinds of people... sure she likes milk, and maybe the home provides salad, but not cucumbers...so she brings her own? But what in gods name could she need 10 boxes of douche for?
Okay, or she takes a milk bath and gets off with a cucumber every night for a week, then to undo the process she douches twice a day....
I know, it's not a pretty picture... because she's 80? Or because it's just a sick thought in general?
If I were taking a milk bath and getting off with a cucumber would it make it just that much more appetizing.
We're not going anywhere with this, are we? "This is what happens when you get tired Clark, you get weird...." (who can guess which movie that qoute is from)?
Tonight, tonight I am going to get some beauty sleep. The brother in law is staying with us, the boys are out for drinks.. I offered to stay so they could go unwind and talk women.
I'm going to listen to some music, and play my bass softly...
Husband was far too into another project last night to unwind with me, so I granted him a pardon.
Alternate was a bad boy. I was disappointed.
Shit I must've worked that thing for atleast 45 minutes without achieving one good, strong orgasm. As I was washing him up I told him how shitty he'd performed.... bastard.
I also let him know he's easily replaceable, even in more fashionable colors, and with more than two settings, thank you. Stupid, fucking thing...
I finally went to bed more frustrated than when I started.
This set the tone for my whole Saturday though, I was exhausted from staying up entirely too late (for apparently no good reason). So I was a bitch about half the day... mellowed out for the rest. I have this birthday party for one of my kids tomorrow, he'll be three... and he's chock-full of energy that one. Today was a big house cleaning, grocery shopping day.
It's amazing the things you see at the grocery store, isn't it? Especially the people you see. Example, today I saw a hunched over 80 year old woman walking slowly through the produce section...
No, no cucumbers for me... but apparently this woman needed one... or five. Her cart had 4 gallons of milk, 5 cucumbers, and 10 boxes of Massengill douche. Perhaps she was having a wild evening tonight? I dunno. After choice picking her victims from the veggie section she hobbled towards the check-out with her goods. You have to wonder about those kinds of people... sure she likes milk, and maybe the home provides salad, but not cucumbers...so she brings her own? But what in gods name could she need 10 boxes of douche for?
Okay, or she takes a milk bath and gets off with a cucumber every night for a week, then to undo the process she douches twice a day....
I know, it's not a pretty picture... because she's 80? Or because it's just a sick thought in general?
If I were taking a milk bath and getting off with a cucumber would it make it just that much more appetizing.
We're not going anywhere with this, are we? "This is what happens when you get tired Clark, you get weird...." (who can guess which movie that qoute is from)?
Tonight, tonight I am going to get some beauty sleep. The brother in law is staying with us, the boys are out for drinks.. I offered to stay so they could go unwind and talk women.
I'm going to listen to some music, and play my bass softly...
Wow, I'm swamped... here's my answer:
You wanted me to post the "don't ask don't tell story." Yeah, that seemed to have been everyones favorite... it haunts me! And the amount of people that have read it that served and or/are currently serving who read that one and loved it is insane!
But, I am trying to be as non-fictional as possible (and thus far have succeeded), that's definetly fiction. Perhaps, as a special treat I will re-post and label as fiction so I don't confuse everyone, to thank my loyals for keeping up with my move.
Thanks for the compliments all, I'll try and catch up as fast as possible. But I can't make new posts if I'm busy making old ones.
Thanks for keeping that our secret Max. I promise to go the the Pimp and Ho ball with you next year, you have my word.
You wanted me to post the "don't ask don't tell story." Yeah, that seemed to have been everyones favorite... it haunts me! And the amount of people that have read it that served and or/are currently serving who read that one and loved it is insane!
But, I am trying to be as non-fictional as possible (and thus far have succeeded), that's definetly fiction. Perhaps, as a special treat I will re-post and label as fiction so I don't confuse everyone, to thank my loyals for keeping up with my move.
Thanks for the compliments all, I'll try and catch up as fast as possible. But I can't make new posts if I'm busy making old ones.
Thanks for keeping that our secret Max. I promise to go the the Pimp and Ho ball with you next year, you have my word.
I am having a hard time sleeping tonight.
I am anxious, and almost a little energetic. It would be a good night to take advantage of my husband, were he not trying to concentrate of other things. Like deadlines, deadlines harsh my mellow too. I hope he feels better tomorrow.
My brother-in-law flies in from CA tomorrow, he will stay with us over the weekend. He's a category 3 guy. Though he is strickingly attractive, and well fit.. I got the best of the 2 brothers. So since he will be staying with us, we will most likely not be frisky. Nothing really has stopped us before in that arena.
Thanksgiving of 99 he stayed with my husband for the holiday, my husbands step brother came to stay as well; instant bachelor pad. We had been dating for a year, so my husband decided it was time for me to meet his brother (s). I went over, the four of us started drinking and playing quarters. In the midst of all the commotion we were able to sneak away upstairs to the bedroom for a quickie, without them even noticing we were gone. You want me to paint a picture? Sure you do.
On theflipside, I have found my old flame from high school just recently. I have wrote about him previously in some of my stories on the other .com, under the anon of Angelo. I should re-post the 9 1/2 weeks post sometime so that new readers can identify.
Anyway,Gotta love Classmates.
We met for coffee one afternoon.... nervously. Don't you hate it when you haven't seen some one in years and you don't know what to expect? Especially after you've fucked them... and you really don't know how to act or behave, right? Come on, at one time you had his dick in your mouth for christs sake, why can't you keep it under control?
I was pleasantly surprised, after all these years he's not doing so bad himself. It's nice re-living some memories over email with him...certainly gets some old emotions and juices flowing. He gears me big time and I have to come home and take it out on my husband, poor soul. He's a category 2 guy, teetering to a 3 because there's history there.
sigh, what's a girl to do?
I need to get back in the swing of things, I'm going to upload and read some mail... then I will spend time with my alternate. Thank god for those guys at work, and Angelo.
Thank the lord for that red head.
I am anxious, and almost a little energetic. It would be a good night to take advantage of my husband, were he not trying to concentrate of other things. Like deadlines, deadlines harsh my mellow too. I hope he feels better tomorrow.
My brother-in-law flies in from CA tomorrow, he will stay with us over the weekend. He's a category 3 guy. Though he is strickingly attractive, and well fit.. I got the best of the 2 brothers. So since he will be staying with us, we will most likely not be frisky. Nothing really has stopped us before in that arena.
Thanksgiving of 99 he stayed with my husband for the holiday, my husbands step brother came to stay as well; instant bachelor pad. We had been dating for a year, so my husband decided it was time for me to meet his brother (s). I went over, the four of us started drinking and playing quarters. In the midst of all the commotion we were able to sneak away upstairs to the bedroom for a quickie, without them even noticing we were gone. You want me to paint a picture? Sure you do.
On theflipside, I have found my old flame from high school just recently. I have wrote about him previously in some of my stories on the other .com, under the anon of Angelo. I should re-post the 9 1/2 weeks post sometime so that new readers can identify.
Anyway,Gotta love Classmates.
We met for coffee one afternoon.... nervously. Don't you hate it when you haven't seen some one in years and you don't know what to expect? Especially after you've fucked them... and you really don't know how to act or behave, right? Come on, at one time you had his dick in your mouth for christs sake, why can't you keep it under control?
I was pleasantly surprised, after all these years he's not doing so bad himself. It's nice re-living some memories over email with him...certainly gets some old emotions and juices flowing. He gears me big time and I have to come home and take it out on my husband, poor soul. He's a category 2 guy, teetering to a 3 because there's history there.
sigh, what's a girl to do?
I need to get back in the swing of things, I'm going to upload and read some mail... then I will spend time with my alternate. Thank god for those guys at work, and Angelo.
Thank the lord for that red head.