Vegas. Vegas Rocked.
I will now try to give you the distilled version as the lengthy version needs to stay in Vegas. *ha*
Try and keep up people, and if there's HUGE chunks of data missing... use your imagination.
Thursday morning I as I checked in my e-ticket the monitor confirmed my flight and flashed this grossely red strobe message on the terminal. Then prompted me to speak with a Delta clerk, so I did that.
Apparently this message was a
"connection warning" and I was not privy enough to remember the time zone change that would occur once I landed in Utah. GO ME!
That 1 hr 22 min lay-over just turned into a 22 minute lay-over.
"No worries though" the nice apparently single Delta rep. assured me
"I've ran through Utah before."
So then I had to be tarty and repugnant
"Did you make it by the skin of your teeth or what?"
Security sucked, I almost missed my flight out of errr, the local airport.. I was the second to last one to board. And through all this I had to ditch my boss so I wouldn't get fired.
uh, that's a story for another time tho.
I love observing the people I sit next to when I fly... The flight from home to Utah it was a sammich between a nice older gentleman who loves his mother and an obvious 19 year old mormon coming home to ma and pops... He slept the whole time. So definitely college.
Where were we? Utah... right.
Dunno much about Utah because I ran through it like a champ carrying two pieces of luggage at about 20 pounds each (shoes). I rocked Utah I think.
ONE THING that amazed me about Salt Lake City were the pretty men at the airport.. There were lots!!!
Of course I was moving fast. As I found out much later on my flight back.
From Salt Lake to Vegas I sat next to a southern lady from jesus I can't remember the name of the town, but she was Texas and her husband cowboyed and they were on their way to Vegas for the cousins wedding... I don't think she owned a toothbrush... But, I forgive her because she had a 23 year old, and a 14 year old. Now THAT's a spread.

I arrive in Vegas.
Awesome.Thursday Night - Ghost bar. Good times, pretty men... Lot's of catty women around. Good music, good vibe, great view. Ghost bar was awesome... Until the Australians invaded.
Now stop. I love Australians. Many of them have been good friends and I know that I have a large group of Aussie readers... I wish no ill will. Every country has it's Leisuresuit Larry after all, right?
Dudes came on
strong and before we knew it they were buying a whole bottle of vodka at $324 a pop and expecting us to share it with them. T and I kinda gave each other that panic look as it seemed we were sucked into a booth-like thing with the Aussies on the outside almost compressing us, like trapped rats.
Aussies have game this way you understand.
I had to do something or else we were destined to either get nasty bitchy on these gentleman or we could pussy-out and take advantage of their pleasantry... but these were nice guys, and well, I have a heart... So I opted the covert route.
I spotted a pretty guy. And 'excused' myself to the bathroom for release.
Pretty guy comes over and pretends like he knows T from back in high school... He quickly whisks us away to catch up on old times as the Australians search for the next two victims.
Thank you Kentucky pretty guy. You're a hero to some. And why don't you just admit you farted in the cab?
EARLY friday morning T gets a great and unexpected phone call. There were birds.
I wish I could get a phone call like that.

Friday Morning. Hang over.
<<-- Look Scumbag! Even big cement fountain mother fuckers can catch dem fish!!! What were you saying about Jack Shit? Oh yeah.. my bad.****
Friday Afternoon we went to Sephora to sniff memories. We went to Starbucks and had tiramisu dammit. We bought souveniers for my kids.
THEN we shopped at the
Deja Vu Adult Superstore which didn't turn out to be as big and kinky as I hoped, but they had some great stuff there that we don't keep in stock here locally.
T if you remember any of that stuff I got all excited about, would you please put it out there so I can drop the dime to my friendly local store owners? *big smile *
I bought a couple of tank tops.
T bought pasties.
You know, I really do love you T.
Then we went back to the room and got in the
mode to go out for the evening.
We watched FAUST. Not for long, I had trouble with my concentration tactics.
While discussing with T the best way to 'test' a sex toy for "kicks" before you buy it, I displayed proper technique by touching my iegg to my nose.
TIP: When deciding which sex toy to purchase, most store owners will put batteries in it so you may see if the toy is right for you. If you're shopping for a clitoral stimulant, the best way to know if it will 'do it for you' is to place it on the tip of your nose. The tip of your nose is the second most sensitive spot on a woman, and is simulates the same feeling as you would feel 'down there.'
So yeah. Ummm.
Friday night we opted out of the night club scene and decided to lay low a bit. We got food, we gambled. Fun times.... Then we decided to walk the strip a bit (which is where the wonderful audio blogs you people witnessed came from).
Then, we gambled more. T took a picture to demonstrate how THAT went...

For now, that's all that sums the gambling up... and I'm sleepy. There's more I'd like to write but dammit I just can't tackle that tonight so I'll reflect on it for tomorrow.
For now I'll leave you with my absolute favorite picture from the trip, and hope that you have a great hump day. All goes well I can tell you about Saturday and my trek back home (which should really be a post in itself).